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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1917, p. 7

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hospitals on wheels. Cars Provided ~ by MiitC. CoBTey Wounded Across Dominion. Many visitors to Canada have praised the hospitals and sanatoria supplied by the Government through IN A FRONT the Military Hospitals Commission for dER FIRE, the treatment of returned,, soldiers, and the schools conducted tion with them for the training and re pitals on wheels, the shuttle-like in- j stitutions which are shot from coast ' to coast over the rails, bearing the bed ■ cases brought back from England, elude them. • - In these cars, complete with wards nerve racking kitchen, and nurses' and n soldier's life in the LINE TRENCH UN-- in connec- vocational .education, but the boa-, Slight Relief Obtained Free Tension That. Comes From Exploding Shells.' Mental 1 happened, but that woyld be,!** fropa true. We were talking quite natural- ( lvr but our nerves* were still on edge i :^d our talk was about the.boya who t had been hit.' We all realized how ! close we had been to death and were ! thankful: that we were still able to carry on. J _ Curiously I do not remember seeing or hearing one .shell explode while we ^ere under the bombardment, and yet I remember every other incident that happened. I remember seeing a com; rade hit, knew just how he fell, and yet I do not remember feeling sorry for him or giving him another thought. , .... • /i Marine a remember helping to pull another out I have no hesitation m teetering after he had been buried,, and laying bombardment the most trying a h}m down by the parapet, but so far and the best hated part or thQUght of him is con dispensary, kronen, anu nurses anu ol a soldler 's life m «?= 6 ?! d ' ' cer ned after that my mind is a perfect « icians' quarters, 22 bed cases Lieut. W. N. Bickle, 48th Highla , | hi an k I remember the man beside me d for inland points can be per- c E-F ; ; U-neakinff to me and my answering y cared for. The beds are stand- Iti an attack,, a , W °J k a n l Mm. I remember exactly what was aospital cots, so spread with white par ty, a fatigue or the hundred a U, j do not remember ever no- linen and bolstered iti pillows as would one other activities of the trenches yo . . ' b * m er0 uching near me. salesman weep with have the excitement or the work oi | c ^ , a o i^wJment. Any one make a weary wi * h have the excitement or tne wu^ - j gu " h ig a bombardment envy; there are solicitous nurses m the mome nt to carry you through, m j been - m the front trenches in perky white caps, and with every unit a bombardment, as I shall try to ex- - i..i. .ii - practically nothing of two _cars a physician to look after the men. One car carries all the service facilities. facilities. There is a space equivalent to drawing room accommodation in the regular sleeping car reserved for the nurses, a diet kitchen, dispensary, and a compartment for the medical officers plain, you have _ but what native grit you are possess ed of to sustain you. You can only do your best to grin and hear it. Reasons for Bombardment. As a rule the enemy will open a heavy bombardment on you for one consisting of upper and lower berths. • 0 f four reasons: First, in preparation The" remainder of the space is given - " ' K-- 1 --' cppnntl - to eight cots for patients. One special feature of the car is a side entrance giving easy access for the stretchers so that the patients may be moved.with the least possible inconvenience inconvenience to them. All cases are brought in this way and transferred for"an attack by themselves; second, to defeat or break up an attack they think you are about to make; third, m retaliation for a bombardment you have given them; fourth, to break up a working party they think you are organizing in your trench. The last of these is the one France will recognize the truth of this description. I have never yet met a man who became hardened to the bombardments bombardments ; rather they seem to wear a man out more and more the longer he has to face them. I have seen men go completely off their heads during, but generally after, a heavy bombardment, bombardment, and I can only regard the subconscious subconscious state in which one lives during during shell fire as the reason that any man can keep his senses after undergoing undergoing a number of these terrible ex- ! periences STUDY AND EXERCISE j:j«àariaAfaaM> Orfe.HCC i movement for the conserva* tion of food.' Help to vent waste by demandin&fhe whole, wheat g£ain in breakfast breakfast foods v and bread staffs AN IMPERIAL ORDER. Orâefeo&St,«Michael a*dSLG*Qrge i* The Order of St. Michaël and St. George, of which the Prince of Wales is now Grand Master, is not an ancient foundation, but it is peculiarly an im- --~~ \ ■ , , • , j, perjal one, in thèu-b.est sens®, of- that? Substitute whole wheat? for woed . The-Ordeeyof St. Mfchael ex- mpflt pprpfa and; potatoes, istedoriginally f orthe Ionian Islands, ' * *' and that of St. George was founded for Malta, in 1818. Later, the two were united and, their scope was extended extended so as to become an Order for the British Empire. The epithet ^of the Order of St. The whole wheat grain most perfect, food to man. In S h r e d Wheat* Biscuit you have the whole wheat gram maae Micbae l -and St. George is, very ap- di^estible by Steam-cooking, ! propriately,. '-the most :dtetingqished," l jj' « ■ or*r\ bakinff ! just as the Order of the-Thistle is the shredding ; and ^ Daiang. I f, most ancient » the Order of St. Pat-; Every particle, of the Whole j rick the "most illustrious," and the wheat grain is used including Order of the Bath the "most honor- 7 fc. . a ble " The * chapel of the Order is m the outer bran _ , _ ; St. Paul's; the cathedral which stands SO useful m keeping the DOW- : wbere Stood old St. Paul's in Shake- els healthy and active. For speare's day, and where Diana was anv meal with milk, and fresh worshipped long before ZT., Conquest. Here fruits* -, dedication, hang Made in Canada. BIBLES WANtED BY TROOPS. Urgent the Norman Here, as was said at the the banners of the men "who have built up and defended defended the Empire. They deserve all their honors." To attract birds sow v dwarf sunflower sunflower seed in-the garden next spring and let the plants go to seed. Birds will soon locate the plants and many new specimens of birds- will be attracted attracted by the seed, which they seem to relish. aninard's Uniment Cures Distemper. least to the adjoining ward car through expected and therefore hits you the doors made specially wide for the pur- hardest, so I will relate a ty P lca l £" | make thin bloodless To protect the men already in st ance-of one as an example of a tiocne, ^ hurl Overstudy and pose. _ . , the first car, heavy curtains are drawn in cold weather. The second car is a complete ward giving sufficient space for. 14 cots. The berths are retained A suit to delight his heart is one of checked worsted. There two styles of sleeve, and knee trousers. trousers. McCall Pattern No. 7406. In 3 sizes, 2 to 6 years. Price, 15 cents. This pattern may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from McCall Co., 70 Bond St Dept. W. the Toronto. Applications For Scriptures From Mesopotamia'. An event long looked for has occurred, occurred, and in the multitude of other interests interests has received very-- little ac- clammation. The Cross has entered Jerusalem--the Holy Sepulchre fought for throughout the centuries is once more in the hands of Christian peoples, peoples, says Mrs. Donald Shaw. LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make this cents beauty lotion for a and see for yourself. few. even two they may be attached to any ordinary ordinary passenger train or made up into a special train. Given Instruction Instruction in Vegetable-Growing Chrysanthemums such as Manitoba gardeners bombardment. _ We had worked all night strengthening strengthening our trenches, and day dawne on a very tired lot of men who were upper Derms are îciamcy . pr eparing to sleep the greater part of though they are never used since they tbe day- The enemy had either heard jerovide good space for carrying linen ug working during the night or saw Ad supplies, and in case of a great by ^avlight that we had improved our Emergency certain cases might be trencb> f or j U st after breakfast and carried there. ' as we were finding places to sleep the By arranging these cars in units of j sbells started to burst around us. First an odd shell or two fell here and there, but we thought nothing of this, simply lying low and hoping it v ' TT-nnld soon be over. We knew these GARDEN COURSE FOR WOUNDED. "g range finders, but we ~ T , ; also knew they were used every day Disabled Soldiers Are Given Instruc-, ^ neyer lasted more than a few minutes. minutes. ... As the minutes passed and still have rarely seen were these shells kept dropping at inter- shown in the recent exhibition of work vais around us we began to get anx- done by the soldiers in the vocational ious and wondered if we were m for a training classes conducted by the Mill- • real bombardment tary Hospitals Commission in connec- ; e d our positions Some of us chang- v ^ to a less exposed tion with^the Manitoba Military Con- | place and settled ^ down as best we vp le? cent "Hospital in Winnipeg, and 1 could to 1 * await developments. Soon after this the shells started coming until we were in the X * directed much interest fo the excellence excellence of the horticultural and garden- , faster ajid faster, in g courses offered to the men. j midst of a regular bombardment. The number of prizes which the j There was nothing for us to do but get boys carried off in the fall fairs em- ; all the cover possible, sit tight and phàsized the gardening end of the jump up every minute to take a look work, hut less has been said about the across No Man's Land to see that the facilities for horticulture, and land- enemy were not making an attack and cape gardening which are available , to pray it would soon be over, for the men who want such courses, j Effect of a Barrage. There are fine greenhouses and hot i -çÿhile the first range finders were frames, and under the direction of Mr. ( p i aydn g around, us we had laughed and Fred Nichols the men are making fine talked to one another, and unless one progress. Florists are turning out b urst very close to us had paid -no attention attention to it. If one burst very close to us- it would make us start, look at one another in a nervous way and, lack of exercise children. Study does not usually hurt a child at school unless the studies encroach on time that - should be spent in out-of-doors exercise. But lack of exercise and overstudy is a combination that brings on St. Vitus dance. If your hoy or girl at school is thin and pale, listless and Inattentive, has a fickle appetite, is unable to stand still or sit still, you must remember-, that health is much more important than education, and • more time should be given to exercise and recreation. See to it at once that the child does not overstudy, gets plenty of out-of- door exercise, sleeps ten out of every twenty-four hours, and takes a, safe, reliable tonic like Dr. Williams Pink Pills until the color returns to the cheeks and lips and the appetite becomes becomes .normal. For growing children •who become pale and thin Dr. Williams Williams Pink Pills are not only safe hut in most cases are the very best tonic that can be taken. These pills build up the blood, strengthen the nerves and assist nature in keeping pace with rapid growth. You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CREWLESS RAIDERS. quire with a grin, "Where did that one 9" such blooms as are not often seen out side the southern countries. With Canada's ever increasing prosperity, prosperity, the number of city people who j we f ound W e were still alive, in- demand summer vegetables in the ! winter season multiplies, and the fu- ! ture for gardeners with hot frames i and the proper equipment to cater to these tastes grows more golden. With this in mind, many of the returned men are planning to establish gardens just outside the large cities with the intention of supplying the markets in the summer, and the high class grocers grocers in the cold season with green salad materials and out of date delicacies delicacies which will bring fancy prices. go As the bombardment became heavier heavier our laughing and joking ceased, we looked continuously at one another and when we spoke it was in a half whisper. There was no need now to try to show the fellows around you that you felt quite at ease, for each one knew exactly what he was facing, knew that that night a burying party would be busy at some cemetery a , j , short way behind the lines, and could The Commission is also prepared to . hope and pray that he would not give would-be landscape gardeners the one 0 f the central figures .at the proper grounding in gardening should, bur j ab The only chance we had to do hev have sufficient ability and art : any { ; hing was when one of the boys education to enable them to look to otdd be buried under a fallen para- success in this line. The openings for such work are limited, of course, and PROPERTIES OF SILVER. Transform Silver Into Gold by Chemical Chemical Action. Silver just now is attracting an extraordinary extraordinary amount of attention. It is certainly a wonderful metal. At a pinch it can disguise itself as gold with such convincingness that anybody save a skilled chemist would be deceived. It assumes the color of gold, all of the brilliancy of the latter latter and even its lustre. -Any alchemist of old who knew the trick could easily have made incalculable incalculable money by transforming silver into this seeming gold for the benefit of greedy get-rich-quiflc'persons. The Baron de Retz (original of the storied Bluebeard), who murdered scores of children to gain the help of the devil, would have "fallen for" the scheme offhand. To transform silver into gold all you have to do is to take green sulphate sulphate of iron, citrate of soda and silver silver nitrate--a 30 per cent, solution of the first, a 40 per cent, solution of the second and a 10 per cent, solution of the third. Mix equal quantities of ar- soldier landscape gardeners will exceptional. be pfct. Then we would pull him out^Or ^ vigorously ior several Gasoline Boats With Speed and Steering Steering Gear Controlled From Shore. Once more the Germans have sprung a surprise on the allied forces, * 18 time in the shape of a that is electrically operated through a cable from a shore station, says the Scientific American. Already several of these craft have been encountered by British warships cruising off the Belgian coast, but at the moment of writing all such attacks have failed of result. We learn from statements of^ the British Admiralty that these crew- less raiders are electrically-controlled electrically-controlled boats propelled by two gasoline engines, partially closed in, and are canable of travelling at a high rate of" speed. Each raider carries a drum with between 30 and 50 miles of insulated, single-core cable, which is paid out in the wake of the vessel vessel and through which the mechanism mechanism is controlled from shore. The fore part carries a considerable charge of high explosive, probably from 300 to 500 pounds which is ranged to explode on impnct. The method of operating the crewless crewless raider is to start the engines, after which the men leave the boat. A seaplane, protected by a strong fighting patrol, then accompanies the vessel at a distance of from three to five miles and signals to the shore operator of the helm. These signals need only be "starboard," "port," or ^sts&dy»^ By an obviously clever grouping of the wireless idea, the high-speed gasoline craft, and the electrically controlled plan, the Germans have made use of the crewless-raider scheme in a 20th century way. They have not overcome the disadvantages disadvantages of a trailing cable, to be sure; but they have overcome the problem of visibility, for the aerial observer in the seaplane which convoys the raider is at all times within visual distance. Since power to drive the craft is entirely self-contained and need not be transmitted through the cable, the Germans have been able to use a much smaller cable and thus overcome the difficulties in this direction. direction. It is evident that they use a one- wire cable, depending on the salt water water for the return current to complete the circuit. Just how effective the crewless raider is in practice still remains to be proved. A few months before I left England, when it began to be evident that our conquest of the Holy Land was a matter of time, relatives and friends of officers and soldiers fighting General Maude were amused to re- I ceive urgent applications for Bibles to , be sent out to them immediately. j Never had there been suçh a run on ; crewless raider j the Scriptures, the fact being that it had dawned upon many men who, though brought up in all ordinary religious religious teaching, had, like many others, paid very little real attention to their inner meaning, that there was a great deal more truth in the old prophecies than they had ever appreciated." In all probability these same men to-day have learned a practical lesson in matters appertaining to Christianity Christianity which they will never forget, and for which their descendants will be the better and the surer in the faith. What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes ; to whiten the skin and to bring out'the roses, the freshness and the hidden beauty? But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritating, and should be mixed with orchard white this way. Strain, through a fine cloth ^"ithithe juice of two fresh lemons into a w bottle* containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and" complexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays for a small, jar of ordinary cold cream. Se. sure to strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotion will remain remain pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands it should help to bleach, , clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little cost and the grocer has the lemons. A fruit, pie will not boil over if the sugar is put under the fruit. anSCEDDAKEOPS ancer, tumors, lumps, etc., internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co,. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. F000 CONSERVATION and benefit both in pocket and in healthy ff vnii 1SB the proper economic and libor-saving .-methods in the preparation ■of the staff of life--bread. "Canuck" Bread ^ For 15 davs in the month of January I was suffering with pain of rheumatism in the foot. I tried all of remedies remedies but nothing did me any . tnt- person told me about MINARi MENT; as soon as I tried it_the Saturday Saturday night, the next morning I was feeling feeling very good; I tell you this remedy is very good; I could give you a good certificate any time that you would like to have one. If any time I come to hear about any person sick of rheumatism. I ootid ten y them abo,* ^remedy. ERNEST LEVEILLE, 216 Rue Ontario East, Montreal. Feb 14, 1908. Alcohol will kill any insect with which it comes in contact and it is not injurious to plants, or to most plants at least. Alcohol, is clean, does not stain and for this reason is valuable for use in window gardens. The alcohol must touch the insect to be fatal. Alcohol evaporates rapidly and unless applied directly to the insects insects will evaporate before they come in contact with it. is the great modern exponent of cheaper, better, cleaner, digestible, home-made ^Chxt your baker's bill in half, and eliminate eliminate your doctor's account. Save your money, and buy government war-bonds. . ... v.«, Sold by your local dealer, or may p* ordered direct from us or our agents, delivered, all charges paid. Four loaf size ....$2.75 each Eight loaf size .... 3.25 each The principle of saving and .economy as practiced by users of the Canuck will eventually win the war. E. T. WRIGHT CO., LIMITED HAMILTON, - - CANADA German Out-Pigs the Pig. Having tried a substitute for almost almost everything, the Germans, we are told, are stopping short of nothing in their attempt to make certain new | foods take the place of those made scarce by the war. The latest report ; says that a sausage dealer in Berlin ; has been fined $500 for selling sau- j sage made of macerated rubber, fine-. ly ground hair and gelatin. His cam- j ouflage product contained no liver, no flesh and no fats. At that, it was probably as digestible as some so-called so-called sausage on sale in this country. MONEY ORDERS Dominion Express Foreign Cheques are accepted by F'ield Cashiers and Paymasters in France for their full face value. There is no better way to send money to the boys trenches. Liniment Cmice rCrarsrct in Cow* The most delicious rice pudding is made with one cup of boiled rice, one- half cup of sugar, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons butter, one quart milk and a little nutmeg. Place in a buttered buttered baking dish and bake slowly, stirring, occasionally till all the milk is absorbed. CONTROL CANADIAN FISHERIES. Our . when a man was hit then place him as close to the parapet as ' possible and call for stretcher bearers. By the time the bombardment was at its height we could only whisper to each other, and that only when necessary. necessary. Our ears had been deadened to the sound of bursting shells, our United States Firms Dominate Lake Fisheries. The greater portion of the Canadian ; nerves deadened to what might hap lake-fishing business is controlled by ! pen to us. We kept a constant look- United States firms, and this is due to ; out on the German trenches. If a the fact that morq than 90 per cent. ' man was buried there were always of the total output finds its market in the United States minutes, allow the stuff to settle for a quarter of an hour and pour off the liquid. It will leave behind a jelly- like residue, which, if spread on paper, turns blood-red. , "In one of the forms thus obtained, Granulated Eyelids^ !5sti * Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by Sun, Ouse and tVindquickly When buying your Plano Insist on having an " OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION In the very eminent chemist, "this i Murine Eye Remedy ^. £ 0c per botue. Murins J S ! _ _ . RV.T- Rook of th* Eve -- Free. ! were hands to get him out, for we were | nervous wrecks and only craved ac- On our Great Lakes, a very large ; tion of some kind. The stretcher fishing industry is carried on, not only 1 bearers alone had something to take during the summer and autumn ; their minds off the hell we were living months, but also in mid-winter, when : through. The rest of us could only the fish are taken through the ice, : lie there and wonder if the infernal and owing to climatic conditions, can \ din would ever cease. The Sight 3 be transported long distances without j around the trenches--the dead, the " q£ xe . wounded, demolished dugouts--meant requiring- expensive methods frigeration. They' are frozen naturally naturally as soon as taken from the water an i are shipped to various centres in the United States, especially in. the Western states, although there is a growing demand for Canadian lake fish in Eastern markets also. •> To keep irons from rasing rub with mutton fat and wrap in l*rown paper before putting away. * Sulphate of iron is an excellent corrective corrective fyr many plants that are iickly. Make a solution, using half an ounve of sulphate of iron to a gallon gallon of water, snd water the ailing plants o.xce or twica with this solution,. solution,. nothing to us. Outside of the fact that we were there for a purpose, and that purpose was to hold, our trench at all costs, we were like dead men. Firing Seemed Interminable. . It seemed hours, even days, since we had heard the first shells come over We only noticed, in a subconscious way, when they at last started to slacken, and when finally the bombardment bombardment ceased altogether we woke as from a horrible dream. A few minutes of fixing up. the trench,, caring for the wounded and placing the dead out of sight seemec to pull us together again, and we were soon talking about Jt---I almost was going to say as if nothing had says a soluble silver assumes a shape ex-j actly resembling metallic gold, in bur- j ni shed lumps which have all the brilliancy brilliancy of gold. Spread" in a pasty condition with a fine brush over paper, it takes in drying a lustre as high as that of gold leaf.- In fact, anybody would mistake it for gold leaf.^ The effect, however, may be better seen by Drushing the substance over a plate of clean glass, the result, when the ■jaste has had time* to try, being- a most beautiful and: perfect gold-colored gold-colored mirror." * British Auction German Fig. Durifig the battle of Falkland Islands, Islands, when the Dresden was sunk the German cruiser's mascot, a pet pig, swam until rescued by British sailors, who rechristened it Tirpitz. The pig became the mascot of the ctuiser Glasgow Glasgow and now has grown immensely fat, so that it is impracticable for a _. ... , r, 0 4. The niff is being offered for sale relieved by Murine. Try it in P® • e ^ , A «. x"Lq "RpH your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. I a t auction for the benefit of the Red No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort Q r oss. Bids are coming in from every section of England. Tirpitz promises Eye saw., in Tubea 26c. FoUboo^o/ ! to afford the most expensive bacon on That wet piece of land that yielded only trouble this year could produce a good crop ; m 1918----if it had tile drains under it. Mix one-half pint of corn-meal, one teaspoonful of sugar, and one-half teaspoonful of cheese crumbs, rùbbéc fine. Put thisona saucer and'set tin the "rats' runaway. They will eat of it readily. In a few days add plaster or Paris to a new lot of the same mixture. mixture. The rats, when they drink water water after eating the mixture, will ge a hard lump that will kill them, and scare away any that do not eat of this mixture.. ' , i ; . Aj* Murine Eye Remedy Co.. CUca«o a | His Present. It was mother's birthday_.and Bobbie was very anxious to give her a present, present, but, unfortunately, the recent holidays had somewhat depleted Bob- tie's exchequer. "I say, mother," he ejaculated, "would my drawing slate be any use to you?" . "No, dear," replied his parent with smile.. - "Well, do you think you'd like to have my tin steamboat?" inquired the small youth anxiously. "No, thank you, little man, ed mother. • "Well, p'haps I could do something for you," he continued, and then a happy thought struck him. "I say, mother," he exclaimed en thuëiastically, "I tell you what, I'll take a dose of castor oil for you, without-crying." without-crying." Aluminum street cars ■ hâve been adopted by a Swiss railway because of the metal's lightness and ruSt-defy ing qualities. record. Minard's liniment Cure» Diphtheria. The Jordan Valley In Southeastern Oregon I* a beautiful, ^fertile district that you ought to investigate. investigate. Many shrewd farmers are buying there, because their keen business business foresight tells them that investment investment will pay big returns from the natural Increase In the value of the land alone, to say nothing of the big crops that they can produce. Prices low; terms easy. .. , Ask me for authentic Information, absolutely free. .... You are cordially Invited to call at Room 112, Union Paclflo Building, to see our excellent and extensive exhibit of products grown In the Union Paolflo Country. 1. i. SMITH,Colonization&IndastriaI Ajt. Hwon Pacific System Room 1316 U.P.BIdj.,Omaha. Neb. DON'T CUT OUT A Shoe Boil,Capped' Hock or Bursitis FOR iSORSlNE .'TP aDÊMRRKTIÊG.U.S.PÀT. Oth TOE PIMPLES Which Itched and Burned. Swelled Enough for Two, No Sleep for Weeks. "My fingers all broke out in white pimples and would crack and smart that. much that I could hardly keep from scratching. scratching. They began to swell and were big enough for two. 1 never had any sleep for weeks because they itched and burned. "I was told about Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment, and I only had to use two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two tins of Ointment when I was healed. (Signed) Miss Hilda Manser, 62 Ingersoll Rd., Woodstock, Ont. . Prevent further trouble by using Lu- ticura Soap daily for the toilet. For Free Sample Each by Mail address address post-card : "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. will reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stops lameness promptly. Does not blister blister or remove the hair, and horse can be worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for minldnd, the zntiacptic . i Uniment for BoIU, Bruises. Sorci.Swellin£t. Varicose Veins. Through heating, from attacks by ; Aiar. ^ rri« Men in Training Fighting isn't the only duty of a soldier, and exposure to bullets is not as serious as exposure to aU kinds of weather and dampness. Rheumatic aches; sore and stiir muscles, strains and sprains, chilblains chilblains and neuralgia, all are enemies of the soldier, and the relief for all these pains and aches is Sloan s Uniment. Clean and convenient to carry or use; does not stain, and penetrates without rubbing. ■Generous sized bottles, at all druggists. 25c., 50c., $1.00. the weevil, much grain is lost after it, reaches the bin. With grain selling at the present high prices none of us can afford to let any spoil on our rands. answer- Ki&udif XilnlHiMU Colds. *0. druggists or deliveredr WiU tell you W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can. ■Sbsorblnc and Absorbing. Jr.", are nude la Canid», .' KILLS PAIN ISSUE No. 52--'17. Machinery For Sale 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, I&x42. New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for Immediate sale. I ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volt^D.C. Will accept $425 cash for Immediate sale. - 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Doutile, Endless. 24 inch x 70 ft. Will accept $300 for immediate sale, although belt Is In excellent con. dltion and new one would cost about $600. * PULLEYS, Large size. 26x66--$30 ; 12x60^-$20 ; 12'/ 2 x48--$12 ; 12x36--$8. 2 BLOWERS OR FANS, Buffalo make. One 10 inch, other 14 inch discharge---$30 each. real estates corporation, ltd. 60 Front Sfc West, Toronto

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