I Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, January 9,1991 5 Plumber Passes Torch to Next Generation Harvey Partner has seen the plumbing business move from the era of hand-dug trenches and cast iron pipes to the age of plastic pipes and backnoes. He's been in business for 40 years. But, as of January 1, he is handing over operations operations to a new generation of family members. Harvey Partner has turned over his Orono plumbing and heating business business to his son and sons-in- law. As of January 1, his son, Jim, is looking after plumbing, water pumps, water water conditioners and boilers. Wayne Mercer, a son-in- law, will t>e servicing oil burners and furnaces. Bob Jackson, also a son- in-law, will be specializing in heating and air conditioning conditioning and electrical work. The business will be known as Jim Partner's plumbing and the phone number will be unchanged at 983-9447. The firm will specialize in Gould pumps, water softeners, septic installations, installations, hot water heating, heating, plumbing, gas, oil, and electric. All of the family members received much of their training training from Harvey Partner. In fact, his son, Jim, has been working with him since he was a teenager. Customers will continue to be the firm's number one priority, Harvey explains. "We'd never be able to be in business if it hadn't been for my customers." And he would like to thank all those customers who have made his business possible Harvey Partner started his plumbing trade in Tyrone, Tyrone, while living on a farm there. He bought the Tyrone Mill and, for a time, was working in three places: at the Tyrone Mill, at Bowman- ville's Goodyear plant, and in his plumbing-business. He set up shop in Orono in 1957/58, moving to the village in 1960. The firm has undertaken both large commercial projects projects ana the smaller, residential residential jobs. "We put the first municipal municipal water in Orono," Harvey recalls. It consisted of a short section of water services services on Division St. The firm also did plumbing and heating heating for a number of schools and its non-residential contracts contracts have included hospitals hospitals and jails. Naturally, plumbing techniques techniques have changed considerably considerably since the days of cast After 40 years, in business, Harvey Partner is turning over his plumbing and heating firm to his son and sons-in law. Mr. Partner is shown above (right) with, from left: Jim Partner, Wayne Mercer and Bob Jackson. Jim, who has 19 years of experience experience in the business, will be doing responsible for ' t \ 39 King St. E. Newcastle Village ^ OPEN: Wed., Thurs.,Fri.- 11:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m. (tQVV Sat. and Sun. 9 a.m. - 5p.m. Carrying yesterday, today and future collectables such as Royalty Coke, Pepsi, tins, bottles, Avons, salt and peppers, banks, keychains, openers, mugs, steins, glasses, rulers, pictures, signs, comics, books, toys, coasters, kitchen items, art deco, pencils, lighters, plates, wades, figures, maps, lamps, advertising, novelty, bar accessories, sports, and much, much more. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL he G.S.T. in the month of January" water pumps, water conditioners, boilers, and other plumbing-related work. Wayne Mercer, who has 21 years' experience in his field, will be servicing oil Burners and furnaces. Bob Jackson, who has 14 years' experience, will be specializing in heating, air conditioning and electrical work. Planning Fees Go Up Anyone needing to file planmng. and development applications in the future can expect to see an increase injirices. ; . A recommendation from the planning department to" increase the rates was approved approved at the general purpose purpose and administration committee of Newcastle Council on Monday. The current most expensive expensive application, an official plan amendment and/or a subdivision rezoning application, application, will now cost $1,100. That's an increase of $100. Most of the remaining fees will also increase by $100. WINTER CLEARANCE SALE NO ON GLASSES WE HONOUR Metropolitan Life Blue Cross Green Shield Social Services Safety Glasses ALL FRAMES in stock $ 30 00 OFF VALID UNTIL JAN. 31/91 WITH THIS COUPON GM EMPLOYEES We fully cover Metropolitan Life and Blue Cross plans. Special frame selection at no extra cost. BUY TWO COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION GLASSES AND SAVE $ 70 off VALID UNTIL JAN. 31/91 WITH THIS COUPON "We arrange EYE EXAMS' HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. SPECIAL CLEARANCE Frames from only ggg 30% -- 90% OFF KXj Visionplex OPTICAL Quality and Best Customer Service Guaranteed! Ample Parking 210 King St. E., Bowmanville (across from Kentucky Fried Chicken) 623-0482 iron or steel pipes and lead solder. A major innovation in the plumbing industry was the use of copper pipes. "I think our firm was one of the first to install a complete copper system," Harvey recalls. Copper was not necessarily necessarily superior to iron pipes in all respects and it is certainly certainly more costly. But it did have one advantage. It required required less labor and enabled enabled the plumbers to install a complete system in a matter matter 01 a day rather than three or four days. Plastic piping was introduced introduced within the last 15 years. "When I first started, all our work was done by hand," Harvey recalls. This included digging holes for septic tanks and digging trenches for pipes. The first septic tanks were made from poured cement. Plumbers used to pour the tanks in the summer and install the indoor plumbing in the win-, ter. In fact Harvey Partner installed many of the first plumbing facilities for rural residents. Very few farm homes had indoor plumbing or furnaces when Harvey first went into business 40 years ago. Harvey Partner Limited always prided itself on providing providing a complete service for its clients. This service extended extended from the pumps in the wells to the fixtures in the home and to the septic tank. Their services also included included oil burners, heat pumps, air conditioning, and gas furnaces. Now that he's turned over the plumbing and heating heating business to the next generation, generation, Harvey will gradu- ally phase out his retail shop in downtown Orono. He expects that the store will be open for the next few months until the remaining merchandise is sold. . His retirement plans include include managing some apartments apartments that he owns and going going north in the summer. In addition to serving the community through his skills in plumbing and heating, heating, Harvey Partner has been very active in his community. community. He is in his 19th year as a Hydro Commission member. member. He currently serves as the chairman of the Newcastle Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission. Commission. He's been both a player and.membey of the executive in the' Darlington Soccer League. He has keen part of the Orono Athletic Association Association and is a longstanding sponsor of a hockey team in Newcastle Village. Harvey's community involvement involvement has also included membership in the Orono Chamber of Commerce and the Bowmanville Rotary Club. He was also a volunteer firefighter in Orono for more than 25 years. Harvey and Bernice Partner Partner have been married for 43 years. And Harvey credits credits the help of his wife for much of the success of his business. Harvey Partner says he would like to thank all of his customers for their patronage over the years. And he assures them that the although he is stepping down from active involvement involvement in the business, they will be well cared for by the new owners. As family members, they have learned the business from Harvey Partner himself. himself. And, given Harvey Partner's dedication to customers customers and over 40 years of experience, one couldn't imagine imagine a higher recommendation. recommendation. Van Belle Floral Shoppes ...much more than a flower store! I 4 STORES •HghmyNe.2 King Si W., Oehawi SlmcoiSlN., Othewt 100 Dundee 91W., Whitby Trtdtmmkt ot Van Btjtt Gardens Ud. CORRECTION NOTICE Due to a print error in today's today's Shoppers Drug Marl flyer, on page 7, LIFE BRAND CLOTH DIAPERS (6's) are advertised at $2.79 pkg. plus G.S.T. This should have read $34.99 pkg. plus G.S.T. Shoppers Drug Mart apologizes apologizes for any Inconvenience Inconvenience this may have caused our customers. SHOPPERS DRUG MART V? MOST STORKS ©pen Sytratoj CHECK STORE LOCATION FOR SUNDAY OPENINGS S HOURS. PRICKS iFPlCTIVS SUNDAY* JAN. 6 - SATURDAY JAN. 12, Ml {--When »,«|WH) DU rmrw W it|M to *mW qusnWes to soorS tomlly requkemw*. Coupon Nm SNM to fee. Isrinfa shown In m •< bseoS on eurrarH Mita» aSton Tbronto AâP çsjtols. 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