20 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, June 17,1992 no)I . Come in for a llpllil? Sorry- One p«r Customer VSpiiii Hllfe (under the tent in front of the store) lili 20" Cota m HITACHI Pwl# fiM/FM CD Players VM-E23 Ultra Compact Camcorder Digital wide/slim perspective fll iris and white balance ■ Twin beam infrared auto focus ■ Wireless remote control ■ Loaded with features Only *999." value 1394.85 Includes: FREE 2-120 minute tapes and extended 2 hr. battery Onltf $710 W VT MI51 VWe5 onl Y 7".:„ Cassette Recorder „ , . ™ Irr " " Video brain remote and auto Includes: 52 FREE movies head cleaning mechanism rent one get 1 free from ■ Trilingual Intelascan help menu National Home Video " VMS index search system ■ Linear time counter ■ On-screen function display and much more CT-2033 21" Monitor Colour Television ■ 181 channel cable compatible tuner ■ 24 function random access remote control ■ On-screen picture controls ■ White control ■ Off-timer and last channel recall ■ On-screen volume and channel indicators Only $ 399. 95 value 829.95 III■llllllllllllllHill! Illllllllllll! 149.95 5.95 14" Colour TV's Microwave Ovens..... 114.95 Assorted Phones at Great Prices! van..... from 249.95 Super prices on Technics Stereos and Components i iiiiiiiii rlllllll 139.95 16 Channel Scanner. (Ised Cellular Phone. Digital Ready Headphones Used VCRs from 129.95 1 GoldStar The brightest star in electronics cu r in ■ 6 disc magazine type FHC-lORemote ■ Full remote control ÇD Plover ■ 6 digit multi-function z FL display time display 5 mode Only $ 209. 95 Camcorder ■ Solid state camera pickup ■ Variable high speed shutter ■ 8:1 power zoom lens with ^ OB Macro.Function. _ Only $ 699. 95 value 1199.95 ■ fiuto focusing (infrared method) ■ Full ^cording and playback : «HE V. i< •' , V Mfi-670-600 Watts Microwave Oven ■ .6 cu. ft. capacity ■ One-touch cooking Only 149. M.S.L. 249.95 HRD351 Compact StOreO with remote control . ■ Compact disc player System ■ Tower speaker ■ Audio cabinet Only $ 649. 9$ value 829.95 We have the best selection and prices on portable stereo in the Durham Region CUT Z64Z 26" Stereo Colour Television ■ Monitor styling ■ MTS/SflP/decoder . ■ Full menu programming ■ 181 channel ■ Comb filter ■ New modern styling ■ flPC Only $ 589. 95 M.S.L. 949.95 llllllllllll I $8 KING ST. W. TELEPHONE 623-2312 Your -- Clse your credit ...Instant in-store financing --