V-'s-i?. HBS ^5. -' 7 '■ 7 "-3-i<:.": ' : : -JS-.' pSFW ■ •• - ■ lg| -'■ ,; "A" Seeing t h e Opportunity and Seizing it are Two Very Different Matters Why do' we claim our groceries are the best? Because of Freshness and Quality, Sure to Satisfy, Satisfy, the Best the Market Produces, the Kind that Tempts the Appetite these days. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS New Layer Raisins New Shelled Almonds New Valencia Raisins . ' New Shelled Walnuts New Smyrna Figs New .Cleaned Currants New Hallowi Dates 'New Candied Peels Extra quality of Tea at a price you will be pleased with. Coffee, the very best. Everything in the Grocery line good and fresh. Special attention to phone orders Phone 65 AlTClliC Tâit, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House . BOWMAN VILLE, JULY 26, 1917 j. MEAT IN WAR TIME No meal is entirely complete without without meat. If you want the choicest the market produces in Beef, Pork, Lamb, or Veal, leave your order at our store and it will be promptly attended to. If you cannot come to the store have our waggon call and make your own selection. J. H. MUTTON Phone 225 Join the Throng of the Thrifty People Who Buy at the Corner Grocery Below are only a few of the many specials we are offering for this week: 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar $8.75 20 lbs. " " $1.75 2 lbs Prunes 25c 3 lbs Rice 25c 3 Jelly Powders 25c Simcoe Pork and Beans 20c Matches 5c Molasses, 1 can 10c Dutch Cleanser, 1 can 10c Lipton's Tea, old price...40c lb lb tin Fry's Cocoa 25c Worcestershire Sauce 10c Canned Peas, 2 tins 25c Toilet Soap, special, 3 for...25c Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. Highest Cash Prices paid for new laid Eggs, Butter and all Farm Produce. HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 Bowmanville Hampton Mills We have a full line of Bread and Pastry Flours, Cereals and Mill Feed at very reasonable prices. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r* 6 King Street PROVIDENT Following is the report of S. S. 5, Darlington, Darlington, of the Tune Promotion" Exams, names in order of merit: Jr IV to Sr IV -- Allie Darch, Arthur Bell. Sr III to Jr IV--Tena Dilling, Theresa Darch (equal). Jr III to Sr III--Stanley Osborne (honors), Mabel Dowson, Norman Luxton, Sr II to Jr III--Melbourne Osborne. Primer to First Book--Eva Darch. .Reta M. Caldwell, Teacher. Haycarrier supplies at F. O. Mason's. , Harvest mitts at old prices at F. O. Mason's.. DARLINGTON An airoplane passed over here Monday morning.....Mrs. Thos. VanCamp and Miss Etta Amsbury were in TorontoJast week... .Mrs. Jas. Kay and son E. Fox- boro, U. S. are visiting Mrs. Wm. Wood Mr. C. F. Willoughby, B. A., Winnipeg, Winnipeg, is here for vacation.... Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Norwood, are spending spending the vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Gilbert Mrs. Jno. Holt was a recent visitor at Pickering ..... Congratulations Congratulations to Miss Gladys Downey on passing the High School Entrance. Sling Ropes at F. O. Mason's. .... Hay Fork Car, Totton and track, new, at F. O. Mason's. Phone 145 tor sections and guards for your reaper and mower. Mason & Dale Hardware have them. BBTHESDA Midsummer Promotion S. S. No. 10, Darlington: Sr.ltl to Jr. IV.--Johnnie Thomas--443-honors, Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill-- Mae Brent-428-honors,Berta Cole-404-tion- ors, Ethel Hoar-374- Jr.. II to Sr.II-- Ross BigeIow-382-honors. Sr.I--Tom Hoar-8l%-hooors. Lizzie Bigelow 62% Pr. Dorothy Hoar, Mary Riindle. • ; r Jean H. Calder, teacher. SOWN A TYRONE SALEM -X > „ : X '■ Promotion Examinations, S. S._9, Darlington: Darlington: Jr IV to Si IV--Walter Branch, Irwin Hughes, Ëlfie McDonald. Sr III to Jr IV--Willie Cator. Recommended Mary Woolner, Vera Hughes. Jr III to Sr III --Ella - Collacot| (honors), Sr II to Jr. HI ,--Anftie McDonald! 3t.ddomïhènded Dick Davis. Jr II to Sr II--Percy Carin (honors), (honors), Ervil Little. I to Jr II--Gladys Cann, Edith Cator, Elvira Davis, Wreford Cornish, Gladys Little, Bob Collocott, Lawrence Little, Albert Càtor, May Cam eron* Pearl Davis, Nelson Wilkins. ISt-- Laura Wilkins, Johnnie Cator, Eva Little. Primer--Walter Woolner. Ruth Bennett, Teacher. The great cleanser--Wyandotte at F. O. Mason's. ENNISKILLEN S. S. 18, Dar- of mérit: --En- (honors) Reta Jr.IV to Sr.IV Visitors: Miss Maude Curtis, Toronto, at Messrs. James and Harvey Curtis'; Miss Blanche Dix, Little Britain, with Miss Roma Phare; Mrs. James Morris and Mr. Mervin Morris, Toronto, at Mr. Wm Moore's; Miss Ruby Smith, Enfield, with Miss Gladys Collacut; Mrs.. Chas. Richards Richards and Master Arthur, Oshawa, at Mr. Thos. Richards; Miss Greta Oke and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rowe, Bowmanville, at Mr. James Oke's; Mr. Bruce Honeywell, Toronto, Toronto, at home; Mr. and Mrs.' Levi Skinner Skinner with Mrs. Jas. Courtice, Bow- manrille; Mrs. Phare and Miss Phena Col- lacott with friends at Nestleton... .Women's .Women's Institute will hold a raspberry social on Mr. Wm. Farrell's lawn, Proceeds in aid of Red Cross. Watch for particulars and date next week. June Promotion Report lington, names in order trance--Harry Terry Hooey, Vivian Amsbary. --Willie Little, Lola Richards, Brenton McCullongh. Sr.III to Jr.IV--Margaret Moore, Grace Virtue, Earl Coulter--recommended. Coulter--recommended. Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill--Irving Clemens, Myrtle Amsbary. Sr.II to Jr.III Hilda Prout, Levi Annis, Harold Burgess, Wesley Little. I to Jr.II--Fred Goodman, Goodman, Kathleen Gibbs, Richard Gibbs, Eleanor Eleanor Amsbary, B-ssie Prout. Sr. Pr. to I Florence Biette, Frank Hatherly. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr--Arthur Richards, Helen Argue. Argue. Tr. Pr.--Flora McRoberts, Vera Coulter, Kathleen McCullough, Lavern Burgess, Leon Moore, Kathleen Amsbary, Frank Amsbary, PEARL WRIGHT, teacher. Washing Machines 5 styles at F. O. Mason's. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits repaired, cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. Don't wait until you are needing to use your mower or reaper. Look after the repairs now. Mason & Dale Hardware will furnish the needed new parts. Phone 145- Visitors: Miss Gertrude Stevens, Petef- boro, at home before going to Toronto to live with her uncle, Dr. Jas. E. Brown. We congratulate Miss Stevens on the result result on her musical exams; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Veale, Toronto, at Messrs Albert Oke's and Enoch Stevens'; Miss Maude Curtis, Toronto, at- Mr. Elias Ashton's; Mrs. S. Way Kent and daughter, Paris, at Mr. Andrew Sharp's;! Miss Mary Tor- diff, Paris, at Mr. Wm. Tordiff's, and at Harmony; Mr. and Mrs. Webster Virtue and Helen, Toronto, Mrs. John Ranton, Hampton, with relatives and friends; Mrs^ Frank Robbins in Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs7 Percy Gilbert, Sarnia, at Mrs. Wm. Gilbert's; Gilbert's; Miss Cook, Port Perry at the Parsonage; The Misses Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. Jas. Parr's, Bradley's School; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGill and Re va, Miss Alice Ryley, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, motored to Bethany, recently; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parr at Mr. Byron Nesbitt's, Bradley's.".. .Monthly Temperance program program will be held next Sunday morning .... Mr. F. W. Lee has purchased a new Dodge car.... „ .Mrs. Jas. Mountjoy, jr., and Mrs. J. T. Virtue received severe shocks during Friday's storm Miss Edith Virtue is quite ill.... .Glad to see H. J. and J. A. Werry driving out again Little Percy Nesbitt near Bradley's, and grandson of Mr. Jas. Parr of this village, had his leg broken Monday night by a horse stepping on it. Stick Fast--dry paste for paper-hanging at F. O. Mason's. COURTICE EBENEZER HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS LDW RETURN FARES 7ESTBRN CANADA MCE A. WEEK. tiryicf* Modern Ekctric Lighted Equipment Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cari ai* Colonist Coached ^ Fef Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to - W« G. GIFFLER, STATION AGT. or R. M. MITCHELL, TOWN AGT. Or write R. L. Falrbalrn, G.P.A., 68 King SL E., Toronto. CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY » Mrs. Jos. Braund, Oshawa, spent a few days with Ebenezer relations....Leaguers expect to go in full force to picnic at Hampton on Wednesday. Baseball team is to play Solina boys...... Mr. Elton Werry spent Sabbath with his sister at Shaw's ...Mr. Eber Snowden found a valuable club bag on the Kingston Road, lost by an Oshawa party, and was handsomely handsomely rewarded Mr. Floyd E. Wil loughby, B.A., Winnipeg, is down for the holidays at Mr. Geo. VanDyke's Miss Ethel Brooks and Miss Ruth Percy visited Hamilton friends recently.... Red Cross Auxiliary workers will meet at the church Thursday afternoon Mr. S. J. Cour tice, B.A., is receiving congratulations from hosts of friends hereabouts on his appointment as Principal of Leamington High School Mr. Jesse Trull of Sask atchewan is home for a short visit_ and is receiving a cordial welcome... .Miss Dorothy Dorothy Brooks has been holidaying with Oshawa relatives Sunday services were well attended. Pastor Delve preached a helpful sermon in the morning on "Paul's Vision" and at night gave a popular discourse discourse on "Kissing". Sunday School held a splendid session.. r. Haying is in full swing, and here's hoping the weather will behave better now....Mr. George VanDyke, section foreman on G T R, is a busy man these days, supervising the whole section without any help whatever. George is a hnstler and strictly "doing his bit".. .'.Mrs. Garrett, Brockville, is enjoying enjoying a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McCalpin, at G T _R station Mr. Sidney Brooks is laid aside with an attack of blood-poisoning. He nearly severed a finger two weeks ago when butchering, and thot all danger past. Dr. Mackay, Oshawa, is in attendance and "Sid" is confined too his bed. All wish him a speedy recovery.... .-.Allan Found, Osh- kt-awa, is guest of Mr. J. Found... .Miss Birdie Dean, Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother... .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Annis Sundayed with Dunbarton relatives Mrs. F. Frank is very ill at her daughters, daughters, Mrs. J. Rundle Miss L. Osborne, who underwent an operation for appendicitis appendicitis successfully at Bowmanville Hospital Hospital is now convalescing nicely.. ..Mrs. L. Hare, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rundle ... .Mr. Lloyd Snowden's Traction Plow in a field east of church, is attracting many visitors, and is doing splendid work .... Mr. and Mrs. Geo.„A.Pearce and Miss Vera Werry motored to Toronto for the week-end.... Mr. and Mrs. j Bellman of Toronto, have purchased and moved into the place formerly owned by Mr. Brado We welcome them heartily into our community. community. .. .Mrs. Jno. Hancock, Oshawa, is visiting here....Mr. A. E. Rundle spent Saturday in Toronto. . . Miss Gillett, Winnipeg, is holidaying with relatives here. Now is the time to look over your mower and reaper. If you need new sections or guards ask Mason & Dale and they will supply you. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Soules. Oshawa, were out on Sunday at her home... .Congratulations .Congratulations to Miss Dorothy Brooks on completing 3 years' perfect attendance at S. S. No. 8. This record is hard to beat ..Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, Oshawa, Sundayed with his parents... .Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs; Penberthy on Sunday Miss Ruth Huggins, Oshawa, was home for the week-end... .Mr.and Mrs. A. J. Short spent a couple days in Toronto, last week Mrs. Jesse Arnott and babe, Taunton, are spending a week with her mother Strawberry Festival, undér auspices of Ladies' A. B. C. and Trustee Board, on Thursday evening on S. S. Brooks' spacious lawn, was a capital success, afternoon proving ideal. Lawn was lighted by "Delco" electric lights, enclosed in Chinese Lanters, and comfortably comfortably seated. At 6 o'clock, strawberries strawberries and cream, bread and butter, cakes, etc, were served in abundance The "Sunshine Class" had a booth dispensing dispensing ice cream and other delicacies, A football match was played between Ebenezer and Zion teams resulting in a victory for our boys by 1 to 0. A fine program was given, consisting of selections selections by the Oshawa (King-st.,) S. S. Orchestra; solos by Mr. R. M. Mitchell, Bowmanville and Miss Evelyn Brent, Tyrone; duet, by Mrs. Geo. F. Annisand tfr.R. M. Mitchell; readings by Mr. Fred ! L Foley and Miss Frances Worden, Bow- manville; piano duets by Misses L Osborne Osborne and M. Penfound. Pastor Delve presided. Proceeds >127. Carpet Squares in all qualities and Nairn's Linoleums in all widths at Couch, ohnston.& Cryderman's Limited. Promotion Report of, Solina School:-- Entrance--Alan McKessock honors, Nor- naip, Van Nest, Jack Reynolds. Sr. IV-- Elsie Langmaid, Howard Wonnacott. Jr. IV--Marjorie Pascoe honors, Hilton Tink honors, Annie Williams. . Sr.III^-- Jim Reynolds honors, Joe Reynolds honors Clarence Tink, - Margaret McKessock. Jr. HI--Lloyd Williams, Humphrey Car- nell, Jessie Van Nest/ Harland Trull, Arthur Arthur Blanchard. Sr.II--Gordon Wonnacott, Wonnacott, Jr.II--Ernest Hockaday, Ruth McKessock. McKessock. I--Marguerite Wright. Pr. Nora Kers.Iake, Edith Pascoe. - R. J. McKessock, teacher HAMPTON Regular WiM*S. meeting, was held, at the home of Mrs. L. Niddery, about 20 members being present. President Mrs. T. Salter occupied the chair. Watch Tower was presented by Miss Brown, Mrs. G. Taylor, Mrs. J. Colwill and Mrs. I. L. Brown. A very instructive paper was given by Miss Roach on "Temperance" among our Soldier Boys". A solo by Miss Mildred Souch was much enjoyed. Meeting closed with sentence prayers by each mémber. ..... Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. N. Doidge and daughter Doris, and Miss E. Doidge, Oshawa, with relatives; Mrs. L. Cryderman and son with friends in Trenton; Mr. B. Ferguson returned to Surprise, Sask; Mr. Hayes, Guelph, and Mr. Veale, Nestleton, at Mr. C. Spuch'; Miss Myrtle Trull with friends in Oshawà; Mrs. Geo. White and Miss Ruth White in Toronto; Mrs. J. H. Brimacombe with friends; Mr. J. Challjs and Miss Mabel, Bowmanville, at his daughter's, Mrs. J. H. Wilcox's; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns with friends in Newcastle; Mrs. C. A. Johnston, Johnston, town, at Mr. Thos. Elliott's; Miss May Gill, Portage la Prairie, Mrs. J. Cowling, Cowling, sr, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. Cowling's; Mr. G. Awde at Mr, S. J. Williams'; Miss Ulide, Toronto, Miss Real and Miss Gibb, Mr. Real and Mr. Leask, Port Perry, at Mrs. Cephas Johns; Miss E. L. Brown with Oshawa friends. Over 40 of the young people picnicked at Lake Scugog Saturday and report à good time The Whizz Bang Boys from Whitby Military Hospital appeared as announced and ably sustained all previous reports as to their ability to entertain. Proceeds $65.... Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. E. J. Clark in the death of her brother, Mr. R. Ingram Ingram who died in Bowmanville Hospital after a lingering illness. The funeral took place Friday from his sister's home to Bowmanville cemetery. Hampton School report for term ending ending June 29th--names in order of merit: V--Marjorie Cole honors. Entrance-- Helen Johns honors, Louise Johns. Jr IV --Ruth Johns honors, Edna Cryderman honors, Roy Stephens, Allan White, recommended recommended conditionally. Sr III--Marion III--Marion Warder honors, Alice West honors, Ruby Clatworthy. Jr III--Albert Allin honors, Frank Trenouth honors, Mildred Souch. Sr II to Jr III--Emma Niddery honors, Blanche* Cryderman honors, Verna Devitt honors, Percy Cowling honors, honors, Ernie Gay, Vera Carr. Jr. II to Sr II--Ross Trenouth honors, Reta Nichols honors, Charlie White honors, Laverne Clarke, Eleanor Cook. Sr I to Jr II-- Mary Niddery honors, Irene Petley honors, honors, Laverne Clemens honors, Edna Carr honors, Lizzie Robbins honors, Upton Stevens honors, Effie Robbins. Sr Primer to Jr I--Harry Cowling honors, Ivan Stevens honors, Winnie Cryderman honors, honors, Rowena Stevens honors, Sr I-- Tommy Sykes. Jr Primer to Sr Primer --Ruth White, Percy Burgess, Norman Clemens, Richard Robbins, Reta Carr, Evelyn Robbips. Jr Primer--Marjorie Niddery, Lena Gay. F. J. Groat, Evelyn Currie, Teachers. ECONOMICAL TRAVEL Whether you are going west to homestead homestead or only for a trip the most economical economical method of travel is to take advantage of our low Homeseekers fares good going on special excursions every Monday. For tickets and full particulars apply to W. G. Giffler, Station- Agent, or R. M. Mitchell, Town Agent r Canadian Northern Northern Railway. 28-3W MAPLE GROVE Mrs. M. Munday, Jr., and children/ Misses Nellie Burgess and Miss Viola Stevens, have returned home from Simcoe, Simcoe, where they had a very pleasent time .. .Miss Nellie Patterson, Hastings, has ieen engaged as teacher of our school.... Mr. and Mrs. Cromsbury, Simcoe, visited Mrs. Laurence Wood... .Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens and daughter Mabel, spent Sunday with friends in town.... Miss Lyra Trenouth, Hampton, spent Sunday with Miss Edna Sno wdén .... Everybody was glad to hear our pastor again on Sunday. A splendid sermon was given on "Paul's Vision". Music by the choir was well given, a solo by Miss Laura Lane was well sung. June promotion examinations for S. S. No 6, Darlington: To Sr. IV--Irma Power, Bernice Hockin, Ivison Munday, To Jr. IV- Ivy Hockley, Edna Swal low and Clifford Swallow equal, Ruth Armstrong. Beryl Oke. To Sr. Ill-- Constance Seward, Ruby Aldworth, Vera Power, Arthur Lyjner, Elgin Munday, Stella Teffery(absent for exams) To Jr. Ill--Mabel Stevens, Myrtle Brock, Har vey Armstrong and Florence Aldworth equal, Marjorie Stevens, Douglas Hockley. Hockley. .To Sr. II--John Callaghan Edwin Jennings, Edith Samis and John Hockley, Gordon Brock(absent for exams) To Jr. II--Walter Oke, Russell Gimblett, Fred Jennings, Clarence Hockin, Hockin, Fred Samis, Beaven Snowden. To Pt; II--E rnest Brock, Nellie Snowden, lames Armstrong, Mary Seward. To Pt I A--Mildred Brock, William Laird. To Pt.II B--Kathleen Hall, Eileen Hockin, Hockin, Vera-Trimble, Vernon Trimble. -Myrtle'R. Bichan, Teacher. Newly elected officers for Busy Workers Workers ClasshrrPresident-Edna Snowden, 1st Vice-Gertie Lvmer, Secretary-Viola Stevens, Ass't. Secy-Pearl Aldsworth r Treas.-Laura Lane, Ass't. Treas-Reta Power, Flower Com-Nellie Burgess, Evelyn Evelyn Hoddn, Stella Jeffery, Lookout Corn- Aura Rundle, Gladys Allin, Teacher- Mrs. Wm* Snowden, Ass't-Gertie Lymer. Vacation Time Going for a Trip ? We have a forge stock of-bravel- ling goods, all kinds and prices CLUB BAGS Neat and Light Matting .$1.00 Fabrikoid ...$4.00 to $2.75 to $8.50 Real Leather .$8.00 to $18.00 SUIT CASES I Japanese Matting and Fiber, . $1.00 to $4.50 Genuine Leather...$7.50 to $12.00 Juvenile Cases ...60c to $1.25 Trunks Full assortment in steamer and -regulation trunks - $4.00 to $12.00 Juvenile Trunks, very cute, r $1.95 Fred R. Fôley On thê Sunnysidè Phone 12 Bowmanville Will Not be Reduced in price on August 1 st this year. The Present Price of $495.00 is subject to advance on the above date. Bradley Bros., Phone Bowmanville 188 Oshawa 169. *' CARS WASHED. A. W. Pickard Jias his new wash room ready for use at the Overland Garage ust south of the Post Office. Cars washed at reasonable prices. White Rose Gasoline Gasoline sold at lowest price. Give him a call for repairs day or night. NEW IMPLEMENT AGENT A. W. Pickard has been appointed agent for this district for the International Harvester Co., Don't fail to see him before purchasing new farm machinery or implements of any kind if you desire the best. James Bennett still keeps repairs. CHEAPER GASOLINE Let us burn out your engine with our new carbon burners, which will give your engine more power, hence more milage on your gas. A. W. Pickard, The Garage Bowmanville. The Old Reliable Laundry The Oldest Laundry in Town First class work done at lowest prices in the quickest poasible time. Goods called for and delivered delivered to any part of town. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S00 BROS Phone 148 - Props. TIRE REPAIRING Ideal Tire Repair Company, Corner King and Silver Streets, Bowmanville, is now open for business. business. Steam vulcanizing services and guaranteed work at minimum prices. Auto Tire and Tube repairing repairing a specialty. Free Air Service. Service. Dealers in all popular Canadian Canadian made Tires. R. M. Jamieson, Mgr. GOOD ORGAN FOR SALE At a great bargain Apply to D. P. COWAN Phone 270 - Bowmanville Fall Term from August 27n LLIOTT & Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto T]Is ^unquestionably one of Canada's best commercial schools. The demand for our graduates is far beyond our supply. Prompt assistance to get positions positions is assured all of our students who become competent. Write today for our handsome catalogue. It contains full information. W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 25 -TORONTO- Sept. 14 a. Herr Than OrdtaarUy Pragrt--tv Stab MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Ceaetraattve and Deitmctir* Heeds tft Va# INSURANCE I t MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELL, assisted by Miss Nina E, Neads Agéncy for very best lines in British and Canadian Insurance Companies FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY ~~ SICK BENEFIT Also tor the old and reliable Sun Life Ass. Co. of Canada, the strongest and best Canadian Life Insurance Company. & Mrs. EDITH V. SCOBELL, Bowmanville Box 308 Phone 189 9-Sw CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE 1200--PERFORMERS--1200 ftaaede't Sfcery from Birth te Natteaheed Drwmatleatty Teld Tha very Apex of Speetaeelar AaMaranagpt -- GIANT LIVE-STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY Judging Competitions for Young Farmers - - New Farm Crop Com* petitions - - Extended Classification! and Innovations in All Department! IMMENSE EXHIBITS F TRACTORS AND FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICS ART--rltalian. ^ French, Persia^ American and Canadian Masterpiece* MUSIC--Innas' Famous Soloists and e score of other leading organisational ENTIRE NEW MID NATIONAL motor s hum «WQWWO OF I.,. uaPaLa j Qfeatir enlarged Government and other Exhibits - - - War in <T* nhmses - - MocM Gen*) - - Drive - • Aeroplane Nubu of semises m store lor o! end a thousand thiflk REDUCED A -7- r?