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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1917, p. 6

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t The Editor Talks concede their own defeats Military experts say the end of the war is in mmmm - - , . The greatest wcrffd war ever recorded recorded in history goes lively on. "Drags its weary length along," is the did expression. expression. We might 'say "wearing" length along, for the aim seems to be to' see which side can wear the other out first. . If the statistical records of casualties in Canadian papers are a fair indication of the number of soldiers soldiers who have, and are, falling in the ranks of the other ■allie's and the total 'of these are exceeded by the figures of the enemy, the men are being killed off at a tremendous rate. In the ranks of Canadians alone since the attack on Vimy Ridge in the Arras conflict on April 9th the Canadian casualties AS LIFE PASSES. "The Best is Yet to Come." A little more grey in the lessening hair Each day as the-years go by; sight, but from the Vigor and violence I .. r, --r 4-tv,, a - --- A little more stooping in the form, of the Arras campaign now raging, and in which Canadians are playing a brave and victorious part, the end is not very near at hand. The principles for which the Allies entered this conflict conflict and for which they are still fighting, fighting, have been only partially vindicated--they vindicated--they have not been re-established. * * * * The sowing has been long and terribly terribly destructive of human life and valuable property on the fields of the several "fronts," as we call the placés of the contests and, billions of money A little more dim in the eye. alte A little more faltering of the step As_we tread life's pathway o'er, And a little nearer every day To the ones who have gone before. have run well up to 20,000, and there have been spent--Great Britain's daily A little more halting of the, And a dullness"of the ear; A growing weariness of the frame With each swift passing year; A fading of hopes, and ambitions, too, A faltering in life's quest, And a little nearer every day seems to be no diminution in the official official records as given out from Ottawa. Ottawa. . * * * * For some weeks rumors/have been expenditures being now thirty-seven millions--so if this costly sowing is to have any harvest of gain to mankind mankind measurably commensurate with its terrible harvest of sorrow and suf To a sweet and peaceful rest. There is Safety Under This Roof Have you ever had a fine job of decorating spoiled by a leaking roof? If you have, you certainly are in a position to appreciate the value of a roof that is positively water-proof. Some of the troubles common to wooden shingles to-day are that they are apt to split, warp or blow off as well as leak, soon after they are put on. Years ago they were good, but the quality has since gradually depreciated as the available supply of suitable timber became exhausted. Brantford Slates have none of the faults of wooden shingles. They cannot rust They do not allow rain to be driven under them as do metal roofs. They do not require rigid supporting âs do the common tile or slate roofs. On the other hand Brantford Slates afford the utmost protection with little weight. They are made on a long-fibred felt "base" which is thoroughly saturated under pressure with asphaltum or mineral pitch. Crushed quarried slate particles are then deeply embedded embedded in the surface of this "base", making it water-tight and fireproof. Brantford Roofing Brantford Slates are made in the natural slate colors of green, red, black and grey. The colors never fade and the slates do not require painting nor repairing. These slates are pliable and fit readily around gables and into the angles of any roof. This means a continuous roof without seams or joints. Sparks die on Brantford Slates. When you have these slates "on" you are done with the job. Remember they don't require painting or staining and may be selected to harmonize with almost almost any exterior color design, and the price is not beyond your reach. We would be pleased to send you samples and our Roofing Booklet. Brantford Roofing Company, Limited Brantford, Canada 86 Rates : t t,, American Plan--$2.50 up per day. European Plan--Single $1.25 up per day--Double $1.50 up per day. Write for descriptive booklet. 71 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario i it*! [5 m te in* B8 If fi in HU Ml KATES $ 2.60. to GOe „ Single room, with bath, $1.50 to $-.50. Breakfast, 2oc to 60c. Luncheon, 35c Dinner, 50c to 75e. Inclusive rates American plan, $2.50 to $3.50a day. Write for booklet to 240 JARVIS STr) r !T, TORONTO. X. \ The inducements offered with common c°^f d T C . a g not m T ake up for the purity of Sunhght Soap. It costs US more to make Ft Jnr Q 3p!t costs YOU less to use it, for Sunl^ht pays for itself in the clothes does n 9t wear and rub the iabncs as common soaps do. nil Grocer*. S5,000 guarantee of Purity with every cake •f Sunlight Soap ES rife in the despatches from overseas j f er ing, and destruction, it will be only of a new proposition for peace, but it ; through a complete German defeat has not been made known. Germany's ; and crushing of Prussianisin' beyond peace offer is not likely to be very j revival. Therefore we say German seriously considered by the Allies, for proposals for peace will be honest and it will be made by the same authori- effectual only when they contain that ties who were behind the last one f confession of defeat which concedes that only lived in the public mind as ; to the people of the rest of Europe long as it took to read it. Allied j and the rest~of the world the right to Powers metaphorically dumped it un- j live their own lives without regard to The average yield of potatoes per acre in Ontario in 1916 was 53 bushels. . . .... , , . - The next lowest yield in the last ceremoniously into the waste basket or apprehension of German ambitions" Thirty-five years was 76 and the averti16 averti 16 da y T was received--just like a or purposes. Yes, German proposals scrap of waste paper. It was a fraud Yor peace will be honest only when and a sham. The next one will eman- ' they admit on their face the complete ate from the same source and will failure of the German ambition to have the same underlying purpose. | dominate the world and to shepherd Only one peace is possible and that the "inferior" peoples under the iron one will follow the actual defeat of rule of the Prussian drillmaster. The German armies now in the conflict, power of the Kaiser and his inhuman war lords must be crushed to earth never to rise again. This is why the call of the Allies is more than ever for men, money and munitions, to defeat them. When the enemy has been defeated then will it What utter folly it would be, what be clearly demonstrated to German J a ridiculous spectacle the head men war lords that the conquest of the 0 f the Allies would present should world by them is ^impossible, and the they be deceived by or inveigled into German people will see that the doc-. any proposal of peace emanating from A little more loneliness in life As the dea,r ones pass away ; A bigger claim on the heavenly land With every passing day. A little farther from toil and care, A little less way to roam; A drawing near to a joyful hope; And a happy welcome home; Patriotic Canadian and American Selections POTATO PRODUCTION. trines they have accepted through their leaders and rulers were false and lead their country to a terrible disaster. * * * * All the overtures of peace from German German sources will be in vain till then. a German still engaged in the diabolical diabolical work of murder, rapine and ruin such as has characterized their inhumane inhumane conduct in Northern France and upon the high seas wherever the submarine menace could operate. Thé lust of world conquest is not yet Indeed, it is wild to think of any kind quenched, the same^ambitions fill the of peace as long as Germany holds heart of the Kaisér and his counsel- the doctrine that "the necessities of, lors as before this world conflict be- the German State are above humanity, ; gan. The Allies' task is not complete and that there is no moral law where : --there is much fighting yet to be the German appetite is concerned." j done before any. peace proposals are The men at the head of the Allied • to be seriously entertained. Shall the countrfesVmust face this fact-- 1 The j blood of the thousands of Canadian German system must be broken and j soldiers, the flower of Canada's young demolished beyond, resurrection or the ; manhood, be shed in vain? Prussian- German system will break and crush ! ism and Kaiserism must be crushed all that we care for or believe in. Till, before peace can prevail. Withal, it is the German armies have been defeated j a hopeful sign when Germany talks in the field all talk about a lasting peace, but it is only a hopeful sign for age annual yield for the whole period, 114 bushels per acre. Considering both yields and prices of seventeen different farm crops, those which gave the. greatest returns per acre in Ontario Ontario in 1916 were as follows: Pota-, toes, $78; turnips and other field roots, $76; beans, $63; husking corn, $39; and fall wheat, $33. It will be seen that the highest returns were obtained obtained from the cultivated crops. According to present prices, the food value of rice purchased for one dollar is equal to that of potatoes costing two dollars. Rice can be used as a vegetable to take the place of potatoes. Seed potatoes are exceed- ingly scarce and people throughout the. province are eating potatoes which should be retained for planting. Those farmers are wise who retainec their potato crop fo^ seed purposes even though they were criticized for not- bringing them to market. I would suggest that those having seed potatoes potatoes for sale, beyond local require ments, advertise in local, agricultural or daily papers. Our have fight cousins across -the border joined hands with us to for freedom. Hear thfeir favorite patriotic music--as well as your own--on Victor Records. Ten-inch double-sided Vidtor Records 90 cents for the two selections Patriotic Medley--Good Luck to the Boys , the Allies .Vidtor Miltary Band Keep the Home Firee Burning" ('Till the Boys Come Home) --Canada, Our Canada" Ship Ahoy 120901 peace is a sham. Peace can only fol- The Select Family Hotel Centrally located--Just off Yonge Street those who are fighting her, and they low German willingness to accept will interpret it as a promise of vic- terms founded on conditions which tory and an incentive to fight harder X- IS IT SOCIALISM? Westminster Hotel, Toronto Real Hotel Without a Bar** By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. The European conflict, with is far- reaching consequences, has forced mankind into strange and weird situations, situations, and compelled the adoption of policies to meet the situation "which are strangely Utopian and dreamed of only by such visionary wind-jammers as Debs, Bellamy and their like. Undoubtedly, a double emergency Drives Asthma Like Magic. The immediate help from Dr. J. D. Kellogg's, Asthma Remedy seems like magic. Nevertheless it is only a natural remedy used in a natural way. The smoke or vapor, reaching the most remote, passage of the affected tubes, brushes aside the trouble and opens a way for fresh air to enter. It is sold by dealers throughout the land. THE NEW-BQRN SOLDIER. With Apologies to the Author of "Our Baby." from, come soldier ernment will be in/absolute control of .all the essentials of life and their distribution. distribution. What more can the most j Where did you ardent Socialist ask? Of course it may ! dear? not be necessary to exercise the au- ! Out of a business house into here, thority conferred on officials by Con-j r gress, at least to an extreme degree, ! Where did you get your aim so true ? but the authority will be there to put j From a school of musketry I came a stop to man's greed and tyranny if through, needed. In this it will be noticed that Fed- j Where did you get your athlete's eral authorities are but taking a leaf ! chest? Frank Williams Maple Leaf Forever "i Allan Turner and Male Chorus > Canadian Medley March Sousa's Bend J O. Canada ! Vidtor Military Band ) The Maple Leaf Forever C Vidtor Military Band j Star Spangled Banner Vidtor Military Band \ Hail Columbia Vidtor Military Band J America . Vidtor Mixed Chorus 1 Red, White and Blue Vidtor Mixed Chorus / 17304 17999 17581 17587 Winning Red Seal Records Star Spangled Banner (Soprano) Farrar Dixie (Violin) . Maud Powell 87247 64143 Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealers' Write for free copy of our 450-page Musical Encyclopedia Encyclopedia lifting over 6000 VuRor Records, J# Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. 3 LIMITED W&I 3 Lenoir St. Montreal 919 ISO dealers in every town and city '"IE PRICE FROM COAST TO COAST ON VICTOR RECORDS-MADE IN CANADA LOOK FOR "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" TRADE MARK exists in the United States, if not from the books of France and Great Ask tiie drill-sergeant; he knows best. Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bed- roona has a bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid cuisine. Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free taxi service from Motor |Sis 0n and Wharf ' Ask for Provincial throughout the World, and to meet it extreme measures must be adopted. War of unheard of proportions is Harrying a continent, and it is fast Britain, and it is not improbable that all the allied nations will join in the purchase and distribution hf foodstuffs, foodstuffs, as well as in war essentials, so 1 How^o you carry that hefty pack? Expanding my chest, I broadened my back. reaching out to embrace every nation ! that the prices will be nearly the ! under the sun. Millions of men heretofore heretofore engaged in the productions of the soil are now, and îor nearly three same in all entente countries. At present the United States is the Why did you join the infantry ? I'm little more than a kid, you see. And how did you get your cheerful "His Master's Voice" Bowman ville- Dealer: Levi Morris & Son R. M. Jury & Lovell Mitchell & Co. CUTE HUNS BUY HEATHER. air No more to be said, is years have been, doing nothing to-1 grand almoner and cannot afford to wards production, but everything j set the prices for itsjelf and leave its T , within their power, aided by the ] associates to bargain for themselves ! 1 m TV 1 , science of destruction, to make the ; For all this the people as a whole will ! there 7 land barren. Then, as if all nature ; be truly grateful and thankful, for I . A ~ were in full accord with the plan of> they would much nrefer tn tr-ncf ' AN On>- THAT is Prized Every- destraçtion, meteorological conditions themselves to a paternalistic eovern ■ w * IERE -~7P r ' Thomas' Eclectric Oil was havpevailed that have reduced pro-1 ment than to the greed'SSI fl ° HriSh duction m all cereal exporting 1 coun- individuals and" corporate monopolies, " whose lust for gain is not penetrated by a single ray of pity. J We know what they are doing in tries far below the normal average. We must meet this conspiracy of ambitious man and Mother Nature, 1 6entr al Europe, and why the enemy and about the only weapon we have Ras ^ een a ^ e t° hold out so long, for is to follow Europe in stimulating and government from the very start of conserving life's necessities. I war conserved her essentials in The U. S. proposes to fix a maxi- tiie same way as the U. S. have It was put up to meet the wants of a small section, but as soon as its merits became known it had a whole continent for a field, and it is now known and prized throughout this hemisphere. hemisphere. There is nothing equal to it. Tell-tale Hands. In prisons and workhouses the language language of the hands is well understood, mum price for most of the foods and begun to do. We must fight the devil The soft, characterless hand of the clothing materials, and the first step j with his own ^e. n "' f " e,n "° 1 ^ in this direction is to cut out the > =-- ■ -- speculator and the middleman, and arrest all combinations formed to unduly unduly raise the prices of necessities. Thus the federal government will assume assume control of all food .receptacles, such as storage houses, warehouses, etc., and see to it that these are not used to create famine prices as the^y are at present. The government is to go still further, further, and instruct, supervise and direct the farmer regarding wliat he shall and shall not plant during this emergency. emergency. Railroads will be required to haul foodstuffs in preference to other freights to prevent market manipulations. manipulations. ' The government also proposes to decree just how much of the necessities necessities of life shall go into the manufacture manufacture of luxuries so that the brewer and distiller will be placed on short rations, if not entirely obliterated, as they should be. In short, it would seem as if the individual is about to be eliminated in the interests of the State, and that we are 'entering into the philosophical Socialists' heaven. Indeed, it ri confidently predicted that before' this" - month ends the gov- There are thousands of children who are bright but frail--not sick out underdeveloped -- they play with their food--they catch colds easily and do not thrive^they only ileed the pure, rich liquid-food in professional slacker would not deceive a village idiot. The poor-house superintendent sees it by dozens every day. But occasionally occasionally he comes across the bony, knotted hand of the scientist, the philosopher, and knows him for a man who has seen better days. In the courts the hands of suspected suspected thieves are systematically examined. examined. The pickpocket has a most sensitive sensitive hand. The mark of the good-for-nothing is the dangling, close-fingered, halfopen halfopen hand. A good,' straight, energetic energetic man never carries his hands in that way. When fingers are loth to part company it is a bad sign. It is the "fat, stubby, vegetable hand that hangs limp. to start them growing and keep them going. Children relish SCOTT'S and it carriés rare nutritive qualities to their blood streams and gives them flesh- food, bone-food arid strength-food. Notking harmful in SCOTT*S. Scott Sc Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 16-2 Use Miller's Worm Powders and the battle against worms is won. These ponders ponders correct the morbid condition of the stomach which nourish worms, and these destructive parasites cannot exist after they come in contact with^.the medicine. The worms are digested by the. powders and are speedily. .evacuated with other refuse from the botyels. Soundness is imparted imparted to: the organs and the health of the child steadily improves. ' Extraordinary Variety of Material Used in Modern Warfare. Wherever opportunity has offered, Germany has. been importing vast quantities of heather from Scandinavia, Scandinavia, and the English people, who heard of this from Danish agents, were at first a good deal puzzled. Now the mystery is explained. The heather is laicTin thick layers in front of-their trenches, and when a cloud of poison-gas begins to drift across is at once fired. The heat of the fierce blaze naturally creates an upward current, current, and the gas is thus carried up and dissipated harmlessly. The variety - of material used in modern warfare is simply extraordinary. extraordinary. $6.50 a hundredweight was paid last summer by the French foX dried walnut leaves. It is said that these are used for staining, the faces and hands of sharpshooters so as to darken darken their complexions. We know that white mice used to be kept in submarines to give timely notice of the escape of injurious gases. It appears that there is now a demand demand for snails for the French aircraft aircraft service. These apparently useless useless creatures have, it seems, a most amazing sense of balance. They know instantly when one side or the other of an aeroplane is higher or lower than j the opposite side, and immediately begin begin climbing up the incline so caused. A pilot, therefore, has only to place a few snails on the fuselage of his machine, machine, in front of him, and can then get an indication of his balance with He Always Had. The "sporting" son of wealthy parents parents was offered a job by an old friend of his father. "How much will you pay me? - ' he asked. "All" you are worth," said the friend. To which he replied with businesslike businesslike brevity: / * "No, thank you. I can do better than that." No man or woman should hobble painfully painfully about because of corns when so certain certain a relief is at hand as Holloway's Corn Cure. Compulsory Cachination. "I had to laugh to-day--" "Tut! You don't mean that were compelled to." "Yes, il do! It was the boss' joke you Newspaper Legs. In Belgium old newspapers are being being worked up into a papier mache composition, from which artificial limbs are moulded. Pure Blood You can keep your blood in good condition--have a clear skin, and bright eyes, by taking EEEHAMS PHIS y a minimum of trouble. It should be added that^ when in cloud, it is ri^xt to . Largest Sale of Any Medicine m the World, impossible to judge of the tilt of » I Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25c. plane without some special tell-tale. Tin A Showery-day is the best time to set asparagus. ' iear you had £ome trouble at the I picnic," said Jim. "Yes," sighed i Bertie. "The girls called me a coward coward because I wouldn't get them a hornets'-riest." "Unhonored--eh?" chuckled Jim. "Yep," said Bertie; "but unstung!" Cook's Gotten Root Compound A safe, I'eliable regulating medicine. Sold in three de- Z'J greea. of strength---No. 1, $1 ; Jo. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold, by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : ¥ THE COOK MEDICINE CO., ÏOBONÏO. 0Î1T. (Formerly Windsor.) «Mro v m J if z « » ' îWisè-. WÊ$ SsSâBé:

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