X A *886 h ri ir !• Your Fully Insured f I P this wae your home, would - you be able to rebuild and replace all your effects ' without losing a penny? Our Agent will quote z you surprisingly low rates. Ask him to-day. Dan '( wait far the day of rtfrtti. BY CHAS- ML BICE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DENVER, COLORADO. / JOSS' J. .MASO*, hqeal ^ Aèrent. , Bowaykarllle. DRIVE HUNS OUT OF. BELGIUM. The £act is the central powersare By C&as. r. ~ • >• X- -- - ... - - y ... o - -SUPERIOR : FLTÊNG MEN. ^Penrtr The Ge^h1 Increase Your.Earning Power Your services will be in demand if yon' are trained here. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto was recently asked to fill positions at from $50 to $100 per month and others at from $1500 to >2000_pcr anmiir. It pays to get a Business Education if you get the right kind such as may be had at all times in this"school. ' Right now is an excellent time to commence a course. Our Catalogue is free. Get one. W. J. Elliott, Principal. . agMj! of vvHunv world from the nightmare militarism and monarchy. * * ■ 'V " S - -What France- has -done in this war is a strong incentive, to this republic 1 1\. The French republic has _ passed V Good News for Farmers' J. R03ENVALD, 7 Argyle-sfc., Bowmanville, phone 239, lias opened a poultry market and is paying these prices: Old hens 17c to 20c Spring Chickens 18c to Me Docks 15c to 17c Also paying the best prices for junk and metal. We pay what we promise. Watch for our advt every week with new prices. anyarmy i^eeling under pj^50(^po, 'pr *$^p00j^0,-would not -terçftb bgjws the Ajjiyejbèên jf^tirii^bed to an a^yepturer jBntish forces on the yrestern, iront, {he Turco-Franco agent "of Bjér- and we may reasonably expect the H turn French sentiment in faVor speedy withdrawal of the Huns from I 4-4 Belgium and'the coast.' What'Field of ending the .war an»..negotiating Marshal Haig is now accomplishing .is • Gçf^nany. „ , filling the world with tense excitement, That model ambassador and while the situation is fraught with "gentleman," von ABemstbrff, was momentous consequences to. the. allied the go-between, and New York and cause. e * : Washington .were, the trading' centers. The British and French have gained If things go on as they have been not only the initiative, but the decided. going for. the last few weeks, we will ascendancy in the gigantic contest, begin ttyinderstand better.bow 1 lowLin the, destruction of democracy, and the Huns seem to be stunned be- the scale the ULS. was v estimated , by yond effective recovery. While Haig the German government and all cpn- has not yet succeeded in forcing a nected with it. To. Berlin we were decision that means an utter rout, it regarded as another China under-the is safe. to say that no engagement old regime, only much more handy, hitherto has shown such valor, energy, J * * * * vigor, and concerted speed of action > But it is refreshing to know the as the one now in progress. The full inner workings of the.- German mind, success of these operations means even if we have to blush for our own that the Belgian coast, with its num- "neutrality" of other, d^ys. r erous submarine and aeroplane bases ■ Three years ago ; thqre was .ljttle will soon become untenable to the thought in Germany j>î peace, qn ^ny enemy, if not already so. j but. Çrerpian terms, ,dictated in . ; .the ****'• brutal fashion of, forty-six y ears back, .time, or Zeebrugge, Ostend and the system . Two years ago Germany" would have of canals leading out of Bruges are ; scoffed the notion that, her treasury more than threatened. would bp .used to. purchase peace from The supreme test of the battle ! several officials of the engmy. Qne strength of the contending belligerents ' year ago, or so, the war lords, discov- is now taking place, and the allies so ! ered that they could not dictate terms, far are in the ascendancy. j could not win a decisive battle any- Field Marshal Haig is prepared to , where, continue indefinitely the "hurricane ! About that time began the new and fire" that has so fearfully devastated secret means of gaining their end. the German lines, while the Huns are ! * * * ' * showing unmistakable signs of ex- i The "Bolo-Pasha" fund, big and all hapstion apd. collapse. . ! as it must have been when the use. of 'Haig's two factors of success are more than $1,500,000' was uncovered almost complete, air control and shell in one city, yet this was but a mark- supply, the former makes it possible er compared with .the amounts spent to locate enemy concentrations, the to corrupt.Russia. .When,the historyI'?™isqry^subordinate to the milifaty, latter to break them up before they of the Russian slush funds is told, the!. 1 ?, what: if anything is ;back of him could develop into serious offensive world will sit up and take notice. lt: .__î® actions, at the same time _permitting From Petrograd, stories are coming their own concentration- of men and how the Bolsheviki a,nd the Maximalist guns to be carried out with clock- societies were financed from German work regularity, t unhampered by quarters, and that actually hundreds enemy interference. of thousands of so-called anarchists Hence, Haig is able /to report that were, and possibly are yet, in the pay since the first of August last, his of the German government, used to forces have not lost a single gun, stir revolt and bring about counter rer- while they have captured 332 field and volutions. But in this day, no matter what took place a century or more ago, all the gold in the Potsdam strpng-box cannot turn the tide running at its full height for democracy. Of course, in this country, Herr ,Wm. Randolph Hearst was a guest at Sherry's of Bolo Basha, and naturally Bold Pasha was a guest at the home of - Herr Hèiyst. So also were those delectable gentlemen. Boy-Ed and Pap- pen. united as never before. France _ has shown raising a great army and in. tring it up to a point well in advance, .. . . , , , of the so called , great armies" that Air service is not particularly popu- have been facing her. And all these lar - ïn „ l ^ er , I BSP y ' fo f reasons that lie things she has done jrithjmt losing Air scouting is. not her humanity, her lov^pf^Bstic#^d- fair play, and purposejff ||eina§ier^5®!:^SüS^iEl^ )t ..S self, and with, her tkô reèst of>y in I British^ -and - French Have' Proved accou-.i - More Effective Than the Bun; \ Yand?in es, /mi ant tiqjpthèifc. wqSfk lâjSt in ng-JhouWer iio sSfoald- er^with ^iW^offié8's"WmiSHâtéïÿ ; ' at hand to direct their movements. ..This .characteristic is .the essential fact in the " discipline - ' that dominates to enfer the lists- wïthiall its strength, j ^German army. This quality has and make assurance doubly sure that ll:s use ^ ulness w ^ en it becomes neces- gpyernments - of .the people, by thet 3 ^ pqqple, and for the peopii perish from, ffye any Kaiser-ruled jyûbjre^ j?ent upon »f .the people, by the!,??, 1 * ..." the people shall not •"? nst # e - -Spnders of Verdun, but .earfK^at-tbe hand of does, ^^aix^e.i^e of ,nund that x ,v •• i 1$ is vamahiA m air servira. THE OF ■ CAJNADA HEAD OFFICE ^-" TORONTO \This Bank p^Eer s evçry facility in the conduct manu facturers, farntprs and merchants. est 'D 18 73. .SAYINGS-DEPARTMENT-at every Branch. 235 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH . A, N. McMILLAN, Manager. is valuatilç in air service. The last three years have demonstrated demonstrated tips fact. The English and French, man for man, have shown through the incandescent flafnë and i themselves superior to the _ German comes out purer 'and more ' firmly; fliers ; they are more aggressive, more cemented than when." she was forced bo enter thqj fufnajCe. I wish j thjat, as mu.ch copld. be ^pid, for the bleeding^ republic of Russia, -But it is not impossible that-Komiloff ^should turn out to ■ be another Lafay- volution. AtT present - fie is suspicion and niay be arrested atjany finie, or fie^jnay disappear. Lafayette, Lafayette, .we . knpw, during ^the heart ; of •French debacle,-asythe-Leadier pf .the ijew army of defense, ' was placed under suspicion and Lad: to. flee for his life. But-.he was an honest-patriot .and dùring the fervor, of the ti^nes came linear the suspicion of the' Radicals Radicals ajidvthe dislike of the Conservatives. Conservatives. Tfiey both n^isjudgpd fhe jnan. The situation-in Russia seems to have feaphed the stage of a struggle between between the, military and civilian for control. • Korniloff takes the ground that martial law alone can ,saye ; Russia. He is . trying to make the Kerensky Itjhay" be he is sincere and actuated actuated by the best of motives, of this time alone cantell. Possibly the Greek Church organization or the. Romanoff party, or the followers of the Grand Duke Nicholas or his brother may be actuating his movements. With present light on the subject no cne can tell. §kilful, more effective. One peculiar ity of the German airmen is that they practically never fly over the Allied lines, but make thein^ observations at a distance. This saves men and machines--which machines--which the Germans must do in all branches now--and that is prob- ette in-the middle ofLthe greater re--i.--,, ,, - Lui.,4.i : a ji' Li' j ■■ 11" •_ udder-l a . y Purpose; but the system fr#?.. qupntly leads to great inaccuracies in the.. observations. • Practically all the mid-air fighting takes place ov.vr the German lines, since the French and British go direct- ly'for "their prey. This tendency, .which is itibred and a part of thé 1 German German . character, will naturally count ; heavily against the Kaiser in the forthcoming struggle for the mastery of the heavens^ Solly Solowitch 10 Brown St. Phone 285. Bowmanville Is opening a market in Bowmanville Bowmanville on .Tuesday and Wednesday of each week when he will buy all kinds of Poultry., Eggs .and .Sweet Butter paying lc £er dozen more on eggs and 2c per lb more on poultry than on other days. Market days he will pay 25c per lb for Poultry. He will pay the following prices tor junk:-- - Wrought Iron and Stove Plate per 100 lbs 60c Cast Iron " " ; 75c ' Bags per lb 2c Rubbers " "6c Copper, Brass and Lead, highest prices. j heavy, guns, and taken 51,435 prison- 'j ers. During the fighting of the last j two days, and since the foregoing re- | port, they have added 4,446 more pris- ! oners, including 114 officers, to this i imposing total. j The enemy fully realizes the danger | he is facing, and we may expect him . to counter with all the force he can j muster, and he may even regain cer- j tain secondary objectives temporarily, but the British war machine is grandly grandly moving forward, and if time permits permits the allied victories of the past two weeks is about certain to be repeated repeated and extended. ■ * * * * Owing to bad weather, the Germans were able to launch counter attacks against the postions recently gained by the British, using smoke screens, liquid fire, and an imposing array of artillery, especially between Tower Hamlets and Polygon Wood, as well as along the Menin road, but their efforts efforts "proved futile. The British not only sustained the shock, but were able to bring up sufficient fresh troops in order to. launch another offensive action on an even larger scale than the preceding one, and now, at this writing, the despatches show a fresh drive is on, and the Huns are retreating. retreating. Slowly, but the more irresist- ably the allied drive at the heart of the Germans in the west is sweeping forward, and carrying everything before before it. The defeats inflicted upon" the Huns . We believe Bernstorff was too shrewd to be seen in such company, although his heart and soul was with this quartet.^ We are glad to say that the coils are gathering about Hearst and the nation will be only too glad when he is so coiled that his power for evil-- greater than any single person, native or alien--will be gone. IF * * * We know that a letter was sent from a German agent, then in Washington, Washington, to -Zimmerman or Bethmann Hollweg, informing the Berlin office of arrangements made with Hearst But every, day brings Kerensky sev- . eral degrees higher in the estimation of the well-wishers of Russia. ; He nipped in, the bud the Korniloff move to obtain supreme control, with the determination of a Danton. He has faith in himself and faith, in the great body of the. Russian people, people, military and civilian, and believes that Russia can be saved from itself and defended from the enemy at the gates, by constitutional means. We recall that France at one time during those terrifying years was. in the same plight. Austria and Germany were knock-' ing at her doors to put down what they called anarchy and restore monarchy. It, dyt- not seem possible to save France- from complet^ subjection. subjection. Royalty and aristocracy were in league then with the enemies on the outer fringe. The nation, itself was torn asunder through revolutions and counter revolutions revolutions . among different groups, exactly exactly as Russia • is to-day. But in the hour of her greatest danger when hope fled, France rallied her armies Mobilizing. "Look sharp!" said the pencil, "All right," said the rule-- "With my best foot put forward, I'm ready for school!" / • "Fall in!" cried the blankbooks, . '^Right dress," bawled the pen; >. "Forward, march!" cried the rubbers, "We're needed again," --♦> . Keep seed corn awgy-from rats and mice. {■rS- -- ■ ...... for the use of his publications, in the I and fought as never before, and de- German cause. We know that Hearst-livered the nation from its foreign has been faithful to his side of that enemies. If Russia reacts and drives TIRE REPAIRING Ideal Tire Repair Company, Corner King and Silver Streets, Bowmanville, is now open for business. business. Steam vulcanizing services and guaranteed work at minimum' prices. Auto - Tire and Tube repairing repairing a specialty. Free Air Service. Service. -Dealers in all popular Canadian Canadian made Tires. R. M. Jamieson, Mgr. The Select Family Hotels Centrally located--Just off Yonge Street ' Rates : American Plan--$2.60 up per day. European Plan --Sinele41J26 up per day--Double $1.50 up per day. Write for descriptive booklet. 71 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES . BOARD CODIRECTORS Sir Vincent Meredith, Bart., - President. Sir H. Montagv Allan, C.V.O., Vice-President. R. B. Angus. A.; Baumgarten. E.W. Bealty, K.C, Ai D. Britithwaite. EVJ. Chjtsaberlia. H.R. Druntinond* Ci B. Gordon. ; Hon. Sir Lomer Gouin, KAM.G. C. R. Hosmer. Sir William Mecdonald. Major Herbert Molson.M.C. Lord Shaughnessy, K.C.V.O. Sir Fred crick Williams-Taylor» A. E, Holt, Manager. Reserve Fund- Si,000,000. , $i;ooo,ooo. SAFE-CUSTODY 'HIS Company is prepared prepared Lo receive securities such as Bonds and Stock Certificates to be held fçr. j^afe^custqdy and collection collection of Coupons or Dividends. Write for Booklet. The Royal Trust Company TORONTO BRANCH Cor. Queen and Yenge Streets Bruce L Smith, Manager at Terente. 9 SIM Ceok's Cottoa Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, $3; No. 3. $5 per box. Bold by all- druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet, ü» Address : , THE JCOOK MEDICINE CO., TMONtO. ONT/ (Ftrawtlj HBc*or.) Coal & Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all, kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. -- / E W. LOSOOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. .Phpne„177 % eacag contract, for his publications are constantly teening with seditious arguments and traitorous incriminations, incriminations, which, in any other country, would have sent him into irons, if not to the scaffold long ago. Should the successful Haig onslaughts on Ger- during the past fortnight are conclu- I man defenses continue but a little You Choose-- Hardwood Floors 0 or Carpets • Carpets breed germs, dust, are hard to clean and in every respect respect are unsanitary and out of date. Hardwood floors are sanitary and cannot harbour or breed germs. They look better and are easier to keep clean. You will be astonish- ed to realize how littlechardwood fioo>s cost as compared with carpets. Ask us for quotations. \ *"'■ \T sive proofs of British superiority, for the forces and equipment are about equal. It demonstrates that the Huns cannot cannot fight unless he has overwhelming numbers and " superior equipment, which he no longer possesses, and his undoing is about as certain as anything anything human can be. BRIBERY TO SECURE PEACE. Recent revelations from Paris and New York regarding the huge corruption corruption funds intrusted to the arch-manipulator arch-manipulator "Bolo Pasha" to bribe French publications and publicists for peace are of supreme importance, coming at this time when certain channels leading from Continental Europe to these shores are laden with so-called peace talk and peace terms that may be granted by the Kaiser. If Germany is winning or. ié likely to win, why seek to secure peace through bribery of officials and alleged alleged molders of public opinioh ? longer, as there x is every reasonable assurance that they will, it will not need a prophet to tell who shall dictate dictate terms of peace. The Huns are already whipped and • they know it. FRANCE OF 1870 AND NOW. McClellan <& Co, Bowmanville Limited Famous Wash A D D. D., the greatest of skin remedies will remove those skin afflictions that have, made your life a burden. That intolerable itching, burning and discomfort discomfort will disappear under the magic of tMs remedy. It has cured many cases pronounced incyrable and will reach your case. : We guarantee the first bottle to bring you relief. Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Druggists, Bowmanville. The visit of the French High Commission Commission to Denver recently, and the splendid impression they left upon all, serve to remind us that the French republic republic •£ this day, is vastly different from the French monarchy of 187(k The new France should be answer sufficient to the arguments with which we are surfeited from German sources that monarchy and. efficiency go together, together, and that without the one there cannot be the other, or that militarism is the concomitant of both. s We know that the French monarchy dismally failed in 1870, and was easily overwhelmned by Germany in a strikingly strikingly brief time. Its people were : then without heart for they had no faith in Napoleon the Little. They had nothing to fight for, knowing that victory only meant a continuance of a monarchy and its accompanying degeneracies. degeneracies. -- . But with France after defeat came a thorough regeneration. A vastly different people met the German onslaught onslaught . three years ago. .Instead of Metz there was a Marne, instead of a Sedan there were the glories of a Somme. Instead of surrender after surrender, there are three years of national courage and- efficiency such as,even France hardly, expected to result. result. We see the France of to-day un- conquèred and unconquerable by German German hordes. We see a nation that really per-; back her foes as France did when she was being re-b-rr, the rest will be forgiven. forgiven. Let us hope, for the best, and if Russia goes down, America must step in and make up' for the Russian defection. defection. But Russia is far from "down and out" at this time, avd I still have faith in that wonderful people, that they will rise up and assert fhem r selves in no uncertain -manner, till victory for world-wide democracy crowns their glorious efforts. Defective chimneys are the greatest. greatest. single source of fires. Before winter weather necessitates pressure upon the heating apparatus, , the householder should carefully inspect all chimneys, as well as stove and furnace pipes, and have them put in good condition. SHEBEB If you shiver in frosty we^tjher, if you have cold hands and feet, if colds are stubborn and frequent, then your blood may be thin and impoverished. has been correcting this condition condition for nearly fifty years. It possesses >are powers for creating natural body-warmth, for charging summer blood with winter richness and Strengthening both throat and lungs. ■Scott Sc Bowne, Toronto, Ont. ,17-12 IS? CANADA Will Class One Provide The One Hundred Thousand Men ? i It will be greatly to the advantage of Canada if the entire quota of 100,000 men to be Yaised under the Military Service Act can be secured from the first class; that is, from the men between the ages of 20 and 34 who were unmarried or widowers without children on July 6th, 1917. ~ This is almost self-eyicfent for the following reasons: it 13 admitted that, between the ages of 20 and 34, the average man is at the height of his physical strength and is most adaptable to the change of conditions from civilian life ; tfie military service of unmarried men and widowers without children would occasion less - distress than that of most others, since they are largely without dependents. Also, it would entail less financial burden for Canada,- through separation allowances, etc. Authorities estimate that, after all proper exemptions have been allowed, Canada should be able to produce from thé first class 100,000 men fit for service, so the drain upon the man power of the country will not be severe. ^ * Members of Class' One v/ill be well advised to present themselves for examination immediately to the Medical Board in their district. Upon examination as to their physical fitness, they will be placed in one of the following categories: ? Category A-^if fit for service in overseas fighting units. Category B--if fit for service overseas in Army Medical Corps, Forestry Battalion, etc. Category C--if fit for service in Canada only. Category E--'•if unfit for military service éf any nature. If not placed in Category A, the applicanLwill-kriow that he is not liable for immediate service, but will go to the Post Qffice and send in a claim for exemption with his Medical-Certificate attached, when he will receive receive in due course a certificate of exemption until those in his medical category are summoned for service. Where a man, who is placed in category A, feels that exemption should be allowed, an application form can be secured froro-the postmaster. This-form, when filled in, will be forwarded by the postmaster to the registrar of the district, and the applicant will be informed by mail as to the time and place for the consideration of his application by the Exemption Board. -- Issued by The Military Service Council. >*