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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1983, p. 27

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i ) Welcome New Owners Bethany General Store Nine Brownies Invested at Salvation Army Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 7,1983 BETHANY (Intended for last week) Miss Catharine Beer was guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower held in the United Church Hall on Friday evening. Cathy's wedding to Mr. Elio Fracalanza of Peterborough takes place in Northminster United Church, Oshawa, on December 10. The best wishes of the community go out to the young couple as they make their home in Scarborough. On Sunday, November 20, the morning congregation of Bethany United Church enjoyed a lovely vocal solo with guitar accompaniment by Miss Andrea Filson. At a special evening service, some members from Pontypool joined Bethany congregation to hear Andrea preach. She is in training for the diaconal ministry (commissioned (commissioned minister) and we wish her every success in her chosen vocation. Once again the Bethany General store is changing hands .with the new owners beginning to serve the community on Monday, 'November 28. More details later. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon and Mr. Bill Bundscho, Lindsay, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Johnson, Oshawa. Residents of the east end of the village may have been startled recently to see a church literally "on the move"! The explanation is that a church building at Fowlers' Corners has been closed for some time. Recently, it has been purchased for the purpose of providing a convenient centre of worship for the residents of the Girls' School, north of Bethany, and moved by Pollard Movers to be erected on that property. It is gratifying to know that the old building is still to be used for its original purpose rather than being converted into some more residential or commercial type of building. Bethany Brownies held a most successful Bake Sale, Tea and Tupperware Party last Saturday in the United Church Hall. We are happy to report improved health for some of our residents. Mrs. Gloria McGill is home from hospital. Mrs. Abe Hofstede, who with her husband was seriously injured in a car acc ident two weeks ago, is able to be home. At time of writing Mr. Abe Hofstede is still a patient in Lindsay Hospital. We sincerely hope that his will be able to return home in the very near future. Mr. Tom Ward is a patient in Civic Hospital. We h ope you are soon out of there, Tom ! Mrs. Violet R'.itchie, Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon. Also at the McMahon ho me for a musical evening Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. E'.verett Brown, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mairs, Lindsay, M r. and Mrs. Robert Sisson, Bethany and Mr. Dave Masters, Pontypool. Mrs. Viola Thorndyke and her daughter, Mrs. Shiirley Couch, Toronto, are enjoying a two week vacation in Florida. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Staples (nee Liaura Mahood) whose marriage took place on November 4 in Omemee United Church. Bill and Laura will be living in the former home of the late Mr. William McCullough. We welcome them to the village. Another happy 'even' in the Staples family was the release of Mr. Lewis Staples from Toronto General Hospital. iHe was able to participate in all the excitement of his nephew's wedding! The premature snow storm of November 3-4 resulted in a number of traffic mishaps i n the area. The only serious injuries incurred were those; sustained by Mr. and Mrs. Hofstede who were involved in an accident on Highway 35. Mr. and Mrs. Hofstede have built the lovely new solar-type home in the village. We wish them both a speedy recovery from their injuriés. We express our sympathy to Mrs. Viola Thorndyke, daughters and grandchildren on the passing of Viola's father, Mr. Harvey Gray. Mr. Gray had reached the grand old age of 96 and had made his home with Viola for many years until a couple of months ago when he became a resident of Springdale Nursing Home. Funeral services were held on Friday from Comstock Funeral Home with interment in Fallis' cemetery. Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 263-2026 Sympathy is also expressed to Mrs. Ora Palmer anifto Mr. and Mrs. Doug Palmer, Peterborough, on'the passing of their month old son due to 'crib' death. Mr. Frank White has returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital following very successful eye surgery. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Johnston, Oshawa and Mr. Bill Bundcho, Lindsay were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon. Among the many area wells to fall victim to the very dry summer was the one at the United Church Manse. After several weeks of having to seriously ration their use of water, often having to rely on the use of neighbours' laundry facilities, the situation has been corrected! Mr. Bob Ruth followed the procedure which has satisfactorily relieved several wells of their water shortage - namely lowering the existing well by a few feet and installing a screen. Thanks to his ingenuity and the installation of a new pump in the Manse Rev. and Mrs. Lindsay, Brad and Matt are revelling in the first adequate supply of water they have had since coming to Bethany ! ! The Manvers Branch of the Red Cross held their annual meeting and election of officers in the town hall on Nov. 10th. The Rev. Walsh conducted the election of officers. Pres.: Ann Langham, Vise. Pres.: Ralph Preston, Sec.-Will Capeling, Treasurer: Vaneta Preston, Campaign Chairperson - Viola Thorndyke, Loan Cupboard: Shirley Kloepfer, Water Safety: Mel Neal, Public Relations: Renee Smelt, Volunteer Services: Renee| Smelt, Senior Citizens: Vaneta Preston. After the election Mr. Dan Lepine explained about C.P.R. On Nov. 3rd, St. Paul's A.C.W. entertained the A.C.W. of St. Marks Oshawa. They started the day with holy communion service in the Church. After lunch enjoyed a hymn sing. Then Rev. Brownhill showed slides of a trip he and his wife had taken in England and Scotland. The highlight of the afternoon was a film of the Renovations and History of Canterbury Cathedral narrated by Prince Charles. The Bethany Golden Stars Senior Citizen Bowling Scores in 2 games: High lady - Iola Chislett 319, Runner up: Anne Holtby 312, High man - Herb C.hislett 418, Runner up - Ken M'acKenzie 414. Those over 200 - Charlie Crowe 390, Earle Parrott 388, George Clarke 354, Muriel Parrott 311, Gertie Clarke 296, Frank Edwards 289, Cathie MacKenzie 289, Mary Finney 273, Ralph Holtby 267, Ross Woods 265, Ross McKague 265, Margaret Wright 260, Viola Clarke 259, Geneva Newell 258, Joyce Edwards 258, Bertha Ferren 254, Florence White 247, Betty Durham 245, Art Thorn 242, Victor Gilmour 238, Charlie Smith 237, Don Hayes 227, Dick. McConnell 224, Fred Hoot en 220. Dancercise and Dance Classes S?) ' ALL AGES l V Held at: BOWMANVILLE LIONS CENTRE * Dancercise * Adult and Children's Rhythmic Classes, as well as * Teen Jazz Rhythmic - combining Modern Dance, Jazz, Ballet and Basic Co-ordinating Skills (children) (12 week session beginning week of Jan. 9th, 1934) DANCERCISE (Vciass per week) $ 30.00 (Special rates on extra classes) RHYTHMIC and TEEN JAZZ (1 Class per week) $ 4O.00 Fully Qualified Instructor: LINDA COOLAHAN Registration: Bowmanville Lions Centre Thurs, and Fri., December 8th and 9th -- 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thurs. and Fri., December 15th and 16th -- 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thurs. and Fri., Jan. 5th and 6th -- 6:30 to 9 p.m. The 4th Bowmanville Brownies welcomed nine new members on Monday night at an investiture ceremony at the Salvation Army. Taking part in the ceremony were, front row 1-r, Stacey Bryant, Heather MacChayne, Roxi McKenna, Adrianne Mills; second row, Jessica Kingyens, Marcÿ Lyle, Fitness Centre Hours Extended Newcastle council decided decided late last month that it will keep the town's Fitness Centre open during parts of the Christmas holidays. A recommendation passed by a committee of council on Monday states that the indoor pool and squash courts in Bowmanville Bowmanville will remain open Friday, Friday, December 23, Tuesday, December 27, and Friday, December 30. Normally, the centre would be open for a halfday only on Friday, December 23 and Friday, December 30, while December 27 would be a holiday. The general purpose and administration committee was told recently that the cost of opening the Centre for two additional days during during normal Christmas vacations vacations will amount to just over $900. Some revenue will be available available from users of the Centre to offset that amount. "If we are going to provide facilities, we've got to be prepared to meet the public demand," said Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard. However, Councillor Ivan Hobbs questioned the demand demand from the public and suggested that the town only received one written complaint concerning holiday holiday hours at the Fitness Centre last year. Since a population of 30,000 produced produced only one letter of complaint, Councillor Hobbs questioned the need for additional hours. . Councillor Marie Hubbard Hubbard noted, however, that she had received numerous calls concerning the need for longer hours at the Centre during holidays. Director of Community Services, Bud Fanning, added that he and his staff had also received a number of verbal requests. While the recommendation recommendation from the committee would extend holiday hours at the Fitness Centre, no recommendation recommendation for additional additional hours at the town's arenas has been made. Councillor Diane Ham re suggested that the public has an opportunity for family family skating at other arenas On Sunday, Nov. 6, following Remembrance Day Services, Legion Branch 178 and the Golden Legionnaires Glee Club were presented with a photocopier donated by Savin Canada Inc. The presentation was made by Savin representative Keith Wood (left) to Doug Walton, Legion President and Rae Abernethy, Legionnaires President. Thanks are extended to Savin Canada, as this photocopier will be put to extensive use by Legion Branch 178. Public Health Nurse Formerly of Jamaica Speaks at Newton ville WI Margaret Moynes, Joanna Ryan, Claire Stevenson ; back row, Snowy Owl Mary Ann Sneed, Tawny Owl Anita Webster, District Commissioner Louise Neimann, Mrs. Ellis Cuff, Salvation Army Chaplain. Twenty-six ladies including nine visitors met in Newton- ville hall on November 23rd for the November meeting of Newtonville Women's Institute. Institute. Members of Maple Grove Institute had been invited. At eight o'clock Ihe Newtonville Newtonville president, Sharon Buttery, welcomed all and h dessert luncheon started the meeting. Card tables had been set up and lovely desserts were set out on the counter. The ladies chose their dessert and sat at the tables for the remainder of the meeting. After all had enjoyed the lunch the meeting was called to order. Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect were repeated. repeated. Secretary and Treasurer's reports were given and correspondence correspondence read. Remembrances Remembrances will be sent to our sick and shut-ins at Christmas. Christmas Dinner will he held at the Legion in Port Hope on December thirteenth at twelve o'clock noon. Gifts to be exchanged. Sum to be spent is to be in the neighbourhood of two dollars. A bus will leave from Newtonville at one-thirty on December eleventh to go to Toronto to, the Peoples Church. On arrival, the group will see the Living Christmas Tree, stopping for dinner on the way home. Passengers in Newcastle will be picked up at two o'clock. Roll call was taken and answered by members and also the visitors. visitors. Jean Dutlon's group was in charge of the remainder of the program. A public health nurse had been invited as the guest speaker. Mrs. DaCosta came to Canada from Jamaica in 1960. She has worked in several different communities communities since that time. In 1981, Mrs. DaCosta, her husband and family moved to a home north of Newtonville. She is working out of Cobourg Hospital, Hospital, and . is kept very busy driving through the territory allotted to her, visiting homes, schools aiid hospitals, etc. We heard of Mrs. DaCosta's former home in Jamaica and of her parents and family. Her father is a minister. A small gift was presented to Mrs. DaCosta at the end of her address. Maple Grove ladies then put on a very humorous and well done skit. Bea Jones thanked the Maple Grove ladies for coming and Win Brown thanked thanked the Newtonville ladies for inviting them. Meeting closed with the singing of The Queen. --P.R.O. Elizabeth Skelding operated in the Town of Centre is available. use the Fitness Centre duv- Newcastle during the Councillor Hobbs asked ing the holiday along with Christmas season, but she that staff keep a record of the amount of additional renoted renoted that only one Fitness the number of persons who venue brought in. Photocopier Presented to Legion, Glee Club CHEESES make charming gifts. ASK ABOUT OUR Christmas Gift Package (Cheese can be mailed on request.) Also we make-up Cheese Trays for Parties allow three days notice 6? e & BRICK CHEESE Reg. Price $2.76 per lb. $6.09 kg. SPECIAL $2.51 per lb. $5.53 kg. BUTTER EVERYDAY LOW, LOW, PRICES • Creamy 5 2 20 per lb. • Unsalted s 2 22 per lb. • European Style s 2' 19 per lb. • Whipped M 69 per lb. Open 7 days a week Mon. • Thurs., Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-8 p.m. WARKWORTH CHEESE HOUSE AND ICECREAM PARLOUR (Hwy. 115, Newcastle, at DX station) Telephone 987-4339 Bigger Pictures Plus Fast Accurate Service FREE! 5x7 Enlargement with every C41-VIÜ, 126-135 film processed. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS 3SHAWA CAMERA OUTRE LTD 4631 3SHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (ACROSS l MOM IHI mow. Cl Nl HI. ) It's not what you put in your water that counts ... it's what you take out And it's as simple as 1,2,3: 1. SOFTENS . ordinary hard water by eliminating harsh minerals. 2. FILTERS out solid par ticles, removes the rust and 1 iron that today's hard water carries. 3. REFINES the existing hard water by , removing stain-forming impurities. Also removes heavy ionized metals like copper, zinc and load. v « n * vi * i Water Quality There's a choice of AQUAC^OGvO Water Ref iners to suit your family's needs: APUAQRD j l 7 T ; 1 11 ! ; y QQ't.' 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