l Boosters Say Thanks From Page One sort development named Newcastle-on-the-Lake. We remain convinced that the increasing use of the term Newcastle to describe describe our 200-square mile municipality will erode the identity of all individual communities within its borders. As the largest of these, it might b,e argued that Bowman- ville has the most to lose in this respect. We have already seen the Bowmanville Bowmanville Library named the Newcastle Library (Bowmanville Branch). The Splash Fitness Centre Centre has been called the Newcastle Fitness Centré. Centré. At least one new subdivision subdivision in Bowmanville is called Newcastle Gardens. Gardens. And, as mentioned éarlier, the proposed report report development for Bowman ville's lakefront is called Newcastle-on- the-Lake. We realize that Bowmanville's identity is pot in danger of disappearing disappearing next week or next year. But, Under the Town of Newcastle monicker, monicker, you may rest assured assured that this identity will diminish as the word Newcastle is used to de- ■ scribe the geographical location of practically everything east of the Oshawa Townline and west of Newtonville. In the past, the name Bowmanville has frequently frequently disappeared from new editions of roadmaps. roadmaps. And it's only been due to the vigilance of .those who support the name that it has been kept on these maps. At Monday's Council meeting, it was mentioned mentioned that there are communities within Oshawa and Whitby, Pickering and Scugog which keep their individual individual names in spite of the name of the area municipality municipality in which they are located. That's fine. But it should also be noted that in none of these places places are there two Oshawas or two Whitbys which double the-possible confusion. confusion. Business people visitors visitors to the town and strangers, find the name Town of Newcastle very curious to say the lest. Lest there be any confusion confusion over our position on this issue, let us briefly briefly sum up the viewpoints which we hold. Firstly, be believe that the town's current name is inappropriate and needs to be changed. We find no fault with changing changing the name to Bowmanville. Bowmanville. But, we live in a Minister Helps Introduce New Lakefront Developmen t THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ôüRHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee will consider AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PUN The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, proposes the expansion of a Mobile Home Park by allowing an additional seventy (70) units within the site indicated on the map below. In order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 or by calling JOHN SHARPE, Planning Department (416) 668-7731 (Whitby)/686-1651 (Toronto). You are encouraged to forward your submissions to the Commissioner Commissioner of Planning at the above noted address as soon as possible. possible. In order to proceed with our review of this amendment application, application, we would appreciate their receipt prior to Friday, April 6, 1990. Please include your address and telephone number and file number number identified below in any submission made. FILE NO.: OPA 90-021 Marie Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning democratic society and if the name Town of Bowmanville Bowmanville were deemed inappropriate, inappropriate, another alternative alternative would be acceptable so long as it eased the confusion. Moreover, we suggest that the name "Town" is unwise and should be replaced replaced with some other word that denotes the vast geographic area which makes up our municipality. municipality. After all, most of us think of a town as an urban area whereas Newcastle is (geographically (geographically speaking) predominantly predominantly rural. The name District or Area or Municipality Municipality or Township would all be preferable to Town. And finally, let us add that we object strongly to this ongoing attempt to force big city government down the throats of the ratepayers of this municipality. municipality. We are not one big city. We are a municipality municipality of several dozen vigorous vigorous communities. If our Town Council insists on calling this municipality Newcastle, at least the name should be kept as low-key as possible so that the individual communities communities of this town can all maintain their identity. identity. Perhaps the town's insistence insistence on promoting the namè Newcastle is well- motivated or perhaps it is merely driven by delusions delusions of grandeur. But, for whatever reason, the powers-that-be at the Town Hall seem to insist on seeing the municipality municipality as a single large city of 42,000 rather than as a cluster of fully-fledged communities. Communities such as Bowmanville which once had their own political identity, see red whenever whenever this new Newcastle identity is forced upon them by a municipality which appears to care little little for the hamlets and villages and is insistent upon carving out a big- city identity. , " ? We might warn council that with this big-city status goes big city taxes, big city debts, bit city traffic, big city apathy, and big city crime. And it's even more difficult difficult to accept an identity identity as part of a big municipality municipality when the new name for that municipality municipality is illogical, and confusing. confusing. At this point, all we can say is that the battle is not yet over. We are convinced that our concerns concerns are justified and should not have been passed over as lightly as they were at the February February 26 Council session. I am very disappointed, disappointed, to say the least, but I don't think we lost. We are still Bowmanville. It is Council that lost because because there will be another another election and the voters will remember. Louise Lyle, Bowmanville Boosters KPE KIRBY POWER EQUIPMENT LTD. R.R.#1 ORONO 983-9158 NOW OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. FRIDAY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LOCATED ON HWY. #115 AT KIRBY Wo carry a full lino of Honda products, Pumps, Gonoralors, A.T.V.'s, Oulboards, Roto Tillers, Lawn Tractors, Lawnmowors, American Yard Pro (Formerly Roper), Full Lino of Lawn Tractors, Tillers, Lawnmowors, Jonsorod Chainsaws, Including The Now Turbo, Husqvarna, String Trimmers, Loaf Blowers, a full lino of Trailers for Garden use to Hydraulic Dumps. We are building a reputation Lowest Prices Excellent Service and Repair Full Time Mechanic on staff to service any make of small engine. Call or drop in, see what we have to offer. Spring Tune Up for $29.95 plus parts ENTER KIRBY POWER EQUIPMENT LTD. FREE DRAWS (Four chances to win) Prizes: * GENERATOR * STRINGTRIMMER CHAINSAW * LAWNMOWER Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 7,1990 3' Writer is Critical of - -T Feds Budget Plans \ gfl f IBB, ■ Hon. David Crombie (second from left) who is heading heading a royal commission into the development of waterfront waterfront lands from Bowmanville to Burlington, paid a visit to the Town of Newcastle, Monday, Feb. 26th to help launch the plans for the resort complex tentative ly known as Newcastle-Un-The-Lake. Mr. Crombie has said he will assist the town to get the project going. going. Seen here with Mr. Crombie are Councillor Larry Hannah (left), Mayor Marie Hubbard and Councillor Ken Hooper Community Service Order Program Holds Appreciation Banquet W * I :>■ « r m. Over 65 guests attended the Wednesday, February 28, Appreciation Banquet held by the Community Service Service Order Program at the Bowmanville Lions Centre. From left are; Vice President Brian Korb; President evening was Paul Greenway, Greenway, who is a prominent local local lawyer. Linda Gardner; Co-ordinator Lyn Todd; and Guest Speaker Paul Greenway. Mr. Greenway is a local lawyer. lawyer. Last Wednesday, February February 28, the Community Service Service Order Program held its sixth annual Appreciation Event at the Bowmanville Lions Centre. Over 65 guests were present at the dinner served for those community agencies agencies who had supervised clients clients (both adult and young offenders) in the past year. Certificates and letters of appreciation were presented to all of the agency representatives representatives present, thanking them for their support ana involvement with community community corrections, which is an integral part of the criminal justice system. In the Town of Newcastle alone, the program was able to servo over 55 non-profit or tax-supported agencies in 1989 and there were over 2,400 client hours completed. completed. The guest speaker for the The Town of Newcastle Community Service Order Program is a non-profit organization organization run by a volunteer volunteer board of directors and funded by the Ministry of Correctional Services. Through the CSO program, program, persons found guilty of certain crimes can be required required to perform a specified number of hours of work for community agencies in lieu of penalties such as jail sentences sentences or fines. The 1989-90 Board members members arc: Linda Gardner (President); Brian Korb (Vico President); Lanny Allen Allen (Secretary-Treasurer); Ken Bromley (Past President), President), Mnrln Rosenberg, Rick Shirrnn, Bov Archer and Terry Donohue. The co-ordinntor is Lyn Todd. DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE REVIEW OF THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN DRAFT CHANGES TO THE PLAN FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES TAKE NOTICE that Iho Regional Municipality ol Durham Is ro- viowing Iho Durham Regional Official Plan. Draft Changes to tho Plan for Discussion Purposes woro prosonlod to tho Rogional Planning Committoo on January 9, 1990 and woro included in Commissioner's Report No. 90-1. A copy ol Iho Roport Is nvnilnblo for Inspection in Iho Planning Doparimonl, nron municipal offleos. and public librnrios, Tho Roport, Including maps, may also bo purchased lor $10.00 Irom tho Rogional Planning Dopnrlmont, In ordor to assist in Iho Roviow ol tho Durham Regional Official Plan, tho public Is Invilod to provide comments on tho draft chnngos, Plonso sontl your submissions lo tho Planning Dopnrlmont nt tho nddross bolow boloro April 0, 1090 and Include your address nnd tolophono number. Furlhor Information may bo obtained by contacting Iho Planning Dopnrtmonl nl (416) GGO-7331 (Whitby) or (41G) 68G-1G51 (Toronto Lino), Mario Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committoo Dr, M, Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner ol Planning Tiro Regional Municipality ol Durham Planning Doparimonl Box G.T3 105 Consumers Olivo Whitby, Ontario LIN0A3 NOW OPEN! East End fiatoCash Location at the southeast corner of Highway No. 2 and Prestonvale Road (East of Townline Road, west of Courtice Post Office) flCJTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION 322 King St. W., Oshawa 728-5187 Dear Sir/Madam, The latest budget of Prime Minister Mulroney's government, like its five preceding preceding budgets, is a failure. We should not feel relief that the latest budget, didn't increase taxes. Mr. Mulroney's Mulroney's government has increased increased taxes 33 times in the past five years! It's high time the line was held on taxes. In fact, taxes have probably probably been increased indirectly indirectly by foisting part of the tax burden onto the provinces. We're the people who get taxed in the end, whether the hand in our pocket comes from the federal or provincial governments. Mr. Mulroney's government government should have lea by example example by ending the unlimited unlimited indexing of pensions for MPs and federal civil servants. servants. It should have stopped wasting billions of our tax dollars on foreign governments and thousands of special interest groups. The temporary, illusory or one-time cuts that are in the budget will not affect the structure of government overspending. Privatizing Petro-Can was a welcome move but the government should have gone even further and sold off other Crown Corporations Corporations like the CBC and Canada Canada Post. Finally, the budget did- not respond to the ovrr? whelming opposition to th> Goods and Services Tax. In? stead of imposing this tax on- Canadians, the government should held a national referendum referendum on the issue. Mr. Mulroney's government government had yet another opportunity opportunity in this budget to set our country on a healthy course. Tragically, the prime minister lacked either the vision or the courage to do so. We are all the losers for it. ; • Yours truly,! David Somerville President. School Seeks Former Students Dear Fellow Student: A reunion is being organized organized for students who had the potential and those who did graduate during the years 1966 to 1973 from Prairie River - E.W. Pratt School. This event is being held June 29, 30 and July 1, 1990 in High Prairie, Alberta. Alberta. Our space is limited to the first 1000 paid registrations. registrations. Please contact: Kay Savill Box 1024 High Prairie, Alberta TOG 1E0 (403) 523-4388 -- New Office Hours -- (effective April 1st. 1990) DR. ELEfiNORE VINCENT KING STREET. NEWCASTLE Hours: Mon. 2 - 6; Tues. 10 - 5; Wed. 2-6; Thurs. Walk-ins 10-4* Fri. 10 - 2 her patients only No annual health exams Now Patients Welcome Phone 987-4220 DURHAMi THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is considering a proposed by-law to name Regional Road No. 9 "CLARKE MUSEUM ROAD". i. .J ( TOWN I.OF NEWCASTLE y •. . 'K>|y> -vw.-• , 'TkIRBY res ro . 9 TAUNTON RO. REGIONAL ROAD 9| PROPOSED TO BE NAMED CLARKE MUSEUM ROAD CON. RD. 4 CON. RD . 3 HWY. 2 HWY. 401 HOPE TWP. LAKE ONTARIO i££m In order to assist in the evaluation of the proposed by-law, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to tho proposed by-law is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 or by calling Mr, Gerry Cameron, Planning Department (416) 668-7731. Submissions concorning tho proposed by-law must bo forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning at tho above noted address, and must bo received no lator than Friday, April 13,1990. Please include your address and tolophono number in any submission submission made. Mario Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committoo Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner ol Planning m*0% l#oi -- .,--qken Windshield? • : : •................................................................................................. j Save $50,00 M Offer valid for most cars and Insurance companies Expires March 20,1990 a: Auto G leur "YOUR ONE STOP GLASS SHOP" BOWMANVILLE 19 SILVER ST. 623-4225 UXBRIDGE, PORT PERRY, LINDSAY, PETERBOROUGH, CAMPBELLFORD Call Us Today For All Your Glass Needs AUTO GLASS • COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PLATE GLASS • SAFETY GLASS