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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1989, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, April 26.1989 A guide to fine dining and entertainment. St. Stephen's Students Prepare for Show With her dying words, Fantine (Karen Dillon) entrusts thé care other daughter daughter to Jean Valjean (Troy Young) in St. Stephen's High School's production of Les Misérables, May 11 -- 13. The St. Stephen's Drama Club is presenting the classic classic theatre production Les Misérables from May 11th- 13th. John Sheridan, drama teacher and director, is looking looking forward to support from the community in this endeavour. endeavour. At this point Mr. Sheridan states, "The magic is coming through now; it's all coming together." Staff arid students at S.S.H.S. have been hard at work since the Christmas break working on the production. production. Many of the student student actors have commented on the energy level surrounding surrounding the play and the people involved with it. Katnrine Acheson states, "It's been wonderful the way we're all pulling together as a unit to make this whole thing work. It's like a well oiled machine." Bruno Scanga, another student involved,says, "Our interpretation is a little different different from the original; I think it makes it interesting." interesting." Any enquiries can be made at St. Stephen's High School by calling 623-3990. For ticket reservations call 623-7583. Hope to see you there. St. Stephen 8 High School Presents r |_IEg |/^ MISÉRABLES ( Ik,THE PLAY \ \ ^ \ adapted by A TIM KELLY from the novel by À W VICTOR HUGO 1 adapted by TIM KELLY from the novel by VICTOR HUGO MAY 11 12 13, a oo ,m Administration Building l St. Stephen's High School Adults $6.00 Students $5.00 RESERVE YOUR TICKETS BY CALLING 623-7583 Senior citizens are welcome to attend a dress rehearsal FREE Wed. May 10, 8pm il!!! Ijjjjj Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday SPECIAL !A Chicken Dinner Tossed Salad and Beverage $5.99 Also try our Chicken Fingers ! Bane's Author Entertains at Waverley Public School Co-op Students Gain Experience at G.M. Tina Talsma, a Clarke High School co-operative education student, hosted several several of her fellow students last Friday at the General Motors fabrication plant and explained her job which she started in February. Amongst the thousands volves and to offer a glimpse into the business world. of men and women working at General Motors in Oshawa each day are nearly 35 co-operative education students from the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. The majority of these students students work in the company's fabrication plants, where former Northumberland and Newcastle School Board Chairman Bob Willsher is supervisor of salaried personnel. personnel. In March of last year the first co-op students ar-, rived at GM's doorstep, eager eager to learn and contribute. Mr. Willsher saw the small program he initiated along with Gail MacKenzie, of the N&N Board, expand in the past year to include students students from the Durham Board of Education as well. Clarke High School student student Tina Talsma started working in the accounting department in February. On Friday, April 21, she hosted 10 of her fellow grade 12 Information Information Processing classmates classmates . along with their teacher Brenda Heeringa to show them what her job in- LIONS CLUB OF NEWCASTLE proudly presents CHILDREN:$4.00 ADULTS: $8.00 Seats Are Limited SUNDAY, MAY 14 3:30 p.m. Newcastle Arena Baldwin and Caroline Streets Linda Burnett, of EDS, the data processing and computer arm of GM, gave them some insight into the function and importance of computers in a real business environment. In their class the students work with computers computers in preparation for a career with a company such as GM. Tina works 4 hours a day at GM,;and attends school for the.oilier half of the day, driving- back, and forth five days.a week. She will contin- • ue to split her time in this fashion until she is finished in June. In September and again in February of 1990, the fabrication fabrication plants will welcome even more co-op students to the job. Mr. Willsher said that they work in a wide range of jobs and sites within within the fab plants. As well, there are students students in virtually every department department i throughout ' GM gaining experience and confidence confidence which school alone cannot provide. Cheryl Covert, Tina's supervisor supervisor and a senior accountant accountant at GM, reported that having co-op students in the plant and offices "is good for the regular employees employees too. They bring a lot of enthusiasm to the job." Skylight Donuts Bowling Team Standings: A. Porter Porter 43 1/2, G. Smith 35, S. Adams 34 1/2, J.'Murphy 28, G. Cowling 26, R. Sutcliffe 25. Top 5 Averages: S. Adams Adams 214, G. Cowling 208, G. Smith 208, G. Simpson 206, J. Murphy 204. Ladies High Single - Brenda Stainton 253, Ladies High Triple - Joan Murphy 656, Mens High Single - Glenn Smith 282, Mens High Triple - Glenn Smith 644. , ' 1 *-/ • i ' ' * .V-,\< s'.. " a ' Students at Waverley Public School, in Bowmanville, were entertained recently recently by a Toronto-based author. Sonja Dunn, author of "Butterscotch Dreams!', is pictured here showing her "story, skirt" to students. The author has been an actress, television writer and school teacher. you Cjifti and CjneetUufi... A lie Host Famous laskit in the Wodd ima/iwi SINCE 1930 It's time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess. Sandra Yates Phone 623-5873 Muriel Moynes Phone 623-7741 Triimi: i-i H BETAKING N M H VIDEO Inc. M H ONE OF ONTARIO'S H H M to. LARGEST AND BEST BETA SELECTIONS RIGHT HERE IN H M H OSHAWA H M tIjJP* FREE MEMBERSHIP /) < x \. Movies from 99f to $2.99 M H 306 Mng SI. W., Oshnwo (across from Red Lobster) H N 434-5140 H H Over 4000 BETA Movies H M M H H M H M Store Hours: M H Sun. to Thurs. 9 -- 9 H Fri. lo Sal. 9 --10 _ □ lui i mil V - Sionuts It's the Highlight of your day! ; FtesVWj^ p\e sv aiN 87 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-4549 Model Train and Show* ijftfj /Admission |||M 00 Children under I4$UH);.\W --. __ Under 5 Free ,«.* / Oshawa Model Railway Show Saturday, April 29th, 1989 11:00 a,in. to 4:0» p.m. EASTDALE COLLEGIATE HIGH SCI IOOL(OSHAWA) 6 Cokes only 990 with delivery or FREE with pick-up SQUARE BOY. « PIZZA & SUBS with a purchase of a medium or larger pizza. - No coupon required -- Not valid with any other offer Expiry Date: May 30, 1989 Bowmanville Church St. (across from fire hall), Telephone 434-4444 tbtxtd t*a vtx wv-„

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