r I I â 8 -V-Sl Don't Waste, Dbn't ^ ||§Mfood for all if you will An Autumn SchoolDi^ess ! do your bit in preventing; ÎWàste. ^Êfëmand the whole touching FAREWELLS Ttr PET CANINES. wheat ■ 1 rf i grain '."U Few Regiments Go To the Front Without a Pet and Most Are Very Canny. Early in the week we travelled iorj muc^l less. For any some distance on a southern railway j Wltil mil K îrUltS» line in the company of part of a big j in breakfast Shredded ii'eat iSuicuifperdent, whole. wheat-rr-nottiing pasted, pasted, every > particle utilized. It cbïitàms^iîiore teal hiïtri- ihent than meat; 1 and costs meal ^Iraft ordered on foreign service, and noted with pleasure, not urimixéd with >6eep feeling, that none of the usual camp following was parted with more reluctantly than the drivers' dog, an intelligent .looking crossbred, 0 with more than a mere dash of Labrador blood in his veins, . says a London writer. Poor dog! He, indeed,'was sad", though unlike scores of men and women who watched the scene, he did not show it; the layman could. not have detected anything unusual in. his behavior, but we, being used to . dogs, and a close observer of their ways and habits, saw by his expression that he knew why he had been brought to the big railway station,_ miles from the training camp in which, we have little doubt, he had- spent a happÿ life with his friends the drivers. The train, already very late, was on the point of starting, when a smart looking soldier lad raced along the platform :fq,tbe_c,ojnpartmept in.which -- lî _ /si J rtAwvodoc fm* TjOTI* "'Made : in Canada. 'THE TRICKY 1 HUNS. Shoot Their Too Generous Enemies in the Back. A soldier 'whom.1 met, recently, in ï/ohdori, "says' 'an. English writer, tolc. mb that he considered the Hun as the trickiest 'fellow on the battlefield that one could possibly >meet. "Even when he appears to be dead," said he ruefully, "like fuzzy-whzzy, An Impossible, Ideal. She had- tÿo boys.. . The„inofctier ^^^otroti^^jgivejtliehila^ „o)É her ^desire to make them good, Own TÏbîets 7 in the ' house may feéPj riWaiso td i ^ake i *lear to their minds that-the lives of. theslr tittle ones . are i the gravity of the task befofr^her. At reasôhabti^Aafex during tire hdt'Wth* ' vthe -end- ot ^iârtidtiariy poaching er Stomach troublée, choto^!jmfan- thdjurationVfiÿé-ÿear-pld 1 Francis was turn and diarrhoea carry off thousands suddenly ' ovéWrôîne with, the jmpos- Where is the schoolgirl who woulc not revel in a militarÿ dress for fall? Here is the smartest of these little Mothers who kedp a box. ot Baby's, feéf" us. of little ones; every sumtiaer in most cases Jhecause the" mother ■* does not have a safe medicine at 1 hand to give promptly. Baby's-Own Tablets; cure- these troubles, or. if given occasionally to the well child will prevent ' their coming on. The Tablets are guaranteed guaranteed by a government analyst to be ab- f solutely harmless even to the new- born babe. They are especially good- in summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure. They, are sold by medicine dealers or by; mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.'S»--^--~-- Ont.'S»--^--~-- bveYddtne of ever attaining his* mother's s: ideal. -, i . "Don't" try to make us gdod, mother," mother," he said earnestly. "Just shoot Being Highly Rorous Blotting .paper has risen in price lately. Of course, it is - on account of the war-4-ttiëi ii^tSmg^AXciise^ or| "sticking up" the "helpless public. At. the same, time (as always) it is 'almdst impossible to buy -really good %jot$ing paiier. Slotting' Stone* is much better, and one woifders why it is not everywhere to bg bought. v ' Ttiii" kind; 1 ' of ^bibulous ritibrig' is formal* ed : from: the "'sediment- of certain! hot ,„ , , springs, where it. has.beeik accumulat- Sorc Eyc^- Eyeynflanied by | i n g f 0 r ages and is obtainable in in- Sun. JDnst and Wfint/ quickly I ? ,. relieved by V Miirine. Try It in ; exhaustible quantities. . your Eyes and 11x1835/6 Eyes. | Highly porous, it will take up more vi i l [-WHITEST. The best yèast in the world. Gramdaledii Eyelids, )»{ j fONT. Makes perfect bread MADE " IN CANADA jNo Smart»*; Jost.EyeComfort readily than any blotting paper à sur-' Your Dwgrist'Bor by ri^ifaTni^ rmàYit.if.v of ink. ; 'The man at totioejEÿë Remedy Marine. ptikinj? quantity-of ink. iThp-'man.at" 25c. For Bookof --Free. a . desk- can : use it-incidentally as a, CANADA. our thoughts Canada, dear Canada, are all of thee. • Thou land of health, thou wealth, J We hail thee, great and free Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co.,'Chicago d land of On all the earth thy name is known, •-Miriard's Liniment Co., Limited. And it shall ever be Ahame of strength,, of might" and poweiS Of right and liberty. "Music," writes the editor of the Etude, "is now being looked upon by all the 1 warring countries in Europe as the torch of a. newer and higher liberty, freeing the souls of men from the burden of the greatest grie_ which has ever come to the human'race." ' paper-weight and occasionally the office office boy may scrape it off with a knife --the substance being very soft-- " making it as good as mew. -- ❖ E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO. ONT. WINNIPEG • MONTREAL MONEY ORDERS Send a Dominion"T2xpress v ' 1 Money Order. Five-dollars costs three cents.' The man .who / buys meals in small amounts as^rierided and buys the meal cheapest per hundredweight is a poor business man and does not appreciate the real values of feeds. Canada, dear Canada, thy sons and daughters brave _ Have made thy bosom rich in wealthy peered : altogether. Where golden harvests wave. \ DAVID HENDERSON. - Dear Sirs,--I had a Bleeding Tumor on my face for a long time and tried à number of remedies without any good results. % was advised to.-try- MI; NARD'S LINIMENT, and after using" several bottles it made a : complete cure, and It healed all up and disap- were his old comrades, bound for London London and thence overseas to , and said MB rueiuny, iikb iuzzy-wuzzy- • i , . , T j he's generally shamming. Oveç and! frocks made of dark blue serge and worn with trim linen collars and cuffs and a.red.silk tie. Pockets to the he had not to shout'"Here's Tip" more than once for the carriage doors to be opened and Tip's old pals to get out for still another a'dieu. The last words, even the last caresses, were reserved reserved for the dog, and we shall never forget the look poor Tip gave to the ^train as his loved, companions were being borne away. He neither howled nor whimpered; he bore himself like the true sportsman he is--if appearances appearances count--and in wishing our cheery companions Godspeed at the end of the first stage of their journey we expressed the hope that Tip would be in camp to welcome them should thev return to the same part of the over again I have seen wounded Germans Germans who have not been harmed by jj our men, as soon as they have re&lizr ed their safety, get up and shoot their too generous foes in the back! "I remember in particular one officer officer who".was killed in this dastardly way. He had been bending over . an apparently wounded , German. He even gave the man a drink of water- and turned away to bring the stretcher-bearers. stretcher-bearers. The mgyp. raised himself on one elbow and shot the young officer officer dead. But let me tell you that we quickly avenged that officer's death. " "One of my narrowest shaves was when-a shell exploded within a few yards of me. It blew me up into the right and pockets to the left are an extra stylish as well as -practical feature feature of this frock. ■ McCall Pattern No. .7906, Girl's Military Dress'; with detachable cape. In 6 sizes; 4 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. - This pattern -may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Thy splendid lakes, thy mountains grand, Thy sunlit coasts we see, An emblem of thy-future power In ages yet to be. Cold Potatoes. *A palatable way to serve cold boiled, potatoes is to put them through the sieve. Season them well with but- -ter - ahd^ : Baltf : ;:f6rm" into -cones- ^vhrid. brown- in the oven. .lllnard's Liniment Corea : Burns. "*• -- ---- HtO. SZWSFAPEB9 BOB 8 ALB Mlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Natives of Peru use a boat made entirely entirely of reeds and straw, evén the sail consisting of straw matting. P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In /good Ontario ~town*;•;ttThe--mo*tL.lisefttibejnd Interesting of all- businesses. Full Information on application" t5 f 'Wilson Publishing Com- .pany.. J-3-.Aâeln ltifl -Htree L. Toronto. maCSLLAHEOVl Belleisle Station, Kings Co., N. B., Sept. 17, 1904. EVERY WOMAN'S RIGHT country. A dog of the sort we saw j air and the next thing I can remem- will never lack friends, and the way he stood to heel when ordered to do so, even while his pals were bidding him farewell, proved that his field education had not been neglected. Hundreds of "Tips." Among our companions that morning morning there may have been a gamekeeper gamekeeper or two;.one of the,officers was undoubtedly undoubtedly a field trial man, but dog men or not, every one of the draft was greatly interested in Tip, and he would have accompanied the men had such a thing been possible of arrangement. arrangement. Similar scenes have been enacted enacted in other places, no doubt; there must be some hundreds of Tips, but all have to be left. In some cases there is an end to the little game hunting forays,.in the evenings; no. more will the hedgerows be drawn as has been the case after parade day, after day on the outskirts of camp, and j;he impromptu impromptu trials of greyhounds or terriers, terriers, which have provided such enjoyment enjoyment to officers and men, are ended*. ended*. It is unlikely they will ever be resumed. resumed. - - Dogs have made camp life tolerable to many a sportsman; we liave in our mind the case of an officer who was ber I was being carried along the Ba- paume road by a couple of pals, who thought I had 'gone West.' But they were wrong--I hadn't. I was only 'shell-shocked.' And four days later I was back to the line again. . "Many a man goes West without a single scratch or wound .upon him." The second officer in command of my | company at "Vimy Ridge was killed | simply by concussion. The shell burst thirty or forty yards away from him and never touched him. Numbers Numbers of men are killed like that." Canada, dear Canada, thy name on every breeze Floats to the nàtioris far and wide O'er ocean, land and sea. Land of the Maple Leaf, for thee No sacrifice is' vain; We glory in thy fruitfulness, "Thy mineral wealth and grain. WASHABLE PAPER CLOTHES. Now on Sale in Germany--Use Will Be General by Spring. Germany is fast becoming hard up for wearing apparel, and inventors have succeeded in finding an effective effective substitute for woollen and cotton fabrics. Tjie,new material has been tested and proves to be both wearable wearable ,and cashable. The drawback at present is that this "paper cloth" is rather stiff, but by Special treatment treatment experts hope to produce a stuff sufficiently finefend so^t to be used The Berlin To every woman belongs the right to enjoy a healthy, active, happy life, yet nine out of every ten suffer years of agony, usually from some form of bloodlessness. That is why one sees on every side pale thin cheeks, dull eyes and -drooping figures--sure signs of headaches, weak backs, aching limbs and uncertain health. All weak, suffering women should win the right to be well by refreshing their weary bodies with the new, rich, red blood that promptly transforms them into healthy attractive women. This new, rich, red blood is supplied in abundance abundance by Dr. Williarits' Pink Pills which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body. Through the use of these pills thousands thousands of women 'have found a prompt cure when suffering from anaemia, indigestion, indigestion, heart palpitation, rheumatism, rheumatism, general weakness, and those ailments ailments from which women alone suffer. There is no part of this broad Dominion Dominion in which you will not find" some former sufferer who has regained health and "strength through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and this is the reason why these pills have been à favdrite household remedy for more than a generation. It you are ailing and will give the pills, a fair trial you will find renewed health and happiness happiness in their use. Canada, dear Canada, true to name we stand Untrammeled, bold we face world, Thy cause we will maintain; No foe shall dare our faithfulness, Thy dangers all we share; Under the British Union Jack Wer'e all united there. thy the Canada, dear Canada, the land we love the most, Fair daughter of the Motherland, In her and God we-trust. To fathers bràve and mothers fair We all our tributes bring. The Maple Leaf for ever, God save our noble King. --Jas. A. Brain, Toronto To clean the inside of a water bottle bottle or any glass that is too small to insert thé hand into, put intb the bottle bottle à small quantity of tea leaves, pour in about one-third of a teacupful of vinegar, shake well, empty, and rinse with cold water. A perfectly clear glass will result. . Kil-, ucl .«•Vi eof DODDS tiiOHEii ■ / 5# ■n] 'j Pitts M ■ BR rvMA*r1^h f: >!W. R [?. H T -c D| 5 ,7 A " .1'::, YES ! LIFT OFF A CORN WITHOUT PAIN Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a corn or callué so it lifts off with fingers. L adies wanted--to do plain and light sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay; work sent any distance, charges paid.. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Company,-.Montreal. /"1ANÔER. XV inte'rnal TUMOBfS. LUMPS, ETC.. _ and exfternali- cured with out pain by our home treatment. Write us. before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical C<y:.vLimited. CollingwoodV.Ont. K- 1^2 3 You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freéizone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, hut will positively positively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irritate irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is ; fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. When buying your Piano Insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION allowed to. keep, a..small team of ter ~ | best'part of a column to this import riers in quarters "he was lucky to get j t revo j ut i on i n ciothès. Work- in the heart of an especially fine sporting district. -Being a good horseman, horseman, part of his recreation was rid ing on the downs in the early morn- ~ ing, and it was while accompanied by his little pack that he improved his ^ knowledge of Wiltshire aqd its.sport. How we should have liked to see his clagses w ni probably be wearing old: «aw ma- Sealyhams pick up the line of an; dog fox,.lying in covert not far from where pheasants were penned, and . literally force him.out to." the open! This and much more was "done during those early, morning gallops. Dogs have certainly taken their part in the making of the soldier by providing companionship and sport in places far removed from the busy haunts of men. That they will not-be forgotten, even in the strenuous days which are to come, is a certainty. men's clothing of strong texture can now be bought in the, IBerlin _ shops, and men's trousers, specially impregnated impregnated to withstand rain, are also on The Daily Paper says that by next ' The _field"s spring men 2 , women and children of 1 -- Twenty of the large flower beds at Hampton Court Palace, opposite the east front, were planted to potatoes and beets last spring. Be honest with yourself. Would you really have so much to do if you did things punctually ? will reduce inflamed, swollen joints, Sprains, iBruises, Soft Bunches; Heals-; Boils, Poll Eyil, Quittor, Fistula and infected eorès quickly as it is a positive antiseptic and germicide. Pleasant to use; does not blister or remora the hair, and you can work the hone. S2.00 p6r bottle, delivered. Book 7 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiicptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful. Swollen Veins. Wens. Straini. Bruises; atop* "pain and inflammation. Price 81.00 per bottle at dealcra-br delivered. ' - Will tell you more if you writs. Liberal Trial Bottle for 10c in sumps. • W. ft- YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg,, Montreal. Can. , tosorbine and Absorbing Jr., are made In Canioa. i Iron Is Greatest of Alt Strength Builders, Says Doctor I A Secret of the Great Endurance and Powers of Athletes. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. through any medicine " dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE FIELDS OF FRANCE. complete' outifts^made' "of the new material. material. It is worth noting that these goods,' like the" materials they" replace, replace, are only purchasable on clothing clothing permits. ■%: 5É A Modern Cinderella. The day of good fairies is not overl Several months ago, Miss Minerva ' M^nke ,was a- passenger on a Madison * Av.enue„ street, .car "in New York. City. As she stepped from the car one of her, pumps became wedged in a corner of the step, and her foot slipped put of it. She did her best to make her plight known, but at that mohiens .the fairy must have shut the conductor's eyes and covered his ears, .for he gave two vigorous tugs on the bell rope, arid the car carried Miss -Menke's pump away, ' leaving her pumpless in the steet* She v hobbled to a drug store at the corner and telephoned for a taxicab to take her home. 'A few blocks farther on, Jacks "Wolfsor. noticed the pump.as-he was eating the: car. He slipped;it into i ; ns pocket--it is a No. 2--and when ie > reached home telephon -d hn ad- -yertisement.to the .New York Herald, Requesting tjhe ypung woman who lost the pump to Ywte. to him. ' Jdiss : Mintffta wrote, - and : Jacks failed to return the pump. He. kept ên calling more and.mo/e freqtiihtly, nrw thev are-married 5 will feu' ibtlesi "live happily eYer after. 1 Tea and Cdffee >vho are of France, the fields of France, how changed since yester- . year! Once fresh and fair as Eden's vale, now gpim and.gray and sere; Where once the ploughman furrows turned now ""tears thé shot and z - shell, The cannon's roar .reverberates whebe rang the Vesper bdTTT On Face. Badly Disfigured* Used 2 Boxes Ointment and 3 Cakes Soap. War the Leveller. One of the many results of the war in England is an agitation for the abolition of class distinctions on the railroads and a change to a system similar to that followed in the United States and Canada. It is urged that the new -plan would be an economic measure in view of the shortage of coal, as at present . _the third class coaches are nearly always overcrowded overcrowded while the first class coaches seldom carry more than a few persons. Commercial Commercial travellers,'who suffer severely severely from the^higher rates now charged charged on the railroads and from the abolition abolition of the week end tickets, are active; in the movement. ■'I had a bad itchy lot o£ pimples on C-i usually \ after they change to the delicious, pure -jd •rrBeH's iRkàsori »» Cbriadlan Co., Ltd. v»tt The fields of France, the fields of France, once moist with morning dew, . Now damp and dank with heroes' blood and stained a crimson hue; The smoke clouds hide thé darkened sun arid spout a leaden rain, And where the f reaper's mirth "came clear from out .the golden, grairi..' Now î)eath with dripping scythe, laughs loud mild winrows of the. slain. 5 1 _„ v . jured. They were inflamed and came to ahead, and I could tear my skin as soon as a little heat came near them. I could hardly sleep. "When I savi, Cuticura Soap and Ointment advertised I sent for a free - sample which did so much good that I bought more, and I used two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and three cakes of Cuticura'Soap when I was'healed." (Signed) Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stockholm,. Stockholm,. Sask. _ If you have a "good complexion keep it so by using Cuticura Soap daily and /i • - r~\Tx -- -- L a a A n 1 l«V Cuticura Ointment occasionally. Fbr Free Sample Each,by (Mail ad dress post-card: "Cuticura, 1 Dept. A, •'Boston, Ü. S. A.'* Sold everywhere. ' Ordinary Nnxated Iron Will Make Delicate, Delicate, Ncrvoua, 1 Sundown Deople lOO - Per Cent? Stronger'in Two r Weeks' Time in Many Caaes. NEW YORK. N. Y.--Most ---- , , ishly seem to think they are going to get } renewed health, and strength from some stimulating medicine, secret nostrum or narcotic drug, said Dr. E.. Sauer, a Boston Boston Physician who has studied .widely both in this country and in Great European European Medical - Institutions, when. , as a matter of fact, real and true strength- can only come from the food you eat. But people often fall to get strength out of their food because they' haven't enough-iron in- their blood to enable it to change food into living matter. From their'weakened, nervous condition; they know something is. wrong but'they cant tell what, so they "generally commence doctoring- for stgmach. liver or kidney trouble or symptoms of some other ailment-caused ailment-caused by lack of iron in the blood. This thing may go on for years, while the patient suffer» untold agony. If you are not strong or well, you owe it to yourself to make the following' test . See how long you can work or hdw far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two- weeks. Then test y our-strength; again and see for yourself how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people, who we ®e ailing all the while double .their strength and "endurance and entirely get ridrbf all -Byjnptonas of" dyspepsiav-liver and other troubles in from ten lo four- teen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they., had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. Most people fool- i ^ut don't take the old forms of reduced or tincture of iron iron acetate simplv 'to save-a few cents. You must take iron in a. form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated like nuxated iron if vou, want it to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. useless. Many an athlete or prize-fighter, has won the day simply, because they knew the secret of great strength and endurance and- filled his blood with iron bèfore he went Into the affray, while many another has gone- down to inglorious inglorious - defeatT'simply for the lack of iron. X NOTB: Nuxated Iron, recommended above by Dr. E. Sauer, Is one of the^ newer organic Iron compounds. Unlike the older Inorganic Iron products, It "Is easily assimilated, assimilated, does not injure the teeth,-make them black, nor upset the stomach; on the contrary, contrary, It is-a most potent remedy in nearly 'all forms of Indigestion, as well as for nervous, nervous, run-dotvn conditions. The manufacturers manufacturers have such great confidence in Nuxated Nuxated Iron that they offer to forfeit $100.00 to any charitable Institution If they cannot take any man or woman - under 60. who : lacks Iron, and Increase their strength 100 per cent, or over in four weeks' time, provided provided they have no seriouaiorganlc trouble. They also offer to refund your money if it does not at least double your strength and .-endurance ,-In ten - days". time. It is dispensed'by dispensed'by all" goqd--druggists. Suggestions that may" save Much Suffering That Bon^Qpto StrengthensEyesight 50% Jn a i WeeKs Time In Many Instances The fields of France, the fields France, enwrapped in robes green,' . ..• " _ ;■ r, Asleep j 'neath smiling, cloudless skies, adream in Yhoon's bright sheen, i Àh, give-them back to us, dear Lord; 1 v,_.and grant them life's new leaser 0, still the rage of man's red w/ath; .. y and_may jais madness'cease, .. And ,Reason to the world proclaim, """"the waÿ ôf 'God is Peace. "e B. Underwood. A home fruit anxl vegetable evaporator evaporator propenrlÿ'riséd will save its cost severaHdmeri-riverstfae'-first season arid can be used for many;years. " Whiait is believed to be thë oldest inhabited inhabited residence ,in ; the 'World is a mansion in Germany that wàs built in 700. [e Pa.--- << For twelve years, with terriblb cramps. .. f ... haje to- stay in bôd several days. every month. 1. triéd all - kinds of rembdieS; and was tteatèd lgy- doctors, but mv trouble con- tiriùëa until ope day X taad about Lydia KPmkhàm's Y e 8 e : tablé; Compound aria V^hat It haa done for 'others. ( I tried it j'friidriow l am never 1 troubled with cramps arid feel like difeant' wbman. I 'cannot praise. Xydia E. .Pirikham^ Vegetable Com iurid tbb. highly an3 l am recommend^ Kgittoiriy ÎErtêndâ' whcrstàêr às ïdi<L" R. Naylor, Box 72, j^aÿysvillé, Pa. • ŸoUnÉLW°ineti who àrë troubled with tiMrifül or irtégulàr'periods^backache, sensations, should dtàble A Frdé PSScriptioii Ton Can Have Filled and TJsé at Home. r - - Boston, Mass.--Victims of eye strain And" other eye -weaknesses, and those, who wear glasses, will be glad to khow^ that- Doctors and Eye Specialists now acre's, there" is real hope" and help for them.". Many whose • eyea were falling jia'y^ theV have had their" eyes restored and -many who once wore "glasses ^say they vhave, r thrqwn them awayj^ One- man - say S", aftër using it: I w ?t s al- most blind. '"Could not seOto reàdwt, all. Mow .1 can read eveirythlng^ without without my .glasses, and my dyes -do-not hurt any more. At might ;theywould -pain dreadfully. NoW they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me. A lady, who; used it says: "The atmos- Dhdre seemed' hazy with .or without glasses, brit after using this prescription prescription for- fifteen .days everything seems clear. T can read" even fine print with-' 'out ' glasses". ' Andther who used junctlvltis and when not congested fYisê'd- ftitircsaion edmmon to such cases, -accordinef to directions rendered a sur- Having "run out of her medicine a friend suggested - Bon-Opto. She used thio:treatment and not- only s overcame her--distressing condition, but stramge and amazing as. it: may. aeem, ?o strengthened her eyesight that she was able to dispense with her distance classes and her headacb® arid neuralgia toft her. ; Ln this'Instance I- bhduld say her eyesight was -improved 100%. I ha,ve* ainbe 'verified' thé efficacy of this treatment In !a number of 1 -cases : and have - seen the eyesight improve from 25 to 76 per cent Inn remarkably short timev'T can say it f wbrks md-re-quickly it Compound. Thousands haW Tbeeh re^ stored to health by this root and herb , Write for free ari^helpful advice to Lvçiiâ E. Pirikham Mèdicmë Co. (con- flqential),. Lynn.-Mass. Onlÿ. women open ana read. such, letters. w Minard's Liniment Believes Benzalgia. ISSUE No. 36--'17 - says:- "I ! wàskBdïhbred with; eye strain ^caused 1 by overworked^tired eyes which j induced- fierce; headaches.; I have worn 'glasses for several years, both for.Uisr wrice arid work, 1 and ' without them I leoula not 1 read my ■ own- name on an envelope . or . the . typewriting on the machine-before me. 1 can noth now, atid 'haveV dlacarded my long distance v «lassés aïtdsether. I' count the ■fluttering leaves on -the trees across the street now, which fojr several years have lookeà' like a dim" gt-een blur to me. : I cannot express my joy at what- it has done for me." . „ It is believed,,,that thousands who 'wérir sflaïsés tian^dW" discard .them- Jri- * reasonable' time, and fmultitudes more will be able to strengthen their^eyes ed as to be spared the ^trouble and ex- pense of-ever getting'glasses. _ : • Dr. Beck/ ail--eye specialist of nearly twenty years practice/ says : "A patient earner; to- me--who -was - suffering; frçm Blepharitis.-Marginalia with all ' - cdriedmltarit. symptoiris, as morning agglutination, of the v lids, chronlo con ephiphora. Her eyes ted had the dull, suf strain arising from protracted micro* scopical research work. ^ Bon-Opto used than any., scrlbéd for >ther remedy, the > eyes." J, have pre- Dr.: Smith, an. oculist "of wide expérience,'hays: expérience, 'hays: 'T have treated ip private prising service. I found my eyes remarkably remarkably strengthened, so much so 1 have L put aside my-glass6s without discomfort, discomfort, Several of my polleagues ha.va also used it and we are agreed eus to .Its results. In a few days, under my observation, the ej-es of an astigmatic case were so improved that glasses have! been? discarded by the patient." Eye troubles of mapy descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use. of. Bon-Opto and If you want to strengthen your eyes, go to any drug store and get a buttle of Bon-Opto tablets. ?• Drop^ one'Bon r Opto tablet in a fourth, of a glass of water and let it dissolve, lyith. this liquid bathe the eyes two to u four t-times daily. You practice Ta number of serious opthalmlo -- to and. am able to diseases with Bon-Optd _ report ultimate recovery in both acute and ichronic cases. Mr.. B. oanie to. toy. office 1 ' suffering with an 'infected eye. The condition was so serious that an operation for enucleation .seemed peratlve. _Befor» : ; resorting^^ Bon _ operative treatment I prescribe- --- Opto and in 24 r hours ;th e -secreDon; napj lessened, inflammatory symptoms be gan to subside, and in seven days the --- ■/ --,------ ilts .nor- eye was cured andu-retainod mal vision. Another case * of '-extreipe convergent n. strabismus (cross _eyee) escaped 'Yhe surgeon's knife by the ktimely use. of your collyrlum. The -tightened external muscles yielded to the soothing and anodyne effects or "Bori-Opto. I ; always 1 , ..Instir Boh-Opt after removal of foreign bodies an apply- It ^ocallÿ- to : riU burns^uloers: and spots on the. eyeball or the lids ?for- its -therapeutic, effect. By 'cleans ing the /lids of secretions and acting as a tonic for the eyeball itself tne Vision Is rendered more acute, hence the number of cases of discarded 6fla,ss 6 s Dr," Conrica< says: "My eyea were in bad" "cpuditiQtt owing to the severe \ ye . hould notice your eyes: clear up per- ceiptlbly right ;.fr,qm. thti start, and inflammation inflammation and redness will quickly disappear. If yoiir eyes bother you éven & little it is your duty to take Stepsuto, save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have-eaved their sight If they had csred for ■ their êyéS; 4g- : tlroe. Note: A city physician to ; whom, the afcc-ve article was submitted, said: ; "Yes, Bon-Opto is à- 1 remarkable" eye remedy. Ita constituent ingredients ingredients are well known toj .eminent eyo spe- . pialists and-widely prescribed by them. I have xisedrlt very successfully in my own practice on patients whose eyes were strained through over- - work or misfit glasses. I can highly recommend, it in caee ot "weak, /wateryj -aching, smarting, itching-, sbtirninjg ayee, -red. lids, blurred vision or for eyes inflamed from exposure to smoke, sun, dust; or^ind, 1 -it;is" one;.of_the very few preparations preparations 1 feel should be kept on hand for regular use -la almost every famlly.*" Bon-Opto is not a patent medicine or secret remedy. It i* aa ethical preparation, the formula being printed oa the package. The manufacturers guarantee it to .strengthen eyesight 50.per cgnt In one week's time tn many instances, or refund the money. It ig-dia- pensêd bv all good druggists. general, stores: -also by ti. .Tair.blyn ana T. Eaton fe Co.. Toronto. X RSSiSi.- X XT.- d-id- ...- : .x