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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1990, p. 22

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22 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 31,1990 Classifieds Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Work Wanted Employment Wanted FIISSI'Q HOUSECLEANING SERVICE Experienced and bonded FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 623-6196 Services PRIVATE Mortgages - The place to go when your bank says No! Anubus Investments, (416) 668- 7200, 110 Green Street, Whitby, Ontario.37-tfSN HOME MOVIES TRANSFERRED TO VIDEO TAPE European video tapes converted. LOW, LOW PRICES Phone 623-5555 ; 37-tfSN TINA'S HOUSECLEANING Hire the Best Pay for what you get. References available from satisfied customers. NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Phone 623-2657 Tender Tenders will bo received by the undersigned until 11:00 n.m„ Friday, Friday, February 16,1990 lor grass cutting at the following schools. North Hope Central Public School, R.R, 1, Campbollcrolt Plalnvillo Public School, R.R. 1, Gores Landing Hillcrost Public School, Campbell- ford Kent Public School, Cnmpbolllord Ror.onoath Public School, Rosen- oath Kirby Centennial Public School, R.R, I.Orono Newcastle Public School, Beaver Slrool, Newcastle Bowmanville High School, 49 Liberty Liberty Street North, Bowmanville Kendal Public School, Kendal For further Information please contact John Stocyk, Manager ol Plant Operations, Specifications may bo obtained Iront the oflico ol: R. C. Sudds, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Hduuallon 034 D'Aroy Street North, Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L?. Auction Sales Auction Sales GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 PAINTING, PAPERING, CARPENTRY, REMODELLING, GENERAL REPAIRS ■ 24-tfS Carl Brink BUILDER CUSTOM HOMES Additions and Alterations 987-4818 (No Sunday Calls) ; 52-tfS FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER and SONS Bowmanville 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 ' ' - 52-tfSN MEL ROZEMA PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 25 years of experience In painting and paper hanging FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8976 42-tfSN BARRETT HEATING Oil Burners - Furnaces Cleaning, Repairs, Installation Bowmanville 623-1025 ■■ 12-tfS JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 43, Bowmanville 1-tfS LARRY QUINNEY PAINTING and DECORATING . Interior and Exterior Over 15 years experience ' FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 • 3-tfSN EUROPEAN STYLE MASONRY BRICKS, BLOCKS, CERAMIC TILES, \ - FIREPLACES, CONCRETE R.R. 1, Neetleton, Ont. L0B1L0 Wilfrled Gebelhoff (416) 986-4130 DESHANË AUCTION SERVICES All types of auctions (416) 985-4240 „ 35-tfSN AUCTION SALE Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. At Myles King Auctions 33 Hall St., Oshawa All consignments welcomed. Estate sales, etc. Est. in 1967. Myles King, Auctioneer, 725-5751 8-tfS Mon. Evening, Feb. 5 7 p.m. Monthly Saddle Horse and tack Auction Lindsay Community Sale Barn R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. Tack at 7:00 p.m. Horses at 8:00 p.m. For consignments or further information information contact Sale Barn, 324- 2774 or Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont., 324-9959 or car, 749-7084. 5-1SN Sat., Feb. 3,10 a.m. Furniture and Antiques Auction sale for the estate of the late Marjorie Bearden, Uxbridge and others, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including . 9 pc. oak diningroom suite, oak hl- boy, antique settee and 2 chairs, parlor chairs, dresser with mirror, walnut drop leaf table, 4 pc. bedroom bedroom suite, brown chesterfield (Ex), pressback chair, parlor table, cedar chest, coffee table and end tables,, lamp table, small desk, wicker pieces, portable TV, dishes, cups and saucers, Cornflower, china dog (Wein), linens, blankets, heaters, fans, Hoover upright vacuum, vacuum, dusty rose carpet, lawn chairs, 1980 Honda, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Limited, Limited, Uxbridge, 416-852-9755 or 3524. 5-1S Sat., Feb. 10,10 a.m. Furniture, Antiques, Tools Auction sale of furniture and tools for an Ashburn estate, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including antique Hoosier cupboard, cupboard, 9 pc. walnut diningroom suite, Gourlay Winter and Learning piano and bench, chesterfield and chair, loveseal, double pedestal desk, marble coffee table, 7 pc. patio set (almond), brass wood box, bar stools, filing cabinet, IBM electric typewriter (like new), answering machine, freezer, quantity ol tools, 1979 Scorpion Whip 440, plus many more items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-9755 or 3524. 5-2S Sat., Feb. 3,10 a.m. Large Antique Sale plus modern turn., 2 bank organ and tools at Peterboro Auction Center Hwy. 7 East. The property of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, long time residènts of Bethany (giving up housekeeping) and others. 9 pc. oak dining suite, antique oak hall rack, c1920 6 pc. walnut bedroom ste. (completely restored), circular glass china cabinet, Vic. style butterfly design settee and 2 chairs, ornate sideboard, 9 pc. walnut dining ste., breakfront desk, antique wardrobe, wardrobe, excellent 2 bank elec, organ and bench (like new), Malcolm 3 pc. bedroom ste., pine blanket box, wicker planters, homemade mats and quills, antique glass and china, cedar chest, Ford 5 h.p, snowblower, garden and hand tools. An excellent sale. Partial listing listing only. To arrange art estate or antique auction phone 705-745- 5007, Pelerboro Auctions, Dale and Orval McLean, Auctioneers. 5-1S Sat., Feb. 3, 6:30 p.m. Saturday's Auction Action Pethick Auction Barn Haydon 10 Ml. N.E, of Oshawa Every Sat. night at 6:30 p.m. This week we have to offer contents contents from 2 homes in Bowman- ville, to include matching fridge and stove, appliances, bedroom suite, oak display case, pinball machine,- lois of primitive pieces, color console TV plus lots ol glass and collectables. Come early, largo sale. Terms are cash, Visa, or cheque with I.D. To list your farm, estate or. consignments please call Garry lo discuss your preference lor your place or ours. Call 263-4252,985-0749, Garry K. Powell, Auclioneer. 5-1 SN Wed., Feb. 14,12:30 p.m. Victoria's Valentine Special Holateln Sale Hickson Sales Arena R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. Approx. 90 head ol registered and grndo Holstein females In all stages ol Inclalion. An opportunity lo upgrade your herd with a classy fomalo. Plan lo attend. Dispersals anytime. Consignment sale monthly. Ourcompotonl sales stall Is always ready lo help you with your cholcos. A complote sales service. For consignments or further Information conlncl Solos Arena 705-324-0311, John Buck- ley 324-4017, Gnll Snoddon 357- 3237 or Cnrl Hickson, Auctlonoor, Ronboro, Onl„ 705-324-9959. car 749-7084. 5-2SN Auction Sale! "Kahn Country Auctions" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickering 3 miles North of Hwy. 401 (Exit 399) Featuring every Wednesday an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, collectables, primitives and the unusuals. So join us every Wednesday and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment and estate estate selling our specialty". Call us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Services - 416-683- 0041. ' 3-tfSN Sat., Feb. 17, 6:30 p.m. Tyrone Hall Sale to include collectables, china, books, several firearms, wooden furniture, pine saddle stands, wooden toys, Coca-Cola trays, Beaver sealer, old 78 rpm. records, records, 3 pot comm, coffee maker and much more. Consignments taken now. No item too big or too small. Light lunch served by ladies of the hall. To consign to this sale call DeShane Auction Services, 985-4240, if long distance please call "collect". Auctioneers: Neil De- shane and Don Wringe. 4-4SN Cornell's Auction Barn Frl., Feb. 2, 6 p.m. Contents of local home plus- othérs, 9 pc. walnut diningroom suite, 2 antique wardrobes, oak buffet, china cabinet combination, oak library table, Victrola, and qu. of 78 records, almond 2 door refrigerator refrigerator and matching 30" stove, washstands, round oak dining table, 2 barber's chairs, walnut buffet, buffet, D.C, -3 airplane lamp, 4 pc. antique parlor suite, Westinghouse Westinghouse refrigerator/freezer combination, combination, Westinghouse auto washer, pressback chairs, walnut telephone table, almond dryer, maple bunk beds, maple dresser and desk, walnut end tables, brass Aladdin lamp, antiqüe floor and table model radios, approx. 1000 sheets 4X7 Luan mahogany panelling, approx. 200 sheets 4 X , 8 Luan mahogany panelling, qu. of automotive paint, qu. of china, glass, etc. Don and Greg Corneil, Auctioneers, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 5-1 SN Thurs., Feb. 1, 6 p.m. Property of Fairvlew Lodge plus community assignments to be held at Myles King Auction Hall 33 Hall St., Oshawa 6 beds, 5 bedside tables, 9 wheelchairs, wheelchairs, portable sewing machine, hot wax machine, 2 large dressers, 2 metal lockers, 13 assorted chairs, 6 lamps, large old solid pine dresser, stainless steel bread bin, curtains, bedspreads, wall mounted fireplace, 7 night tables, upright wooden closet, wooden tables, tables, white wooden utility cabinet, pictures, 3 portable B and W TV's, 16 pumps, radio, 4 toilet chairs, books, - vacuum, plus numerous items not listed. Terms: Cash. Myles King, Auctioneer, 725-5751. 5-1S Sat., Feb. 3,11 a.m. Exceptionaly Good Auction Selling a collection of antiques, collectables, quality home furnishings, furnishings, including advertising pcs., old die cabinet and couple of old kid's pedal toys. Sale to be held at Warner's Auction Hall, Hwy. 2, Colborne. Antique round oak table with centré pedestal and 6 matching oak chairs, antique oak rocker with triple press in excellent condition plus two other old pressback rockers rockers (painted need refin.), old wicker rocker, solid walnut spinet desk in excellent cond., solicf oak roll top desk with carved wooden pulls (in excellent cond.), super quality 10 pc. burled walnut and oak diningroom suite in original cond,, round Victorian dining table with carved pedestal and set of carved back chairs (new) in excellent excellent cond., set of 8 caned seat chairs, set ol 6 old pressback chairs (painted need refin.), carved hall table (needs refin.), antique sleigh bed, good quality walnut bedroom suite all original, antique oak armoire, copy ol early 1800's pine armoire In excellent cond., 2 antique oak dressers with bevelled mirrors, painted old washsland (needs refin.), walnut prayer bench, oak prayer bench (needs rolin.), antique piano stool w/glass ball feel, 2 old dovetailed blanket boxes (need relin.), antique bonnet bonnet chest (needs relin.), Victorian cameo back settee In excellent cond., Victorian down filled sofa (need fabric), matching pair French bronze and marble tables, other small tables, antique gingerbread gingerbread clock and brass carriage clock, both working order, now brass mantel clock willi candelabra in mini cond., old painted spooled cradle, motal and porcelain advor- carvod woodon pcs., Victorian upholstered upholstered chair and rockor, Royal Crown Darby plalo (Immati), do- ssort sol, 6 R S Prussia Iruil nappies, nappies, Austrian loa sol, cranberry goblol, Royal Doullon Bunnykln, crystal pcs,, pickle cruel, pair ol Norlhwood vases, chosl ol flatware, flatware, pictures, prints, lamps, plus numerous mise, articles. Sale starts: 11:00 a.m. Viewing from 0 a.m, Terms: Cash, Cheque, Visa, M.C, Gary Warner, Auclioneer, 355-2100. 5-1SN MACGREGOR AUCTION SERVICE Eslelei, Consignment», Households, Bankruptcies, Farms sold by auction or purchased outright, Free Confidential Consultations Storage and Trucking Available Information available by calling: Mike MacGregor Licensed Auctioneer (416) 987-5402 or Junior West (416) 983-5556 By] To 'own Sports 3 Hockin 3 Art Hester and Mike Willoughby Willoughby were superb in their respective goaltending du- . ties as their teams played to a standoff, Terry Klawitter scored twice with Erik Strand getting a single. Ed Schreyer led our attack with two goals and Norm Laval- lee scored once. Oshawa Antique 7 Hockin 5 In a hard-fought contest in the Donevan Complex last Thursday night, we were defeated, by the Antiques. Antiques. Tom O'Connor and Andy Akey led the attack with 2. goals each. Singles were contributed by Ron Wright, Alex Alexander and Tom McPhee. Bowmanville goals were score by Bob Sheridan and George Sains- bury with two apiece. Norm Lavallee contributed a single single as well as hitting several goal posts. Bill Braden played a solid game in the Oshawa nets as did Art Hester Hester in our goal. Orono8 Hockin 6 Wayne Barry led the Orono Orono attack with three goals, The old master, Keith West, was the opportunist as he converted two goal mouth passes into sharp scoring opportunities. opportunities. Keith's line- mates Gary Eames and Peter Peter McCullough scored singles as did Gerry Garnet and Maris Basic. George Kemp played a fine game in the Orono nets stopping numerous numerous hard blasts from Norm Lavallee and George Sainsbury. George led our attack with 2 goals, singles going to Norm, Ed Schryer, Wayne Swerdfeger, and Bob Sheridan. Hugh German, Bob Hellam and Neale McLean put up a sturdy defense defense on the Bowmanville blue line. Triple F Dirk Van Abbema 10 pts, Case De Plaa 7 pts, John Rozema 7 pts. Bill Van Dyk 7 pts, Ralph Bouwmeester 6 pts, Brian Buma 6 pts, Andy Bonsma 6 pts, Ron Bonsma 5 pts, Hammy Vander Gaast 5 pts, Frances Mulder 5 pts, Jean Nadeau 3 pts, Don Vander Meer 3 pts. High Single Ladies Nel Van Abbema 264, High Sin- ilae: . 1 * Men Dirk Van Abfemn 667, High Average Ladies Nel Van Abbema 191, High Average Average Men Dirk Van Abbema Abbema 214, Newcastle Youth Bowling Senior Youths Matthew Caswell , 128, 114, Tim Harness 111, Angela Angela Darrach 105, 117, Stacey Stacey Garston 123, Nathan Coyle 107, Shawn Hontig 111, 106 Doug McCurdy 146, 100, Richard Jenkins 144, 186, Stephen Barber 114, Barb Metcalf 116, 126, Grant Burke 127, 108, Ko- vin Tutkoluk 157,139, Reno Mathias 109, Chris Mathias 129, Ixiigh Wood 129, 100, Michael Coe 123,123, Shan- non Holmes 101. Juniors Cnrly Schmnhl 94, 87, Adam Btrlpp 107, 93, Jordan Jordan Schmnhl 75, Amanda Storks 77, 70, Nicole Norton 87, 69. Sara Castellano 71, 104, Matthew SchylfllG, 08, Sloven Scott 142, 105, Jeffrey Jeffrey Giles 72,140, Lori Giles 100. 02, Roborl Walton 76, 68, Rond Bedard 92,76, Kelly Kelly Holmes 92, Janice Perkins Perkins GG, Jeff Scott 102, Mr. Sub Wins 2 of 3 On Friday, Januaiy 26th, the Sub boys travelled to AUCTIONEER Don Stephenson Phone 623-1726 Estates, farms and all consignments wanted. ■ 20-tfSN Thurs., Feb. 1, 6:30 p.m. Selling contents of home of Mr. L. Carver who moved to B.C. to be held at Warner's Auction Hall, Hwy. 2, Colborne. Avocado fridge and stove, white f.f. fridge, wringer washer, portable color TV, de-humidifier, Makita portable cut-off saw (only used once), oval wooden dinette table and chairs, round diningroom table and chairs, chrome suite, waterfall bedroom suite, other double bed with new box and matt. (6 mo. old), dressers, chest of drawers, 2 sofa , and chair sets, electric wheelchair complete with batteries and charger in excellent cond., good exercise bike, coffee and end tables, tables, lamps, pictures, dishes, pots, pans, plus numerous unadvertised mise, articles. Sale starts: 6:30 p.m. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, MC. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355-2106. - 5-1 SN Town Sports And Hockin Locked at 3 Orono to play St. Andrews of the The last time these two teams met the Sub boys skated to an easy win. This was ah even game in the first period with neither neither team being able to score. Early in the 2nd period the St. Andrews team notched the first goal of the game. Ryan Kohn evened the score when he stole the puck from the St. Andrews defender and put the puck over the shoulder of the goalie and into the net. St. Andrews scored to take the lead late in the 2nd period. Halfway through the 3rd period Chad Veinot tied up the score. This game appeared appeared to be heading for a tie but with less than a minute minute left on the clock, Chad pushed the puck back to Rob Watson on the point, and he let a blast go that the St. Andrews goalie didn't see until it was in the net. Steve Sargent played in net for the Sub boys and was forced to make some big saves. On Saturday, January 27, the Sub boys hit the ice at 7:00 a.m. to play a league game against McRobbie Photo. Photo. Ryan Kohn scored the first goal of the game, as he picked up on a McRobbie pass and lifted the puck over the goalie. Chad Veinot took a pass from Jeff Crawford and skated the length of the ice before beating Ryan Policy Policy in the McRobbie net. Darren Donohue scored the 3rd Sub goal with Darren Allin getting the assist. The fourth Sub goal was scored when Jack Laverty passed back to Les,' Les over to Rob who let a slap shot go that slid under the goalie. On the 5th Sub goal David Vernon broke down the right side, and when the defence moved over Dave passed the puck over to Les who was in the clear. Les skated in on the goalie to pick up a nice goal. Darren Donohue notched the 6th Sub goal as he beat the McRobbie defence to the puck and deked out the goalie. goalie. Les scored the 7th Sub goal with Darren Donohue getting the assist. The last sub goal was scored when Brian Thornton passed over to Les who skated down the boards before taking a slap shot at the goalie. Darren Allin picked up the rebound and put the puck into the net. Jeff Crawford earned this shut-out as he made many big saves, especially the one on Jerry Johnson. The final score was Sub 8, McRobbie's 0. Later in the day the Sub boys travelled to Orono to play the Kinsmen team from Ajax. This game started at 8:00 p.m with the Sub boys appearing very tired. The Ajax team came out fast, scoring the first six goals of the game. The Sub boys put themselves on the score- board early in the 3rd period when David Vernon passed back to Chad on the point. Chad let a shot go that beat the Kinsmen goalie. The 2nd Sub goal was scored with a Gretzky like play as Brian Thornton took the puck behind the Kinsmen net then passed out front to Les who one timed the puck into the net. The 3rd Sub goal was scored on some nice passing, Jack Laverty to Chad and Chad back to Tim Forret who let. a blast go that beat the screened Kinsmen goalie. goalie. The final score read Ajax 6, Mr. Sub 3. The Sub boys showed a lot of heart in this game. In the-2nd period an Ajax player hit Clayton Guest so hard that Clayton lost a tooth. Rick Swale and Justin Vance played a good. game on defense. The Sub boys have been placed as the #2 team for the Oshawa Times Tournament. The Mr. Sub coach would like to congratulate the Novice Novice Toros for their victories in the Double "AA" tournament tournament in Pickering. Versatile Athlete Busy in All Seasons . , i k i. * , r it ■V '■■■'- 7 . I da-. .... Youth Bowling Bantams High Single - Brent Huggins Huggins 210, Mike Campbell 199, Mark Dodds 237, Chris Peldiak 186, Amanda Welsh 166, Michelle Beaupre 160, Robin Wyatt 164, Joey Stewart Stewart 208, Danny Welsh'165. High Triple - Brent Huggins Huggins 515, Mike Campbell 495, Mark Dodds 485, Chris Peldiak 483. Amanda Welsh 477, Michelle" Beaupré '430, Robin Wyatt 428, Joey Stewart Stewart 415, Adam Brown 414, Danny Welsh 407. Team Standings: Humea 17 pts, Fatsia 16 pts, Butia 15 pts, Rhoeo 14 pts, Hoya .14 pts, Datura 14 pts, Litchi 12 pts, Vanda 11 pts, Carex 7 pts, Musa 4 pts, Sollya 2 pts, Ixia 0 pts. Master Bantam Results: Master Bowler - Joan Murphy, Boy Brent Huggins, Huggins, Girl Kathryn Tait. Gord Cowling - Boy Danny Danny Welsh, Girl Robin Wyatt. Bonnie Vickery - Boy Scott William sonj Girl Jennifer Jennifer Holroyd. Bobbi-Ann Brooks Boy James Welsh, Girl Amanda Welsh. Stephen Vickery - Boy Mark Dodds, Girl Melinda Tait. Glen Edmondson - Boy Adam Brown, Girl Angela Marks. Juniors High Singles - Jason Vickery 275, Mark Brooks 204, Jeff Pearson 204, Kelley Kelley Flintoff 202. High Triple - Jason Vickery Vickery 625, Mark Brooks 545, Jeff Pearson 541, Kelley Flintoff 505. Team Standings: Brooks 19 pts, MncArthur 14 pts, Flintoff 11 pts, Routh 9 pts, Flint 9 pts, Vickery 8 pts, Rodgers 7 pts, Gustorson 7 pts. Seniors High Singles - Deanna Wright 224, Jeff McFeeters 243, 204, Cheri Richards 227, Donna Rodgers 227, Shnuna Break 232, Tracy Burns 210. , High Triples ■ Deanna Wright 624, Jeff McFcotcrs 614, Cheri Richards 608, George Evans 592, Danielle Big Canoe 590, Traci Ilanc 579, Donna Rodgers 573. Team Standings: Ilanc 16 pts, Evans 10 pts, Brown 10 pts, Big Canoe 6 pts. Tykes High Double Andrew Motrin 259, Alison Barrio 229, Nicolo Braybrook 225, Brian Dymarskt 225, Leo Mollor 218, Christie Slovens 217, Jason llornor 201, Rob- bio Campbell 194. High Single - Andrew Merrin 144, Alison Barrio handed out on Januàiy 1990 and if you are still igri rt. am 27, interested, interested, you can still get sheets on February 3, 1990. The second game bowled on February 10,1990 will count on your sponsor sheet. The Big Brothers challenge challenge with the Newcastle Bowlers will take place on Saturday, February. 10, 1990 at 2'nitn. at thé, -Newcastle -Newcastle Bowling Lanes. Bonnie Bonnie Vickery and Anne Porter will be the coaches for the girls and boys teams. Good luck in the Challenge! WINNERS in the Youth Challenge from Liberty Bowl were George Evans and Stephen Brown making the mens team, Cheri Richards Richards coming first in the girls and therefore on the ladies team, Danielle Big Canoe placed seventh for tne mixed team, with Kristen Killens as the alternate as she placed eighth. Good Bowling Bowling Seniors, well done! Lots of luck in the next round to the above bowlers and also to Gord Cowling who will be coaching the mixed team. Joan Munrhy, Prop Director at Liberty Bowl Lange Photo Dumps Checkers Spurred on by the shutout shutout goaltending by Clayton Rendell, Lange Photo went on to register a 4-0 win over Checkers Variety in a B.R.H.L. Pccwcc divisional |ome on Saturday, January With the first period being being scoreless we pick up the action at 14:41 of the second when Mike Deblois whipped one in from the slot area assisted assisted by Jason Colder. Five minutes later Nathan Sic- benga batted one past the goalkeeper from Kevin Groo- tondorst and Jeff Hughes. Hughes upped the count to 3-0 a minute later grabbing a rebound from Nathan Sie- benga and Kevin Grooten- dorst and stuffing it in. Jeff notched his second of the gnmo with a littlo over n minute loft in the third to wrap up all the scoring, Kevin Kevin Grootondorst drawing the assist. This was a crucial gnmo for tho boys ns Checkers is right behind us in the stand- mgs by Brad Kelly Sue Scherer is a remarkable remarkable athlete Coupled with her athletic prowess, Sue has a personality personality trait that is. rarely found in athletes of her stature: class. Sue was selected to play for Canada's National Women's Women's Team at the World Championships in March at Ottawa. In the off-season, she spends her time on the Canadian National Women's Fastball Team as a catcher. "One reporter asked me where I found the time for a social life," she offered. "My answer to that was that women can combine a career, career, education, a family, boyfriends and sports. Your social life stems from the people you get involved with when you are sharing the same dreams and goals." The dreams and goals Sue refers to, are part of the movement that is under way . ibw i -the 1 (.Ontario i, Women's ' Hockey'fAssociation to get women's hockey accepted oy the International Olympic Committee as a full participation participation sport. Sue explained that because ice hockey is already already recognized as an Olympic discipline, women's hockey could begin playing in 1992, and not have to go into the Olympics as a demonstration demonstration sport. "That decision will be very important for women's hockey. Sue said. A decision decision she believes will go in their favour and put women's women's hockey into the next Olympics. "Young boys growing up playing hockey are able to look up to the pros as role models. For the young girls playing, they will be able to strive towards playing on a ' national or Olympic team, Hutton Loses Saturday Game To Carnation A recent well played ame ended in a win for and realize that it is socially acceptable for them to play hockey." Sue began playing hockey at,the age of 10 on a girls' team outside of Kitchener. Ice time, as she recalled, was hard to come by for women's hockey in those days. The only ice time available was on Friday nights at 11:00 p.m. after the local Jr. 'C' game. "It was difficult trying to get .my mom to believe that at 10 years old, I was going to the arena that late at night on a Friday to practice hockey." ' In the '70's, Sue's father was the manager with the expansion Kingston Jr. 'A' hockey team. The closest competition for women's hockey was either Montreal or Toronto, so she played in a Bantam boys' league, and also skated with a triple 'A' Juvenile team during practices practices and exhibition games. Sue's father played professional professional hockey in Hersney and Washington. After his career finished, he managed the Kitchener Rangers for eight years, and managed the first Jr. National team. One of the players on that team was a 15-year-old kid by the name of Gretzky. With six brothers in the family, and her father's career career in hockey, it comes as no surprise that Sue is deeply deeply committed to the game of hockey. When the weather turns warm and the ice melts, Sue barely has time to hang up the blades, and it's off to the ballpark to lace up the cleats. Since 1980, Sue has been a catcher on the National National Women's Fastball . Team. In that time, she has played in two world championships championships and two Pan American American Games. She was a member member of the team that won the only gold medal in Canadian Women's Fastball history at gt Carnation last Saturday against Hutton. In the first period there were four goals scored by Carnation, two by Darryl Felstend, one by Brent Carmichael Carmichael and one by Ryan Pingle, assists going to David David Leppert, Scott Macdonald Macdonald and Brad Glover. Followed by three more coals in the second one each by Scott Macdonald, Brad Glover and Ryan Pingle, as and Bradley St. John. The third brought one more goal for Carnation by Scott Macdonald (unassisted) (unassisted) and one for Hutton by Chad Unsworth (unassisted) to end the game at 8-1. "Congratulations, guys." P.S. A special congratulations congratulations goes out to Darryl Fol- stend for his outstanding play. 117, Nicolo Braybrook Brian Dymnrski 129, 129, Loo - Jjyir Mollor 180, Christie Slovens 119, Jason Hornor 103, Rob- bio Campbell 111. Team Standings; Bongals 13 pts, Son Hawks 10 pis, Broncos 10 pts, Falcons 8 pts, Ranis 8 pis, Enclos 8 pts, Lions 7 pts, Dolphins 7 pts, Boars 7 pis, Colls 5 pts, Cougars 4 pts, Panthers 3 pts. NOTES TO REMEMBER ■ Big Brothers Bowl for Mil- lions is getting underway and sponsor shoots wore STEVE'S FURNTTURE SHOP "RESTORES YOUR FURNITURE TO NEW BEAUTY" Antiques Dining Sels Bedroom Sets Occasional Pieces Upholstery • Rofinishing Call for a FREE Estimate 97 Station St, Orono 983-9630 Thank You! We would like to lake this opportunity to thank our many customers for the pleasure of serving them for the past 30 years. During this time we've met and made many new friends, but it's time now, to say "Good Bye". We ask that you show the new owners, Greg and Linda Cartier, the same loyally displayed to us. We know that they will continue to provide provide the finest products to you and your family. Claude and Gladys Dykstra fYKSTRA'S BUCATES8EN FOOD MARKET "Home of Quality* 77King Street tV„ Bowmanville) 623-3541 r , Sue Scherer is an athlete for all seasons. She recently made the. Canadian National National Women's Hockey Team that will be competing in the world championships in Ottawa in March, and has been the catcher on the Canadian Women's Fastball team for the past eight seasons. the. Pan-Am games in' '83, and won a bronze at the last games. At the world championships, championships, the Canadian team placed fourth and fifth. . By playing both hockey and baseball, Sue has travelled travelled the world,- making stops in Japan, China, Mexico, Mexico, New Zealand. She adds: "I've made a stop in every state in the United States, and every province in Canada." Canada." The training camp for the national women's hockey team was a gruelling five day affair, that had 46 of the best women's hockey players in the country vying for a spot on the national team.' Although making the team was a highlight for Sue, she recalled another event that will stick in her memory for a lifetime. "One day before an intersquad intersquad game, we arrived at the arena early to see a girls' Atom league (aged 4-9) play. It did all of our hearts well to see these kids being given the opportunities that some of us didn't have at that age." Sue feels that leagues such as the one they wit- ' nessed that day are too few. "We have to focus on the growth and development of the young girls who are five and six years old. They need teams and leagues to play in. If that is supplied, then the onus is on the community community to support the team." And what about girls playing on boys teams? "Girls should just play re- creationally with the guys. If they don't stick together in their own leagues, then those girls who may not be good enough to play with the Boys, will lose their chance to develop." It is often said that behind behind every successful organization, organization, there are women. By meeting people like Sue Scherer, it's not see how that statement evolved. 71

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