v 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, January 29,1992 -What's Happening. Cushion Concert Series Held cit Hampton P.S. Local Man Directs Shoestring Performance by Laura J. Richards It's up-to-date, up-beat and shows an honesty that is strictly Canadian. At least that is what die director of the Durham Shoestring Performers' Performers' latest prpduction says. Booster McCrane, P.M., is sure to please, said the play's director, Brad Carson. Mr. Carson is a Bowmanvillc Bowmanvillc resident whose expertise includes acting, directing and writing. The original 1974 play, written by David Craig and entitled Booster McCrane, has been updated by the author author to meet the ideas and at- Granny Lambamba and Ronno were joined by three youngsters during the 1992 Cushion Concert Series held at Hampton Public School on Saturday, Jan. 25. Ronno and his troupe of friendly puppets sang about the environment, racial issues and the famed Lunchbag Lizard. These kids joined Granny Lambamba in a dancing contest. Asthma Program Praised for Results by Lorraine Manfredo A privately-funded pilot project aimed at assisting asthmatics asthmatics has been praised for its contribution in cutting health care costs. Over the past year, the Asthma Outreach (AOR) program program has proved enormously effective in reducing recurrent hospital admissions among its patients. Dr. Sunil Mchra is an Oshawa doctor who participates participates in the AOR program. Dr. Mchra, and representatives from Glaxo Inc., the company that funds AOR, discussed the program's success at a press conference in Oshawa last week. "Our purpose is to prevent asthma attacks," said Dr. Mchra. Mchra. "We teach people how to look for warning signs so they don't end up in the emergency wards. It reduces the cost of the health care system." Of the 349 families served ■ by the six Asthma Outreach clinics operating in regional hospitals, fully 83% reported a significant reduction in the number of visits they made to emergency departments. They also noticed similar decreases in the number of limes they were admitted to hospital. The AOR is funded by a grant from Glaxo Canada Inc., a pharmaceutical manufacturer, and operated by the Lung Association. Association. The tremendous success success of the program has resulted resulted in the $16,000 grant being extended for another year-long tenn. Julie West, of Glaxo, explained explained her company's involvement involvement in the project. "We have an interest to make sure everyone is using their devices properly. It's a perfect way to target patients." Education is the most important important aspect of the AOR program. program. According to Dr. Mchra, from the moment of their diagnosis, diagnosis, asthmatics often deny having the condition, or refuse to recognize its seriousness. Many fail to monitor their condition condition daily, as they should. In the last 10 years, there has been an upward trend in deaths related to asthma. AOR participants noted a general decline in their number of sleepless nights, and a significant significant decrease in their degree degree of congestion and coughing. coughing. Those attending AOR were reported to be better able to tolerate exercise. Asthma patients joining AOR must attend three conscc- If you are new to Bowmanville... would like to call on you with Housewarming Gifts and information about your new location. Call Your Hi Neighbour Hostess Mrs. Audrey Kehoe at 623-0395 utivc sessions during any given month. One of ten specially- trained respiratory therapists working with AOR gives information information on all aspects of asthma. asthma. Time is also available for , personal consultation, during which an individual asthmatic's asthmatic's needs arc addressed. In 1991, the Memorial hospital hospital in Bowmanville assisted 41 families through AOR. Shane Palcshi, a sales representative representative with the Glaxo Group attending the press conference is himself an asthmatic. "I was in an oxygen tent at least six times a year up until the age of ten," he said. "Life was very hard." Bui Mr. Palcshi says nowadays nowadays such frequent hospitaliza tion is not required for asthmatics asthmatics trained to monitor their oxygen flow properly. He notes that new control medications have improved the outlook for younger asthma patients. patients. As Dr. Mchra says, quite realistically, realistically, "The best lime to treat asthma is two days before it appears." tiludes of today. This play will look at "what happens when an honest honest man with integrity faces Ottawa's corridors of power," said Mr. Carson. The play has been set "in the near future," after a federal federal election. Booster is elected because "all the parties arc all saying the same thing and those that do vote, vote for an unknown--Booster unknown--Booster McCrane." He is, as Mr. Carson describes describes Booster, "the likes of which we have never seen." In fact, how he got in, is an incredible thought. He used the tried and true "Tup- perware method." If household goods can be sold that way, then so can people be sold on a candidate for prime minister. One of the big selling points for Booster is the fact that he tells people exactly what he thinks should be done. "I'm going to set the county on the straight and narrow," he tells people. And then he goes ahead to do so in only three days. Just how docs he do it? That's for Mr. Carson and the Durham Shoestring Per formers to know and for you to find out. Although Mr. Carson did say something about an auction taking place within the play. Booster McCrane P.M. played at the Oshawa Arts and Resource Centre on Friday Friday and Saturday, Jan. 24 and 25. It continues this week, beginning beginning Thursday evening and running until Saturday evening. (Jan. 30, 31 and Feb. 1.) The play begins promptly at 8 p.m. and tickets arc available at Information Oshawa at the Administration Building on Centre Street. Brad Carson For Better or For Worse® By Lynn Johnston IQHRTiFIFIF Weenies intothe mfkl HN'CHeeSB? James Publishing Company limited We can handle all of your printing needs from business cards to full colour brochures and newspapers Same dayQuick Print service available 62 King St. W., Bowmanville 683-3303 Specializing in Wall Coverings Tru-Pro Licensed Painter and Decorator Ted Trudeau For Free Estimates Call 987-4483 A»» Siding. Soffits, Fascia, Capping Roofing, Doors, Windows, Trough No job too big or too small Telephone 623-9828 Bowmanville, Ont. IARR --insuran Serving Newcastle areaÆ For over 17years ... W • Auto-Home-Farm-Commercial-Industrial 5 King St. E. at Mill Street Newcastle Village 987-5229 Old Munich Restaurant 255 King St. E. (at Ritson), Oshawa 436-5065 For your Listening and Dancing Pleasure "HERBERT THE ENTERTAINER" Fri., Sat., Sun. HOT and COLD BUFFET Mon. - Fri. - Lunch Fri., Sat., Sun. - Evenings à la carle also available VON NEEDS VOLUNTEERS - Volunteer Services of the Victorian Order of Nurses - Durham Branch is looking for dedicated men and women who arc willing to volunteer an hour and one-half each week, morning or afternoon, within their own geographical area. VON clients arc seniors and those who are chronically ill, disabled,,op socially isolated. Two volunteers are also needed two momitjgk per week at the main VON Durham Branch office. If you are interested in helping the Victorian Order of Nurses, please call 434-2530 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:40 p.m. for further details. BIG BROTHERS INFORMATION NIGHT - If you've ever thought about becoming a Big Brother, this is your opportunity opportunity to find out what the organization is all about. Big Brothers Brothers of the Town of Newcastle will host an information night at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January 30. The informal meeting will be held at the Big Brothers office at 133 Church St., Bowmanvillc. Bowmanvillc. For further details, just call 623-6646. HEART FUND NEEDS HELPERS - The Heart and Stroke Foundation needs canvassers to help with the fund-raising drive taking place in February. Just two or three hours of your time would be most appreciated. People wishing to help are invited invited to call 623-9815 in Bowmanville. In Newcastle Village, you can call 987-5400. Volunteers in Ncwtonville should call 786-2688. CRAFT EXHIBITION - The Visual Arts Centre's Eighth Annual Juried Exhibition of Crafts opened on Sunday and will continue to February 9. This is your opportunity to see work by some of Ontario's finest artisans. The gallery, located in the Visual Arts Centre off Simpson Ave„ is open from noon to four p.m. Tuesday to Saturday and Thursdays from noon to eight p.m. Sunday hours are from one p.m. to four p.m. COLLEGE PLANS FAIR - Durham College is holding a Wellness Fair on Wednesday, February 5, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. It's in the gymnasium at 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. There will be presentations by both students and community agencies. Everyone is welcome. Admission is free. QUILTERS MEET -The Durham Trillium Quiltcrs Meeting Meeting will be held February 4 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 208 of Central Central Collegiate Institute, Oshawa. Films on Quilting will be shown. For details, please call 263-2138. AUXILIARY VARIETY NIGHT - The Auxiliary to Memorial Memorial Hospital Bowmanvillc will present its annual Variety Night on Wednesday, February 5, at 8 p.m. in Bowmanville High School. Your Master of Ceremonies will be Ross Metcalf. Metcalf. Featured artists include Ross Cotton, Anna Luckai, Country Country Four, The Blue Angels, Virtue Guitars and Bowmanville High School Brass Ensemble and Flute Ensemble Tickets are available by calling 623-4243 or 987-4817. You can also pick up tickets at the Memorial Hospital Gift Shop. SPARKS VACUUMS Parts and Service for all vacuums including: Electrolux, Kirby, Filter Queen, Eureka. 10 point Clean and Check $ 19.95 SPARKS VACUUM 363 Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa 433-1516 BRINK'S EXCAVATING 688 Regional Rd. 17, Newcastle L1B.1L9 • Trenching ■ Gravel and Top Soil . ■ Grading and Levelling ■ Septic Installations 1 Back Filling ' General Excavating 1 Dump Truck Service (416)987-4995 SCHOOL BOARD STARTS BUDGET TALKS - The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education will begin preparation of its 1992 budget tonight (Wednesday, January 29,) at 7:30 p.m. at the Board Office in Cobourg. The first meeting will examine the most pressing needs in the system. It is open to anyone interested in learning how their educational tax dollar is spent. For further details, please call the school board's information officer at 416-372-6871. ANYONE FDR BRIDGE? - Open bridge is offered every Wednesday, at 7 p.m., at the Port Darlington Marina Hotel in Bowmanville. For further information, please call 623-3934. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY - The Oshawa-Whitby Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, February 4, from 7:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the cafeteria of Henry St. High School in Whitby. This has been designated "Problems Night." So, guests are asked to bring along any problems they might be having for discussion. Meetings are free and open to the public. "KRACO" IR-20001 Carpentry & Contracting * •«««)•'•* el • Custom Homes • Renovating • Designing • Drafting • Permits • Finishing "30 Years Experience" Box 2002.1, Newcastle 987-5400 • Additions • Barns Dr. Bruce G. Wilson DENTIST 118 King Street West Newcastle Village 987-2155 Mon., Wed. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.; Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday KIDS ON THE BLOCK - Kids on the Block is a troupe of disabled and non-disabled puppets designed to teach kids what it is like to have differences and to promote awareness of social social concerns. Performances are presented through life-sized puppets manned by volunteer puppeteers. Street proofing and spina bifida arc two topics available to kids. This program would be of interest to groups such as Brownies, Guides, Beavers Beavers and Cubs. For information on how to book a performance, performance, call Carol Hatton at 576-0597 or 668-2174. RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - The next Red Cross Clinic is slated for Wednesday, February 5, at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Lions Centre. You're invited to drop by and give the "gift of life" between the hours of noon and eight p.m. UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS - The United Empire Loyalists' Loyalists' Association of Upper Canada will gather in the Activity Room of the Whitby Public Library on Thursday, January 30, at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker will discuss her forthcoming book on the Hicks family from medieval times to the present. A film will also be shown. Everyone is welcome to attend and furdier details can be obtained by calling 576-3175. BIG SISTERS CELEBRATE 20 YEARS - In the municipalities municipalities of Newcastle, Oshawa and Whitby, Big Sisters has requested requested February, 1992, to be officially proclaimed as Big Sisters Sisters Awareness Month. During the month, the Friendship Matching Programs will be highlighted in honor of the Big Sislcr/Liltle Sister "Friendship Club" founded by Simcoe Hall Settlement House in 1972, Through a variety of planned events and extensive publicity, the agency intends to solidly establish its identity, uniqueness and purpose for heightened community awareness. The agency is also determined to increase increase the number of Big Sister volunteers, since the waiting list has reached a record high of 51 boys, girls, and teens. HAMILT0NS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1M0 (416) 983-5115 FAX (416) 983-8228 J COWAN PONTIAC -- BUICK LTD.I BOWMANVILLE -- ONT " 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396 REGISTRATION FOR NURSERY SCHOOL - The Small Miracles Child Development Centre is planning to hold a registration registration for its nursery school February 3 and 4. It will take place between six p.m. and nine p.m. in the Newcastle Village Community Hall. In lieu of a registration fee, parents arc requested requested to bring a new toy for the centre. Donations from volunteers volunteers would also be appreciated. For further details, call 987-1971. The nursery school is expected to open in April if all goes well. ACCEPTED AT DORDT COLLEGE - Sarah RciLsma has been accepted for enrollment at Dordl College in Sioux Center, Center, Iowa. Site is currently attending Durham Christian Secondary Secondary School and is the daughter of Joe and Alida Rcitsma, of Bowmanvillc. Dordt College is a Christian liberal arts college enrolling more titan 1,000 students in over 40 programs. LIFESAVING SKILLS -- Durham Savc-a-Hcarl is offering Basic Rescuer CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) courses at Bowmanvillc High School, They run from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. each night on die following dates: February 17 and 24, as well as March 2 and 9. In addition, an Infant/Child course is being offered March 23 and 30. The skills you learn in these courses may save someone you love. Advance registration at Durham Savc-a-Hcart is required. For details, please call (416) 666- 0995. LEARN TO DRIVE Driving Lessons - Road Test SAVE 3 Lessons and Test Call Esquire Driving School 436-9254 z=x $15.00 lesson $35.00 $70.00 XT1 ■ ■ ITT KIDNEY FOUNDATION VOLUNTEERS - The Kidney Foundation urgently needs volunteer canvassers to help with their door-to-door fund-raising campaign. All.it hikes is just one evening during the month of March, which has been designated designated as Kidney Month, If you are interested in joining a caring team where you can make a difference, please call the Kidney Foundation today at 445-0373. Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 623-6477