1. ' / 26 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 18,1989 From the Files Of the Dim and Distant Past 50 Years Ago, Thursday, October 12, 1939. Athletic and Literary Societies Societies at B.H.S. elected their 1939-40 officers as follows. follows. Literary Society Pres. Byron Crawford, Vice-Pres. Donalda Greaser, Secretary Isabel Thompson, Treas. Lindsay Mitchell Form Representatives Representatives 1A James Southey, Margaret Rowe IB Jack Childs, Georgina Gibson, Gibson, 11A Bill Edger, Mary Emmett, 11B Howard Quin- ney, Violet Barrett, III Trevor Trevor Davison, Esther Barnett, Barnett, IV Gilbert Mcllveen, Jean Patison, V Donald Mcllveen, Evelyn Hnrnden, Commercial Reginald Rack- ham, Helen Tighe. Girls' Athletic Society Pres. Helen Williams, Secty- Treas. Pat Emmett, 1A Bernice Bernice Kimble, IB Mildred Luxton, 11A Lurana Sleep, 11B Margaret MacDonald, 111 Mary Wilkins, IV Shirley Shirley Campbell, V Kitty Storey, Storey, Com. Grace Mitchell. Boys' Athletic Society Pres. Brenton Rickard, Secty- Treas. Bill Brown. 25 Years Ago, Wednesday, October 14, 1964. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackman, St. Catharines, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jackman, Carlisle Carlisle Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Marti and Walter returned last week from a visit to the World's Fair, New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stur- rock, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bundle Bundle spent the holiday weekend weekend in Erie, Pa. with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shilling. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor Naylor Newcastle Village spent Thanksgiving weekend at Lansdowne and motoring on the other scenic spots. Mrs. William Mitchell, Orono, returned on Saturday Saturday by jet, from a six months visit in England and Wales. Mrs. Norma Wolfe and Mrs. Grace Gibson, formerly of the BHS teaching staff, recently attended the Consumer's Consumer's Gas get-acquainted dinner in the company's Blue Flame Room, in Toronto. Toronto. They were welcomed by the new Betty Bright for Consumer's Gas in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Miss Judee Regan who will conduct cooking demonstrations demonstrations in the town. 10 Years Ago, Wednesday, October 10, 1979. Last Thursday, Fred Ey- man, Roy Turner (Pres.) and Jim Rickard of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Lions Club presented Carson Elliott, of the Splash Committee, with a cheque for $10,000 for the Splash Fund. Mrs. Dale Brown, of Bowmanville Bowmanville was the lucky winner winner of $10,000 in the September September 13 Wintario Draw. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beer of Bethany were the honored guests Friday evening at the Manvers Community Centre the occasion being their 25th wedding anniversary and their departure from the area to reside in Oshawa. New members of the executive executive for the Durham Northumberland Liberal Association Association include Carol Ber- ney, membership, Roger Kirkpatrick, district representative, representative, Bill Gorsline, fund raising, Peter Beer, secretary, Marlene Jarvis membership, Alice Allchin treasurer and Will Capeling, president. Ken Hoy, Student Council Council President at Courtice Secondary School, and Newcastle Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard Rickard officially opened the new tennis courts at the school on Thursday, October 4. What's Happening At Waverley Public School Waverley Public School would like to welcome Mr. Harris. He is our new principal. principal. We hope he enjoys his year at our school. The journalist club and the harrier club are off to a great start. The harrier meet takes place on October 17,1989 at Enniskillen Conservation Conservation area, Students have been training very hard. We wish them lots of luck. The Junior Leaders Club is working very hard to organize organize sports at lunch time. Some of the sports are dodgeball, broomball, soft- ball, t-ball, soccer and harrier. harrier. Many classes have been going on field trips this year. Mrs. Killoran's class went to the Toronto Metro Zoo for the day. Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Spracklin's grade three's, and the grade one's went to Kemp's Apple Orchard. Mrs. Kemp took the children on u tour of the orchard. They learned many things about harvesting apples. By Amber Devenu, Sheryl Mndholall, Heather Matthew, Michelle Quinlan. w/t Best Buys This Week Feature price without 2,49, coupon REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE Maxell House Ground Coffee o, I r~; ) 300 g VAC PAK PKG. Limit one coupon per family. Limit one deal per coupon, coupon valid at IGA until closing Sat. Oct. 21, 1989. AC. NIELSEN. BOX 3000. FLU 2958 st. john. n b . 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FEARMAN'S, SLICED, SIDE Black Forest Style Bacon 500 g PKG. r CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF, Boneless Round Steaks OUTSIDE CUT 7.03 kg M W CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF, UUISIUbUUI Boneless ilft n Round /v ijjpf r-A 1 7 w ,b - Roasts j||fp g - li$'i 6.5 9 kg MARY MILES, SWEET PICKLED Boneless Cottage Rolls 4.39 kg FEARMAN'S U/ieners 450 g PKG MOST STOI P^Cheese Bread /■to to, / .. . à in i rV 450 g 3 FLAVORS Strudels fn'WM Lj m to to, . Mr wJtjJïïtÆ j|Z W w 450 g PRODUCT OF CANADA, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE P.E.I. Potatoes 9.07 kg 20-LB. BAG m, I PRODUCT] OF U.S.A., NO. 1 GRADE produce- PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRADE Bose Pears H kg ■ <•/ mmn -mm 1.74 kg » lb. PRODUCT OF U.S.A., FANCY GRADE Granny Smith Apples 2.18 kg W lb. SU to vo' \0 XT' PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Pepper Sguash kg I |S(II LK to d s \. 6 «v to VO® 5 fo 100 t<n /V, - „ _ . <(v * ,<x® A W A 0 to totoV xS ittoxY fyy- w % (cù PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM MON/OCT. 16 TO SAT.. OCT. 21, 1909. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. GRAHAM IGA MARKET 225 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario 9'-'/• ALL SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR REGULAR PRICES. STORE HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Senior Citizens 5% Off On Personal Shopping, Wednesday Only