1 t ( 6 Th 3 Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. January 20.1988 trt-tolk tti-MOJ FLASHBACK -- 25 YEARS AGO -- Last spring, "Scudd" Myles landed a giant speckled trout while trolling on Allen Lake, Wilberforce which won him the grand prize for the biggest speckled trout caught in Ontario in 1962. It is estimated the fish weighed over eight pounds when caught and it won "Scudd" a $100 cash prize. FLASHBACK -- 10 YEARS AGO -- Bob Koczulab in goal for the Port Darlington Marina and Hotel Jr. C. Eagles, earned a shutout in a 11-0 game over the Port Hope Panthers on Thursday in Port Hope. Snowball Tournament Turns Into Battle of the Mud BIG FISH -- The results of the 1987 Molson Big Fish Contest have been announced. There were over 200 anglers mentioned in connection with 10 species of fish. The contest was divided into the Catch and Keep and the Live Release categories. Dave Newman, of Rexdale, Ontario, was selected as Ontario Angler of the Year and winning contestants were eligible to share in cash and prizes valued at $80,000. First prizes consisted of $150 cash and an Evinrude electric fishing motor plus one Berkley rod and reel combination. ATHLETES OF THE YEAR -- Ontario's Ministry of Tourism and Recreation announced that sprinter Ben Johnson has been named Ontario Athlete of the Year for the third consecutive year. Wheelchair athlete Ron Robillard took top honors as Ontario Disabled Athlete of the Year. The Russ Howard World Champion Curling Curling Rink captured the Ontario Team of the Year award. CONGRATULATIONS -- to local bowlers Bobby Anne Fairey and Joan Murphy who were on winning teams in the Regional O.V. Tournament held during the weekend at Liberty Bowl. TOURNAMENT THIS WEEKEND -- On Saturday, January 23, the Bowmanville Arena will be the site of the annual Atom House League Tournament. The following" week, on Saturday, January 30, there will be a Novice House League Tournament at the Darlington Darlington Arena. THE NEXT EAGLES' HOME GAME -- is this Sunday, January 24, when Cobourg will be in town. The game time is 7:30 p.m. The following Sunday, January 31, there will be a special Goodyear Night at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Arena in which Goodyear employees, retirees, and spouses can obtain free tickets by contacting Charlie Trim at the Goodyear plant. Goodyear Night will mark the final regular season game for the Eagles. Lindsay Muskies will be the opposing team. SPEAKING OF THE GOODYEAR EAGLES - we note that the hockey club recently celebrated its 22nd year in the league with a party on January 9 at Memorial Park Clubhouse for fans, parents, players, and others connected with the team. The club was launched in the 1965-66 hockey season and has been going strong ever since. The Snowball Tournament, which took place January January 16 in Memorial Park, Bowmanville, was transformed transformed into a mud tournament mid-afternoon as warm weather melted the snow on the field. However However that didn't spoil the fun for the 12 teams participating. participating. The Bowmanville Audio-Vision Old Timers Timers organized the event which saw the Boyle Ex cavating team take home the championship. Pictured Pictured above in the back (left to right) are: Clarke Glaspell, Gord Rogers, Dave McCullough, Mike Tidd, Ed Bird, Andrew Davey and Earl "Jessie" Strong. In the front (left to right) are Jeff Strong, Paul Strong, Mike Real and Darryl Glaspell. St. Marys Ready for the Playoffs WORLD BACKYARD BALL HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP CHAMPIONSHIP -- Next Saturday, January 30, the World Backyard Ball Hockey Championship will take place at the outdoor outdoor rink at the Strike residence on Beech Ave. Although Although not in the same league as the Stanley Cup playoffs, this has proven to be a popular outing for all concerned. It even has official sponsorship byLabatt's. As yet, Wide World of Sports has not included it in the weekend broadcast lineup. St. Marys Midgets began the new year on a winning note, winning five of their first seven games. Young Canada Day ■ lope became Toros SNORKELLING, ANYONE? -- At the Fitness Centre in Bowmanville, they're offering a snorkelling course every Tuesday night', commencing at 7:30 p.m. Swimmers who have achieved the blue badge level are eligible to participate. participate. Although the program has already started, it's not too late for interested swimmers to join up. The sessions last 45 minutes. For further information, contact the Town of Newcastle Fitness Centre, n 'tKci/tn cAnyan "Drop by ana see me today!" COWAN BOWMANVILLE - ONT "-C 166 KING STREET EAST BUS. 623-3396 RES. 623-7405 mg i Port Hop first victim of 1988 going down to a 3-2 defeat in front of a large Toro audience. A hot Port Hope goalie kept the score respectable against the relentless St. Marys offense: Scoring for Bowmanville: John Duczmalewski (Paul Hindman, Tim Powers); Paul Hindman (Sean Powers, Powers, John Duczmalewski); Jeff Reynolds (Steve Cus); Paul Hindman (Sean Powers, Powers, John Duczmalewski). Congratulations to Paul Cra- go who was awarded the M.V.P. Award. Newcastle January 6 In this rematch, Toros came out flying against Newcastle, drawing first blood and all indications were that Bowmanville would finally take revenge. However, their old nemesis regrouped, the Bowmanville surge died and the defence TACKLE & HUNTING SUPPLIES MOVING SALE 50%> OFF (list price) All Fishing Rods ' 50% OFF Selected Reels Thursday, Friday, Saturday JANUARY 21 -22- 23 ONLY Watch for our move to 44 King St. W. (formerly Myles TV) 69 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5288 crumbled as Toros went down to a 5-2 loss. Scoring: Terry Kellett (Doug Lever, Blaine Sleep); Jeff Reynolds (Terry Kellett, Paul Crago). Brighton Tourney January 9/10 By far the most exciting hockey of the month took place in Brighton with Bowmanville Bowmanville emerging as runner-up runner-up in thé 'A* champion-' ship. Brighton Loses Toros began slowly in this early morning contest and their disorganized sleepy- eyed play soon resiilted in a 2-0 deficit as fans prepared for a long wait for the 'B 1 championship playoffs. However, a strange phenomenon phenomenon was about to occur. occur. Sparked by the line of Sean Powers, Paul Hindman and Jim Pithie things began to roll as they skated, checked and shot the Brighton Brighton team into submission. Taking the cue, the other forward forward lines equalled the charge and Brighton soon fell victim to seven unanswered unanswered Toro goals as Ian Cooper closed the gate to the frustrated and tired Brighton Brighton squad, sending Toros to the A championship semifinals. semifinals. Scoring: Jeff Reynolds Reynolds (Tim Powers, Brad Rushak); John Duczmalewski Duczmalewski (Doug Lever, Jim McWilliams); McWilliams); Paul Hindman (Sean Powers, Jim Pithie); Tim Powers (Steve Cus, Jeff Reynolds); Reynolds); Jeff" Reynolds (Tim 'owers, Steve Cus); Doug Lever (Paul Crago, Jim McWilliams); Jeff Reynolds (Mike Kane, Tim Powers). Not on the scoreboard but equally responsible for this impressive win were Chris Hall, Blaine Sleep, and Scott Brunt who were effective on defense. Belleville Wins On Sunday, January 10, Toros met an impressive Belleville squad whose fastskating fastskating and hard-hitting soon put Toros under 1-0 as the familiar first period disorganization disorganization returned. However, St. Marys regrouped regrouped between periods and with the help of Paul Gallant who was simply outstanding outstanding in net, Toros claimed three unanswered goals sending Belleville home and Toros to the 'A' finals. finals. Scoring: Steve Cus (Tim Powers, Paul Hindman); Hindman); Tim Powers (Steve Cus, Brad Rushak). Congratulations Congratulations to Tim Powers For a fine performance. Deseronto Wins Toros received some of their own medicine in the finals. finals. Playing super hockey the first period ended in a 1-1 tie. Unfortunately, the second second brought with it a flood- tide of Deseronto shots as Toro penalties effectively destroyed destroyed their attack and St. Marys went down to a 5-1 loss. Congratulations to both teams whp, showed a lot of class during the game. Unfortunately," Unfortunately," the Deseronto parents showed a definite lack of adult decorum in the stands. Scoring for Bowmanville: Bowmanville: Steve Cus (Jeff Reynolds, Chris Hall). Congratulations Congratulations to Ian Cooper who was awarded M.V.P. ynolds); Hindma Sean Powers (Paul lindman, Chris Hall); Chris Hall (Paul Crago, Sean Powers); Powers); Jeff Reynolds (Chris Hall,Tvlike Kane). Omemee January 13 Scoring for Toros in this 3-2 victory: Sean Powers (Brad Rushak, Chris Hall); John Duczmalewski (Terry Kellett, Jim McWilliams); Chris Hall (Sean Powers, Jim Pithie). Award. Millbrook January 11 Scoring for Bowmanville in this 4-2 victoiy: TimPow- (Steve Cus, Jeff Re- '*ioa** ers S Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANGE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday j COWAN I PONTIAC - BUICK LTD BOWMANVILLC - ONT 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396 TIRE SALES INC. 676-1220 TRISUN, AU SEASON 2M P--n Aw- CROSS COUNTRY SKIING at Mosport Park 37 km of groomed trails 6 different trails from novice to expert Phone 983-9141 Equipment Rentals Available Recreation Hockey Scores Tyke: Optimist Club Novice: Frank's Variety Minor Atom: Bay Sports Mgjor Atom: Darlington Auto Sales Pee Wee: I.O.O.F. Minor Bantam: Snowden Electric Major Bantam: Remax Games Jan. 9, 1988 Bowmanville Arena Tyke Skylight 4 -- Andy Griffin 4; A & R Flooring 1 -- Steve Ewles 1. Shoppers 1 -- Erik Griffin 1; London Life 0 -- Shutout Jake Davis. Novice Adam & Eve 5 -- Guy Tousignant 2, Steve Tabb 1, Ryan Pingle 1, Brent Stockman 1; Carter's 5 -- Emile Solomon 2, Colin MacDonald 1, Philip Gushulak 1, Jason Fraync 1. Victoria & Grey 1 -- Ryan Brannigan 1; Bonded 0 -- Shutout Mark Murphy. Atom London Life 3 -- Scott McGregor 2, Ian Borutski 1; J & J Sharpening 1 -- Nathan Siebenga 1. 401 Esso 2 -- Gary Munn 2; Ontario Hydro 1 -- Shutout Shutout Philip Cunningham. J & J Sharpeners Suffer Loss J and J Sharpening Atom hockey team in B.R.H.L. went down to defeat to the London Life club on Saturday. Saturday. It was a well played game by both teams with London coming to life in the third period with three unanswered unanswered goals to overcome a one to zero lead on a goal scored by Nathan Seibenga. J and J's next league game is January 30 against Hutton the first place team in their division. Good Luck! Bun King Splits Game The Bun King Toros played one of the few games of tne season on the large ice surface of the Oshawa Civic Centre, January 14th. From the beginning it looked as though the Bun King team was about to run away with a big win. Just 2:45 into the first period period David Szabo rifled a shot past this L.N.H.L. netminder to give the Toros the lead. Within a minute Jeremy Woodcock put the Bowmanville Bowmanville team two ahead with assists going to Szabo and Cory Strand. Before the period period was over Woodcock had notched his second, assisted by Joel Crombie. The Bun King team continued continued their aggressive forechecking forechecking into the second period, period, but the Hawks managed to pick one up at the 5 minute minute mark. Again, just as the period was about to end, Jeremy Woodcock scored his third of the evening, assisted by Mark Breckenridge. Unfortunately, the Bun Kings fell flat in the third period* allowing the Hawks to score three unanswered goals to end the game in a 4- all tie. Pee Wee Checker's 4 -- Craig Rickard Rickard 2, Bruce Bumstead 2: Mr. Submarine 4 -- Waycle Putnam 1, Darin Lazure 1, John Whittaker 1, Mike SUGSS le Dykstra's 2 -- Jeff Martin 2; McRobbie's 1 -- Marc Ferguson 1. Future Games Bowmanville Arena ville Sand & Gravel 10 a.m. -- Mr. Sub vs. Lange's 11 a.m. - McRobbie's vs. Checker's 12 noon - Hydro vs. Hutton 1 p.m. - London Life vs. 401 Esso 2 p.m. - V & G vs. Carter's 3 p.m. - Jimmy's vs. Adam & Eve 4 p.m. - London Life vs. A & 8 a.m. - McGregor Graham's IGA VS. R Flooring 5 p.m. - Shoppers VS. 9 a.m. - Kool vs. Bowman- skylight BRIIL Standings as of January 9, 1988 Tyke W L T F A Pts. Shoppers Drug Mart 9 2 1 35 20 19 A&RFlôoring 8 3 1 34 21 17 Skylight Donut 5 6 1 37 33 11 London Life 10 2 6 38 2 Novice Victoria&Grey Trust 7 2 36 13 16 Adam & Eve 5 2 3 40 33 13 Carter's Bakery 4 3 , 3 31 25 11 Jimmy's Place 2 6 1 19 34 5 Bonded Paving 1 8 1 14 35 3 Atom Hutton Transport 8 2 40 13 18 J&JSharpening 6 3 2 43 30 14 Ontario Hydro 2 4 4 20 28 8 401 Esso 2 6 3 26 41 7 London Life 1 6 3 15 32 5 Pee Wee Dykstra's Deli 8 3 32 21 19 Mr. Submarine 5 1 .3 28 17 13 McRobbic Photo 2 5 3 33 33 7 Lange's Photo 2 5 3 32 41 7 Checker's Variety 6 4 24 37 4 Bantam Nichols Motors 8 1 48 17 17 Graham's IGA 5 3 ,1 37 28 11 Bowmanville Sand & Gravel 4 4 26 43 8 Kool Enterprises 2 6 1 20 31 5 McGregor Hard ware 1 7 1 27 39 3 ACT TODAY! Install a Deadlock $59.95 each Free Rekeying of existing locks. LOCKSMITH 623-1021 48 King St. E., Bowmanville HAVE YOUR LOCKS INSTALLED BY PROFESSIONALS PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our specialty is lumber and lumber products. A-complete line of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. • Walnut • Cherry • Maple • Redwood * Teak • Oak • Phil. Mahog. • Softwoods Hardwood and softwood plywood. Specialty Custom Milling , MILL and YARD 328 Ritson Rd.-N.; Oshawa 725-4744 FRED'S AUTO BODY • Specializing in Unibody, Front Wheel Drive • Superior Collision Repair • Expert Refinishing • Clear Coat Available • Come In -- Free Estimate * lnsurance Claims • Courtesy Car Available 163 Base Line Rd. E. Bowmanville 623-6353 10 FREE THUS when you book 10 Tanning Sessions at the Regular Price of $55.00 Yes! You will receive 20 Tanning Sessions for the Price of 10! (members and Ron-members) Hurry! Offer applies to the first 20 customers only! You don't have to be a member to get a great tan! 98 King Street West Bommanville Telephone 623-9331