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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1917, p. 2

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r The Editor Talks The most primitive industry for mankind is tillage of the soil and its activity is attended by both moral and physical health. One advantage otherwise otherwise is that persons of every age and sex may take part. Truly, there is life in the ground--it goes into the seeds and into the individual who stirs and y cultivates the soil. There is fortunately fortunately a fascination ' about gardening for moat men. Notice with what care and watchfulness the ordinary citizen watches and shows keenest interest in the growth of the seed of his or her own planting. Primarily, too, the earth attracts, for did not a wise man once say: "Love of dirt is among the earliest of passions," as it may truthfully truthfully be said in this world's war time to be the latest universal rage and activity. , It. is an old saying that so long as children are dirty they are happy. We might almost add that paradoxically when we are dirty from working on the soil we are pure. Fondness for the ground as in the 1er garden bewitching the efés ÿs they selves of their snowy mantle and are slowly donning their summer robes of velvety green. The ice-bound streams have melted beneath tne effulgent effulgent rays of, the sun and the fisherman, fisherman, as he watches his line thrown" to catch the speckled beauties, hears their ^weet murmurings as they flow onward" through the green meadows toward the majestic blue waters of the lake. \Truly, all. Nature is rife with charms! * * * * * Will our stoical Canadian reader, permit us to tevel a little longer in our vision of Springtime? We love it as much as when, our heart was sonal sacrifices so that he might finish man, who ^ have not the financial likely, than months, because, they say, his education just as he wanted to fin-; means to obtain the needed medical, Germany is not yet exhausted in the ish it, Daniel dropped on his knees care and service should have all the | military sense, and until then, the and sobbed bitterly. It wîvs too much healing this w.prld offers put at his or^ German peace terms will be so ex- for him and he was almost overcome her disposal--pure air, sunlight, play : travagant and one-sided , that the Al- with joy. * * Daniel Webster's parents kept faith i with him and he became a great man ---one of the greatest of his times. He became a great orator, none surpassing surpassing him. .in. his rhetoric or .his logic or his inspiring eloquence. But here is or recreation, sanitary environment and nourishing food. * * * * Churches should in this sense be intimately related to the hospitals. What grand institutions hospitals are of the world while German autocracy --few people really appreciate their is able to dictate world policies-even worth in a community till they have ; in a somewhat modified form, postpones postpones the possibility of peace for some time. A mere truce would not lies will, not accept them. Keeping in view the immense sacrifices sacrifices in lives and property ..the Allies have already made, and the lack of adequate security for the future peace the lesson we would teach Canadian occupied them^ and learned at first girls and boys, and all others who may hand . their ^ inestimable benefits, read these talks: The parents made Churches, we say, should try more their sacrifices and planned their than most of them ever have, to. link son's college ^career arid paid for his medicine.-and religion together, min- tuition and other necessary expenses, istèr arid physician oo-pperating. | their làrge armaments on land and But what made him the great man he Preachers in Ontario have beén, ad- ! sea. German" militarism must be de- do, for-the building up process.wpuld be menaced; arid impeded 90 long, as the Allies "were " compelled to continue became? His parents gave him the vised to take special courses in Agri- youngèr. We do enjoy a drive through opportunity, but that alorie.did not ae- culture that they may. have more in- the country at early June to see the green grain and meadow grass waving waving in the breeze, the forests arrayed in their vernal dress, and in this Eastern Eastern Ontario apple district with its thousands of fruit trees laden with their rich blossoms like one sast flow- case of the prodigal of Holy Writ, comes back to a man after he has run the round of pleasures, sowing wild oats and tried the world- with its various moods. Yes, there's a joy in getting back to Nature. * * * m Spring time has for the writer a peculiar charm always. It may be because he grew up on'the farm and , .. , , ....... . like, the smell even of the newly turn- Î? the smell and beautiful to the sight. ed up soil. Spring time in its warmth ' ?*? T ery * enmng " th . e " r,e * a £ and attractiveness has delayed its coming this year--"Winter hath lin- smile. m beautiful landscapes' before us. Our soul goes out in gratitude to the Creator of this beautiful world for the bright, lovely Spring with the genial breezes, gentle zephyrs, sweet odors, green meadows and blooming flowers and trees. What nature so base as not to be stirred to a spirit of thankfulness and rejoicing when seeing the sweet flowers so redolent gered long in the lap of Spring." But 1 th< to-day (May 10 we may say good-bye to the stern old winter and with glad hearts and merry voices welcome the Spring. We heartily rejoice that the • forded to the green earth by their rich tints. Aye, welcome, thrice welcome welcome lovely Springtime! A contented mind is a continual feast. To be contented with one's lot complish the result. Thousands of timate knowledge of. the ; needs, of young folk, have been given that kind their people , in rural communities, of opportunity by their parents, but That is all right. But we, would have only a comparative few have^ achieved ministers and churches giving far success or greatness in their chosen more attention to matters of bbdily calling. Why is that so ? The supreme health and health-giving matters-- elemept that made Daniel Webster yes, .organic functionings Of thé body, what he was, was his own kingly will. People are woefully ignorant about He willed to do the thing--that is, he ; hygiene and right habits of life, was determined to make the best pos- ; Christ said that He*had come into the sible use of his opportunities and bent world that , men might have life and evéry energy he possessed to win out, j that they might have it more abun- as we say, and he did it. He willed todantly. Why then should not his am- go forward and so willed to study and . bassadors devote more attention to to sacrifice many pleasures, some j the more abundant life so that people comforts and indulgences that other , may enjoy better health, more joy and boys enjoyed; he willed to be an edu- greater strength? cated man; he became one by his indomitable indomitable will and industry. We have long cherished a desire to be a doctor. The desire, however, came too late in life to be realized. The work of a physician has for many years-eppealed strongly to us. The THOUGHTS ON MOTHER'S DAY. By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. "Mother's Day'Cis a momentous occasion occasion here. It has .always meant a day of a year of sacrifice for those ministry of relieving suffering, heal-' gr = y : hai 5 e f ang ?] s ™ ho aeam to *° ... , . , , ing the sick ahd educating people in 1 n(> t hlng , b 1 u t sacrlfice °t her =: 11 18 or position in the world is a real de- : the care of their bod i es , seems to us a day0 * 1917 , mom ™tous for the rea- stroyèd root and branch before anything anything like peace can be expected. * * * * _. Bpt in contrast with these views the military experts who naturally lean to preparedness, are the views of some bankers. and financial experts, based exclusively on the financial argument argument which kings, emperors, kaisers kaisers and. presidents, like the rest of mankind, have been compelled to heed. : The conservative Wall Street Jour- nal, which .cannot be said to be in the "slacker" class, quotes a leading German German banker in New York as declaring declaring that "the war is. approaching its end. Germany, he says, cannot go much, further. She has now assumed a financial burden under which she is staggering and she can not match the allies' war machine on her Western front. She is outclassed there in men, munitions and supplies. Germany to-day is financially staggering under a war burden, the interest on which is greater than the 5 per cent, levy she made upon the entire capital of the empire preceding the war, and it took her three years to collect that 5 per cent. levy. I think the end of the , fn " _ -, ! . 1 u,c i " uuu 10 » I tne care ot tneir bodies, seems to us. . . ... , 7 r , , per cent. levy, l think the end of the A S 7 he J T r hav . e slrable condition m many ways, but to be one 0 f the highest pleasures and S0 P. ^ at , war 1S " Call ! 1 ng ' brutal^stark, war ^ be within sight of everybody at_last yielded to the mild and reyivi- may we be pardoned if we. say that to afford the neatest satisfaction this 1 cold " bl . 0 °A ed war ' callm £ the;hoys and ; within a few wee ks and that navt. fying influence of the latter--a thrill of joy quickening the life-blood in our pulses as we hear the many remarks that "Spring has come at last." . . - 1 to afford the greatest satisfaction this. " ... ' W1 ® uuys an i within a few weeks, and that next too many persons are satisfied to re- life 0 f service to our fellow men can ; ™ en . of "V s country, calling them from _ month the stoc k markets will begin Christian min i tbe last handclasp, the last lingering ! touch of mother hands, the last tremb- main what and where they are who { possibly afford. The should strive to be in a far better, igtry undoubtedly affc.^.^ . , position mentally, spiritually, socially, I nobler work--that of living for^the ! lin K kiss of mother lips, calling them Bah, says an ingrate, -What idle, financially, physically and helpfully. It 1 s0U Is of men. Christ, the great'" " sentiment. \ ery well--we 11 take the j is our duty, as it is our privilege, to Healer, combined both professions, jibe for we are sentimental, thank ; i mpr0 ve our condition in every sense. 1 His life was an active one devoted to goodness. We are full of joy that m-| And here let us repeat the doctrine healing the bodies and souls of men. stead of the fierce howling of the j W e have so often stated in these week- { Some of His professed followers have to--God only knows whàt! There are mothers who have said good-bye to the sons they cherished and loved, said good-bye to them for the last time. For when' many of to discount the benefits of peace. Investment Investment prices are now well below both a peace and a war basis', and we must hâve three years of good business business in the U.S. following the termination termination of the war." y The name of the German banker-is not given for obvious reasons, but we bleak winds ve now hear the gentle , ly talks--we can do whatever in rea-< tried to continue his whole work, and , A 10 / 6 v sons retarn ' it will only be to are justified in accepting the state- mur ™ ur i n g through the green j son we WILL to do. Daniel Webster we believe a number of foreign mis- fi ? d tbat mother has g° n ? on, that ment J of the Wall str P eet j oürnal as to boughs of the budding trees in the j was what the world calls a self-made sio naries have successfully combined sbe J lts n ° ™ ore ^ the vpndows of his p rom inence and conservativeness, small park opposite the window, man. We always enjoy reading the practice of medicine with the j m ghts, watchmg the stars, and wins-1 for more than two years this banker where we are writing, and the chirp-I stones of his life and achievements. It : pr eaching of the Gospel. But few, Paring to the imaginary baby form had been insisting that Germany couId is told of him that when his father , physicians in this land, so far as our ® he holds m her ai : ma ' the bab y that j not be defeated. Now he has changed told him that his mother and he had , knowledge extends, attempt mdre ' baa g rown to manhood and has ira- : b ^ s m i nd j n view of events occurring than caring for the physical needs of 7A lled out ln t° the world, out from on the Western front. He now admits men. Every age since Christ's day on 1 tbe protection of her arms, out from th a t "Germany is licked, and that it earth has h'ad its quota of divine heal- j"? e s °rt w to uc h °r her cheek against ^ on iy a question of a few weeks when hls ' ... . . . .V , . , her people will find it out. It is the be riiothers, white haired, ■ bu siness of finance to know it a little with little touches of Father Time ad v bnce ." ing of the birds and their sweet roundelays. The distant eastern and northern hills that daily greet our sweep of vision have divested them- decided to send him to college and were going to make all kinds of per- DISTRESSING RHEUMATISM How many people, crippled and lame from rheumatism, owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment 1 It is the exact combination of the Purest Cod Liver Oil with glycerine and hypophosphites as contained in that has made Scott's-famous for relieving rheumatism rheumatism when other treatments have utterly railed. If you are a rheumatism sufferer, or feel its first symptoms, start on Scott's Emulsion at once. IT MAY BE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. Seett ât Bootm, Terteto, Ont. ie-a ers or would-be healers. * * * *• This age possesses many professed soul-and-body healers, if one may about their^eyes, who will watch the judge from the Sunday announcements bs * a day by day, hoping against hope, in the Toronto Saturday newspapers. That one city seems to contain several types of dealers," and occasionally Of course the foregoing is only the opinion of one man, but evidently a very shrewd one, whose business is to hoping, hoping--finally at last to seat herself in the old rocker, to look -- ^ , „ ^.gam at the toys he played with when j 00 £ ; n ^ 0 and s t u dy the situation, fin- we notice others are imported from be was a baby, then to fold her hands ! ancially and otherwise, upon which the the more fertile fields for professional" an . d *°. P ra y ^ or tbe time when she can j sa f e ty of investments turns, exploiters--the United States. Truly, J " < A n l b * n V ber be 5°' ^ er Boy Blue i He is evidently right as to the stat- our age has witnessed the healing the Army, who fell as he fought. : us . d f the conflict on the Western front You think of" her to-day and weâr a. j and no t unmindful of the advant- flower commemorative of her pure ( a g es the Allies possess in every way, and noble life. Yes, think . of your , ; n that locality. As this is undoubt- dear old mother to-day, and if she is edly the field where the success of one far, away write to her. If she has or the other of the forces determines phenomena of all past centuries--such as Christian Science, metaphysical healing, healing by prayer, Emmanuel movements, etc. Ghurches ought to assume the work of healing the souls of men all will agree, but how far gone beyond the reach of letters, go , the war, and as it is veering decided they should assume the care of the { now where she sleeps and kneel be bodies of inen we are not able to say, We will say this much, however: Christ's representatives in the churches should see that every weak, sickly, suffering phil&_m»n^ and -wo- Light Four *975 Subject to chttTifft mlhovt notie# Overland success is so eclipsing that one might take it as a matter of course. But make it have a personal application • to you, --because the cost of any car is too much money to be carelessly spent. There need be no confusion in selecting the sound vaiue at the same price--make comparisons and see if Wilfys-Overland doe£ not spell the answer with mathematical mathematical correctness. Do not miss the significance of the overwhelming overwhelming production that makes it possible possible for us to give better cars at lower prices. More than £00,000 owners have been guided to Willys-Overland by their desire desire for beauty, comfort and luxury in addition to utility. W. A. PICKARD, Agent, Temperance St., Bowmanville A Phone 248. Due to its gigantic facilities the Willys- Overland industry effects millions in economies; has never found it necessary to skimp or rob a car of value in order to compete; but is able to give surplus value throughout the entire car for far less money. ^ Might may not make right, but right has made Overland might. , The Overland Light Four from the standpoint standpoint of mechanical excellence, easy riding riding comfort, roominess and beauty is incomparably a better car than can be had in any other make at anything like so low a price. Come in and see the Willys-Overland Motor Cars--the Light Four and the most comprehensive line of cars ever" built by any one producer. jl!i Hi; s El I ii!i il side her grave, as once you knelt beside beside her knee. If she is still near you--lucky person person that you are--go to her and allow your arms to steal softly about her neck and kiss her. Kiss her 'and brush aside the straying gray hair and whisper to her that you love her, and, thatch 6 is your "bestest girl of j mentToifour own army, but we all. And remember, that while you alsQ sup piyi n g our Allies, particular- are grown up into manhood or wo- ; jy Rbssiq. One cannot have an idea manhood, to everyone else in the I Q £ £ be tremendous, work.-going-on in Britain just now unless one sees it.--- Iy in favor of'the Allies with every prospect of it continuing so, we may rely upon the banker's predictions with a good deal of confidence. » We have now 2500 factories, employing employing one and a half million men and a quarter of a million women. We are not only satisfying the require- are The British Premier. world, to one person you are still that happy, smiling, cooing little being being who played at her feet in the years x of long ago, the most wonderful wonderful treasure of all the treasures in the world--her baby. And so, if the tears come to her eyes as she sits and holds your hands tight against her breast, if she is. silent with those mother mother lips quivering in their worldless ecstasy r »don't be ashamed if the tears should come to your own eyes, too. And kiss the tears away and be proud-and happy of the opportunity-- and think of those who would give many and many a year of their life for the same privilege. And remember, as you do so, that the lane of life is long and the pathway of love has many turnings. . But there is One who 1 Prescription. I never falters as she treads her way, year afterward along it towards the sunset. One who ■ Brady, Fort. Coulonge, Quebec, never wavers come what will, and | Thousands of women right here in that One is Mother. If she is gone, ! P ai î a A a who , are now blessed with robust • , . ii . • , , , ' : health cannot understand why thousands gone into that quiet haven where | 0 f 5t ber xvomen continue to worry and there are no worries, no troubles, no suEer when they can obtain for a trifling nights and days of anguish for the ' sum Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, safety and comfort of those who were ! which will surely and quickly banish all a part of her life, her heart, her be- 1 P ain > distress and misery and restore the ing--if she has gone onwar^ to the peace her quiet love has -earned, are you going out today to the Httle mound wherein she rests, and whisper a benediction over her, a little psalm to your Maker that He kéep her safe within His arms? Yes, you are, for you are a man or a woman--and today today is Mother's Day! WOMEN OF CANADA. Fort Coulonge, Quebec.--"I am happy to tell you that your medicine did me wonderful good, I _ was troubled with weakness and I tried wines and other things but received very little benefit. I was young at the time and knew very lit-- ggyj tie about medicines till a lady friènd V/ came to me with l '" a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite became strong'and a had twins."--Mrs. J. THE v- TAN DARD WHEN SHALL WE.HAVE PEACE? • By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. Opinions concerning the duration of the great war are far from harmonious, harmonious, and should be viewed with an open mind as the element of chance plays, a large part in the matter. - Military experts ill America and abroad tell us that the war rrrtist go on for aome time to come---years more pain, distress and misery womanly health. Young mothers who preserve the charms of face and figure in spite of an increasing family and the care of growing children are always to be envied. "Favorite "Favorite Prescription" gives the strength and health upon which happy motherhood depends. It enables the mother to nouix ish the infant life depending on her, and enjoy the happiness of watching the development development of a perfectly healthy child. A GREAT BOOK THAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE. Over a million copies of the "The People's Common.Sense Medical Adviser " are now in the hands of the people. It is a book that everyone shoulc^have and read in case of accident or sickness. Send fifty cents (or stamps) for mailing charges to Dr. Bierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and enclose.-this notice and you will receive by., return mail, all charges and customs duty prepaid, this valuable book* OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security arid V i»t'd is?* interest Ft current rate; BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. 339 Hotel, Toronto "ARmial Hotel Without a Bar" Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has a bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid cuisine. Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free tail service from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. BATES: Single room, with bath, $1.50 to $2.50. Breakfast, 25c to 60c. Lnncheon, 35c to 50c. Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusive rates, American plan, $2.60 to $3.50 a day. Write for booklet to 240 JAB VIS STREET, TORONTO. Any Time is 5PT Victor Record Time and you can have the music you like best in your own home on the Victrola Ten-Inch double-sided Vldtor Records 90 cents for the two seledtions Dance and Grow Thin For Me and My Gal Van and Schenck T* , «... 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