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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1992, p. 29

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i By Harvey Malcolm Speedy convalescence to Mrs. Velma Velma Cain who has just spent a few days in the Ross Memorial Hospital with a medical problem. All join in wishing Velma a rapid recovery to former good health. Mr. David Staplcy did an excellent job pinchhitting for Ross Bcnns on Sunday at the Yclvcrton United Church service while he attended a Church Conference. He provided an excellent message on "Attitudes" with enough food for thought and positive ideas to last for months if adequately absorbed and put into action. A better than usual turnout was present to participate participate in the service. Yclvcrton United Church Ladies will be holding their annual June Pork BBQ of Chops and Ribs on Friday, June 12 starting at 4:30 p.m. onwards. Please check Coming Events column for further details. See you there! Another "Birthday Week" was observed observed by our Malconia residents and other family members as we observed two family birthdays. On May 26th the very first birthday of our #1 grandson grandson Devon and on May 29th the 9th birthday of our eldest granddaughter Dionne. Also celebrating on this occasion occasion was Mr. Peter Connolly of Bob- caygeon the other grandfather. These celebrations were observed at the home of Jane and Marti Malcolm in Omemcc. Congratulations are extended to Helen and Maurice Nesbitt who will be observing their 40th wedding anniversary anniversary on June 7th. On Sunday June 7th a Memorial Service will be held in conjunction with one regular church service at 11:30 a.m. for a former resident of our community, Miss Lillian Lawson, who passed away sometime ago. We Manvers Twsp. ratepayers just read*, our tax bill for the year and must admit it wasn't as bad as we expected expected around a 6% increase. fcflRZ) Truck - Trailer and fiuto Repair' Service to all makes and models 24 Hr. mobile and shop repair Work guaranteed Fully licensed 23-0255 son Leslie Mann, Karly Bowen (Lana's niece) Andy was supported by his friend Doug Turvey (no relation to Topsy-Turvey) and his brothers Brian and Jeffery Coghill. A sumptuous roast beef dinner was 4 served by the Yclvcrton U.C.W. ladies ladies and friendly neighbours to the 125 guests present in the Church Hall. Terry Malcolm first cousin of the bride, did a fine job as M.C. with efficiency efficiency and humour at the reception. Howard Malcolm, uncle of the bride, proposed a toast to the bride, Doug Turvey proposed a toast to the bridesmaids. The male parent of the groom - Mr. Jim Coghill and Mr. Murray Malcolm father of the bride, each spoke a few words, expressing appreciation to those who had assisted selflessly in the preparation of the days events. Special mention given to Eileen Lyons for the major part she played in making the bridesmaids and bride's dresses, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coghill were recognized recognized on the occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm on recently observing observing their 48th anniversary on May 20th. Following the dinner, Mr. Larry Adams with his guitar and Mr. Albert Moher provided several musical numbers numbers which were well received. The Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, June 10,1992 11 Pinch-hitting at Yelverton Service Community Correspondence wedding dance that followed was held in Nestlcton Community Hall with a capacity crowd present to dance to a fine variety of music provided by Jim King D.J. services. A surprise, but most welcome guest for the Malcolm-Coghill Wedding Wedding arrived home from Australia where she has spent the past few years in the person of Ms. Valerie Malcolm - the bride's older sister. She expects to spend several weeks in Canada before before returning to Australia. This was the first occasion that Murray Malcolm Malcolm and his four daughter had got together together for around six years - a happy reunion. Mr. and Mrs. AL Quinn arc now sporting a "Sold" sign on their attractively attractively appointed farm property on the Gray Line. Congratulations to Audrey and Milton Stephenson who farm 2 miles north-west of Yclvcrton on observing 60 years of married bliss on May 24/ 1992. A very large turnout of friends and relatives were present on Sunday afternoon at the Nestlcton Community Hall to proffer best wishes to the happy happy couple on this auspicious occasion. They were recipients of numerous plaques and congratulatory messages from all levels of government jurisdictions. jurisdictions. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens have raised 9 children during their farming career. Hampton by Michelle Bals on It seems there has been a rash of break-ins here in Hampton lately. In fact, I know of six in the past six months! When looking at it on paper, that's scary. What is happening in this village? You really have to "batten down the hatches" so to speak. Maybe a group of concerned citizens should bring this matter forth to the local police. police. The need for more car surveillance surveillance during the dark hours should be stressed. You yourself can keep your eyes open. Watch your area for unfamiliar unfamiliar people and cars. They could be casing your home. Listen to those barking dogs. With many families travelling in the summer, you should pay special attention. Don't broadcast your plans too loudly. Ask someone to house sit. You should make a check-list on paper so as not to overlook anything. The usual check of the doors, windows windows and stove applies. Keep in mind that televisions and stereos can be put on timers as well as lights. That small investment could pay off. Have the papers picked up from your driveway and put some garbage out on the appropriate appropriate day. If going away for any length of time, make sure your lawn is looked after. That is a sure giveaway that no one is around. I would like to think that Hampton is still in the country, country, however the city seems to get closer every day. Agnes Schofield had the highest score of 92 at Wednesday's Euchre Card Party. Muriel Butson was second with 83. Next was Mena Masters with 79. Vema Robinson had a score of 77 and last but not least was Ruby Smith with 76. Having the Most Lone Hands of five didn't help Richard Potter take first place. The Most Honest Player was a shared card, by busy Ruth Farrow Farrow and Wilma Kantor. Sit down and take a break ladies. Harvey Yellow- lees won the Special. The Draw winners winners were Harold Potter. Vema Robin- 3 son, Ruby Smith, Clarence Bray and Carl Ferguson. Please take note that the Hampton Cemetery Service will be Sunday, June 14th at two in the afternoon. The Hampton Cemetery is on Old Scugog Road. The other grave sites on King Street seem to sit unnoticed. What a shame. It really is a piece of history. The Hampton Community Association Association is having a Yard Sale and Dance on Saturday, June 27th. Tables for the Yard Sale arc available. Call now, they will go fast. Advance 50's theme dance tickets can also be purchased. Please contact Beth Knowlcr at 263- 8335 or Lee Campbell at 263-2018. Well, that's all she wrote folks. Until next week. 799 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA 404-0525 NO GIMMICKS Hearty congratulations are extended extended to 10 year-old Erin Wilson, daughter daughter of Brian and Bernice Wilson of Yclvcrton on being named Skater of the Year for the Eastern Ontario section section of the Ontario Figure Skaters. Erin is a Grade 4 student at Grandview Grandview Public School in Manvers and has been skating most of her young life. This is quite an accomplishment and she and her coaches of the Ops Figure Skating Club deserve all the accolades coming their way because of the special honour given Erin. On a much sadder note we extend deepest sympathy to all the Symons family and other close relatives and friends in the tragic accidental death of Mr. Jeffrey Symonds, 29, of R.R. 2, Janctvillc when he lost control of his motorcycle northwest of Lindsay - a most unfortunate accident. On Wednesday, May 20th Eileen and Howard Malcolm observed their wedding anniversary by attending the Greenwood races in the p.m. and dinner dinner out at the Old Mill in the evening with family members Candy and Jim and neighbours Corrie and Harvey. Without divulging the number of years of married bliss, we will give you a good hint - their years of marital service is a well known Highland regiment regiment that is the same number. Sorry to learn that Mrs. Velma Cain has been admitted to Ross Memorial Memorial Hospital where she underwent surgery on Wednesday, May 20th. We join Velma's many friends and relatives relatives in wishing her a speedy convalescence. convalescence. On Saturday afternoon, May 23, a pretty wedding was consummated at Yclvcrton United Church when Lana Gay Malcolm, youngest daughter of Murray Malcolm and the late Joyce Malcolm was united in marriage to Andrew James Coghill, with Reverend Reverend Lome Darrach of Lindsay assisted by our Minister Ross Berms officiating. officiating. The bride was given in marriage by her father Murray Malcolm, and was supported by a contingent of well adorned bridesmaids similarly gowned complete with an adorable little little flowergirl Kale Moran niece of the bride. Mrs. Linda Pfoh presided at the electric organ with her usual professional professional ability providing a number of very appropriate numbers in her repertoire. repertoire. Larry Adams and Albert Mohes provided a fine musical number "With this ring I do thee wed" which was well received by the capacity crowd of guests present to witness the event. The bridesmaids were Laurie Law- i! 'E lllS IM » S |K É A ... ,(M il I <\ IV JvA k "Big enough to serve you, FREE Strawberry Shortcake will be served at the Town Square. Sif 1 h am MS Wm 5 ; y ) o 0 o o o aatanaifl mm BOWMANVILLE .BUSINESS CENTRE - ^ Small enough to know you." Downtown Monday, June I 5th e>«> • to * * *1 v'î Saturday, June 20th 12 Noon 'til 3:00 p.m. featuring Strawberry Pie Contest on Saturday at the Town Square vL: '» <1 *0 V I' • Display of antique cars • Entertainment by the Wilmot Creek Choir Participating merchants in Downtown Bowmanville will be handing out a voucher, with any purchase made during the Strawberry Festival, June 15th to June 20th. Five vouchers will entitle you to one FREE serving of Fresh Strawberry Shortcake *($2.50 without voucher) which will be served during the Strawberry Pie Contest on Saturday June 20th (Rain date Saturday, June 27th) at the Town Square Temperance Street, Bowmanville * Please note-two serving limit per customer Sponsored by Bowmanville Business Centre and Ted Watson Farms m •&c Mil. IF# Mg Judging by such famous pie-eaters as: Dr, H. B. Rundle. Garnet Rickard and Lee McIntyre. m M'V i

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