14 Tin* (';ni;nli;in Sl.ili-<m:ni. l!mvni-im illi- Mnrcli 8. 1.08ft Phone Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. • "A Work Wanted NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner. Orono. phone 983-5206. Bowmanville phone 623-2301. 1-lfSN INSTALL a combination wood oil. wood electric furnace or boiler Oil - gas - electric boiler or furnace. Harvey Partner and Sons. Bowmanville. 623-2301 or Orono 983-5206. 4-tfSN BOB'S PAINTING & DECORATING REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-2063 4-IISN A& J's HOME IMPROVEMENTS Specializing In Kitchen Cupboard Relating, Bathrooms and Rec Rooms Decks and Fences FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-8874 10-lfS CJ's RENOVATING SERVICE Specializing In siding, sheds and garages, custom decks and fences. Roofing and home renovations. Special rales for Senior Citizens For free estimates phone: 623-4154 VtfSN HORSE LOGGING Forestry Management Clean Your Bush Up Thinning or Clear Cut Logs for You -- OR $ for your standing timber. Cedar - Pine -, Spruce Hardwood PINERIDGE HOMES LOG HOMES & LOGGING 640-4671 Lm BOWMANVILLE GLASS &MIRRORSf 143 Wellington Street, Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. -- 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. -- 2 p.m. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repairs, all types of glass and mirrors available. FREE ESTIMATES 24 hour emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated 49-lfSN WELDING Heavy Equipment Farm Equipment Construction 623-1618 623-6263 10-4SN FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER and SONS Bowmanville 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 52-lfSN DR's MAINTENANCE SNOW SHOVELLING WINDOW CLEANING ELECTRICAL REPAIR PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES 623-4041 6-tfSN "VEDA" HARDWOOD FLOORING R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. LOB 1M0 Vern Cowen 983-5296 Dave Jury 983-5042 9-9SN Mr. Yard Care MOW YOUR LAWN TRIM HEDGES CLEAN UP LEAVES ETC. Will accept some contracts Phone 623-1844 Art Rowe 10-1SN JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43, Bowmanville 1-tfS V-- sëVCarl Brink * - BUILDER CUSTOM HOMES Additions and Alterations 987-4818 (No Sunday Calls) 52-tfSN Shaw Construction Concrete Finishing Projects from start to finish 1295 Northmount St., Oshawa, Ontario L1G7M7 Phone 436-0579 RALPH SHAW 42-tfS LI Custom Software Services and Supplies Microcomputers ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC. 623-2375 Maple Grove Rd., N. R.R. 6, Bowmanville Ont. 31-tfSN JAMES BRITTON "Jim of All Trades" SPECIALIZING IN: • Rec Rooms • Wallpapering • Painting • All Interior Decorating EXPERIENCED IN: • Electrical • Plumbing, etc. Phone 623-3506 Call after 5 p.m. Bowmanville 17-tfS 1 1 ' 1 , ' I, 1 ' 1 I i BARR'S Œ [416] Roofing • Sheet Metal • Skylights FLAT ROOFS • SHINGLES • PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING • SOFFIT • TROUGH • SUNROOMS • SOLARIUMS 20 Years Experience Collect Calls Accepted 4-tfSN m Don't Delayl Make Home Improvements Today! A Variety of Florida Rooms and Solariums Now available • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • ADDITIONS CD C CT • CUbTOM HOMES I IT C iZ • decks Estimates • WINDOWS ATfi/ç, Gall fj. Paul P&ùüe ÏP.Z.7Z. | PATRIE ^ jiU. 3 Builders & Renovators Ltd • fcnevW* 623-9307 MIS M. BROOKS RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS • GARAGES • DECKS, ETC. Replacement Windows, Patio Doors, Storm Doors Skylights Phone 623-5566 If no answer phone after6 p.m. 52-llSN RON'S CONTRACTING Specializing in Renovations, Repairs, New Homes, Roofing and Excavating For Free Estimate Phone Ron 623-9891 49-llSN l&T CARPENTERS Licensed, 25 years experience House Trim Stairs Decks Additions All carpentry related work Ivan Jones Tony Fanara Orono Hampton 983-5303 263-2991 1-lfSN MUTTON MASONRY All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construction and CHIMNEY SWEEP G. W. MUTTON 623-5981 2-1 IS JOHNSON EXCAVATING Hydro and Water Trenches Septic Beds Grading and Topsoil Basements FREE AND GUARANTF.ED ESTIMATES Phone 623-5605 2-tfSN HOLROYD'S HEATING Authorized ESSO Home Comlort Dealer Oil Burner Sales Cleaning and Repairs Parts and Service Plan HAMPTON 263-8501 31-tlS Expert service to VCR's, T.V.'s, "home stereos, car stereos, ■ fvÀ^vv)" portable stereos. .Sfçïfc Free Estimates Bowmanville Audio-Vision 20 King St. W. 623-2312 44-usN BRINK'S EXCAVATING For Trenching* Septic Systems Foundations Driveways Backfilling Grading Topsoil Phone 987-4995 34-tfSN Sat., March 11,11 a.m. Large Auction of Antiques, Collectables, Primitives, Advertising Advertising pcs. from a Prince Edward County home plus several estate pcs. including refinished and original pcs. To be held at Warner's Auction Hall, 1/4 mile west of Col borne on Hwy. 2. Early pine Ige. general store cupboard cupboard in excellent condition, refinished refinished early pine linen press, pine and butternut chest, pine bonnet bonnet chest, hand dovetailed pine blanket box, 2 early Can. spooled beds (néed refin.), small side table (pains plate No. 125), oak plant stand, unusual old rocker, mahogany Queen Anne style table w/leaves (new), walnut executive desk with credenza and high back swivel chair, oak gate leg table refinished refinished in excellent condition, 4 pc. walnut bedroom suite (mint condition), 6X9 Axminster rug, rare old wooden Trent Cotton sign, early electric barber's pole, several other good old advertising pcs., Dr. Daniels veterinary chest, Brighton, salt glazed decorated crock, other decorated crocks, die cabinet, folk art, rare Edison cylinder phonograph phonograph with outside horn, Findlay woodstove, Quebec heater, pine towel rack, small pine table w/ drawer, old pine arched church window with stained glass, all original, original, 4 gunstock chairs, 2 old drop leaf tables (need repairs), old pine framed mirror, ornate iron ceiling lamp holder, rare old hand painted china vase approx. 17" high with 2 matching ginger jars (real collectors collectors items), old cheese skuffle, 1/4 cut oak dresser in excellent cond. (needs mirror), 2 drawer East Lake dresser (needs mirror), small oak slacking book shelves, oak bookcase bookcase with doors, old Hoosier cupboard cupboard top needs refin., plus numerous numerous other miscellaneous articles, antique collector and decorating books. Property sold. Owners leaving Ont. Workshop and house of this avid collector have been cleaned out and will be sold without without reserve. Excellent sale. Plan to attend early. Sale starts - 11 a.m. Sharp. Viewing from 9 a.m. day of sale. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, M.C. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, Auctioneer, 355-2106. 10-1SN Cornell's Auction Barn FrL, March 10, 6 p.m. Round oak pedestal table (with 3 leaves), secrelary/chlna cabinet combination, double brass bed, pine blanket box (with bottom drawer) washstands, Victorian sofa, oak dining chairs, modern dressers and chests of drawers, odd wooden kitchen chairs, chesterfields, chesterfields, parlor tables, oak rocking chairs, platform rockers, single box spring and mattresses, coffee and end tables, wicker chairs, chrome kitchen suite, walnut bullet, Ken- more spin-washer, qu. of tools, china and glass. Don Cornell, Auctioneer, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Lillie Britain, 705- 786-2183. 10-1SN Sat., March 11 9:30 a.m. Bankruptcy Auction of Piper Automotive Automotive and Rentals, at 715 The Klngsway, Peterborough Under instructions from Allan Law- son and Partners Ltd., trustee in bankruptcy we will be liquidating the complete assets consisting ot approx. $140,000. (at cost) of parts inventory, garage equipment and office furniture. PARTS INVENTORY INVENTORY including: Fenco, SKF, B.C.A. and Koyo bearings, Gates products, T.R.W. joints, Drag links, tie rod ends, Monroe, Aimco and Wagner brakes, truck and trailer drums and shoes, truck and trailer accessories, cjpaning solvents and lubricants, Fenco clutches, Grate lights and accessories, Dixie starters, water pumps, exhaust parts, Boslron truck seats, Fram air and oil filters, mise, new tools, wetline kit, propane conversion kit, spark plugs, Blue Streak and Standard Standard ignition parts and mise, items found in automotive store. GARAGE GARAGE EQUIPMENT: Devilbiss 5 h.p. air compressor, Ammco brake lathe, air conditioning service center and tools (almost new), Hof- man geodyna 77 tire balancer, 20 ton press, large gas steam jenny pressure washer, Litton electric lift, transmission jack, acetylene torches, sandblaster, Lincoln A.C. welder, battery charger, Branics dual wheel lift, floor jacks, jack stands, 3 ton motor lift, benches, H.D. racking, hydraulic hydraulic jacks, otc. and shop tools. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Sharpe desk top photocopier, NBS imprinter, imprinter, salesmen's desks, tiling cabinets, paymaster, credenza, office office desks, coat racks, chairs, etc. Note: A very large sale of current automotive and truck parts and good garage equipment. Sale time: 9:30 a.m. For info, call Peterborough Peterborough Auctions and Liquidations, Liquidations, Dale and Orval McLean, Auctioneers, Auctioneers, (705)745-5007. 10-1SN Sat., March 11, 6:30 p.m. Pethlck Auction Barn, Haydon 10 miles N. of Bowmanville Selling various estates and seniors giving up housekeeping from the north, south, east and west. 2 walnut walnut dining suites, very elaborate oak sideboard, modern fruitwood dinette, mail, diningroom suite (needs refin.), several bedroom suites - 4 pc. walnut, 3 pc. mall., 50's waterfall, numerous dressors, chests, vanities, rockers, tables, chairs, library table, pine blanket box, drafting table, livingroom suite and accessories, bunk beds, lamps, mirrors, pictures, gas stove and dryer, stainless steel wringer washer, Culllgan Mark 27 water conditioner, many collectables Including Including 2 rocking horses, 2 Langely Dongos oils, lady mane- quin, signs, dishes, crystal, glassware and much more. "The Friendly Auction", 263-8710, StoVe Liptay, Garry Powell. 10-1SN J.V.S. SIDING Guaranteed quality workmanship SIDING, SOFFIT, FASCIA and 5"TROUGH and REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Metro Lie. B-5831 5% Off orders taken by Apr. 29 (416)683-1733 8-3SN MELROZEMA PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 25 years of experience In painting and paper hanging FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8976 ' 23-llSN F.G. SERVICES Bowmanville HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS MINOR RENOVATIONS SANDBLASTING WEATHERPROOFING (Silicone - Caulking) Phone Frank Glasbergen 623-7959 52-tlS LARRY QUINNEY Painting and Decorating Interior and Exterior Over 13 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 16-IISiJ Farm Sold Selling Sat., March 11 12 O'clock Sharp The machinery, potato and farm equipment of Mr. Ken Baptie, 1 mi. east of Kendal and 1 1/2 miles north Selling without resen/e: 880 David Brown tractor, New Holland manure manure spreader, seed drill, bush hog, Turnco harvester, broadcaster, wide toolh cultivator, potato planter, planter, tobacco lying machine, irrigation irrigation pump (not working motor and • pump), 4 tobacco racks, 500 gal. plastic container, 1979 International International diesel truck (12,000, front, 20,000 rear), 1974 International truck, 2 potato wagons, grading table, 2 sets ol weigh scales, 2 baggers (1 double, 1 triple), potato sizer, potato elevator, potato washer and brusher, 1 over and under scale, 4 and 6 qt. baskets, paper bags, 96 - 5" 30' pipes, 4" 30' pipes, 4" 20' pipes, couplers, gate valves, sprinklers, 2 irrigation wagons, 2 front end cultivators, electric motorized pallet truck, one skid steer, irrigation pump (pto. 40 - 60), plus many more items too numerous to mention. Charlie Reid, Arnott Wotlen, Auctioneers. Charlie Harris, Clerk. Lunch available. available. 10-1SN Saturday, March 18th At 12 Noon Sharp Auction sale of Farm Machinery, Milking Equipment and Barn Equipment The property of Robin PARISH, Lot 4, Con. 15, Mariposa Twp. 1/4 miles west of village ol Woodville and 1/2 mile south (take Hwy. 46 to Woodville). 1974 John Deere 2130 diesel tractor with 145 John Deere manure loader; Cockshutt 1650 diesel tractor with cab (rebuilt 2 yrs ago); H. Farmall tractor, gas, new tires; Overum Triple K semimount semimount 4 furrow plough, adjustable 12" to 18"; A.C. 1200 cultivator, 18 1/2' with hydraulic wings; 18' Pony harrows; 14' land packer; John Deere 36 baler with thrower, John Deere 1209 hay bine, 3 8' X 16' thrower racks with 8 ton gearing, double reach; Lily 3 pi. windrow turner; 40' pipe elevator with motor; Dangor 5 h.p. hay dryer fan; JM 260 bus. grain wagon; hydraulic hydraulic auger; 1987 JBD 100 gal. field sprayer, 21' boom; cement mixer, 3pt.;8'X18' flat rack wagon with 8 ton gearing; Lucknow 8' single auger snow blower, hydraulic hydraulic chute pts.; chain saw; buzz saw; 4 round bale feeders; silo guard -applicator; 2 electric fencers; T style inflow aerator for 19' bin; quantrlvqf lumber, approx. 2000' ol 2 X' dji'/tt 8' dry; quantity of tools; air wrëifch; spray painting equipment; air impact gun; 1987 Champion roller mill, 5 h.p. motor; 1983 Mueller 600 gal.; high performance performance bulk milk-tank; De Laval 2" stainless steel pipe line; De Laval 5 h.p. vacuum pump with 2" receiving receiving jar; 4 units, 3 De Laval milk meters; De Laval water softener; stainless pails; De Laval pail unit; feed cart; fly sprayer; clippers; udder supports; cow straps; cow trainers; full line of farm machinery. Terms: Cash. No reserve. Sale at 12noonSharp.Salemanagedand sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774, car phone 705-749- 7084. 10-2SN Sat., March 11,12 Noon Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Machinery Some Furniture The property of ROBERT WEST, Lot 8 Con. 1 South Monaghan Twp. 10 miles soulh of Peterborough Peterborough on Hwy. 28 to Bailieboro - east 3 miles to farm. 1979 Ley- land 272 diesel tractor - cab - Turbo charger. John Deere 2510 gas tractor, Massey 50 gas tractor, Overum adjustable plough 14" to 18", Triple K semi-mount 3 furrow plough - rubber reset, New Holland 477 haybine 7' cut, New Holland 273 baler pto., New Holland 707 harvester with row corn and hay heads 3 pt., New Holland 253 grinder grinder mixer pto., New Holland 510 manure spreader with tail gate, 40' hay-grain elevator on wheels, 2 George White sell unloading forage forage wagons, 5' rotary mower 3 pt., Post hole digger, Gehl forage blower pto. 30' of blower pipes, 8' X 16' 4 ton hay wagon, Cockshutt 1 row corn pickers, Cockshutt 7' tiail combine, Ford 621 direct cut harvester with corn head, Pressure Pressure washer, Fertilizer spreader 3 pi., 6' scraper 3 pt., 28' pipe elevator, M.F. No. 10 trail disc, Int. 56 trail corn planter, Int. 3 pt. cultivator, cultivator, M.H. seed drill, De Laval 1600 litre bulk milk tank, 1 1/4 " stainless steel pipeline, 4 milk meters, meters, vacuum pump, milk pails, full line of machinery, 10 bags certified barley, 13 bags certified oats, 100 kg. alfalfa seed, 16' garage door, oak dining table - 6 chairs, china cabinet, 48" bed, dresser, platform rocker, air light woodstove, square wooden table, 4 chairs, 2 kerosene healers, other items. Terms: Cash. No reserve. Furniture Sale at 12 Noon. Machine Sale at 12:30 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Car phone 705-749-7084. 9-2SN Auction Sale! "Kahn Country Auctions" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickering, Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (Exit 399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection ol antiques, fine furniture, furniture, glass, china, collectables, primitives and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one ol Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment and estate selling our specially". Call us to-day. Previews Previews from 1:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Services-416-683-0041. 3-tfSN Thurs,, March 9, 6 p.m. Stouffville Sales Barn Household (urniluro, antiques, col- lectables, dishes, tools, numerous oilier articles. Terms: Cash. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner, Auctioneers, Auctioneers, 640-5398. 10-1S Sat., March 11,10 a.m. Furniture and Antiques Auction sale of furniture and antiques antiques tram a Port Perry home selling selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Uxbridge, Ont., including 1860 oak sideboard with bevelled mirror, 1920 antique chesterfield and chair (arms carved with lion's heads), diningroom suite, 3 mantel clocks, Franco American Clock Co. wall clock, 1880 brass French clock, tulip wall clock, old No. 3 crock, peanut jar, 40 pc. set ol Mayott dishes, ring collection (18K ruby, 14K ruby, 10K opal, 14K zircon, zircon, 10K zircon), sterling silver flag pin collection, old coins, butler churn, quills, king size headboard, wicker lawn set, upholstered oak spindled arm rocker, pressback chairs, oak claw feel parlor table, 19" Electrohome color TV, electric organ, 1920 copper fireplace insert, insert, depression glass, old bottles and tins, oil lamps, linens, silver flatware, china cups and saucers, Norman Rockwell's Sweet 16, small set Limoges dishes, Wm. Rogers silverware (setting of 12), 3 pc. sterling silver dresser set, toys, 97000 BTU furnace (good working cond.), plus many more miscellaneous items. Sale managed managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Auctions Limited, Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524, 10-1S Thurs. Mar. 9, 6:30 p.m. Warner's Auction Hall, 1/4 ml. W. of Colborne on Hwy. 2 Selling entire home contents plus 1978 Pontiac V6, auto., all certified (sold subject to small reserve). Almond Almond 2 door f.f. fridge, almond matching washer and dryer all in new condition, white 30" stove, auto, dishwasher, console color TV, Kirby vacuum complete with shampooer less than yr. old, 3 pc. Kroehler chesterfield suite including including loveseat that pulls out into single bed (never been slept on), 3 pc. Kroehler pine coffee and end table set, other 2 pc. sofa and chair (tike new), 7 pc. Vitas maple bedroom bedroom suite including dresser w/ mirror, chest, desk and chair, and two single beds, other dressers and chest, water pressure pump and tank, dishes, lamps, pictures and miscellaneous household articles. Owners moving. No reserves except except for car. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, M.C. Sale starts: 6:30 p.m. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355- 2106.10-1SN Cornell's Auction Barn Sat., March 25,11 a.m. Farm machinery The property of Mr. John Hill of Sunderland. Allis Chalmers 185 diesel tractor with cab, New Holland Holland 273 baler, Walco hay basket, New Idea 212 manure speader, West steel 6 tonne hopper bin. More details next week. We are accepting all types of farm machinery, machinery, vehicles, recreational equipment equipment and tools for this sale. Contact Contact Don Corneil, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 10-1SN Auction Sale Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. At Myles King Auctions 33 Hall St., Oshawa All consignments welcomed. Estate Estate sales etc. Est. in 1967. Mylos King, Auctioneer, 725-5751. 8-tfS Thurs. March 16,11 a.m. Holstein Dispersal Complete Hispruce dispersal for High Spruce Farms Ltd., owned by John Noble, Uxbridge, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., including 75 head of registered registered and N.I.P. grade holsteins. 35 cows, 40 heifers and calves, O.D.H.I.C. tested, RHA 154-153- 156, 25 cows and heifers fresh Feb. and Mar. including a Missile daughter with 2 yr. 19923 lb. milk, 624 lb. fat, and 217-185 BCA, selling selling fresh in Feb. with a QE heifer calf by Typemaker. Heifers are well grown. Several sired by Stylist and Successor. This is a young herd with many cows milking heavy. Followed by consignments including a (GP) Warden with 3y (164-200) BCA and milking 70 lb. from 3 (GP) dams. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 10-2S AUCTIONEER Don Stephenson Phone 623-1726 Consignments Wanted 1-tfSN Pitch In! Recycling is Smai Do Your Part! A tETTEK DEAL I si. 2nd «nd 3<sl Mçtrtgago! •'ObwijxIvW** * -y Seme day 1 , ««vice 1 I.INIIA Mel,KOII KVti'.S, S7H4I» Corporation of the Town of Newcastle TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the equipment listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town ol Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6, will be received on the (orms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender Documents can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender T89-8 -- Two (2) Only Front Mount Riding Mower One (1) Only 88" Floating Cutting Unit One (1) Only 52" Floating Cutting Unit Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Thursday, March 23,1989 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent. Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ex. 267 10-1SN Date of Publication: March 8.1989 /èr Corporation of the Town of Newcastle TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the equipment listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and In the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender Documents can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender T89-7 -- One (1) Only 3 A Ton Crew Cab Pick-up Truck Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Wednesday, March 22,1989 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett,' Purchasing and Supply Agent. Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ex. 267 ' 10-1SN Date of Publication: March 8,1989 NORTHUMBERLAND AND H NEWCASTLE V BOARD OF EDUCATION £• TENDERS | for Roof Replacement > SEALED TENDERS, will be $ received by Ihe Superintendent of * Business, 834 D'Arcy Street .'.* North, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2, -• l (416)327-6071 up to12:01 p.m., > THURSDAY, MARCH 30,1989 lor roof replacement. Site j? inspections will be held on ù Wednesday, 08 March 1989 > beginning at 9:00 a.m., In the following order, Enniskillen P.S., Enniskillen, Newcastle P.S., 385 v Beaver St., Newcastle, Dr. M. S. *" Hawkins Sr. P.S., 72 Pine St., Port Hope at 10:30 a.m., Cobourg '/• District Collegiate Institute West, 135 King SI. West, Cobourg,- V Cobourg District Collegiate;» Institute East, 335 King St. East,,:»" Cobourg, C. R. Gummow P.S., Gravely Street, Cobourg, EasfA Northumberland S.S., 71 Dundas. »J St., Brighton, Smithtield P.S., 2-1 Drewry St., Smithtield, Hillcrest!.»! P.S., Elmore St., Campbellford. *>* Contractors wishing to bid must.*! attend site inspection. Bonds and;" Insurance Requirements as per! specifications. Specifications and; Tender Documents can be? obtained at the Site Inspection où Tritech Consultants Ltd., 11; Wilson Cres., Trenton, Ontario. ! (613) 394-5960, upon payment of j $100.00 by Certified cheque ; payable to The Northumberland < and Newcastle Board of ; Education, which will be refunded ■ upon return of documents in good ! order within two weeks after ; •tender Is awarded. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 10-1 S'- THAT'S HOW MANY CANADIANS ARE CURLERS psnnapm/on Summer Is Near, Let's Get In Gear! You Can Beat the Heat! We specialize in • Central Air Conditioning • Gas, Oil, Electric Furnaces • Air Cleaners -- Water Treatment Specialists -- Complete Parts Policies Authorized Dealer for... • Lennox • Keeprite • Comfort Air • Claire Products • Gould's Water Systems and Maytag Appliances FOR FREE ESTIMATES, CALL <0* HARVEY PARTNER HOME COMFORT PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRIC Orono 983-5206 Bowmanville 623-2301