- ■E P £■'"1 i F k ffif*. • OPINIONS ON WORLD PROBLEMS . X «... . .. .*•■ .... BŸ CHAS. M. BICE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DENVER. COLORADO. UNITED STATES DECLARES WAR But in all the horrors of war and of AGAINST AUSTRIA. ■ civil disaster, there is one great,shin- < . ' ]dng ray of light, one star of 'hope, that The vote of the Senate, unanimous illumines.each ghastly scene, and that excepting one lonely Socialist dis- -is the wonderful humanitarian work of cordant note, declared war against th£ Red Cross Society. Austria-Hungary. Austria was the di- ; * *. < T . rect cause of the war. The Serajevo ■ The news of .this ^Afktful Jijitster tragedy, wjÿich was the spark that-dit was still thrumming wer the wires y when the Red Cross drain, lohded with portable houses and relief supplies, nurses and doctors, pulled out of~the New York station to battle its way through drifting snows and blinding up the general conflagration, was no doubt prompted by Germany as a casus belli, which Kaiser Wilhelm and his anxious Junta had long before willed ppon an unsuspecting world. When the truth is finally told it will j blizzards to that stricken ci,ty. be found that the assassination of the j Over on the battle fronts, in . de- Austrian Archduke was planned and serted hamlets, by desolate waysides, plotted by German secret agents in j n hospitals, by beds of awful puffer- order to force war upon Serbia, know- I soothing the dying, in closing the ing that Russia would intervene on be- | e y es °f the dead, bringing the merci- half of " the smaller nation. And the touch .of tenderness and the divine reason of such a hurry to promote an healing of sympathy; to the wounded outbreak was because of internal con- . a P d sick and suffering are these sol- ditions in Russia. Germany's intelli- j d * ers of the cross marching beneath gence. bureaus and her war councils ^? d s own banner and heroically doing well knew what would happen if Rus- His wo ^k. sia were allowed a few years in which A na tion of fiends, athirst for power, to perfect'her military organization in mad ^ or and crazed with lust, has which she was engaged. , been loosed upon an unprepared and * .* * ♦ : peaceful world with results that stag- The German party in Russia, always I & er the imagination and sicken the a most powerful influence dose to the " sou ^ _ throne itself, with the former empress | To-day no one can say whither this its guiding hand, would see to it that monstrous struggle shall lead, 'how the Russian armies were defeated ; lon S ma * last > nor what nations through treachery, and with defeat i sha11 P a > T -- in torture, and tears and would come revolution, and with revo- ! mor t a ' agony ^ tha final^toll. lution would follow inability and disin-! . , . -, , , . . , , clination to carry, on war. A shl P Ioaded to the gunwales with In all the conspiracies leading up i the most deadl y instruments that x To insure Vidtor trade mark, His_Ma5ter's Vpice.' It is on all genuine j produtita or the Berliner Gram-o-phone Co.. Limited r quality, always look for the famous ; Master's Vpice.* - r~~'x X Vidtrola XVI. $285.00 cn~. zi| A R to the war Austria was a willing tool. It was Austria that sought to impose impossible terms upon Serbia in the i science has been able to devise collided in Halifax harbor with a vessel furnished furnished with needed supplies for the* re full knowledge that it meant a general j lief of a strieken nation, and instantly European war 1 death and destruction prevailed. The If Austria had rebelled against the j stately city was suddenly tent asun- German plot at the outset, "there would ; der ' -have been no 1914 war, or possibly for ! Nat ure m her apparent anger has years thereafter, and the interval ! wrought greater damage now and would have given-time for the Russian ' a ^ a ^ n ' kut Halifax disaster is r eruption that was due to break, and which would have cleared the whole European atmosphere. We rejoice that the National Executive Executive and the .Congress have acted almost almost unanimously in declaring war against this treacherous Hun ally. - In this country from the very outset j unique in many respects. hor- i The war machine with all its, rible devices was let loose, and the first victim was the innocent nation of I little Belgium, for which that other [ vessel in Halifax harbor was destined. In this terrible holocaust we hear but little of the fate of the relief ship # of the war, Austrian agents were con- ! or its contents, the other ship with spicuous plotters, of course under the j tbe explosives immediately gained direction of German masters. But Austrian agents holding high places descended to the lowest depths to serve the German cause, and prove traitor to the race that harbored them. The Federal courts of this country bear incontestable proofs of this. - Many thousands of Austrians, thoroughly thoroughly pro-Germans,Took out naturalization naturalization papers since war was declared on Germany for self-protection, and as. a means to aid the Austro-German cause. These papers and all rights under them should be ordered cancelled. cancelled. * * * « What the President and his advisers expected did not come to pass. The Dual Monarchy .failed to burst asunder; asunder; the .subject races did not revolt and declare their independence. They did not fight well or whole-heartedly to be surei but they made pretence. As with the ruling power, so with the vassal. When defeat pomes, and their people find out they have lost the war and the expected , dominion over the'earth, there will be a revolt and separation and a demand for independence independence with a free government, but not till then. We do not anticipate that the Austrian Austrian problem in this country will be difficult to handle, for the reason there is a large Slav leven among'them that will have its effect. _We géneraïly apply apply the term "Austrian" to all who come here frqm that quarter of Europe, Europe, but often these are very much anti-German, and perfectly indifferent' indifferent' as to the fate of Austria itself. Turkey and Bulgaria should be included included with Austria in the-war declaration/but declaration/but their turn will come- later without doubt. THE HALIFAX DISASTER. prominence. Doubtless the other was sent flying to the sea, for it could not stand up against the dynamic forces contained | in the other hold. * * » * .. It-was so.with the greater explosion that took place 40 months ago. The German war machine held the stage; we gasped at the strength of it and its wonderful 16 inch monsters that struck down forts and cathedrals in| turn; and the .poison gas that swept down upon the trenches like a blast that destroyed the army of Sennacherib, Sennacherib, and the liquid fire barrage that burned its way through masses of j men, and we wondered if it ever could | be stayed. But- the power of right is greater than the terrifying war host -bent on destruction. Civilization has its own defenses and protectors, else the world to-day would be as it was a thousand years ago. No sooner was .the mews .spread of the Halifax disaster than humanity responded and went to the rescue. Humanity in the end is stronger than the Krupp forges. The city of Halifax Halifax will be-rebuilt, the wounded succored, succored, and atonement made for . the dead. In the greater struggle against J the forces that would déstroy, the forces of good must ultimately prevail. prevail. It is so written in the book of life. Will there be a Victrola in your home this ? . Whenever you .think of Christmas, think of the Vidtrola--the Christmas % Victrala Victrolas from $27.50 to $520 (sold on easy payments, if desired) at any "His Master's Voice" deaers. Write for free copy of our 550-page Musical Encyclopedia, listing over 9000 Victor Records. Berliner Gram-o-phone Company MONTREAL LIMITED I Lenoir Street Bowmanville Dealers R. M. Mitheli & Co. "His Master's Voice" Levi Morris & Son Don't 1082-100D Forget There are no" others! You cannot purchase Vidtrolas, Vidtor Records or any other "Tls Master's Voice" products at any but our authorized dealers Remember--There are no others "His Master's Voice" Records Make Ideal Christmas Gifts for Victrola Owners Z VidtroIalV $27.50 The most horrible of horrors has _been visited upon Halifax and whether it was- the work of the Hun, the great enemy of mankind, or a mere accident, the facts as yet" disclosed are insufficient insufficient upon which to-base belief. The dead will probably be close to three thousand and the destruction of property -immense. Hundreds of bodies have, been almost almost totally consumed, leaving little or no trace, so that the extent of the catastrophe in human life may never be known. Wholes families, and even whole sections, have been wiped out and the names of the dead may never be known. . Over 200 bodies have been taken up by the dredges'in the harbor, it is reported. reported. CANADA'S FOREST FIRES. To the Women of England. Oh, you glorious women of England! Is there aught that you have not done To prove to the world the victory • Your nobility has won?. • Is there one single pathway 1 Your footsteps have not known? Or a work that your hands could master master That they have not made their own ? It is you" that our boys all fight for, You and the babes you bear; You, who have given them courage; You, who their burdens share. You, who so bravely suffer, You, who give naught but cheer, Who weep--when you do--in private, But abroad show never a tear. Oh, you wonderful women of England I in Canada since -1867 Time your famé can never dispel; ^Mu Victrola VI $41.50 \J 3 Victrola $79.00 IX V X Since Confederation the Loss A^nounts to Total of Billion Dollars.- Forest fires in Canada since Confederation Confederation have destroyed vastly more of the nation's wealth than all other kinds of fires put together. The fire losses paid by insurance X huge sor#-rvert deep-full of foul discharge. Agony all day; no rest at night. Then--joet a few drops of the gentle, cooling Jiqaid,'D.-D.D.- Irritation and pain gone. ' Sweet,j-efreshing sleep at night. - îavdnez time, complete l cure We guarantee-&. Q. D- Jury dt Lorëll The Liquid Wash Tongue shall never 'be bprn that falters falters " When your story it starts to tell. Words of poets shall sing your praises X And your noble deeds relate, When the world has long forgotten The tale of German hate. O'er the winter fires .of England, When she once more has her own; OnThe soft greén lawns of England* When peacè reigns o'er cot and throne A memorial .will be builded, Undying ta.your fame To the heroines-of . England And their immortal.name. ~ --Arthur Francis. -- « -- ^ Tough Luck. "So you've been rejected by your girl as well as th.e'"army doctors." "Yes; after I got back she - , decided that if -1 wasn't good enough for. the army" there must be something the? râhtièr with me and' She refused to. • take any . ehanceâ Z amounted to $272,250,777, says . the Canadian Forestry Journal. The actual actual property loss is ascertainable at about 25 -per cent, over the foregoing' figure. This refers to ordinary pro perty, houses, contents, factories, etc., and includes practically^ no standing timber which only in rarexjnstancesTs Insurable and that only duriHjZ the past few years. It has been generally accepted as a modest estimate that for every foot of ,timber 'ever cut in Çanadâ, seven have been destroyed by fire. Placing government stumpage dues at the" very low rate of 50 cents a thousand feet it is not unreasonable"to assume , that thé public revenues have suffered by scores of millions of dollars. dollars. It may not be fair to accept such a total-as a thousand million War Flour is what every good honaewife should use to-day. We v have the Straight Grades for Bread and z Pastry from- Manitoba and Ontario s Wheat specially for family useL Also Whole Wheat and Graham Elour. Cereals and Mill Feedf alwaVs on hand. . - .Prices reasonable and satisfaction assured. 1 P9 / ;: ; A; (-..Z' dollars, as does the Montreal "Finan- ciaLTimes," because Government dues would not have been collected by any means on all the-timber that has gone up in smoke, although every square, mile of public-owned forest must be regarded as possessing, potential" public public revenues. If one considers, the actual and potential sources of gain to the Government tréasuries, probably probably a billion dollars is not extreme as the total of the penalty visitèd upon the Canadian people through forest fires. ' Animals kept iiTthe back yard will produce manure that must be supplied to the garden, and at the present fear-, fully high prices of fertilizers animals are almost worth their keep for the •production of manure alone. The hen that lays is the hen that pays. Eat the slackers. Top dressing for wheat will help bring?it through the winter. Wheat will he needed next year more than ever. Miller's. Worm Powders will purge the stomach and intestines, of worms sd effectively effectively and so easily and painlessly that the most delicate stomach will jnot feel any inconvenience from their action. They recommend themselves to mothers as à preparation that;will restore strength and vigor to their children and protect them from the debilitating effects which result from the depredations of worms. Fruit Sandwiches. Odd bits of canned fruit can be mincèd, mixed with cream cheese, and very good sandwiches can be-made . •=X:- Stop the Cough.--Coughiqg is caused bv irritation jn the respiratory passages and is the effort to dislodge "obstructions that come from infl immatibn of the mucous mucous membrane. Treatment with Dr. Thotnàs';Eçlçctric 'OU Will allay the in- fiammation and in consequence the cough will cease. Try itf and. ÿo'u will use no other preparation for a cold. ; iSz: Coal & Wood \ Best grades of *Coal only kept, also Wood of all kindsT K z If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. ^ Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 17Z 1 L .. i