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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1988, p. 19

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Ontario Street Students Take Part in Music Festival SMsSMU SaSIil 7 77fSSl ST" ' :%m ■ 'i• ■><,* pm > ,'VW 1 * v > t*w.. '/* /UtA- ™ %u> SînU : : t. 2 Grade three and four students of Ontario Street Public School in Bowman ville sang in French at the Kiwanis Club music festival held in Workworth last SMith-V'l Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 1, 1988 3 week. Under the guidance of teacher Monique Warren, Warren, the children sang "Il était une bergere". Trimble - Bowler Wedding ChimneySweep Offers Tips for Homeowners by Donna Kell Sometimes they wear top hats and tails. Sometimes, like Rich Richter, they may even drive a vehicle which used to be a hearse. Sometimes, we refer to them as chimney sweeps. But we might also call them "sootbusters". Rich Richter, a North Bowmanville resident, opened his Sootbusters business business last fall, cleaning chimneys chimneys in and around the Town of Newcastle. "You've heard of Ghost- busters? My logo is like that. Only instead of ghosts, they're soot busters. It's good advertising. People take second second looks when they see you," said Mr. Richter. done before they become dangerous. "I've been to some places and it's a wonder wonder they haven't burned their house down. People put .it off, and put it off, until smoke starts coming out. l*.,ui,ci, smuive slculs lummy uuu. And it's also possible that Then they give you a call," ^ taking second he said. Mr. Richter is concerned about safety hazards relating e are look's because of the fact that his "sootbuster" insignia is, • painted on the door of the' former funeral coach that he 1 uses for his chimney cleaning cleaning business. Mr. Richter encourages people to get their chimneys' to fireplaces and chimneys; and writes aboüt this in his article "An Ounce of Prevention Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure". "Most people don't seem to realize that chimneys need regular cleaning when wood is burned on a daily basis' during the heating season," said Mr. Richter. He is also concerned that people check their chimneys regularly, using a powerful light and mirror. If the flue is clear and pink^it's fine, jf' the flue is black or furry, it needs ;pt Rich Richter discussed creosote which collects on the chimney, hindering its smooth operation. "Dust-like carbon particles particles called 'creosote' collect on the inside of a chimney flue, impairing the draft., Wood stove manufacturers and laboratory tests show; that as little as one millimeter of creosote in the chimney can reduce a stove's efficiency efficiency by up to 15 per cent/" he said. Mr. Richter cautions against using wood that has not been cured or dried, or .keeping the temperature of the fire under 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Both things. cause creosote build- up. A railway worker by day and, phimr.ey .sweep by night, Rich lives on Liberty Street, north of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Kingsview United Church in Oshawa was the setting for the marriage of Tracy Ann Larmer and Gary Bruce Madgett on April 16,1988. The home of the bride's parents was the setting for the wedding of Beth Anne Bowler and Curtis Rodney Trimble. Rev. D. Stiles officiated at the evening ceremony ceremony on February 20,1988. The bride was given in marriage by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowler, Bowler, of Newcastle. The groom's parents are Mr. John Trimble, Oshawa and Mrs. Mabel Upbsdell, Caesarea. Caesarea. The newlyweds will reside in Bowmanville. McRobbie Photo Tf i i i if i * The bride is the daughter Howard Malcolm Honored °™i y and Joan Lamer <* Courtice. The groom is the son of Bruce and Marie Madgett of Oshawa. The bride was given in marriage by her mother and father. She chose a wedding gown of white satin and guipure guipure lace. The bodice of the gown was adorned with- pearls and sequins. The full skirt fell into a chapel length train, bordered with scalloped scalloped lace. ' She wore a Madgett - Larmer Wedding Patti Larmer, Jodi Larmer, sisters of the bride and Lorraine Lorraine Madgett, sister of the groom. John Oostinga attended the groom as his best man. His ushers were Carlo Rossi, Randy Kemp and Brent Madgett, brother of !the groom Tne reception was held at the Lions Centre in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The couple honeymooned in Puerto Plata and are now residing in Oshawa. By Agriculture Ministry i $ III®! Slizsl trill a ÜÜÉ res I] J | | - ICliU by E s :hickson «Ini bwi Rich stands beside the hearse he uses for his chimney chimney sweep company. "People take a second look when they see you," says Rich, who services the New-, castle area. Church services were fairly well attended. Mr. Geo. Wood sang "The Stranger in Galilee", Mrs. Cruise on the piano. Rev. Sedgwick had a branch of an apple tree, teacliing the children children that it would not grow without the help of the earth as we wouldn't grow without without God's help. ? Scriptures were' read from, Joshua and .Romans. Rev. Sedgwick spoke on John Wesley and the Methodist Methodist Heritage, a 250 years celebration. i Mr. and Mrs. Bull took up the offering and Mr. Quan? trill was at the door. Coffee was served. Next Sunday Rev. Sedgwick will be attending attending a conference at Brockville. Members of the charge will conduct the service. service. Special envelopes will be in tne pews next Sunday, for World Development and Relief. June 12 will be Baptismal Baptismal Sunday at Garden NEW LOCATION Add more space, more light, more airiness with a Four Seasons® "SUNROOM'? Let the beauty of the outdoors in with a Four Seasons "SUNROOM". It can be built into your home or added on. Either way, its adjustable adjustable pitch roof can match your roof line. Best of all, we can customize customize your "SUNROOM" the way you like. Choose any shape, any form. Select a glass or shingled roof or any combination. Specify solid wood or glass sides. And add a breeze with functional doors. The choice is yours. The Four Seasons Solar Advantage 8 " keeps you warmer in winter and cooler in summer with exclusive features such as Pow-R-Vent® cooling, Heat Mirror™ glazing and built-in shading to provide year- round comfort. Perfect for spa enclosures, kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, dining and patio rooms. ,1 Visit our Showroom WHITBY SHOPPING FAIR 25 Thickson Rd. N., Whitby 432-1100 1-800-263-3754 Over 230 Indepcmlrnlly operated franchised toe n I OUR SEASONS UK LI NI KH LSI S I » I * 11 I \ Kl MM H ll 'III M f ( I-Mll I s Outdoor Living For A Lifetime" CUVM hiui Stemm StiUi hiiluth Coip locations worldwide. •Al paiiiclpaling ccnier*. See ccnlcr fur deuil» Hill. No confirmation class on Sun. May 29. On Saturday afternoon a number of friends and relatives relatives gathered to celebrate with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gann their 25th wedding an-> niversary. The UCW served lunch to the gathering. On Sunday afternoon over 100 called at Mrs. Barb Gray's home to congratulate- Mrs. Mary Kellogg, as president president of the Bay of Quinte Conference. Everyone reported reported seeing friends from far and near. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer had a yard sale on the weekend weekend and many members of the family called as well as buyers. Mrs. Irene Beatty and Mrs. Mary Frew spent the last week in Oakville with -Doris Gunby and Andrew. They came home with Mr. and Mrs. B. Burton and boys who spent Sunday with Dor-, is. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer were with Mr. and Mrs. Fajt recently, and had Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa for tea last Sunday evening. Most families in the are£\, were gardening. The building that Horner's Horner's built east of the village is opened and plants and vegetables vegetables were being sold on the weekend. Mae Muldrew had tea with Edith Carruthers after the Gann's celebration. Thicksons had Suzanne on Monday and Beryl called on Monday on her way home from putting her boat on the lake up north of here. Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fowler had fire crackers and several families got together and bought these ana then came to see. They were real interesting. interesting. About 15 children enjoyed enjoyed the same. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm visited Eileen 'saunt, Betty Whittaker in Hamilton one day this week. Congratulations are extended extended to Howard on attaining another honor to his long list: of laurels earned over the; years. Howard was one of 100 citizens who were re-, cently named as Ministry of. Agriculture and Food Gen-' tennial Awards winners for the prominent part he has played over the years in promoting promoting the pork industry in his various, elected capacities, capacities, a well deserved honor. Miss Mona Malcolm accompanied accompanied Ronnie Sharman to the Jack and Jill party tendered tendered Ronnie's sister Heather Heather Sharman and her fiance Terry Farr, held at the Oak- wood arena on Saturday; evening in anticipation of their future marriage. The event was well attended by relatives jand their peers. Belated congratulations . are extended to Marie and Charles (better known as -Chuck) -Carmichael of Fowlers Fowlers Corners who were honored honored by a large crowd of relatives relatives and friends at the Coronation Hall in Omemee on Saturday evening on the occasion of their silver wedding wedding anniversary. Chuck is the general proprietor of the Omemee Shell Service Station Station and Marie is an employee employee of Woolco. The evening was arranged by their two sons Kenny and David. Brother Bob and Pam Carmichael Carmichael of Lotus. Floyd and Dale pnd Nancy Stinson were among those from our community in attendance. Among the presents donated by those present was a painting painting of wild geese accompanied accompanied by asemi-poetic address that roasted and toasted the honored guests. It was Corrie and your scribe's pleasure this weekend weekend to be overnight guests of Florence and Roy Chatten of Hilton , Ont. (a suburb of Brighton). We also enjoyed attending a Lions Club dance at which the well known 12 piece band The Commodores Commodores provided excellent dancing music, a number of mouldy oldies which were in vogue back in the 30, 40 and 50 s. This band has been in existence since 1928 with three of their personnel dat- i ng back some 40 years. We were pleased to renew renew acquaintance with a formerCounty Council colleague colleague of the seventies,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunk of Brigh ton whom we hadn't seen since that time. We had a very enjoyable weekend with the Chattens. Mother_nature provided an unscheduled interruption to those farmers who were breaking the Sabbath by indulging indulging in a little "Sabbatical" "Sabbatical" spring work-planting corn etc. on Sunday. A brief but heavy rainstorm which included a deluge of hail which covered tne ground for a few minutes accompanied accompanied by a thunder storm was the mode of interruption to provide the "day of rest." A few members of the Yelverton U.C.W. motored to Cullen Gardens at Whitby where their itinerary included included dinner and a visit to the Robinson House. A number of members went A.W.O.L. due to other pressures of the season. Central Ontario Selects Pee Wee team (not the Woodville Selects as erroneously erroneously mentioned previously) won 'their tournament this weekend played at their.. home ice in Millbrook. The final game was played in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm were Sunday evening evening dinner guests of Mrs. Evelyn Werry of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Town Issues Warning About Rabid Animals matching headpiece to complete complete her ensemble. Karen Kellett attended the bride as her maid of honour. honour. Her bridesmaids were A warning about rabies is being sent to dog owners in the Town of Newcastle, especially especially those in the rural areas. areas. Brian Irwin, the Town of Newcastle by-law enforcement enforcement officer, says that a small number of animal carcasses carcasses have tested positive for rabies this year. While Mr. Irwin says that there is no cause for alarm, he wants all dog owners to be wary. "It is an average year for rabies," Mr. Irwin reported last week. He further explained that when someone finds an animal animal carcass, such as a skunk or raccoon, after there has been any human contact it is always tested. Testing would also be done on any animal reported to be acting strangely. "People just need to use a little extra special caution," said Mr. Irwin. It ONLY BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA DODGE DEALER INGVAR MOTORS LIMITED l 1428 KING ST. E„ OSHAWA NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 723-1175 723-1176 % " "8 Evü 1 « 1 .1 f 1 73 p 1 "1 II Q ,, Come see: Robert Bennett. Ron Peters. Lyle Smith. Terry Peters or Ted Whiting, ll Ask your neighbor why they bought their new car from Kingvar Motors Many thinking people are pre-arranging funerals At quiet times, along with their own private thoughts, many people --both young and elderly --are making the sensible decision to pre-arrange their funeral. Their wishes are made known well before time of need, removing stress from surviving relatives. Call or write for our selection of brochures on the various aspects of funerals and pre-planning. Northcutt Elliott Funeral Horne 53 Division Street BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 2Z8 Phone 623-5668 16% % 4 \A A !l',i 10% Interest charges and service fees should be closely examined whenever you are in the market for credit. Rates vary greatly and the methods of calculating interest and services differ from one institution to another. It is your right--and in your best interest--to know precisely how much credit is costing you! You should always compare carefully such things as: • the interest rate being charged • the amount of time allowed to pay in full before interest is charged • how the interest charges are calculated • the non-interest charges such as transaction or service fees • the competitive benefits offered by one institution over another l+l Consumer end Consommation Corporate Affairs ot Corporations Canada Canada Canada

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