Perhaps I should say, "Whatever happened to my kind of Christmas? "Your Christmas may be the way it's always been but as for me I've noticed some pretty drastic changes down through the years. Let me elaborate a little. The following following statements and observations observations I have heard and seen over the past several years... ... "We have to buy him something, after all he did buy us that set of crystal last Christmas .. better make it something expensive expensive .. he can always exchange exchange it." ... "Bought my son a laser printer with sine drive, dio- tonomous imagery with a Whatever Happened to Christmas ? time warp programable gizmo gizmo ... real deal too, only $1800.00... ... "Henry had the tree sprayed to match the drapes, I mean, what can one do with a green tree? ... ..."I don't know if he wants that or not, but we had better get it ... his friends all have one and he shouldn't feel left out of anything." anything." ... and I saw the ultimate Christmas card yesterday. On the front of the card was a gentleman in Dickens type dress -- top hat, high collar, lace at the throat etc. Below him was printed ... "AND NOW FOR THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS" CHRISTMAS" and on the inside was Happy First Birthday Hi, my name is Bradley. I'll be 1 year old on Wednesday, December 19, 1990. My proud parents are John and Janie Fledderus. Helping me celebrate are my Grandparents, Harry and Nelly VanderLinden of Bowmanville and John and Ria Fledderus of Tren- rinted ... "WHAT DID YOU BUY FOR ME?" Sound a bit familiar? Why do I feel more and more that Christmas is quantity and not quality? A case of "HAVE" to buy rather than "WANT" to buy. Some people people seem frustrated because they can't think of something something to buy. They have all that money to spend and just can't seem to get rid of it all. I can still remember a time when, if there was more than one present under under the tree for you it was a most fortunate day. Now, it seems, many are disappointed disappointed if everything under the tree isn't for them. Sometimes Sometimes I can't quite hear the carols for the ringing of the cash registers and the click- clack of the visa machines. Progress, of course, is inevitable inevitable - but is this really progress? COME WITH ME FOR A WHILE, back to a time when the economy was nonexistent; nonexistent; money was scarce but... Christmas was warm, and real, and friendly. It would be the Christmas Christmas of '33 .. (before T.V. and just shortly after the invention invention of the wheel). All I can remember really wanting for that Christmas was a teddy bear. It was okay then for a boy of four to have a teddy bear and I had been watching watching one in Gould's window, in beautiful downtown St. Thomas, for weeks. It was the one. But far, far out of reach. The price was $1.50, a veritable fortune in those times. But I had written to Santa about teddy anyway, S ist in case). My grandfa- er, (whom I both adored and feared) had told my parents parents that he intended to buy me a new tricycle for Christmas. Christmas. A new anything was an unheard of luxury in our neighbourhood. Grandad had made a few dollars as a cigar maker, lost most of it in the crash of '29.. but, as I was his • favourite grand child, he wanted to get me something special. I had to be his favourite grandchild .. I was his only grandchild. CHRISTMAS MORNING ... the tree, the tinsel, the lights, the warmth, the laughter .. Mom and Dad, aunts and uncles, grandfa- This year... s VJSStt ft* Christmas list. our selection of TOOLS and ACCESSORIES • Courteous staff • Great selection ÛRONO FUEL LUMBER Urono 983-9167 ther, and great grandparents grandparents and me ... being led blindfolded to stand in an agony of ecstasy before the tree. Off came the blindfold and all I saw was TEDDY! It was him - from Gould's store window -- no mistaking mistaking him. I rushed over and grabbed him, hugged him to me and never sat him down once the rest of the day. He was the only present I wanted, wanted, the only present I needed. needed. Teddy had been seated on the tricycle with his paws on the handlebars, and I never even saw the bike. It took the entire family the rest of Christmas day to convince convince me that the bike was mine too! I was so sure that it must be for someone else ... after all, I already had the best present possible and surely I wouldn't get two such fine presents. Never could figure out adults - some of them were crying. THE CHRISTMAS OF '41 stays in my memory too, and returns with a surge of warmth every now and then. We. (Mom and Dad and I), lived in a small walk-up apartment over an automobile automobile agency and repair gar age in downtown Simcoe. Still not much money -- but enough to decorate the tree and buy a small turkey. In 1941 Simcoe had an Army camp at the north end of the town. The men that had come here to be trained came from all over Canada, so there were many who would not get home for Christmas. The townspeople townspeople were asked, if they could, to invite a soldier for Christmas dinner. We invited invited two and they arrived late on Christmas morning. The shoulders of their greatcoats and their caps were covered with wet snow and the smell of damp khaki, boot and brass polish mixed agreeably agreeably with the aroma of the roasting turkey. Their brass buttons shone like stars. Soldiers weren't paid much in those days -- life was cheap, or so the government government thought. Most of their pay would have been sent nome so that their loved ones would have a few extras extras at Christmas. But they had brought us a present! These two soldiers had gotten gotten together the previous week and had made us an ashtray - from the base of a brass artillery shell casing - the rim crimped to hold the cigarettes and the whole thing polished and rubbed by hand until it shone like gold. And you would have thought my mother had been given the earth. That ashtray occupied the centre of the coffee table for more vears than I can recall. Money couldn't have bought that ashtray .. it was from two caring men who had put' something of themselves into the gift. One soldier never returned. Maybe that's part of the reason I can't take the phony phony side of Christmas. How can little children still believe believe in Santa? They see him everywhere, in every store, on every T.V. station, in every mall, in every parade, parade, and while these children children may be young .. they're not dumb. When I was young Santa was a mystery, you never saw him .... ever .... just heard him; him and his sleigh bells. He really lived, where he should live .. in your heart. And how' about the people who stop you on the street at this Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 19,1990 3 Scoliosis Screening In Durham Schools time of year to slap you on the back and to wish you a Merry Christmas? They probably won't speak to you again until this time next year; or the homes where love has gone but people continue to go through the pretense of sharing and caring. caring. I think I shall, as Charles Dickens wrote in his classic "A Christmas Carol", keep Christmas in my heart. Know what I really want for Christmas? .... an old fashioned Teddy and an ashtray ashtray made from an old artillery artillery shell. Harv Armitage 1062 Newbury Ave., OSHAWA, LIG 1G9 You could advertise in this space! In the new year, several chiropractors from the Durham Durham Region Chiropractic Society Society will be visiting approximately approximately 90 schools in the Durham Region to screen children for scoliosis and postural deformities. The term scoliosis refers to a sideways curvature of the . spine. The most common form of scoliosis is called idiopathic idiopathic scoliosis, which simply simply means "of no known cause." Idiopathic scoliosis accounts for approximately 70% of all scoliosis cases. This form of scoliosis may be present from infancy to adulthood and is seven times more common in females females than males. Other less common forms of scoliosis scoliosis may be associated with such conditions as spina bifida, bifida, polio, cerebral palsy, and muscular dystrophy. With early detection, scoliosis scoliosis may be treated prior to abnormal bone growth. In severe cases of scoliosis that have been left untreated, intense intense pain and deformity may result which can interfere interfere with the functioning of the heart and lungs. It is rare for parents to recognize if their child has scoliosis because the development development of this condition is so gradual. Such subtleties as slanted shoulders, a prominent shoulder blade, or uneven pant hem may be a clue of an underlying problem. If you have noticed such changes in your own children, it would Be wise to have them assessed by a trained health care professional. professional. Early detection and treatment is the key to managing managing this condition. As a doctor who deals with back pain daily, I have discovered the importance of maintaining maintaining proper posture and spinal spinal care during our growing years to prevent back pain conditions later on in adulthood. adulthood. If your children bring information information home concerning a spinal check-up they haa at school, read it carefully to assure your child has a healthy spine. -David C. MacAskill, B.Sc., D.C. (Dr. McAskill is a member member of the Durham Region Fitness Council). ... Christmas shopping at SHOPPERS DRUG MART (they've got it all wrapped up!) ..'Ac. • • ! Tv-. 'zjC ,/p-. % Men's Gift Sets by Old Spice -- Blue Strates -- Polo Adidas -- Stetson -- Pierre Cardin English Leather -- Chanel For Men Antaeus For Men -- Jovan Coty Musk -- British Sterling For the ladies... Perfumes-Colognes and Gift Sets by Lauren -- White Shoulders -- Coty Yardley -- Revlon -- Chanel Lady Stetson -- Forever Krystle ***ÿ /TV / ' /T Vi Its ' I I / 7r'.. Also... full range of Trim-a-Tree Wrapping Paper - Greeting Cards Ribbons and Bows - Stocking Stuffers Christmas Chocolates and Candies 'jFfr ! / / ? *• / ; • i / .1/ / I ' IN THE BOWMANVILLE MALL Telephone 623-2546 * -'"/k' ■ J/ \j/- i-r■ v/ :S:;* : • «wine! \ i yp- x •• •vl/