< 14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 2,1985 Section Two Orono and District News by Isabelle ChalUce Quote - "Science is proving that man can live in outer space and at the bottom of the sea. It's the area in between that's causing all the trouble." Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sisson, Omemee, were Sunday visitors visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan. Dr. McElroy, York, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean. Mrs. Hazel Stapleton spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldread, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gimblett and baby Kassandra, Calgary, Alberta, have been recently visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gimblett, Leskard. Those from Orono areas attending the "Quarter Century Century Club" dinner held Enniskillen Mr. Murray Marshall, R.R. 1, Barton, Nova Scotia was a surprise supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Jim on Wednesday Wednesday evening. He was returning returning home on Thursday from the Home Hardware Show at St. Jacobs. Ruby Trewin and Jean Trewin, Blackstock enjoyed a five day bus trip with the Fun Bus to Frankenmuth, Mackinac Island, Michigan and to Sault Ste. Marie on a train trip to Agaawa Canyon, Canyon, Can. The colors were lovely in the canyon. About 20 from this district were on the bus. Miss Alice Stevenson, Willowdale, Masters Trevor Wright, Solina, David Fisher, R.R. 1, Bowmanville and Benji Lafave were recent recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Miss Stevenson also called on Mrs. W.E. Sanderson, . R.R. 1, Oshawa. Mrs. Lou Griffin has returned returned home from enjoying a vacation in Thunder Bay with Mr. and Mrs. John Belle. Mr. and Mrs. Fawns, Port Perry called on Mr. and Mrs. Bud McNair and all the family family were home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe and Mary Lee, Little Ricky Howe, Tim and Tracy Howe and Ryan, Debbie and Brad Huggins, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley, Mr. and Mrs. Van Grismon, Pembroke, were among the guests, who attended attended Rick and Sherri's wedding on Saturday. Best wishes.; Mrs. Lou Griffin enjoyed a chicken supper out with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin and Mr. Lance Phare on Friday night, celebrating celebrating Lou's birthday. Many happy returns of the day, Lou. Dr. and Mrs. R.B. Green, Napanee and Mrs. John Sle- mon were Monday luncheon luncheon guests of Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Ella Bowman Bowman and on Sunday they visited visited Mrs. Russell Vanhorn, Whitby and had dinner out with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Clark and Mary Piggott, James Piggott and Margaret Piggott were Sunday visitors visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. A very special welcome was extended to our guest speaker Rev. Fred Milnes, Orono, Kirby Charge who preached at Enniskillen on Sunday. Pastor Joe was the guest speaker at Kirby. The announcements are as follows: Next Sunday, October October 6, is a special celebration celebration for Enniskillen U.C. when we as a worship community community dedicate a beautiful new Roger's organ to the glory of God. This grand organ has been donated to our church by Mrs. E. Sle- mon in memory of her family. family. Our guest organist is Ashton McMaster who will demonstrate the capabilities of the fine instrument. instrument. Fellowship will follow. This is also World Wide Communion Sunday and Rev. Cliff de Quet- teville will join us that morning and share with us the sacrament of the Eucharist, truly a symbol of "thanksgiving" in the highest highest sense. The Eucharist will be celebrated at both congregations. The evening of October 6 continues the festivities as a Pancake Supper and Evening of Music is pre sented by the Tyrone Choir with special guest soloist, Mr. Ross Metcalf. The supper supper will begin at 5:30 and the musical presentation will begin at 7:30. The Sacrament of Baptism Baptism will be celebrated at both congregations of October October 27th with Rev. C. de Quetteville officiating. A meeting of the parents will take place at Tyrone U.C. on Monday, October21stat7:30 p.m. Please call Pastor Lafave if'you have a child to be presented for Baptism. Baptism. U.C.W. Regional Meeting will be held on October 8th at Orono U.C. with registration registration at 9:15 a.m. Please bring new knitted items for "Jack Frost Project." Shelley Shelley Wright will share some of her experiences from her trip to Korea. Please call Merle Avery if you wish to attend. (Intended for last week) The September meeting of the U.C.W. was held Wednesday 18th at the church. President Merle Avdry welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a poem "Take Time." We all repeated our theme, followed by prayer. Minutes were read and approved. Thank you cards and donations donations were acknowledged, Regional meeting is October October 8th at Orono 9:15 a.m. Devotion was taken by committee committee in charge. Elsie read poem and offered prayer, Annie used Hab. 3-19. The Theme "Be Glad You Are Alive." Shirley Stainton introduced introduced our speaker Rosa Hartjes from Indian River. Rosa sings and speaks at various meeting and is taping taping a two hour T.V. programme. programme. She gave us a very interesting account of her life as a child and her life as a mother and wife. Her faith even as a child was very strong, and later when problems came in their lives her health and her faith suffered for a time and when later through friends and prayer she found peace and better health, she prepared prepared to serve God through action and her music. This has enriched their lives and the songs she writes and sings are very meaningful. Shirley thanked Rosa and Betty presented her with a lovely hand made gift of appreciation. appreciation. Offering was received received and meeting closed with prayer, a social time was enjoyed with a delicious delicious lunch. Hospital Bowling September 24,1985 Ladies High Single Susie Marshall 321 Men's High Single Brian Cascagnette 238 Ladies High Triple Susie Marshall 706 Men's High Triple Brian Cascagnette 640 Top 10 Averages Susie Marshall 209, Phil Woodcock 201, Roy Woodcock 200, Brian Cascagnette 190, Art Atkinson 189, Rod Grecnlcy 188, Gary Pickard 187, Charlotte Cascagnette 184, Lu Anne Potter 184, Jim MacDonald 184. The Fiero's are still in first place with 24 points and 10819 pintail. Friday, Sept. 27, in Red Oak Inn, Peterborough, were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gimblett, Leskard; Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Heard, Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Elson, Mr. and Mrs. O. Challice. Mr. Challice was one of the 40 new members to join the club this year. (385 in attendance). Attention all card players! The regular card parties in Orono Town Hall will commence Wed., Oct. 9 at 8 p.m. These are always (unfilled (unfilled evenings and you are supporting your "old town hall." Rev. and Mrs. James Crothers, Gettysburg, Penn., U.S.A., were weekend guests with their aunt, Mrs. E. Billings and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and boys were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and family, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chater, Leskard, ..were last Wednesday evening with Mrs. Hazel Stapleton. Orville and Isabelle Challice were guests at a large family gathering with over 40 in attendance, at the spacious home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Munneke, Ski View Estates, Bethany, on Sunday, on the occasion of the Challices' birthdays, Sept. 29 and Oct. 1. St. Saviours Church News Next Sunday will be our Harvest Thanksgiving service at 9:45 a.m. at St. Saviours and please "deliver" any "goodies" from your garden, for decorating the church, to the "John Breen" hall by Oct. 4th. Also help to decorate would be most appreciated. All servers training session, 7 - 8:30 p.m. in St. George's Church, Newcastle. Please reserve Sat., Oct. 19 for our annual church bazaar. There will be crafts, baking, doodads, whatnots, plants and preserves - all needed items for a bazaar. Please come out and pay us a visit! Sunday leaflets - Information Information to be in Valerie's hands by supper time on Thursdays, or call her at 786-2611. Orono News Mrs. Audrey McNaul, Oshawa, had dinner with her cousins last Friday evening, at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings. Last Tuesday, Mrs. Edith Taylor entertained Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh and Mrs. Bertha Touchburn, all from Bowmanville, on the occasion of Mrs. Touchburn's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. David Ferrier and family, Bolton, were weekend guests of her parents, the O. Challices. Mrs. Kay Beggs, Pontypool, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor last Thursday. Orono United Church News The Sunday morning children's children's time was taken by Mrs. Carol Yeo and the Jr. Sunday School departments. The choir rendered the beautiful "Morning has Broken." The Orono Hi C group enjoyed a weiner roast at the home of Paul and Cherri Davies, 66 Andrews Rd. (Orono Estates). Birthdays this week -Sept. 29 - Isabelle Challice, Todd Hutton; Oct. 1 - Orville Challice, Oct. 2 - Everett Brown, Oct. 3 - Clifford Terrill. Wed., Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m. in Leskard Church hall our regular unit meeting and on Thursday, Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. our fall card parties begin. Children's Story Time - If you are interested in helping out, please contact Ruth Grady (983-5149). Greeters are needed to welcome people to our Sunday Services. If yo wish to help as an individual or a family, please sign list at front doors, with your phone number and someone will call you. Special up coming services - Oct. 6 Sacrament of Holy Communion. Communion. Oct. 13 Thanksgiving Services. Oct. 20 Anniversary Services, Dr. Dick Davidson as guest speaker. Tuesday, Oct. 8 Fall Presbyterial U.C.W. rally at Orono United Church. A large crowd was in attendance at the Official Board Meeting of the charge, last Thursday evening in the upstairs hall. The various duties of the groups were discussed discussed and clarified. PAUL MORRIS DIRECTOR- AVOID PROBLEMS WITH PRE-PLANNING Planning In advance can bo the koy lo avoiding problems that olton como up when a funeral funeral musl bo put together In a hurry by survivors. There may bo questions as to the wishes of tho deceased, emotional turmoil turmoil Involving thoso decisions, and high costs resulting from such harried, last-minute decisions. decisions. What Is Involved in pre-planning? pre-planning? To begin with, It moans deciding In advance the kind of disposition desired, discussing plans with family and friends, putting Instructions In writing and filing thorn with pooplo who aro llkoly to ho responsible lor carrying them out, It can also moan choosing a particular lunoral homo. This Is Important for determining costs and making making sure wishes are carried out. Tho directors at tho Morris Funoral Chapel would bo most pleased to answer any of your questions or arrange a preplanned preplanned funoral with you If you doddo to place your trust and confldonco with us. 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