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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1991, p. 20

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 24,1991 Section Two Resident Becomes Recent Octogenarian Orono News by I. Challice !!! Quote "Celebrating Earth Day" "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth". So begins the histoiy of the universe and humankind. humankind. Our very life, and that of future generations depends depends on our love and care of our planet Earth. Congratulations and best wishes to Mrs. Maijorie Boynton who on Sunday celebrated celebrated her 80th birthday party in Memorial Park clubhouse, Bowmanville. Many friends and neighbours neighbours from Orono attended the happy afternoon tea. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Taylor, Scarborough, entertained entertained Mrs. Edith Taylor at Bonfire Restaurant, Lindsay, Lindsay, for Sunday evening dinner. dinner. . Congratulations to Clarke Museum on their Spring opening Saturdày afternoon. afternoon. Again an excellent response response to St. Saviour's Dinner Dinner theatre, held Friday and Saturday evening when all tickets "sold out." Mrs. Lynn Kimmett and daughter Becky were Sunday Sunday afternoon visitors at Mrs. D. Baileys and Mrs. E. Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pi- gott spent past week-end visiting friends in Bradford, St. Jacobs, Waterloo and visited Alfred's sister, Mrs. Harris, Brantford. Sunday dinner guests of 0. Challice's - Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown, Peterborough, Peterborough, Mrs. Denise Warren, Cory and Amanda, Peterborough Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Deveaux. Mr. John Robinson has returned home after attending attending a hockey tournament in Florida for the past week. Mrs. Deanna Harmer, Oshawa was last Wednesday Wednesday visitor with her parents, the O. Challice's. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Morton, Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Derek Barnett and Mrs. Inez Harris Harris attended the "Elora Festival Festival Singers" in concert, in Academy theatre, Lindsay Saturday evening. Town Hall Card Party Large crowd at weekly euchre party held Wed. April 17, in Orono Town hall with the following results: High Scores - Helen Coroux, 86: Edgar Meulman, 79; Walter Mitchell, Aleck Moffat Moffat and Hazel Murphy tied as 78. Low Score - Myrtle Alldread. Lucky draws - Charlie Campbell, Reg Elliot, Elliot, Charlie Stapleton,2, Marion Marion Sears, May Tabb. Cards every Wednesday night 8 p.m. and ladies invited to please bring lunch. 70th Birthday Party Orono Horticulture came into being April 11, 1921 and the founder was Mr. Earnest Hamm. Thursday evening April 18, Orono Society celebrated 70 years of progress, beautifying beautifying our village and introducing introducing horticulture to our fair citizens. A very large attendance at the birthday party, Thursday evening in the main hall of Orono United Church. Friends and visitors from Peterborough, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newcastle and Blackstock. President Donna Hutton welcomed everyone and Miss Ann Bourke District Director brought greetings from district. Following a very brief business period, Yvonne Trafford made a surprise surprise presentation, a service diploma was presented to our president Donna Hutton, Hutton, for her dedication to our society. Donna then called on all the past presidents present to come forward. Mrs. Lorna Atkins, Mrs. Eileen Billings, Mr. Everett Brown, Isabelle and Orville Challice, Joan Taylor, Donna Hutton. All responded and reminisced of their years of service. All were presented with a pretty pretty rose pin and a real red rose. The hall was most attractive attractive with a very large display display of memorabilia from many years back and brought much interest. Mrs. Inez Harris and Mrs. I. Challice arranged the display. display. As this was also "hobby and craft night," some very pretty displays. Mrs. Lesage, Lesage, Bowmanville an excellent excellent display of sea shells, Mrs. Harris a lovely "Star Quilt," Mrs. Yvonne Traf- ford, beautiful linens, Donna Hutton a very cute display of piglets and pigs in ceramics. ceramics. Other displays of quilts, pillows, etc. Lorna Atkins had attractive afghans. Helen Helen Schmid had an interesting interesting display of old and antique antique autograph books. A pretty show of house- plants ana these judged by Mrs. Ruth Tink, Hampton and some winners - Most points in show • Eleanor Terrill (given by Lorna Atkins), Atkins), Best Houscnlnnt - Shelley Elmanski (given by I. Clinllico), Judges choice - Eleanor Terrill, a pretty Af rican violet, (given by Jo. Harris).Best decorated hat - ( and these modelled later) Doreen Lowery. Best Violet in show - given by P.V.R. store in Kendal. A very daintily decorated birthday cake on head table, created by Patty Boyd, surrounded by candles. The feature of evening was the slide presentation by Lorna Atkins entitled "Through The Years." Many old and familiar faces kept the audience completely captivated! captivated! We were glad to have Gladys Brown play piano for the nat modelling, and this is always an enjoyable event! Music for the evening was generously supplied by Doreen and James Lowery and Norman Andrews. The group were later presented with pretty plants in appreciation. appreciation. Following the slide presentation, presentation, Isabelle Challice read a dedication to the memory of Mrs. Penny Fair- brother, who really put Orono Orono on the map with her leadership leadership to Juniors and also many of us Senior members. In the picture displays a unique display "In Memories Garden" and names and pictures pictures of departed members who gave so generously of their time and talents to our society. A delicious lunch of fruit, punch, cookies and of course birthday cake to close a very memorable evening, for our 70th birthday of Orono Horticulture! Horticulture! Many happy memories shared by the large crowd. Orono United Church News We welcomed Rev. Walter Walter Murray to our M. & S. Sunday morning service. He is an ordained minister with the Dept, of Stewardship of United Church. A special thanks to the M. & S. committee committee - Willis Barraball, chairman, Marilyn Barraball, Barraball, Secretary; Gordon Wer- ry, Treasurer; Pamela Wer- Donna Hutton, Thelma t Linda DeBartoloemo Iris Lambier. Greeters at the doors - Mrs. Marilyn Barraball and Mrs. Thelma Vagg. Ushers - Doreen Wood: Peggy Blasc- ke; Judy Plummer and Lynn Rodd. Assistance to Kurdish Refugees - The United Church have already contributed contributed $20,000 from the 95, ana Emergency funds, for high protein food, blankets, tents and medical supplies. You may contribute thru the M. & S. funds and mark envelope envelope designated to Kurdish relief funds. Kirby-Orono United Church Presented part I of "Molder of Dreams" on Sunday Sunday evening to a good crowd. Part II is next Sunday evening evening 7 p.m. in Orono United Church and we sincerely invite invite all parents, teachers and young people to see this very worthy film. The second film is set in a high school classroom where the true account of one of Guy Dowd's students, Kent Soderman. What transpires leads to the dramatic conclusion conclusion of "Molder of Dreams." Bring your young folks and enjoy this educational film. More Effects From Jump in Welfare Cases Durham's growing welfare welfare caseload has led to increasing increasing numbers of staff members and decreasing office office space. In order to rectify the problem, Durham Region has decided to lease additional additional space at 44 Bond St., in Oshawa, where the health and social services department is currently located. located. The rental rate for the facility facility will be $73,392 yearly. The Durham Region is taking taking a lease for two years, seven months and 25 days. Durham decided to keep the social services staff in the same building rather than locating additional office office space elsewhere in the city because elected officials were told it would be more costly to have the staff housed in different buildings. buildings. Sororities Help Cancer Society with Daffodils Two local sororities helped sell dàfîodils during the Cancer Society's annual Daffodil Daffodil Day. Pictured here, receiving recognition for their help from Ernie Eves, Cancer Cancer Society president, are: Jane Black, of Kappa Kappa and Xi Eta Gamma and Pat Harford, of the Iota Psi Sorority. The sororities were responsible for selling daffodils in Newcastle and Orono ana Courtice. The local branch of the Cancer Society Society raised $11,488 from the daffodil sales. -------, J Olde Tyme / HS* / Fish & Chips / n x \ / 136 King St. E. I Bowmanville / .j i 623-1781 Mon. - Thurs. 11 a.m.--7 p.m. Friday-11 am--9 p.m. Saturday -11 am--7 p.m. We take pride in serving quality Fish and Chips. JO-ELEN SPORTSWEAR & GIFTS Suppliers to Teams, Schools and Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 43 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont. (416) 623-8161 J. Wayne Aasen Old Munich Restaurant 255 King St. E. (at Ritson) Oshawa 436-5065 Live Entertainment and Dancing Fri. - Sat. - Sun. Dinner Special Mon. - Thurs. $6.95 Licensed Under L.L.B.O. FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC - The County Town Singers will present a program of pop, show music, jazz, traditional and sacred music at Eastdale Collegiate, Collegiate, 265 Harmony Rd. N., in Oshawa, on Monday, May 13. The concert begins at eight p.m. and further information can be obtained by calling 623-2455. The program is entitled "For the Love of Music." Tickets are available at the door. ENVIRONMENTAL FAIR - Plans for the town's first-ever Environment Fair are under way. This event will take place Sunday, May 26, at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Recreation Complex, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. The fair is sponsored by Environment Canada, the Town of Newcastle, Committee of Clarke Constituents, No Ganaraska Dump Committee, Port Granby-Newcastle Environment Committee and SAGA (Save the Ganaraska Again). For more information, information, call 983-9667. The Environment Fair is a Heritage Heritage Week Event. SCHOOL BOARD MEETS AT ENNISKILLEN -- The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Education will be holding its next regular meeting this Thursday, April 25, at the Enniskillen Public School: The meeting will take place at eight p.m. and members members of the public are invited to attend. Prior to the -- ..... ,, . meeting, there will be a social hour, at which time you take place November 12. In addition, the data is used can me et your school board trustees and senior staff to direct taxes; to identify English-Language and members. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board SPICER COMMISSION COMES TO TOWN - You're invited to express your views about the future of Canada this Sunday evening, April 28, when the Spicer Commission on Canadian Unity holds a meeting meeting here. It will, take place at the Christian Education Wing of the Zion United Church in Mitchell's Comers. The meeting commences at 7:30 p.m. This will be one of the last meetings of the forum which concludes its héarings on April 30th. BARBERSHOPPERS SHOW - The Oshawa Barbershoppers Barbershoppers are presenting their 43rd annual show entitled "Barbershop on Broadway" on May 3rd and 4th at Eastdale Collegiate Auditorium. The headline quartet will be the Tri City Slickers who recently returned returned from a show tour of Jamaica. Supporting acts will feature The Horseless Carriagemen Chorus, along with the local quartets, Chordiality, Country Four ana Fascination. Tickets can be purchased from any member member of the Oshawa Barbershoppers or by contacting Ross McMaster at 576-2479. Little Brother Corner... MUNICIPAL ENUMERATION UNDER WAY - Beginning April 24, a municipal enumeration form will he sent to each household in Ontario. The information information collected will be used to prepare voters' lists for the municipal and school board elections which MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor Serving Bowmanville and area residents since 1968. REAL ESTATE - COURT - WILLS ESTATES - MORTGAGES INCORPORATIONS - FAMILY LAW Bus.: 623-4444 Res.:623-9161 41 Temperance St., Bowmanville French-language school supporters; to prepare lists of potential jurors; and to assist municipalities and school boards with their planning. Remember to return return your form promptly in the pre-paid envelope. Returning Returning the form ensures that your name gets on the voters' list. "THE WAYSIDE MOTOR INN" - That's the name of a three-act play which will be presented by the Bowmanville Drama Workshop next, month. Performances Performances will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday (May 23, 24 and 25) at the Bowmanville High School Auditorium. Auditorium. If you are interested in helping out in anv way, call 623-5700. If you wish to order tickets, call 623-9219 or 623-7596. mr. trim lawn and garden service government licensed professionals specializing in property maintenance tree and shrub pruning landscaping robert Strickland Catherine Strickland free estimates 623-9711 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE Main Street, Orono Telephone 983-5115 1942 For all your Home Improvement Needs • Doors • Windows • Siding • Fascia Ü • Eavestroushinfi 47 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-0444 GBANT PHYSIOTHERAPY and ASSOCIATES Evenings and Saturdays 623-3185 23 Silver St., Bowmanville, Ont, KINSMEN HOME SHOW - The Bowmanville Kinsmen Kinsmen Club will be once again hosting a Home Show at the Recreation Complex this year. It's slated for May 3 to 5th. Hours are from five p.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday, Friday, May 3rd; noon to eight p.m. on Saturday, May 4th; and from noon to four p.m. on Sunday, May 5th. Door prizes and seminars will be included in the exhibition. exhibition. Proceeds will go towards community service projects sponsored by the Kinsmen. An admission fee will be charged. A few booths for exhibitors are still available. For information, call Aubrey Rees at 623- 7632. MISSIONARY - Jason Boerstra, of Bowmanville, is serving a two-year full time mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Arkansas, Little Rock Mission. On March 26, he travelled to the missionary missionary training centre in Provo, Utah, for three weeks. He left for Arkansas on April 17. Jason is a graduate of Bowmanville High School. NEW 911 PHONE SERVICE STARTS SOON » Durham's new 911 emergency telephone system will be operational as of next Wednesday, May 1. The program program will be formally inaugurated at a ceremony taking taking place in the Durham Region's council chambers on that date. For further details, see the article on 911 in today's Statesman. And, no doubt, further information will follow the inaugural ceremony next week. TAG DAY -- The Bowmanville Sea Cadets will be holding their annual Tag Days this weekend, April 25, 26, and 27 throughout the Town of Newcastle. All money raised goes to support the local corps and the support of the community is greatly appreciated. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE - The Oshawa/Newcastle branch of St. John Ambulance is offering monthly courses in first aid and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Resuscitation). Take the time to learn. And keep in mind the fact that the life you save may be your own. Starting Starting later this month and in early May are the Stan- dard/CPR (Basic Rescuer course) and also a course for babysitters. To register, call Lynda at 434-7800. RED SHIELD APPEAL - The month of May has been earmarked for the Salvation Army Red Shield campaign. Captain Gary Cooper, of the Bowmanville Salvation Army Citadel, reports that the local objective objective has been set at $17,500. And the Salvation Army would appreciate help from any volunteers who are willing to assist in the town-wide blitz which takes place Monday, May 6. If you can help, please call 623- 3761 or 623-5857. And please give generously when the volunteer calls at your door. Your donation helps fund Salvation Army charitable programs including addictions and rehabilitation centres, hostel and industrial industrial operations, hospitals and homes for seniors, camps, family services and emergency services, ministry ministry to shut-ins, treatment of alcoholism, and correctional correctional and justice services. ST. STEPHEN'S ANNOUNCES NEW PLAY - St. Stephen's High School proudly presents Federico Garcia Garcia Lorca's play entitled Blood Wedding. It's the story of a young maiden who runs off with her former lover on her wedding night. The play reveals the circumstances circumstances which led up to her decision and the consequences consequences of her actions. Performances arc at St. Stephen's Stephen's High School on May 8,_ 9, 10, and 11, commencing at 7:30 p.m. For ticket information, please call 623-7583. Senior citizens arc welcome to attend a free dress rehearsal on Tuesday, May 7, at 7:30 p.m. of Education holds meetings outside its Cobourg office several times during the year in order to give area residents residents a chance to meet the board and attend a board meeting close to home. COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BD. - The next meeting of the Town of Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board will take place Wednesday, May 1, at the Brownsdale Community Centre. The meetings of the board are held monthly and they commence commence at.7:30 p.m. MORE TREE PLANTINGS - On Thursday, May 2nd, the Bowmanville Rotary Club will continue with the planting of several thousand additional trees at the Soper Creek Park and the Long Sault Conservation Conservation Area. Students from local schools will be assisting in the project. On Saturday, Rotarians, Guides, and Scouts planted about 9,000 seedlings in the Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area. The work is part of the club's efforts to preserve planet earth through envi-, ronmental projects. DRIVER APPRECIATION WEEK - Don't forget that April 22 to 26 is Driver Appreciation Week for Charterways. The firm is hosting a week-long Open House at the Charterways branch at Mearns Court in Bowmanville. You are invited to drop by and share some hot coffee and doughnuts with the people who represent Charterways locally. The firm has a total of 1,500 professional drivers in its 16 branches across Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST - The Visual Arts Centre's eighth annual Juried Show of Photography will take place June 9 to June 30 at the Visual Arts Centre. Four workshops will be held during May in conjunction with the exhibition. The deadline for show entries is May 29 at four p.m. Entry forms are available available at the mill, in local photography stores, and by calling 623-5831. INCEST SURVIVORS - This is an anonymous' meeting for women each Thursday at St. Philip's Catholic Church, 1314 Oxford St., Oshawa. The meetings meetings take place at 7:30 p.m. For information, call Linda Linda at 728-8498. SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN - The next meeting of the Newcastle Parent Council of Special Needs Children is tonight (April 24). For details, call 987- 1025, 623-4896, or 623-4123. This group gives you an opportunity to meet other parents and discuss mutual concerns. CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP - The COPE Program, Program, in co-operation with Trinity United. Church has initiated a support group for caregivers in this community. community. If you are providing care for an older, chronically chronically ill, or disabled family member or friend, please join the group on the second Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the Trinity United Church Hall. For further further details, please contact Lyn David at 623-4123. HERE COME THE COMPOSTERS - The Durham Region is now offering Biolin cedar composters or Bardmatic cones at additional locations in the Town of Newcastle. You can pick up a composter at the Orono Farmers' Co-Op or at Newcastle Lumber as well as at Rekker Gardens. The units cost just $26 and $20 because because of a subsidy offered by the Ministry of the Environment. Environment. If your organization would like a speaker who can offer tips on successful composting, please call a Durham Region "Master Composter". Further details are available from Judv Hurvid at 786-2089. BRINK'S EXCAVATING R.R. #2 Newcastle, L0A1H0 • Trenching • Gravel & Top Soil • Grading & Levelling 1 * Septic Installations ' Back Filling * General Excavating * Dump Truck Service (416) 987-4995 "Friendship is like cr bank account. You can't continue to draw on it without ■ v making deposits." Big Brothers of Newcastle 623-6646 "KRACO" Carpentry & Contracting s M'ltU'»* ui • Custom Homes • Renovating • Additions • Barns • Designing • Drafting • Permits • Finishing "30 Years Experience" Box 401, Newcastle ' 987-5400 Dr. Bruce G. Wilson dentist 118 King Street West Newcastle Village 987-2155 Mon., Wed. 9 a.m. -1 p.m.; Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 a.m, - 5 p.m. <\ DIVISION or 711121 ONTARIO Siding, Soffits, Fascia, Capping Roofing, Doors, Windows, Trough No job too big or too small Telephone 434-7994 Bowmanville, Ont. HARRY KAMSTRA & SONS • INTERLOCKING BRICKS • RETAINING WALLS • SODDING S SEEDING • TREES & SHRUBS • JAPANESE GARDENS For a FREE ESTIMATE Call 263-4230 R.R. #5 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3K6 (416) 623-1896 Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 623-6477 REGIONAL CONSTRUCTION • custom building additions renovations garages KENT drywall fencing decks : 'V i S tV ,-l, 439* 3 .general contracting Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday I COWAN PONTIAC -- BUICK LTD.I BOWMANVILLE -- ONT 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396

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