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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1989, p. 5

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! More Winners in Visual Arts Crafts Exhibition The Canadian Statesman, Iinwtn.mville. January 25. IÎI8ÎI % ■ ê One of four Awards of Excellence was won by Melbourne Pollard of Ajax for this "Boat Brigantine" which attracted considerable attention. This award was donated by Port Darlington Marina Hotel. The exhibition continues Monday to Sunday 12-4 and Wednesday 5-8 until Feb. 12th. ■. - ■, v :r SS The Originality Award donated by Janet Coats went to Wendy Bateman of Haliburton for her entry named "Only the Brave Dare Climb the Steep." The ■ award was accepted by her father Art Brunton from Mr. Williams. Vincent Massey News Last Friday, I interviewed IMrs. Michaelis. She told me ; that this month in Environmental Environmental Studies the class is learning about weather. They are dong experiments about weather and air. The things they are using are paper, balloons and water. In art work the class is drawing the different seasons. For math they are learning to measure. They measured the heieht of the class and re- Ô BOWMANVILLE/Oshawa IDFiJ VJ j'J G1 ElUi-IOOL *New Branch* 99 King St. East Bowmanville First class for Driver's Ed. starts Feb. 6th, Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. 'Opening Special* SAVE $25.00 off our regular fee if you register before January 31, 1989. OSL approved, income tax deductible, insurance certification "A FAMILY BUSINESS" 623-4641 KELLY LEGAL SERVICES 41 TEMPERANCE ST., BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Mervyn B. Kelly, B. Comm., LL.B. RESIDENTIAL PURCHASES - RESIDENTIAL SALES RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES - WILLS POWERS OF ATTORNEY - PROBATE LEGAL AID ACCEPTED Free Initial Consultation On: DRIVING CHARGES - ASSAULT CRIMINAL CHARGES - DIVORCE WILLS, ESTATES AND PROBATE Office Hours: Weekdays -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. also Evenings and Saturday by appointment The Federal Building .41 Temperance Street Suite 202 Bowmanville, Ont. Telephone 623-4444 Blue Ray Chapter holds Inspection Night Naetleton-Caeearea News by Mabel Cawker Blue Ray Chapter Holds Inspection Night Blue Ray Chapter, No. 238, OES, opened in regular form with many sisters and brothers from Blue Ray and neighbouring Chapters who braved the icy road conditions...and attended the Annual Annual Inspection on Thursday, Jan. 12, at 7:30 p.m. Worthy Matron Sister Marilyn Jones assisted by Worthy Patron Brother Wilfred Alexander (Pro- tern) extended a warm, fraternal welcome to the District Deputy Grand Matron Sister Catherine Ellis of District II...who paid her official visit of Inspection. She was escorted to the East by Conductress Conductress Sister Debby Davis. Many other dignitaries were welcomed as well. During the short business period...communications were received from many sources, read by Secretary Sister Marg Jeffrey. Shut-ins, etc. received lovely boxes of cheer at Christmas, and many notes of appreciation appreciation and donations were received. Convener Paula Copithorn...the convener! Isn't that what benevolent work is all about? A caring organization! The Chapter catered to the Mason's Robbie Burns night this corded it onto graphs and a chart. The things the class uses to measure are metre sticks, tape measures, trundle trundle wheels, etc. They are also estimating when they measure measure and are playing measuring measuring games. In process writing writing the class published six new story books and seven new poems. Gregg Ogilvie. Connne Smith of Mrs. Landry's class is enjoying their study on Fairy Tales, they have to write stories, summaries and characteristics. characteristics. Corinne really enjoys writing letters to their favourite favourite Fairy Tale character. Her favourite activity'of the year was swimming. We hope Corinne has a good year. by Andrea Parks On Saturday, January 14, 1989 Mrs. Avery was remarried. remarried. Her new husband is Mr. Demers. Everyone here at Vincent Massey is very happy happy for her and her husband. Mr. Demers has a few children children of his own as well as a few grandchildren. So, not only is Mrs. Avery a mother but she is also a grandmother. grandmother. We know that they will remain happy forever. by April Turber. Miracle Mart Will Profile Crime Stoppers During the month of January January the Miracle Food Mart chain of stores will be profiling profiling Crime Stoppers within their seventy-one grocery stores which cover an area from Windsor to Belleville and north to Sudbury. These stores will be displaying displaying window posters showing support for the Crime Stoppers program along with the local Crime Stoppers phono number. Their plastic grocery bags will also nave a Crime Stoppers Stoppers message on one side and the number could well be in excess of two million. There are thirty-live Miracle Miracle Food Mart stores in the Metro Toronto, Peel and York area with six in the region region of Durham. past Saturday evening and it was a fine success! Many money raising raising ventures are on the agenda for this "year of hope" 1988-1989 to keep our Chapter rolling along! Draw tickets are ready for the birthday party draw in June...and some lovely items have been turned turned in. Convener...Sister Bonnie Windsor - 985-9967 for information! information! We still have anniversary cook books for sale. After Chapter business was completed...District Deputy Sister Catherine inspected the work of the officers. In her remarks...she paid tribute to each officer for the efficient manner in which the duties were carried out...and made suggestions for further improvement! A fine report and we do commend the officers! officers! Heather Jones...daughter of the Worthy Matron Marilyn...was welcomed warmly into the Chapter...and we trust she will enjoy the work of the Order and the fellowship of the members. Being an active member can open many doors to a more enriching life. I wonder if we are aware of the great value derived from being a member of the Order! After closing, a happy social hour was a part of this important ÜÜI evening. A lovely lunch was served served by Carol Morrow & Marge McCombe in the lower Hall...buffet Hall...buffet style and enjoyed by all! As another meeting closes.. .let us do our level best in this "special" mother & daughter year! Sweethearts & brothers night will be the theme for the Feb. meeting on Thurs. Feb. 9 th-so try and attend for a fun night. I believe they are having a "super" door prize! Caesarea Euchre High score at the Wednesday evening euchre in Caesarea Hall with a tie with Paul Krawetts & Dorothy Wall each with 73. Sharon Smith & Eva MacDonald tied for second place with 71. Low score was James Emcrton with a 42. June Stevenson served the tasty tasty lunch...enjoyedbyall. Try and attend these interesting card games and help raise some funds for the Ladies Auxiliary...a hard working group I ' Nestleton United Church On a bright winter day, Sunday, Jan. 22, at 11:15 a.m. saw a very good congregation at Nestleton United with Ralph & Leona Sadler extending the friendly welcome at the door. Rev. Dale Davis conducted conducted the service and Norman Seli presented the interesting message entitled, "All One Body In Christ." Many S. School youngsters enjoyed the children's theme. A quartet composed of Janice Mac Kenzie, Betty Headon, Kay Notman and Shirley Jackson sang a lovely number with pianist Carol Mairs playing the accompaniment. A 35th wedding wedding anniversary card of congratulations congratulations was signed by all present and presented to Rev. Dale Davis by Clerk of Session Richard Mac Kenzie. We wish Rev. Dale & Anita Davis the "very best" and trust they will enjoy enjoy many more happy years! So pleased...Anita's broken wrist is healing nicely. Next Sunday, Jan. 29 at 11:15 a.m. Nestleton Annual Congregational Congregational meeting will be held following following the Church Service. Prior to the meeting, a lunch of sandwiches sandwiches and cookies, plus beverage, will be served. Caesarea Community Church A very good service with an average company of people on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford preached a splendid sermon on theme, "Confessing "Confessing Your Faults" based on Scripture James 5: 16 & Luke by Frank & Lynn Arney. Rev. Crawford led the Responsive reading. Linda Sutherland played the piano for the service. The Sunshine Sunshine Club will be meeting as usual in the Hall. Next Sunday for a service at 11 a.m. A warm welcome awaits you! Nestleton Presbyterian Church Rev. Fred Swann conducted the regular Church Service of Nestleton Presbyterian Church at 11 a.m. with Joyce Taylor - the organist. Psalm 1 was read & Scripture, Proverbs 3:16. "Trust in the Lord with all Thine Heart" was the theme for the sermon. In faith we should look to God...and He will be faithful in His promises to us. Following the service...the lunch was served..then the annual Business meeting was held in the S. School room, with Rev. Swann the Chairman, and Dorothy McCabe, Secretary. Annual reports of Session, Bd. of Managers, Ladies Aid, Sunday School, Church Treasurer & Church Manse. All reports have been audited, and typed out by Mrs. Joyce Taylor, a copy for each one. All reports were accepted! accepted! Rev. F. Swann & Mr. David Faulkner will continue in the pulpit...and on Feb. 3, the three new Elders will be ordained. ordained. The election of Bd. of Managers for 3 years, 2 years, and 1 year term followed, and Mrs. Dorothy McCabe, returned to Office as Secretary-Treasurer. The Church Anniversary has been planned for Sept. 17 at 11:00 a.m. with a guest minister. Rev. Swann thanked all those who had carried out their duties and those who are again in office, still retaining retaining our faithful; nearly 88 years old...Mr. Stan roving consultant of all departments! Birthdays Celebrated Ralph Sadler & granddaughter Leslie Mac Kenzie were "hosted" to a wonderful birthday party on Sunday aftenoon...with plenty of goodies to make it a special occasion! occasion! Those present for this "gala" event were: Leona Sadler, Ian & Gloria Scott, Charles & Jennifer Jennifer of Corbyvilie, and Richard & Janice Mac Kenzie, and Claire of Nestleton. Our "warmest wishes" for many more happy birthdays to the celebrants...Ralph & Leslie. Celebration! We trust all the Scottish folk will celebrate Robbie Burns birthday birthday this Wed. Jan. 25.1 believe this is the 230th anniversary of the birth of the eminent poet and musician. He wrote "Auld Lang Syne" and "Cornin' Thro' the Rye" and many other Scottish numbers for our enjoyment! SO - enjoy your haggis this Wednesday...have Wednesday...have a real celebration! It was a pleasure for the Sam Cawkers, to have grandson Curt Cawker of Oshawa, and nephew Ken Cawker of Scarborough, visit with them during the week! A good visit was enjoyed over the tea cups! BLOCK PARENT CC$C1171TM eCCJIIUTM * V . Sj§| I . K;\? f -,H . ; I r :• •• • ■ ■ \ ■ : f . ■ ". I ■■■■ ! 'Ïfr. r z5 ggl§|pi|i 1 I I I 1 1" I I I L I I I 1 I I I r I I I l I I I l l l I ■ SPECIAL PURCHASE SECONDS A variety ol wood dinette tables & chairs 8, buttetwlth hutches all specially priced at 50% ofl, most which have slight impertechoj- Rather than retinish these Hems! me tacton, s„,d he entire warehouse ot sec ends, slight imperfecMns and one of a kind to _us, so I 1 I I 1 1 : HURRY & SAVE ' ' - . r T'" '-•"f;-:-- A* _ v ' h * 1 I 1 I I I ■ ■ I. WK- /1 ! I r Put y. - j v - V " m m I 111 p 1 V 1 cj'ri'iï W's ■ I p* ■ sj -X.1 tP ' I J f -- L . J SB I (Financing Available) * | Cheque or Cash m pH A ' & ' V > : • 3i ' . •' i ■- 7, : sü m J

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