I I Section Two PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE HEAD ETTPCE PRODUCT OF ONTARIO OR U.S.A. NEW CROP RADISHES OR «'* OR GREEN ONIONS 3/99 * SELECT YOUR OWN SuiïRic PRINKS LARGE 48 OZ. 1.36 L BTL. • ORANGE •APPLE • GRAPE • FRUIT PUNCH • PINEAPPLE ORANGE MIX OR MATCH 5 LIMIT PRODUCT OF THE CAPE FILL YOUR OWN BAG "NEW CROP" BARLINKA GRAPES DEEP COVE LIGHT TUNA FLAKED 170 g TIN OR CHUNK 180 g TIN FACELLE PAPER TOWELS PRONTO ROYALE "28" 0R _ JUMBO ROLL \ PRODUCT OF U.S.A.--CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRADE GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES FILL YOUR OWN BAG LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN BEANS ASSORTED 19 OZ., 540 mL TIN LIBBY'S CANADA FANCY TOMATO JUICE 43 FL OZ. MÊLL 1.36 L 70C I™/) rUMIT 6 LIMIT SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA BOX OF 60 BAGS ULTRABRITEI TOOTHPASTE 100 mL TUBE 2 LIMIT CONCENTRATED SNUGGLE FABRIC SOFTENER GLAD ASSORTED FREEZER BAGS RAID ASSORTED IDG Klims "OFF" 250-fl-tln SUNLIGHT LAUNDRY DETERGENT II V PRODUCT OF U.S.A. NEW CROP! CAN. NO. 1 GRADE CANTALOUPES JUMBO SIZE 9's v WAV PRODUCT OF U.S.A. OR ONTARIO NEW CROP 10 OZ. PKG. SPINACH PACKED IN TORONTO || I PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FILL YOUR OWN BAG ' uruvra r---- WHITE LARGE k 0 MUSHROOMS 5 LB. LIMIT LB. 1.69 PRODUCT OF MEXICO NEW CROP FILL YOUR OWN BAD GIANT SIZE A ~ . GARLIC QOt 2.18 COW OR SHEEP MANURE OR TOP SOIL I IrâmbrândH FERTILIZER k , CLOVES lb PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA FILL YOUR OWN BAQI CAN. NO. 1 GRADE A NEW WHITE WASHED POTATOES 129 * PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA EXTRA FULL PINT UALIhUMINIA AAl smrouES 99 c DUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA FILL YOUR OWN BAG UMESBlO/99 It PRODUCT OF U.S.A CALIFORNIA SIZE 1131 FILL YOUR OWN BAO 7-7-7 OR 10-6-4 unirai VALENCIA ORANGES doz. 139 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA SELECT YOUR OWN ROUND CRIMSON 20 LB. AVERAGE g* WATERMELONS 339 KNOB Hill FARM OSHAWA-DURHAM FOOD TERMINAL MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY TO LIMIT 9 A M.-10 P.M. 9 A M.-10 P M 9 A.M.-10 P.M. OSHAWA/DURHAM First Ave. Juet a "Stone's Throw" North of 401 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY JUNE 8/85 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 5, 1985 11 PONTYPOOL (Intended for last week) "Welcome Back the Train" The "Dayliner" on the local C.P.R. line resumes its daily runs on Monday, June 3rd. This commuter service, from Havelock to Toronto, ceased to operate in September, September, 1982. In spite of pleas and petitions, the train service was discontinued discontinued and those using it Wesley ville (Intended for last week) The church service at Welcome United on May 26th was conducted by the Reverend Gordon Rutherford Rutherford with the call to worship given by Steven Sword. The morning sermon concerned concerned the high point of St. Paul's letters, many of which were written from prison. The lesson for the children contained questions questions why people were in prison and the Rev. Rutherford Rutherford told them that besides their reasons given of bad behaviour, many were in prison because things they believed were different from the rulers of the country country where they lived. That was why Paul was there and why a great many people are there to-day. When misfortune happens happens to us during our lives, God often turns it into good with our help. So to-day we have the benefit of the wise teaching found in those letters. letters. Paul prayed for the unity of Christians, emphasized emphasized the importance of love, and warned against false teaching. From his missionary efforts came all those of succeeding years which have carried the good news to every land. He lived as the people did in the places where he preached, but for many years missions took a different different path, imposing customs foreign to the regions where they taught. That has changed in modern day. The choir's anthem was "The Lord is in His Holy Temple", and the offering was received by Arnold Thorndyke and Edward Morton. A lovely arrangement arrangement of dark purple, lilacs with a bright spot of orange tulip at the centre was a delight delight to see as well as altar vases of white lilacs and yellow tulips. "60 seconds for 60 years" was the first of spot items about the years since union in 1925 and this Sunday's review review was read by Andrea Thompson. The speaker for next Sunday's service will be a representative of the Gideon's Bible Society. The Rev. Rutherford will be away at a conference. Garfield Payne returned Saturday, May 25th from Nepal where he had been since April 3rd. It was quite an experience to be in a country where most of daily life is far removed from our own. There are hotels and facilities which are quite modern in Katmandu, but very nearby, everyday life is at the pace experienced here years ago. Livestock is driven through the roadways, roadways, huts are heated with wood, often green juniper and pine which makes the air hard to breathe. Garfield slept in a tent part of the time at a chilly altitude of 12,000 feet. They were in the area of Everest and the scenery was spectacular. spectacular. Snow was falling the day they left. English seemed the second second language, so communication communication was easy. On the way home Garfield stopped in India for a day to see its wonders, including the Taj Mahal. After a long time of no change, we are happy to report report Allan Iloldaway was able to experience slight movement of a finger and toes last week. He is at present present in isolation in Toronto General Hospital, because of infection, but the return of some sensation is good news. We are sorry to say Mrs. John Grocnevcld Sr. is in Port Hope Hospital. She suffered a broken pelvis when she fell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Delaney, Delaney, with Misses Muriel and Daisy Irwin of Montreal spent the weekend with Mrs. Hazel Irwin, after they all attended the funeral of Mrs. John Irwin in Toronto on May 24th. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Best were in the Kitchener area during the weekend and while there, attended the Mcnnonitc annual spring sale. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne visited with relatives in Clinton on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. were forced to find alternative alternative means of transportation. transportation. M.P. Allan Lawrence informs informs us that he and approximately approximately 30 officials and dignitaries will be initially . opening the service on Sunday, Sunday, June 2nd, when they are passengers on the train travelling from Toronto to Havelock. It will be stopping at Myrtle Myrtle and is expected in Pon- typool at 1 p.m. with a half- hour stop. It is hoped that many area residents and others from neighbouring communities will be on hand to welcome the reinstatement of the "Day- liner". The local Park Board is holding a Lobb Ball Tournament Tournament this weekend, commencing commencing Friday at 7 p.m. and running through Sunday. Sunday. Another Pontypool citizen citizen passed away very suddenly suddenly this past week. On Wednesday, Andrew (Andy) Sutch Sr. was found dead in his recently purchased cottage cottage on Lake Chemong. He had a fatal heart-attack while sleeping in bed. Andy will be remembered remembered as the gentleman who initiated the "Terry Fox Walkathons" in this area. The large gathering at the Morris Funeral Home in Bowmanville on Friday and at the funeral service on Saturday in St. Joseph's Church, Bowmanville, shows that Andy had a very wide circle of friends. Interment was in Pontypool Pontypool Cemetery, following the 11 a.m. Mass. To his widow Mary, his sons David, Andy and Ronald, their families and all other relatives relatives we relay sincere sympathy sympathy from the Pontypool community. Bessie VanDam is recuperating recuperating following surgery in Memorial Hospital Hospital Bowmanville last Thursday Thursday morning. Our wishes go to Bessie for a very speedy recovery. Congratulations to Keith and Dorothy Dewar who quietly celebrated their 36th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday. Keith and Dorothy were in Gravenhurst on Friday, where Keith who is Fire Chief for Manvers Township Township was presented with a Diploma in Fire Protection Technology. This subject includes Fire Protection, Fire Fighting Operation, Techniques of Instruction and Fire Department Administration. Administration. Congratulations Keith, on your good work. Last Saturday evening approximately approximately fifty friends gathered gathered at the Pontypool Community Centre for a surprise birthday party for Freeman Arbeau. Freeman was the recipient of several useful and unique gifts. Ron Elliott, D.J., provided music for dancing. A bountiful lunch was served with a beautifully decorated cake for dessert. Mr. Dick Schlombs of ReMax Real Estate recently donated a double Flynn Re- suscitator valued at $590 to the Pontypool Fire Fighters Association. This kind and very generous donation is accepted with thanks. This addition to the Pontypool Fire Hall will greatly benefit benefit our community as we are a considerable distance from emergency medical services. Grace Fallis was in Kitchener Kitchener over the weekend. On Saturday she was present at the wedding of her brother Bert Spademan. Word has been received that Anthony Tax, 26-year- old son of Peter and Joan Tax, former residents of Pontypool now of Orono, was fatally injured in a motorcycle accident in Alberta. Alberta. Our condolences arc extended to the grieving family. Our Sympathy also goes to the family of a former Pontypool Pontypool resident who passed away last week, namely Mrs. Harriet McMaster, the former Mrs. Rusk. Birthday greetings arc sent to Mr. Joe McCullough of R.R.#2, Pontypool, who celebrates his 100th Birthday Birthday on June 4th. Mrs. McCullough, who was . in hospital for quite a lengthy period, is now home, we are glad to say, and feeling better better than she lias for a long time. The immediate family is gathering at the home of Kay and Gordon Smith in Bethany on June 2nd to help their father celebrate his century birthday., It is hoped that neighbours and friends well pay a call at the McCullough home on Tuesday, Tuesday, June 4th »ij £ Q MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY,= r j. . § 4 r ~' Homo ol llio Fuul Economy Car | MIDWAY MOTORSÎ g 1300 Danilas SI. IL, Wlillby U0I1-G02U 'a- p, midway midwa y MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY "1