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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1982, p. 14

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I 14 The Canadian Statesman, BowmanviUe, November 17,1962 Km. .Phone : 123-3303 Classified Classified Deadline Tuesday 12 Noon Ads Phone 623- 3303 Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales T & C SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Sales -- Service -- Parti Authorized Dealers for Briggs A Stratton, Lawn Boy, Tecumseh, Ariens, Canadiana, Gilson MTD Poulan Chain Saws HAMPTON 263-8469 45-tfSN Woodall Carpentry FULLY LICENSED 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE Renovations, Decks, Roofing, No |ob too small. Call 983-9759 26-tfSN PETER SUTHERLAND ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Siding - Soffit - Fascia Eavestroughs Windows Doors • Awnings - Shutters Repair Work 75 Elgin St., BowmanviUe, Ont. Tel. 623-4398 14-26tfS YOU ONLY HAVE TO BURN ONCE Have your chimney cleaned Call Dr. Chimney 623-7984 40-tfSN Hutton &Wiggans Insulation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 33-tfN FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER A SONS BowmanviUe 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 35-tfSN WATER wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Well Boring. Tele-, pnone 342-2030. Representative Representative Harry L. Wade. Telephone Telephone 416-372-3025. tf$ WHITE'S INSULATION Specialists In Blown Insulation CG^B cemnoD cowaacto* Listing number Ont. 199 Certlficatlnn Nn 00822 Call 576-5606 , Courtlce 14 . tfs Mike's Small Engines and Auto Repair Licensed mechanic Authorized dealer Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh, McCullough, Husqvarna, M.T.D. and Gilson. 251 Simpson Avenue Unit F BowmanviUe 623-6463 43-tfSN North America Concrete Finishing and Foundation Waterproofing , Industrial--Commercial -- Residential New or Repair 723-0729 29-tfSN CHIM-CHIM CHEREE Chimney Sweeps 623-6672 All work guaranteed. 43-tfS BOWMANVILLE GLASS&MIRRORS 143 Wellington St„ BowmanviUe 623-3410 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 - 5 ; Saturday 9 • 2. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronls and screen and glass repair, all types of glass and mirrors available -- FREE ESTIMATES 24 hr. phone service and emergency plate glass replacement Locally owned and operated, 7-tfSN M. BROOKS CARPENTRY Cupboards, Vanities Remodelling, Roc Rooms Additions, Garages Sun Decks, Porches, etc. -- ALL GENERAL REPAIRS - 623-5566 BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING INC. AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone, R.R. S, BowmanviUe 263-2650 25-tfN STEAM MAGIC Carpet AUpholstery Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Call Roy Terry 623-2474 29-tfSN Protect Your Assets with Nash Roofing ALL TYPES OF ROOFING Eavestroughs Also Available Free Estimates - Call 723-6055 - Ask About Our Guarantee - 17-tfSN INSULATION Blowing method with Rockwood workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Sea Ida I re Insulation Company Phone 705-748-6766 representative Harry L. Wade Phone 987-4531 i-tf Sat., November 27, lla.m. Annual Ski Doo Auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre Lindsay Wanted -- Snowmobiles, sporting goods, tools, machinery, machinery, tractors, vehicles, trailers, guns, all consignments consignments must beat barn by Nov. 20, to consign call 324-2783, Lindsay. 45-2SNP Saturday, November 27th , Auction Sale of new and rebuilt tools and equipment. The property of Brooklln Tool Co. Ltd., Brooklln, Ont., Th miles west of Brooklln, 12 miles east of Markham, on Hwy. 7, a real good selection of tools, compressors, lathes, drill presses, tool chests, welders, sanders, hydraulic jacks, saws, hoists, pullers, many Items of equipment (see next week's paper for details) 'Sale at 10:30 a.m. - Norm and Phil Faulkner Auctioneers. 46-1SNP Auction Sale Thursday evening, Nov. 18 7 p.m. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley Consisting of: chest of drawers, drawers, set of 6 arrow back chairs, tables, small space heater, 2 step tables, dishes, glassware, lamps, appliance mover, refrigerator, 2 skill saws, televisions, televisions, golf cart and other items stfll being consigned. Roger Bannister, Auctioneer. 416-797-2651. 46-1SNP Cornell's Auction Barn Friday, November 19th at6:30p.m. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. The property of Mr. and Mrs. Sutton of Black- water plus others. Findlay oval cook stove, 9 piece walnut /dining room suite, parlor chairs, portable color T.V., settee, 15 cubic foot freezer, Gibson dishwasher, chesterfield chesterfield and matching chair, chrome kitchen suite, 8 piece dining room suite, coffee and end tables, antique dressers, chest of drawers, hall table, Quebec heater, Savin Model 200 photocopier, 1978 Dodge van, certified, 1976 Ford half ton with cap, certified (28,000 miles), quantity of picture frames, tools, china and glass, Don Cornell, auctioneer, R.R.l, Little Britain. 705- Auction Sole Pethick's Auction Bern Haydon One mile east of Enniskillen, Saturday evening, November 20 at 7 p.m. A few of the articles. Chesterfield, bunk beds, other beds, small tables, 9 piece dining room suite, 3 T.v.'s, oil hanging lamp, kitchen kitchen table and 4 chairs, 2 old couchs and many small articles. articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. auctioneer. P.S. Also a bake sale by BowmanviUe Brownies. 46-1SNP Auction Sale Saturday, November 20 12 noon sharp The truck with camper, full line of, machinery and household household goods of Mr. and Mrs. Don Woodcock,'/2 mile north of Nestleton and Vi mile east. Selling without reserve 1975 Ford Crew Cab (F350) with camper In perfect condition. Allis Chalmers hay conditioner, conditioner, Allis Chalmers 303 baler, pull type cultivator, 3 furrow plough, two hay elevators, elevators, manure spreader, 8 h.p. 26" snow blower, 8 h.p. roro tiller, Artie Cat (Panther) snowmobile with caboose In perfect condition, electric welder, Acetylene welder, work bench, cedar rails, 150 bales straw, quantity of bicycles bicycles and tricycles, honey extractor, bee hives, pony saddle. Household furniture includes kitchen table and four chairs, Beatty washing machine, coffee tables, Inglls dryer, chest-type food freezer, three air conditioners all working, rowing exerciser, swing sets, plus many more items too numerous to mention. Be sure to attend this important sale. Owner, auctioneer auctioneer will not be responsible for any damage or lost articles day of the sale. Charlie Reid and Cliff Pethick, auctioneers. Charlie and Lawrence Harris, clerks. 46-lSN Auction Sale Saturday, November 27th 12 noon sharp The automobile, antiques and household goods for the estate of Mr. Roy Mercer, Park Street, Orono. Complete list of articles next week. Charlie Reid and Cliff Pethick, auctioneers. auctioneers. 46-1SN Tuesday, November 23 6 p.m. Auction sale.of furniture and antiques. The property of Mr. and Mrs. John Ball, Uxbridge. Selling at the Wilson Sales Arena. 2 miles north of Uxbridge. Uxbridge. Including Duncan Phyfe, dining room suite with 4 chairs, china cabinet, 2 bedroom bedroom suites, 9x12 pattern rug, drop front desk, dining room table, piano and bench, wicker pieces, antique rugs, apple peeler, dishes, sewing machine, quantity of books, jars, crocks, 2 aluminum doors - 81% inches x 33'/a Inches, 79% Inches x 3V/2 Inches, wooden storm window 43% x 36 inches. Plus the complete contents of this older home. Sale at 6 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 45-2S SATURDAY, November 27,11 ■ a.m. Wanted consignments of Ski Doos, snowmobiles, guns, trailers, sporting goods, fools, machinery and fractors, lawn and garden equipment, cars, trucks, for our 13m annual Ski Doo auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. All consignments must be in by November 20th. For information information call: 705-324-2783. 46-lSN Auction Sale Sunday, Nov. 21,1p.m. At Pearce Auction Centre on Shirley Rd„ 4 mi. south of Port Perry New toy auction with brand names like Kenner, Ideal, Irwin, Irwin, Star Wars, Coleco, BuddyL, and others plus dolls, doll houses, Christmas trees, cards, trimmings and much more. Plus some furniture and household items. For more information call 985-7492 Pearce Auction Services. 45-2SN Auction Sale Christmas toys,-gifts Thursday, November 25th 6 p.m, at Stouffville Sales Barn Be sure to join us again this year/for our 19th annual Christmas Toy Sale. Dolls, trucks, games, books, crayons, crayons, wrapping paper, cards, ■candles, glftware, stocking stutters, something for everyone- everyone- Ho Ho Ho! Sales barn staff auctioneers. Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville, Nov. 19th, Friday, 7:00 p.m. Selling a variety of good articles including a Dominion pump organ (BowmanviUe), cane seat rocker, antiques, buffet, dressers, Aladdin lamps, vanity dresser, hall table, coffee tables, desk, glassware, answering service, portable construction heater,, portable car wash tubs, hardware, hardware, steer longhorns, commercial hair dryer, long ski-boose, and many other Items. Terms: Cash. Auctioneer: Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton, 786-2244. 46-lSNP Don-Mar Auction Sale Hall beside Newcastle Lumber East end of Newcastle Village Saturday, November 27 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of a large construction construction trailer (good condition) with a reserve, a bed chesterfield chesterfield and chair, dryer, beds - double, single and bunk, pine table and bench, 4 aluminum storm windows (40" x 60"), small aas furnace, stereo, reclining chair, lamps, 4 piece setting Lupin Petal Grindley dishes (blue), 4 piece setting Dogwood dishes, 7 piece chrome set, books, roto tiller, T.V. converter, rotor motor, skates, loveseat, Spanish chesterfield, 5 h.p. motor, 2 oak Tlgerpaw chairs, welding box, tools, child's wagon, tricycle, tricycle, 9 x 12 tent, electric sewing machine, several T.V.'s and other articles. Open to viewing at 11 a.m. Terms:' cash or cheque with I.D. Don Stephenson, auctioneer. 987-4455. 46-2SN Monday, November 29 Sale Time: 6:00p.m. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables for Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wills, Sunderland and Mrs. W. O. Simpson, Uxbridge plus the Price estate. Selling at the Wilson's Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge - Including ox yoke, butterbowl, copper boiler, Viking stove, dresser and mirror, chest of drawers, kitchen suite, apple peeler, antique scales, 2 upright chairs, milk, stool, grain cradle, mlrrorj wheelbarrow, garden tools, vise, tools, open fop compost, Beehive jars, Beaver jar, crocks, jugs, tea tins, coal oil lamps, parts of toilet sets, wicker piece, large qU. of older wood trim, upright freezer, antique settee, extension extension table, dishes, 1981 Ski Doo, 5500 Blizzard, plus many other Items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 46-2S Bailiff's Sale Leather Goods--Raw Materials-Cuttings . Saturday, November 27, 1982 lla.m. We have been Instructed by the Mortgagee to sell at Public Auction the retail inventory and raw materials of Life Leathercraft Limited. All g oods to be sold to highest Idders. No reserve. Goods will be sold In lots. This sale will be of special interest to wholesalers, jobbers, retailers but everyone welcome. Finished retail inventory Includes hats, belts, wallets, key holders, feather bands, fobs, purses, moccasins, vests, assorted belts, buckles, hair pins, plaques, watch bands, floral pins, side feathers. feathers. Raw materials Includes leather hides, boxes, cartons, barrel of solvent (open), 2 aluminum ladders, clamps, approximately 6 tons of cut- tings, belt domes, key bars, threads, zippers, cartons of feathers, 120 rolls brim wire, bar pins, wing binders, screws, hat band buckles, grommets, etc. Sale will be held at Mitchell's Auction Building, R.R.4, Omemee Saturday, Saturday, November 27, 1982 commencing at 11 a.m. sharp. Sale by registration and number. Doors open at 9 a.m. Snack bar-refreshments. Dress warm. 3 miles north of Highway 7 on Emily Park Road (1st farm past park on right side) approximately 15 miles northwest of Peterborough. Peterborough. Doug Mitchell, Auctioneer Auctioneer (705) 799-6769. Ramon J. Kyles, Bailiff, County of Peterborough (705) 743-8544. 46-2S Auction Sale Thursday, November 18 Private estate for Whitby. To be held at Stlrtevant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa. Modern and antique furniture plus house trailer and diamond diamond ring. Refrigerator, elec- Auction Sale Fri., Nov. 19th 7:00 p.m. At the Grant and Wheeler Auction Centre located 6 miles north of Port Hope on Hwy. 28. Selling a good selection of furniture and household Items Including 2 good 4 br. elec, ranges, good selection of rugs, 2 color T.V.'S, B. 8. W. T.V., dinette suite, dressers, wardrobe, wardrobe, wringer washer, Cafe doors, exterior doors, Avon collectables, dehumidifier, greenhouse heater, sinks, pillows, tables, chairs, mirrors, garden tools, pictures, pictures, books, lamps, G60 14" tire and rim, fixtures, built-in fireplace, glassware and much more. Consignments wanted - for our monthly antique sale, Nov. 26th. Grant and Wheeler Auctioneers Ltd., R.R.2, Port Hope, 416-797-2127. 46-lSNP C. Tinline Auction Service 251 Simpson Ave. S. BowmanviUe Sat.>Nov.20,6:30p.m. Selling with no reserve many antiques, unusual smalls, and otherwise articles. 2 pine boxes, a wall what-not shelf, small oak folding table, copper kettles, tea pot, etc. Antique oil lamps, Including Button and Daisy, a dated font 1870, small finger lamp, barn lantern, unusual space chimneys,, paper press, wicker wicker doll carriage, pine clock shelf, wash stand, assorted decoys, pottery picture, a water cask crock, Jardiniere, and other crocks, tobacco tins and other advertising, blue and white comforter, quilt, old clothes, some tools Includlno augers, pit saw, Swede saw, cross cut, vise, pocket watches, hand-made Marionettes, Marionettes, rattan chair and table, 7 pc. dining room suite, Duncan Phyfe, drop leaf lamp table, black amethyst vase, antique cups and saucers, large oil painting, signed wafer colors, lithographs, Indian war clubs, bear skin, child's pressed glass tea service, service, some jewellery, antique sideboard, odd chairs, many other articles. Terms cash, good cheque. Preview Saturday Saturday 2:00 p.m. till sale time. Liberty St. S., east on Base Line Road over bridge and south on Simpson Ave. C. Tin- line, auctioneer, Res, 983-9634. Bus. 623-6744. 46-lSN Antique Auction Antique Auction to be held Inside. Quality classic and vintage furniture, glass, art, etc., approx. 400-Items. Property Property of Desmond Hannlck, 5'/2 miles west of Brighton on Hwy. 2 to Blythe Park Rd„ then 1 mile south. Saturday, November 20,10 a.m. Including Including 2 butler tables, 39" brass bed, fireplace acc„ parlour suites, bedroom suites, Victorian Victorian walnut pier mirror, over mantel mirrors, claw foot desk, 2 tea wagons, Dominion piano, 2 round pedestal tables, Chinese bar, harvest table, oak dressers, 10 panel press back chairs, assort, chairs (pressback, Hitchcock, gun stock, Wlnton, oak), asst, brass celling fixtures,1 fixtures, 1 brass piano light, miniature oil lamps, Oriental carpet, prayer carpet, wall tapestries, original oil paintings, paintings, steel etchings, water colour, brass animals, silver, Carnival, Flo blue, Cranberry, Occ. Japan fig., Nippon, 3 clocks, Webster compressor spray booth, many items found at usual country sale, Roy Williams Auctioneer, Box 883 Campbellford, 653-3533. 46-1S Saturday, November 20 lla.m. Farm auction for the property of Phillip Townsend, 1 mile west of Brougham on Hwy. 7, R.R.l, Locus! Hill. Including M. F. 1100 tractor, Ford Ferguson Ferguson 2085 tractor, 1971 G.M.C. truck with 375 bUshel Kllbros grain box, 1980 Ford 150 half ton truck - standard transmission, 64,000 kilometers, kilometers, M.F. 33 feed drill (excellent condition), M.F. hay bine, M.F. 12 baler, 3400 bushel steel grain bln, 2 Kil- bros 375 bushel grain boxes, International side rake, 30 foot x 60 foot building - 8 foot walls - 2 ft. x 6 ft. studding, 5000 gallon tank on truck, 500 gallon gallon tank, 2000gallon fuel tank, 60 ft. 8 in. grain auger - P.T.O.; new oil furnace - 140,000' B.T.U., electric fuel pump, stable fans, styrofoarp Insulation, pool pump, gas engines, bees, shed (36 ft. x 24 ft.), wire pig pens, farrowing crate, mounted fertilizer applicator, 2-1000 gallon Sunday, November 21 Sale time: 1:00 p.m. Auction sale at Brooklln Community Centre, Cassells Road E., Brooklln. The estate of the late Peggy Lamb. Antiques and modern furniture, furniture, large amount of glassware glassware ana china, collectables and treasures. Earl Davis Auctioneer, 728-4455. 46-lS Saturday, November 20 Sale Time: 11:00a.m. Taunton Rd„ Whitby Auction sale - '/: mile east of Thlckson Road (watch for signs). Having received Instructions Instructions from F. Alan Law- son, Trustee In bankruptcy, we are clearing the assets of Academy Instruments Ltd. of Scarborough and Guardsman Janitorial Supplies of Peterborough Peterborough moved to our barn for convenience of sale plus new furniture and bedding. Consisting Consisting of IBM 'Selectric' 100 with memory - cost $5,800 - new In June, Minolta bond photocopier, photocopier, veri-typer, plus 10 other desks, IBM 'Selectric' typewriter plus two other typewriters, 36 x 72 executive desk, wall unit, two credenzas, 3 storage cabinets, 6 steel cases, 4 drawer files, one conference table, calculators, cheque writer, 4 secretary chairs, 2 executive, chairs, 4000 lb, lift truck, 8 teak waiting- waiting- room chairs, 5 work benches, 17 sections of steel shelving approx. 24" deep, room dividers, two fridges 12 door, plus approx. $12,000 of new janitorial and take out supplies, plus 2 new dining room suites, new chesterfield, new mattresses and box springs, plus many other articles. articles. Notetime: 11 a.m. This Is an excellent sale of different bankruptcy - plan to attend. McLean Auction and Liquidations, Liquidations, Taunton Rd. W., Vi mile east of Thlckson Rd. Watch for signs. 576-7550.- Toronto line 686-3291. 46-lSNP Real Estate For Sale MP Lawrence Comments On Situation at Ottawa MODERN cottage resort, French River, 10 cottages, trailer sites, nine-room ranch- style home, store, hunting,' fishing, boats, motors, beacn. 1 mortgage, private sale. Tel. 1-705-857-2195. 46-lSN Starkville Mr. and Mrs. Horrell Pinch, Sarasota, Florida arrived on the weekend to attend the funeral of his mother Mrs. Pinch, Senior in Oshawa on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Pinch will be staying with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim until next Wednesday. On Sunday, Shiloh U.C.W. held a community pot luck dinner in the church at noon. Around 40 persons sat down to a delicious hot meal. Guests of honour with the Rev. Aubrey Tizzard were also Mrs. Mary Vinkle and Mrs. Mary Skelding, both of Newtonville who recently provided special music for our Thanksgiving anniversary service. On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Ross Robinson attended the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. He accompanied the Newtonville Newtonville church group who had organized a bus trip in aid of the Sunday school. Mr, and Mrs. David Bretlell, Oshawa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brettell and Susan. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott and Georgia and Chad, Oshawa were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd, Scott, Jamie and Billy, Georgia and Chad stayed on for a holiday with the Todd family. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane, Kirby. On Sunday, Mrs. Grant Silvester, Sarnia arrived to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Later, Donna will visit in Belleville with Mr. and Mrs. David Silvester, Spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John Windatt, Ellen and Erin was Ellen's penpal Miss Kim Merkes of Grand Bend. On Friday, John and Ellen and Kim spent the day at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. /vu*iuu. 46-2SNP Trie sieve, wasmng maenme, iuuuihcu weeu 5uia/ci FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look lor this seal It's your ZffiFïX guarantee of f RIJLK \ permanence. 1 1 STAFFORD xngce/ BR0S - Lm I MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND 1 7 p.m. 1 Auction of Canadiana and colleclables at the Flying 1 Dutchman Hotel. Auctioneer Norm Marple. 1 46-lSN chesterfield suite, Lazy Boy compressor, hen nests, bucket chair, coffee and end tables, milker and pump harrows, color T.V., portable black and 2500 bales good quality mixed white T.V., book shelf, 3 pc, hay, walnut table and chairs, bedroom suite, chest of draw- R.C.A. color T.V. Lunch ers, dressers, pictures, available. Sale managed and antique centre tables, Royal sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Doulton pitcher, wooden table Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. and six chairs, night tables, 45-2S GUN AUCTION cedar chest, 1968 Citation house trailer (refrigerator, stove and healer), one 14k Wednesday, December 1 yellow gold lady's ring with Sale Time: 11:00a.m. diamonds with matching Holsteins dress ring weighing 9.30 g, Auction sale • Muskoka, Parry Appraised at $4675, tor the Sound Club sale, Selling at the pair, Dishes, small appll- Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, ances, bedding, plus many , Also featuring three very good more Items too numerous to cows and their daughters, 50 mention. All furniture wel- fresh and springing reg, cows come. Sales every Monday, and heifers. Consignments are Tuesday and Thursday at 6 now being taken, bale manag- p.m. Terms cash, Myles King, ed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctioneer, 725-5751. Auctions, Uxbridge, 416- 46-lS 852-3524. 46-2S FRIDAY EVENING--NOV. 19 At D & M Sales Barn, R.R,2, Lindsay (one mile west of Lindsay, on the Little Britain Road). Sale lime 7:00 p.m. For those wishing to consign guns lo this sale, we are registering Thursday evening III! 10 p.m. and Friday from noon. (We are expecling close lo a hundred gun sales). For more details call Lindsay 324-9560 or Res. 324-2472. W. R. (BUD) McKEE AUCTIONEER XX1CM 46-lSN Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 Hon. Allan Lawrence, Q.C., M.P. (Durham-Northumber- land) was the speaker at a fund-raising dinner of the Don Valley East Progressive Conservative Conservative Association on Thursday, November 4, 1982, at 8 p.m., at the Albany Club, Toronto. His comments follow : I'm assuming that you invited me here tonight to say something about the federal political situation. So much has been happening over the past few days and weeks that it's difficult to know just where one should begin. We've had two serialized cabinet shuffles and a promise of more to come, then the Prime Minister's mini-series 1 of T.V. sermonettes, followed by a rather incredible and barefaced abandonment of the past two federal budgets. There have been some notable changes and departures on the upper rungs of the Ottawa bureaucracy, which may or may not have deeper meaning. And a corner has been lifted of that large blanket blanket which usually hides the inner machinations of the federal Liberty Party, providing providing us with a tantalizing glimpse of an intense vicious power struggle for control of that party's destiny in the post-Pierre years. While these are unhappy times for Canada, to a political junkie like me, and perhaps you, they also are interesting times indeed. What I really would appreciate appreciate is to hear your own views on some of these recent developments. developments. It's essential for an M.P. to get out of Ottawa occasionally to find our what real people in the real world are thinking -- even at the risk of missing an important vote in the Commons. It was suggested suggested that you would like a question and answer session. I do have something I'd like to say. But I'll keep my remarks brief, after which I will welcome welcome your comments or questions. questions. I want to say a few words about integrity in government. government. That may sound like a rather odd topic - but I ask you to think about it for a few moments. Integrity is assumed to be the very basis of the form of government we enjoy in Canada and the other western democracies. Each of you, as a voter, selects a person to represent yoù in Parliament. With your ballots, you and your neighbours neighbours elect a man or woman in whom you place your trust, and whom you expect to represent represent your best interests in Ottawa. You want a person on whom you can depend; and if it turns out that you cannot depend on him or her - if they have betrayed or lost your trust - then you rightfully expect them to get out. That same principle applies right up the Parliamentary scale, The leader of the political political party with the most members members elected becomes Prime Minister and head of our government. And, to help him in that demanding task, he selects a cabinet of ministers to assume responsibility for the various government departments and agencies. Each minister is supposed and expected to control and to be answerable for a large portion of the bureaucracy - the actions, programs and policy of his department. Each minister is supposed to be in charge, and to answer and be responsible to Parliament and the people. We tend to take all this for granted. However it is worth considering from time to time, for it is fundamental to our form of responsible government. government. This year, in two countries that are similar to ours in many ways, we have seen two virtually classic examples of what cabinet responsibility and integrity should and does mean, One example occurred in Britain in the early stages of what became known us the Falklands crisis. Even though Britain was able to muster a military force quickly and despatch it to retake the islands successfully, immediate immediate questions were raised as to how and why the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands had been allowed to happen in the first place, The minister responsible for Britain's defence mutters, U)rd Carrington, accepted this as valid criticism of his work, He publicly acknowledged acknowledged that he, as minister, should have been made aware of the Argentine threat by his officials and taken steps to forestall it, He didn't blame his public servants or his advisers. He admitted that a serious error had been made which proved costly to his country. And Lord Carrington, acting as the responsible minister and a man of integrity, integrity, submitted his resignation resignation which was accepted by Prime Minister Thatcher. This was a most significant , event - even though it was almost lost in the rush of other news about the military preparations and the subsequent subsequent retaking of the Falklands. Falklands. The second example occurred in Washington, during the early stages of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the fighting in Beirut. The U.S. Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, played an active if unsuccessful role in trying to negotiate an end to the fighting. But as the negotiations negotiations proceeded, it became evident that U.S. foreign policy, especially as expressed expressed by the President, was undergoing a significant shift in attitude toward Israel's position in Middle East affairs. Alexander Haig found himself in an untenable position. position. The policy he advocated and believed in was no longer being followed. So, as an act of integrity, he resigned. Again, the resignation was accepted - even though, at the time, it caused some consternation throughout the world. In Canada now, regrettably, we don't do things that way. We have had a cabinet minister minister who admitted to conferring conferring with a judge about a case that was before that judge concerning another federal cabinet minister. When this became known, the minister conceded he may have acted improperly and have appeared appeared to be interfering in the judicial system, and he offered offered to resign. But his resignation resignation was refused by the Prime Minister. We had a cabinet minister, a lawyer, who admitted to forgery and did resign. He is now back in the federal cabinet. We had a cabinet minister - one of the most senior federal law authorities authorities - who offered character character references to a court on behalf of persons facing criminal charges. The Prime Minister defended his action. It makes one wonder whether Mr. Trudeau or those around him have any idea at all of the meaning of integrity. But most recently, we have had a Finance Minister who, in three budgets, probably came as close as anyone would dare to destroying a national economy that already was in serious difficulty. I'm referring, of course, to the venerable Allan J. MacEa- chen. With his first budget he did what many might have deemed deemed impossible. Through the National Energy Program, he knocked the pins out from under our western petroleum industry, flattening what had been the only bright spot in our otherwise gloomy national economy. Budgets Two and Three were downright disastrous and had everyone, including Liberal MP's and his own cabinet colleagues, crying for mercy. They were pitifully bad budgets, showing clearly .that he had no understanding of and no answers for the desperate problems facing most Canadians. So where is this bungling minister now? In the fall cabinet cabinet shuffle he wasn't fired - he was moved to another equally senior post as Minister of External Affairs. His successor successor at Finance, Marc Lalonde, last Wednesday made a "statement" (which should have been called à new budget) and which, in effect, retreated from, discarded and denounced practically everything everything that Allan MacEachen had done in the two previous budgets. As one commentator bluntly put it, after Mr. Lalonde's "statement", the November and June MacEachen MacEachen budgets were as dead as a cadaver on its slab in the morgue. But Allan MacEachen didn't display integrity; he did not admit that he had failed the public's trust, and even the confidence of his own govern-, ment - nor did he resign. : One of the roots of our prob- ; lems in Canada today is a lack ! of confidence. Essentially it's ; a lack of confidence in those ■ people who are trying to run „ the country at Ottawa. I ask you, just how can that confidence confidence be restored when we . know 1 that this man, Allan - MacEachen, who proved so disastrously inept as Finance Minister, still holds a high position in the inner circles of the Trudeau government, where he can still influence its decisions on important economic economic matters? There were resignations -- strangely, not in the ministerial ministerial ranks but in the upper strata of the public service. The Clerk of the Privy Council is going. The former deputy minister of finance has gone, the man who advised Allan MacEachen on those disastrous disastrous budgets and who now appears to be the scapegoat for them. Obviously, now, we . don't have ministerial respon- sibility in Canada; we have - , deputy ministerial responsibi- lity - a very real acknow- • ledgement that the bureau- - crats rule the roost. ; The message we get from - Mr. Trudeau and his govern- Z ment seems to be: "When the • ship runs aground, you can get - rid of the crew. But Tor heaven's sake don't blame the - captain." So much for inte- I grity and trust in our present federal government. < As I said, to some this may *• seem a lesser consideration in the context of our current L national concerns, , but it shouldn't be. Far from it! -: Government is a large factor y in all of our lives, whether we < like it or not. Should we ever forget that, we're certainly »"■ reminded of it each year at < Income Tax time. And lack of Z; integrity, as I see it, is a major : problem with the present • ~ Trudeau administration. ? It is the reason Prime Mini- > ster goes on national televi- - sion to tell us we are in an ? economic mess -- in case we - didn't know it - and that - therefore we must all simply ■' co-operate and trust each - other. It is the reason we have 1 so much uncertainty and lack '■< of confidence in Canada today. > For, at bottom, most Cana- Z dians just don't trust the >' federal government anymore. - As a politician, this disturbs > me more than I can say. I -Z sincerely believe in Canada > and in our form of government ; ? - indeed I have devoted most • * of my adult life to it. But there ;Z can be no end to this rampant • Z public cynicism, and there can ]• be no restoration of govern- ;. ment integrity, until Mr. IZ Trudeau packs his bags and leaves Ottawa forever. • Z Obituary ji ELLA RUTH ORMISTON > Entered into rest at Bow- Z manville Hospital on Friday, > October 22nd, 1982, Ella Ruth ;Z Hoskin, beloved wife of Walter -Z Ormiston and loving mother of • Wayne, Mrs. G. Laing 'Z (Sharon), Mrs. M. Etcher > (Jill), of Oshawa and Jack (deceased); dear grand- -Z mother of six grandchildren; Z- sister of Mrs. M. Heard ;Z (Lena), Mrs, W. Ratcliffe (Dorothy), Lome, Frank, T Glen, Bert, Howard (decea- sed) and sister Breta (decea- sed). Z; Ella was born at Kedron in -I 1922 to the late Mr. and Mrs. Z; W. Hoskin. I- She was married in 1946 to < Walter Ormiston. Prior to her I; death she had resided at 772 Palace Street, Oshawa. She was a member of the Har- Z; mony United Church and the -1 U.C.W. Ella enjoyed her work for z> many years as supervisor at Eastdale Collegiate cafeteria and her hobby of making Z; flower arrangements. Funeral services held at the Morris Funeral Chapel in ; BowmanviUe. Rev. Sangwine of Harmony United Church I; officiated. •;■ Interment Bethesda Ceme- tery. Z; Oshawa Monument Co. Family Memorials - Markers All Design and Lettering Done by Us on Premises - NO SALESMEN INVOLVED -- Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details

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