I 22 THE TIMES, Wednesday, August 31,1963 Your Individual Horoscope = Frances Drake m Don't write me, see your w FOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1983 SCORPIO What kind of day will tomorrow tomorrow be? To find out what the stars say, read the forecast given for your birth sign. V/4. ARIES (Mar. 21 to Apr. 19) This is a romantic time for you, yet there's a tendency to quibble about small matters at home. Capitalize on artistic impulses. TAURUS w,--r9 (Apr. 20 to May 20) Overcome moodiness about a work problem. Valuable support support comes from a spouse. The completion of a task brings financial rewards. . GEMINI wudSp (May 21 to June 20) s' Charm and sociability win you admiration. Express romantic sentiments. Self- discipline means a job well done plus monetary gain. CANCER A-A (June 21 to July 22) It may not be the right time to broach a problem with a relative. Familiar surroundings surroundings are your best bet for recreation. (My 23 to Aug. 22) You may be too self-critical. Rise above imagined short- . comings. Romantic introductions introductions are likely. Accept party invitations. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) "r 7*4 Someone puts in a good word for you with a higher-up. Serious intellectual work is favored. Avoid passing judgment judgment on a friend. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) & You may revise an opinion. Fortunate travel invitations arrive. Career gains are probable, probable, but relations with a boss are touchy. (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Social contacts are helpful. Do further research about an investment matter. Travel leads to a renewal of an old friendship. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) W You'll solidify your position within a group. It's best to keep financial plans secret for now. Loved ones are affectionate. affectionate. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) >0 faf A revised career plan promises promises success. A staid party may not be exciting, but is worth attending. Don't worry about little things. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Your sense of duty wins you respect, but be mindful of details on the job. Travel together gives romance a boost. Enjoy good times. PISCES wXpV (Feb. 19 to Mar. 20) " Moonlighters meet with opportunity. opportunity. Some begin a home improvement project. Dine with an old friend. Be patient with children. YOU BORN TODAY are an individualist - and quite self- sufficient. More inclined to the professions than business, you are often noted for your uniqueness. uniqueness. You're quite ambitious, ambitious, but shouldn't let a need for recognition keep you from taking a chance on your originality. You do well in politics and other fields where leadership abilities, combined with an interest in your fellow man, are factors. Learn to finish what you start. Bir- thdate of: Rocky Marciano, boxer; Edgar Rice Burroughs, Burroughs, writer; and Lily Tomlin, comedienne. I have had headaches for many months. I am scared to death that I have a brain tumor. Can you tell me what the symptoms of brain tumor are so I won't worry? -- Misa D.Y.J. Dear Miss J.: Those of you who have read my columns for a long time know what my attitude is about giving symptoms of any disease. For ever}' person who might benefit from such information, information, there are a hundred hundred who would be confused and terrified that those symptoms resemble their own. The concept "that's what I have" too frequently occurs occurs to people who are already beset by anxieties that are destructive to their happiness. In order to emphasize this particular point, I am going to give you some of TRIHM □ KARNC c SHERTH □ RUFIAN zn □ □ Speaking of your health By Lester L. Coleman, M.D. the symptoms of brain tumor and show you how they could also be applied to problems that exist elsewhere in the body. Yes, headaches can and do occur in some types of brain tumor. To complicate matters even more, some kinds of brain tumor exist without any headache. Now you are already becoming more confused than you already are. If I continue in this vein, your anxiety level will go sky high and I will no? have I THAT SCRAMBLED WORD DAME by Henri Arnold end Bob Lee Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. But, m'sleur, are you a Frenchman? LES ELECTIONS srf HiS "POSITION"IN FRANCE SIVES HIM THE RIGHT TO VOTE. Now arrangs the circled letter! to form the turpriae answer, n suggested suggested by the above cartoon. Answer: "[ □ Y Y i A A Yesterday's made any contribution to your well-being. The chances are overwhelming overwhelming that you do not have a brain tumor. For headaches can also be GOREN BRIDGE IT CUIUS DOB» AID OMAR SURIT \ THE ART OF CARD READING (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: HAZEL CRAWL OFFSET MOHAIR Answer: When you give the answers In "round" numbers, you're apt to come up with this-ALL ZEROS Both vulnerable. West deals. NORTH ♦ AJ83 <7 AJ9 0.KJ76 ♦ 95 WEST EAST 4 Q1096 5 44 <7KQ7 <7 10863 0 A10 OQ952 ♦ 942 410873 SOUTH 4 K72 <7542 0 843 4AKJ6 The bidding: Weit North East South 1 4 Posa Pass 1 NT Pass 3 NT Pan Pass Pan Opening lead: King of <7. The Life Master Pairs was one of the premier events at the recent North American Summer Championships in New Orleans. It attracted most of the continent's top players, so it is not surprising surprising that the standard of play was high. Watch Joel Friedberg of New York in action on this deal. When West's one spade bid was passed round to him, South elected to balance with one no trump. (Purists might claim that he was a point or two shy for that action.) North had an easy raise to three no trump. West elected to lead the kine of hearts. Declarer played low from dummy and East signaled with the eight. West continued with a low heart, and dummy's jack won. Declarer came to hand with the king of spades and successfully finessed the jack. East stuffed a heart. , Declarer led a club to the king and then a low diamond. To avoid a later end play, West won the ace of diamonds and cleared the ace of spades as East discarded another heart. Why had East chosen to stuff hearts? Declarer decided decided that it could only be because East did not have spare cards in the minor suits; i.e., he had started with a 1-4-4-4 distribution. Now that he had read the hand, the rest was easy. Declarer cashed the ace of hearts and king of diamonds, and then threw West in with a spade. West could cash his two spade winners, but then he had to present declarer with his contract by leading away from the queen of clubs into declarer's A-J tenace. caused by sinus Infection, eve disturbances, drugs, allergies, emotional conflicts conflicts and tensions, intestinal intestinal upsets, changes in climate, fatigue, overln- Crossword diligence in alcohol or tobacco, and dietary indiscretions. indiscretions. And this is only a partial list. You now can understand understand why headaches do not necessarily connote a brain tumor. Now let us take another 3 tom of brain tumor -- :lng. The vomiting can also be caused by motion motion sickness, upset stomach, viral Infection, spoiled food, and all the other conditions I referred to as causes of headache. It is obvious, therefore, that any symptom of group of symptoms is o no value to readers who use them as a means of identifying with their own problem. The headache you have been negecting may well have been perpetuated by your basic anxiety. Your failure to consult a physician physician reflects your unrealistic fear. Had you had a good physical examination, examination, your anxiety would have been alleviated and your unrealistic fear assaged. The chances are way in your favor that no important important problem is present. You have been cheating yourself of many months of physical and emotional good health. Many people like yourself delay going to a doctor for many months. They live in fear of having substantiated or denied a disease that probably does not exist. People who are overwhelmed overwhelmed by such anxiety do not live their lives in happiness. Rather do they "die their lives" in fears, worries and apprehension. You deserve better than that. wantAds 723-3492 ACROSS . 1 Inept actor 4 Goes before face or late 7 Part of the chancel 8 Chord 10 T.S. or George 11 Flinched 13 She went to visit Grandma 18 --Amin 17 Snug retreats 18 Payable 19 Dispatched 20 Bunyan's ox 21 Gratifies 23 Begin 25 Very small 28 Sour 27 "The --and I" 28 Comedienne • Anne 30 Edomite city 33 He huffed and he puffed 3* Muddy deposit 37 Hives 38 Mountain chain 39 Cetacean: comb, form 40 Son of Odin 41 Abstract being DOWN 1 Spyri heroine m 2 Love god 3 Theater performance performance 4 Use block letters 5 Encircles • Every 7 Extorted money 8 '80s dance 9 East Indian cedartree 10 Son of Gad 12 Distrust 8-31 Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 14 Animal - ' lairs 15 Ruby or Sandra II Pig's place > - 20Nocturnal creature 21 Grieves ' " • 22 Actress I ' Lansbury % 23 Poet i- Teasdale ( «' 24 Vilify 25 Asian > >* festival ' ,'j 28 Locomotor -. ataxia *• 28 -- blouse L, 29 Kind of 'J moth j 30 Milton and Byron,e.g. -j. 31 Actor Ray '< 32 Moot sighting . ; . 34 Baseball ■ '• maneuver J' 35 Small , >■ songbird • / Ï 1 2 3 4 5 88 ? 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 $85! 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ^ 36 37 8 38 39 40 41 CRYPTOQUIP 8-31 v MFQGWMUH TCFJJHC'G UKHWC TQKHJ- Z J W : XI, YHWX LC M LX XL YHWX. Yesterday's Cryptoqulp -- THE JUDGE'S BIG OBJECTION V TO SKUNK: ODOR IN THE COURT, > Today's Cryptoqulp clue: XequalsT. 1 'bosou'AVE TO STAY 60 LATE WHEN »YCU VISIT , PEOPLE? SORRY, PET. IT WAS THE HOSPITALITY - I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER STOCKED. LIQUOR CABINET I TRUST YOU APOLOGISED BEFORE YOU LEFT FOR . KEEPIN' THEM UP93 LATErL 6-31 k AN' WAKE THEM , UP? THEY'D ' ALREADY GONE 1 X WAKlTBP TO HAVE A LITTLE TALK WITH YOU, ROLF ŸOU KNOW WHY GIRLS take Your TENNIS LESSONS? THEY PON'T Y THEY'RE GIVE A HOOT \ MAKING ABOUT TENNIS. YOU INTO THEY COME / A SEX TO SEE / OBJECT... YOU/ / A PIECE \OF BEEF/ 1 'Ml I»,».*» Cc*pa»i $r"i «0 DOMT CARE IF IT IS FOR HER 6RANDSONBACK IN AKROM.'-BS 16 THE LA6T Picture/ .flPCn SUMMER SELL-OUT of all 1983s 1NURSEI f CHEV OLDS E Still a good selection. 1 CORA AND 1 HAD ANOTHER FIGHT LAST NIGHT MAYBE VOU'RE USING THE WRONG APPROACH, BOSS i'/S 1 '-- 1 INSTEAD OF 1-- FIGHTING, WHY DON'T YOU GIVE ZitfT HER A KISS ? ,n ^ C---L THAT'S WHAT STARTED THE FIGHT biJ' The Stock Market rallied, today in a bread advance L- CO lii /S? il led. by women's apparel stocks ' 1 ~T ■ fan T I WW, I KNOW,..Wri HAVEN'T W MUCH MAIL FRCM 1 xa> l THE FEMINISTS LAW. hiW VITAMIN, YOU SEEM AWFULLY 4- WHATEVER COULD SB WRONG 7 ) ) ) AFTER AIL, YOUR NSW PLAY'S A HIT- thé media mads you a FOR NABBINQ THAT RICHARD, DIDN'T YOU HEAR THE SLANDEROUS PHRASE THAT TV PEgSON BRANDED MB WITH? 8-îl-W i mure? meat/wmeAr all SPHERED IN VEGETABLES/ 7Z OfJ,ALL RIGHT J POhl'T FÜS&! I'LL TAKE IT OFF/ IT'S JUST A 6PRIS OF PARSLEY iwiwg 1 FIRST VOU COMPLAIN ONE LEti OF THE table is too L0N6 "2r THEN SOU 4RIPE WHEN L TRY TO LEVEL IT UP! BOV! SOMEtàUYS ARE NEVER HAPPY ! Vu B ^ ® ® gy ® f LOOK AT THIS F16H, V WCKEVÏ 16NT IT r 4 l v ^A BEAUTY ? y ^ % (HEY 1 . IT PI6APPEARE.P 1 / ; U 6-31 TALX'6 'CAUSE I CAUGHT \T AT MIRAGE LAKEl •tvppjt" HENRY, WHERE IN THE WORLD DID YOU FIND THAT FUMY L/l FLOWER?, TO KEEP OUT THE Rif WAIF ? I DONT BELIEVE.TRa, FOLKS KNOW >toU TÜJO RRE LINING 1ÛSETHER -- RND HAVE SPUD it^ok! IF i'dTOLDTReM I WAS MOVING- IN Ujm (John before uie were MARRIED-I'd HAVE BEEN DISOWNED |l lYa a more liberal A6E,SIS.- WHY ELSE WOULD THE FOLKS HAVE CHANGED Because you'RE. A MAL&-THRTS / LUHVI! TO SI^N MIYj, THEY NEED THE ORIGINAL AND THREE COPIES, FRED/, xW y\ RELAX- I PUT THE CARBON IN FOR YOU/.. ...YOU JUST HAVE TO SIGN IT/ jdliL 1 HAVEN'T SEEN THAT LA:/ TQAP AROUND HERE TOPAZ. OH, CDNRAP FLEW TOLAS VEGAS TO TRZ , OUT HIS NEW S/9TEM FOR BLACKJACK., x ,yi z WHERE'P HE GET A FLIGHT TO VEGAS AT THIS HOUR? We're sonna pie... we'rp GONNA PlE.-y^n- gossip column By Robin Adams Sloen Q. As an interior > decorator, I was charmed ' ; by a magazine feature which depicted the lovely California home lived in by/ Ronald Reagan and his first wife, Jane Wyman, during the IMOs. Did the ' man who Is now President Reagan contribute much of the Imput regarding its handsome furnishings and decor?-r-HiK. A. The decorator commissioned commissioned to work on their elegant ranch house In the Hollywood Hills recalls that the Reagans were who were^baslcalfy^nlce, square, small-town kids. She told me, "It was Jane who actively participated In the decoration, choice of fabrics, etc. Ronny was charming, but he seemed completely plugged Into his burgeoning film career. One day, while looking over some preliminary sketches, I asked him for a suggestion and he replied by asking, 'How do you like my joa- phurs? Do you think they fit properly?"' Q. I've heard Roy Rogers can be awfully aloof toward his fans when seen in public -- a far cry from the homespun cowboy hero Image he so successfully projects. True? --M.J. A. That's not so and quite unfair. Rogers, who's also an Important business exec, exec, Is well aware of public relations, but quite obviously obviously if he were to stop to sign autographs each tune admirers Desiege him Roy ' would have perpetual writer's cramp. If Rogers knows a crowd of fans will be gathering at an event he often readies a batch of photos signed in advance with a message like "Happy "Happy Trails, Roy Rogers." To me, this careful preparation preparation takes valuable time and reflects thoughtful planning. By the way, another legendary cowboy star, John Wayne, used a similar scheme specifically specifically so he would not let down his legion of loyal fans. Q. Isn't Jacqueline Bisset, who's appeared unclothed in her share of movies, concerned with what her parents might feel about her cavorting In the altogether?--Q.L. A. First of all, Jackie hasn't appeared nude In all that many movies. Considering her terrific shape, her many male fans might consider that a great loss. Anyway, when i was chatting with the actreea recently In Chicago, the subject of how parents regard the unclothed appearances appearances of their actreea- daughters actually came up. Bisset told me her mother sees all her movies. "Whenever there is a risque scene, ihe'll say, 'It's all the fashion,' and go on. There's nothing '" -) hr ' like having your mother for your biggest fan." Well said, Jackie.