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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1917, p. 2

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Ths"Gi**dux STXTXsmxs and. THS Bowxxs- >n~LX Nxwi are ^eSUshed «r "^ ^hweday aod Bowmaorilln. Ontario, Canàda. M. A- * Bona, Publishers and Proprietors, at fi.aOper »im?in payable in adyaacei ^.00 alter first three months. ' B. J. HAZLEWOOD, lomcABrnLi.^ - ore. G old medaxjst pf,ttœnttt twi ▼•ratty. uTôrd'nto, "S"otir Attendlfcr PhyajclaA and Surjreo Carmel Boepltâl. Ptttaburr. Ka. Office and Residence, w " 11, ' n Telephone No.. 1ÛL _ years eon at ML Wellington SL OPINIONS ON BY CHAS. B / it at the very heart of their dAn ! of the professional school in a strik- country. Members of Congress, un- ing article by Vernon v Kellogg pro- rebukedf introduce resolutions for fessor of biokjgy in the Stanford Uni- tpeace conferences, and otherwise do versity of $pfornia. He was on the Potsdam's dirtiest wor&. JSTe ^r^tafl^of y^Ameriç^ Relief^Coipais- p~' THE PROHIBITION TIDE. :ecvtors and trusti FFJ ATTORNEY *AT-LAW. DENVER, COLORADO ^ w „ . ... ... ....... A V "^'^of «peace leagues" anÉS' < *W :c e ^ponysio&r»iSfwdâfias^îe<ÿ to ietô^ be ventions" at a time vSfcn tireryllFbrd^pièpIfcer^orÿ: of the North of Franci '-TK^nW Ÿ&k Wbrld^an organ of the Whisky Ring, recently J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of 'standardBank Bowmanyiixe J. T^Ailen annonnCelthat-he now makes tuits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and prcssecL Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired,"cleaned andjiress- cd. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a- triad. RAILWAY TIME "TABLES FORBOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway Going East • Going West (1) "Nation wide Pr ohibi î ion .rlu, èrc'ttoamnKfmerw^ewr u.S."wilf not cîpwd"oo'cvery pound of His article is entitled "Headquar- helped ,to vote a Community dry; hut g,teEini„.and put forth every effort pos- ters Nights," and on these r'whb"db ; see 'à '<ïaré4tL" a: imrrstitntional^, sibleandit is : alF off:"-Russia needs^-after-dinnernlibd^war-^^ and 1 . • 1 . ,1- • -- -- -- ' . * a 1 1 .1 ^ 11. -- -- tiC A aAm. 4 , .t ah . til Express Express ; : Passenger Local Passenger Mail 8 52 aun.' " Express n :Ldcal 10 31 a-m. •3^9 pin' 6.49' p.m 7.Wpun 9.58 p.m i 2 0:1 22 a.m 57. a.m Lodat '94ja.n1 Passenger 1.30 p.m Passenger. 7.01 p.m L Canadian PÂci/ic Railway Going West Going East 6.02 a.m 10.46 a.m 447 p.m 1.08 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent published the following diatribe:.. "Nation'wide prohibition cc never beUrihctedVbÿ-'the votes of the American people themselves ^ (2) "A prohibition amendment to the constitution-will bedome a dead' letter in all the states in which public opinion-is "against it." (3) "An-amendment that has never won a victory at the polls in any national national election, that no great „ party has ever adopted, to> which no successful successful candidate for the presidency was ever pledged in the whole history of the country." The above excerpts pretty well express express the arguments of those people of the "wet states" who oppose-" the ; amendment just passed by the U. S. Senate by more than the- necessary two-thirds vote. 1. Of course the World does not know what the votes of the ; people would be, and it Is idle to comment on probabilities. Only last November the'World had to flop from what it said those votes had done, and à fizzle fizzle as a recorder of facts must ex- àFthotisandsi,pf .yeu n g*en?aiÿftb : , . - in4trainfng ctoapa^fwitMalmibSt every^ about peace is "worth tliitheSltaise^pnd îandÿRelgpim.r, / - . , gsj .Sh . *ne 1 -6fi theii r Ÿàmiiies "*t/'home'£|*ÿÿing ; -his unholy cause as nwch «s-- a dwita-./ ^his Brought hÿ$l. jpto e that they shall ^not be tempted" to "get ^ on taken from the Russian side and ( contact with the German nigh com- liauor. and the government is ^openly acided. to his, 1 mand, and for several months he as- ~~ , r : R U gsta get 'the idèâ '"^^ 'the -soeîatéd^tnfimsütëîÿ--vtithT$hëm. if ™ht EEEi " and on these evenings its-causes, amendment. With what other/ issue,'reficouragement at this 'hour, .not -de-, its effe^ oir-eirerlmation, the-reasons what other broom will, any party, ' sertion, and to see tbe-spectaele of re- for Qernaany-inspiring the-war--an great or small, sweep back this ocean%.p resen tative>moiiiip;this,.country, sidr.jtile aims :df Germany were "favorite of sentiment? .• Jing in with: Germany is * enough; • to Unless there shall come wonderful ( paralyze *all patriotic impulses Q f this changes, John Barleycorn is . going noblé ; people. : ; . . into the prisoner's dock as .the great-j w jf Russia should collapse it would est : national ;malefactor, stripped of .pull down. upon.ns .the most irretriev-r his disguise as a sociable, excusable, 1 able disaster in human history. profitable fellow who at worst merely picks a pocket here- and there. His doom approaches and all" the hosts of Haide&are powerless to avert it. - ' -- ' " £ ITALY HEARD FROM. Canadian Northern Railway Going East : "Going West Express 1142 a. m Express 9-36 a.m 'Express 640 p.m Express 7.31 p.m tExpress 3.08 p.m. 'Dailyrexcept Saturday. tSaturday only. - While thé other armies have" been fighting a horizontal war,-Italy was compelled to fight a perpendicular battle, almost from the start. While the British and French were contending for-.some Hill Number, the Italians, were fighting in-^mountains which they had to scale as Alpine pecVderision when assuming the role'guides scaled the same ranges in of a prophet. But the voters of | peace times. The Italian army s America have never had a fair chance greatest enefltinter until now has been at nation wide prohibition as the with nature, not the Austrians sole issue. True, there has long been a Prohibition party, but always the When they came in sight , of the v The attitude of these traitors in our? own -country tis -enough-. to .strike/. Qne . breathless;/. If- allowed to : continue, they will cost this country fivè. years 1 of war, m'illions df liveg,. and -billions of money. This is the real meaning of-these peace conventions and the like. . ! x .. ,-- ■ , r The revolution iri<Russia is different/ from- -anÿ other '6Î' 1 which> history •< - affords affords examples. All the rest hâve been political, but this one .is. one-fifth political political and four-fifths,something else. Revolution ;was, . of course, for a long time-.:taught/ -secretly,-,stealthily, and in whispered . speech,; but nevertheless nevertheless tau^hty- Rutthose who taught it, taught more 'than tlie overthrow of ;the Czar. They dilated upon an eh- HOMESEEKERS" EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TU ES DAY . AU- RAIL" - ^<9- b X f THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great" Lakes Routes (Season Navigation) Your Future Is In the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a heme and, prosperity. . Take . advantage of Law Rates and travel via - V Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices: 141 -145SL James SL, Phone M 8125,.^Windsor Hotels Windror andTPlace VigëFStàtioris. ' plains the leaders heaved a-sigh/ of j tirely,mew system of society, while leaders* of'the ;< dominant parties have 1 relief because then they had only to the overthrow of ; the Czar, was but an « ? 2.T n -nrl zi/%Yvf-tiTi 'iTvkr rh pH firm IAS in- made* "other issues the exclusive and'contend with intrénehed armies sole matters to be voted upon. This, stead ofTortified Alpine peaks. I fancy, will no longer 'be possible. The old parties may be minus'jmport- ant issues, or of issues as important '. incident of a far-reaching plan. Italian engineers have accomplished accomplished the incredible. I was going to. say as prohibition in the future, for Qf the states are now "dry." 25 the impossible, in taking their , power- topics of. discussion. Prof. Kellogg was fortunate in being- personally acquainted acquainted with some of the officers in command, by-having known them as professors in civil life, and that his own name as a biologist was well known in Germany. Because of this he icould easily get to the heart of the German and its workings. * * * * : vTo the German, the allmacht of "natural -selection" applied rigorously to,humani life, society and kultur.' Not a çase df 'live and let live, or help to .the weak, but the virtue of might was their ideal, and away with Christian ethics and morality. Christ's teach- ■ ings are tabooed in German military circles. The kaiser believes himself* to be in close terms with God, but itf=-= is the God of the Old Testament, the God of war. There is never an allusion allusion to Jesus or His teachings. . . . • The German captain-professor was a- biologist, and so Mr. Kellogg and he could talk on this phase of the war. Thé omnipotence of "natural selection,". selection,". based on violent and fatal competitive- competitive- struggle/ is the gospel of the ^German intellectuals and people. ■: Mr.- Kellogg, while admitting that BOARD 4EDIBECT0BS , Sir Vincent Meredith, Bart., . _ President, Sir H. Montagu Allan, C.V.O., Vice-President^ - RrBrXngofc »A.' Duunigaiten. _ .JL .W-Beattx, K.C, A. D. Braithwaite. *Ef Jî'CRïBStrerlin. ^ * H. R. Drummond. Ë . B.Gordon. „ __ on. Sir Lomer Gouin, Iv.CJrI.ti, C. R. Hoemer. ... >Sir William Macdonald. Mek>r Herbert Motion. M-C. Ljbîi Shaughn A sy ,'K.C .V.O. Sir FrederlckWilliams-Taylor^r A. E. Holt, Manager. Capital .BesenroJ si,ôbo,ooo. Fund, |1,000,000. -WAPMAGE SETTLEMENT F UNDS placed -with this Company Company to provide for IT' K^rriage Settlement cannol . .he. jcopardizcJ by the, husband"^ business enterprises. The wife is always assured of the receipt of .the income. L flWrit6 for Booklet. He BijyairTroet Company TORONTO BRANCH Cor. Oneen sad Yobh Struts Broee L. Smith, Manner at Toronto. 5» reNsa\ (ourtj The Select Family Hotel Centrally located--Just off Yonge Street Rates: American Plan-- «2.50 up per day. European Plan--Single $1.26 up per day--Double $1.50 up per day. Write for descriptive booklet. ZI, Granville Street, Toronto, Ontario the Russian revolutionist .dreamed, not only of;a free Russia, but .of a ful and heavy artillery to the - top of . free world--free not alone-of despots, 2. It is a pretty serious mafter to| high peaks that until then-had never^ f ree from poverty/injustice, hat- ttt 4-Vift Laavi a/1 unrlnr lilro Pirniimcf ATIPPR ! J o-n/1 Trrn » All roonlrind in RT1P C. B. "KENT, Agent, Bowman ville. Wood's Phospfcodiae, English Eemedt The Great English JrCemecty. Tones and Invigorates the whole i nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Ow/s Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Di dency. Loss of Energy, Palpitation <„ Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for $& One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed In plain plegv-emi recel] srice. New pamphlet mailed free. KCOh TQEOWTg, 01T. IEDICIN TOEOWTg, i Oespon- ofthe box, six .Jd by all ceipt of : wood (Fwrty WlsiwrJ -Minding one's own business is a good method of developing the brain. asserfcr as the World does, that the, been scaled under like circunistances ; people of any state can or-will nullify , they swing bridges from one peak to the constitution. South Carolina tried another; they have built aqueducts, that in Jackson's day, but was quick-1 trenches, roads and tunnels at alti- ly coerced; and the Soiith tried it when they rebelled and were sorely punished. If a state can nullify the constitution we are no longer a republic, republic, but an anarchy. So we propose propose to go ahead on'the basis that fundamental fundamental national law is-law for everybody within the republic, and we will enforce that law, come what may. 3. This^is true--Prohibition has never won a national victory, no great party ever having adopted it as its issue, and no successful candidate for the presidency has ever pledged himself himself to it. The great parties and their nominees nominees have been able, heretofore, to dodge, and dodge they have, collectively collectively and individually, but the question question is will they be able to do so iifc the future with safety. * * * * - The~present- state-of sentiment towards towards intoxicating drink has never before been approached 'in all the -history -history of maiL^All over the world, Mars has got John Barleycorn down and is conscientiously punching the hypocrisy, brutality and other stuffing stuffing out of .him. War has .'poured à flood of light upon the "traffic that sweeps clear around the world. ». * V * Over half of; the American states are "already dry,* and now* there is to be added new millions of voters--women, voters--women, "dry," deadly "dry." Hundreds tudes more than 10,000 feet above sea level. In short, the Italian armies had to blow up the Alps before they could reach their enemy further down, and even then nature again played against them, as in front of Trieste r , for instance, with those dolomite caves fortified by the work of the elements elements better than any German trench on the western front. But now they have succeeded in pushing their way to the sea, and we may confidently expect expect great results, the first glad tidings tidings of which are already burdening the wires of communication. * * * * Sometimes in the past we heard but little of Italian operations, and almost almost nothing of any advance. We who are unacquainted with the ^situation, ^situation, were disposed to criticize their apparent inactivity. Not knowing the- natural barricades, artificially strengthened by the arts of war, we -imagined that Italy was shirking her part in the great struggle. But those who knew best fully understood, and gave Italy the greater praise when she again set the pace for Austria. They are now winning spectacular victories and making substantial gains, and this at a time their aid was very much needed to relieve the pressure pressure on the eastern front. The aim of Italy is to retake territory territory wrested from her by -"-Austria when she Was not united or powerful enough to effectually resist. This territory properly belongs to Italy, as the population is still largely Italian. It is presumed on good grounds that Italy's success had much to do with red and war. All mankind in one great family, happiness, joy and sufficiency sufficiency for : all,' and. universal, peace. Hence all the ordinary appeals to patriotism that so much move other men, came to him as unworthy, if not hateful. World patriotism was' his creed"; universal brotherhood and "peace his aim. Without any premonition, he rose on the morning of March 12 to find everything cracking and bending, ■and the hated Czar overthrown, the old order of things uprooted and banished. banished. He was dazzled and confounded confounded by the sight, and soared to thé" skies in an uncontrollable burst of enthusiasm, enthusiasm, The. thing he . never expected expected to see realized in his day had come after all. The old foundations had been swept away over night. There never was a broader, creed, there waa , struggle involved in .evo-d for ,t. embraced, the .whole .world, and ^ always ^ there wer J ameliorations even as regards the low- er animals; that the mutual aid principle, principle, altruism and gregariousness had much to do with the upward lift in life, and thus, the discussion went on. * » * * j But the German school would have .none pf this, though admitting it helped in some instances, but not in organized human groups, which like the gregarious ants, struggle, bitter and ruthless is the rule. This struggle' struggle' must not only go on, for that is natural, law, but it should go on so that the law may work out in its cruel way, the salvation of the human species, species, arid survival of the fittest. The lust not only to impose, its kind of so-/ cial organization--its kultur,. &c., on the others, but if necessary,, to destroy and replace them. Hence the Germans believe that un- dër this natural law they are destined to win, if not now, then later, and act- ing'On this belief they are all the morë dangerous. : ILa IK/jJ Ckml Best grades of Coal only kept, all kinds. also Wood, of -sge If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard Ban.K Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 **> .."v* See our Exhibit in the Transportation Building, Canadian National Exposition, Toronto, Aug. 25th to Sept. 10th There is pleasure at every stage in the use of Sunlight. In the washing---for the work is greatly lightened. _ In the ironing-- ironing-- for the -/ !.= • -9-. J • 1' v OI elptheshave such a fresh, sweet air of newness. In the wearing --for the clotheshave inherited " 3 - the exqui- ri of Sunlight ' itself -- and are clean Indeed. •f attests JhwUfkt Soi*, greccrs m& it. The Czar was gone, and men were free of all, except war. The war was still on, but he had not made it, and so it was none of his affair. Why, then, should he fight ? All men being brothers, equally included the Germans. Germans. i Men of these views were in control' of the new government, and constituted constituted at least three^fourths of. the population, population, and they dominated Russia for 10= weeks after the revolution, and to a-^pertain extent still control matters in Russia/" Is there any wonder that the war camé to a full-stop? But the .world did not know Russia. After a time these men began to perceive that The German . o£ the. laboratory opposes opposes all mercy, all _ compromise .with' human softheartedness. For these reasons the Germans justify their inhuman inhuman treatment of the Belgians; it is right, say they, to maim and kill in Belgium as a military exigency because because these things frighten them, and it required less active military guard after the people had been cowed. Prof. Kellogg was a pacifist,.natur-.. .ally, as he came from Dr. Jordan's university, and he ^entered on his duties in devastated France and Belgium Belgium a reconciler. But his experience there cured him. ! "I was convirui^cl," he writes, "that Light Four Touring much'as they loved,peace, there, could : this . war Qnce begun, must be fought be no peace except,by going on with to a finish, a finish.-that wiB'sdetermine the war. At first only-a few saw this, | w b e ther or not Germany's / point of but -gradually it became clearer. They - yiew is to rule the world, of fighting saw finally, that the first enemy of i t big.war to- a definite end/ that end to. peace arid universal.. brotherhood is be-Germany's conversion to be a good . .. M *Tr e 1 JJ .r . 1 • KDaJ.; vjcillidll V O LUll.V Cl ÜIV/U w WV/ V* she peace talk from Vienna by way of Q erman , m iii tar i sm . Reluctantly, they ç> ermany> or no t much of any Ger- the Vatican. WILL RUSSIA FIGHT? in This is the question uppermost the mind of every person in this country country and Canada. Will Russia fight? We answer yes,' and with courage, ' Dersistence and success if given a fair chance. Many of us are not.a little perplexed perplexed over the'turn affairs have recently recently taken in that great empire, now republic. It is natural to conclude that if : t uermany, or came to this conclusion, but it is now man y at all." sweeping over the 1 country, and no one can doubt the final result. DARWINISM AND THE WAR. -2- IN THE ORCHARD. The query has been -suggested whether whether the kind-hearted,- patient, gentle Charles Darwin iè indirectly the cause of the. present great war. It'is admittedly a far cry from Darwin, Darwin, the .humble delver into, the mys-. Never y-ghake off apples. _if you can help; it, They can hardly strike so that- they'll /not be the worse for it. :SomeLfolkstiw»itr until frost gives thern a good big.hjjjph hefore they be- ■gin to think of"Peking apples." Dead-ripe peachesxat picking time at. delivering time. teries of life,,and the',, assertive ^ ^ ^ ^ are still a little hard. . Perhaps the birds are^. thirsty when . Nietzsche, the German protagohist of , . ., . .force; yet it is contended that / with- Russia is- not now pushing the war Uut . the theories advanced by Darwin, - , Wnes Ever vigorously the,.reason must tha * ! Nietzsche could not have gained .thejthey^ ^t anfrait it-- won't! the Russian people have a great broad d ^ dM wittf Kis countrymen,' i n f Æt!' ^ * i^voùr fLth^ed strëâk of yéllow m them. But this is ; haye b rought about th^ national desire *> any ha^t grievous mistake, if not a slander, become ruler of- the world on the ! fne "^ : #Um e , water-,to^n^. ,_ : Anq arid should be" dropped. There are = no: braver. men on the face of the earth than the great majority majority of the'Russian soldiers. " Who can behold - their ; marvelous movements movements of the. summer of 1915, and withhold his admiration of their wonderful wonderful courage, persistency and valor ? They went mostly- uharmed'"and badly provisioned against/the be^t equipped troops in the world, and fought them mostly with bare'hands. * * * * The real reason for the. apparent halt and hesitation on ^"Russia's part since the revolution is sômëthirig very different. Beset by a thousand^difficulties thousand^difficulties and dangers, problems and perplexities, such as no nation has ever faced, Russia has kept, on with the Most astonishing -fortitude' and resolution resolution imaginable.- : None but a very brave people could have pulled "out of that hole. Germany's dirty work fis the' real cause of the trouble,.. and the worst is we listen to a horde of traitors, German agents, selfish politicians, politicians, chicken-hearted peace at any "tgld* ?, p'ricér-s• , babbling 1 thëi^ filthy f:stuffy, loaded with the deadliest peril for Russia and for America. Men who do this take a poisoned dagger and drive « ^ ^ ! see îthat it's pure, fresh /water, served theory that the Germans were . best: ; „ CQol ghad ÿ pla ce safe from cats fitted to rule/ The German intellect-; !^ d . all enemies, v. uàlists led the way. for the war, y and : TKq strawberry bed still needs culti- for a generation impressed-their ideas] v ' ating and hoeingi Keep busy until upon school-and university until they , the ground freezes. : Light frosts had the people, believing that they | do no t count, were indeed thé "chosen people." V In the current number of the Atlan- , tic- Monthly, we ^ get behind the scenes ,!ium -r>o 3"M: .i'n Tar 'more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handle. -Sold by Druggist» and Grocers everywhere. No need to be in a h.urry ebout pick- ing the grapes. Let them get fully ripe. Better cover them, a few "nights so that frost-Will", not cut.them down, rather thqn-eat spur-gripes, ■.,. , Did v .y ou. forget tc^ cut out and burn the. blackberry and raspberry canes 1 that have fruited? Better now than never 1 . New plants of .the red - raspberry and blackberry- are-obtained by digging digging the..larger, vigorous roots and cutting in pieces/about four inches long, a Ad- ; so wing dri 'drills in the- fall ori early -spring. Ketip well hqed and 'they are ready to set the following year. Suckers or sprouts, coming up between, the .rows, -are. fairly good i£- carefully dug and ^ portion of the, cross root secured with them. T , .Ontario "should produce 28 milliori bushels of potatoes this year. It may*to,- not produce 12 millions if the blight is | not vigorously attacked. 1 " A Leader ! \ No other car so low in price will appeal to you once you have driven an Overland Light Four. No other car in its price class offers such complete satisfaction. Its easy riding qualities, due to its studied balance throughout, long replient replient cantilever-rear springs, generous wheelbase and big, oversize tires are exceptional in a car pf its size and weight. ' - Drop in for a demonstràtion. Ask to drive this "car yourself. The test ■will convince you that what we have said is true. OTHER LIGHT FOURS Roadster Country Club OTHER TOURING MODELS > Eighty-five Four WUIys-Knlght Four" Eighty-five Six Willys-Knight Eight Willy» Six A. W. PICARD, Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Phone 248. Willys-Overland, Limited Willys-Knight and Overland Motor Cars and Light Commercial Wagons Head Office and Works: West Toronto, Ont.

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