l V 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, August 19,1992 The Week in Review- EH3 Annual Barbecue Raises Funds for Orono Community Centre I.W.À. Announces Funding lees to acquire expert and independent independent advice on the quality of the IWA's work and to make that information information available to everyone," said Walter Pitman, chair of the IWA Board. ■ The IWA has sent invitation letters letters to prospective groups, who might like to select a member for the committee. "Specifically, membership will be composed of one citizen repre- From Page One senling each candidate site on the long list of sites; a representative of each local municipality in which a 'long-listed' site is located; and a representative of each metropolitan and regional municipality in the study area," the news release states. Potential committee members are being requested to submit their names to the IWA by next Wednesday, Wednesday, Aug. 26, before the first committee committee meeting to be held on Sept. 3 Groups React to Letter the Port Hope municipal council and Mr. Epp will take place. He is also waiting to find out just how the meeting will affect this municipality's municipality's CLG process. The waste site cast of Port Granby Granby contains an estimated 351,200 cubic metres of materials including arsenic, and uranium, plus an assortment assortment of chemicals used in tire manu- From Page One waste which can be found at the tween waste site near Port Granby. "The material is in the silt. They'd have to dig down pretty deep to get it all out," Mr. Kowall stated. Not only would the dredging need to be done, but there would have to be research done on what is in the harbor, how to go about llie cleaning and how and where to dis- • factoring process of uranium metal pose of the material. The harbor is not the only place where low level radioactive waste was stored by Eldorado (Camera) during the 1930s and 1940s. It has been found beneath the streets and in a school. "Port Hope has pockets of waste. Some has been cleaned up and removed removed to higher land," Mr. Kowall said. As for the present, the Town of Newcastle CLG chairman is waiting to find out when the meeting be-. Title Promotion for Museum's Worker Having started out at the first of the summer as a Bowmanville Museum Museum Tour Guide, Brad Peters has since come up in the world. He now wears the title of Museum Technician. for Durham Region. The meeting for Metro/York Region Region will be on Sept. 1 and the Region Region of Peel is set for Sept. 2. During the first meetings the committees will choose a chair, establish establish terms of reference and begin the process to solicit proposals from prospective technical consultants. Town of Newcastle Mayor Diane Hamre told The Statesman on Tuesday Tuesday afternoon that the people have to be wary of this inclusion into the IWA's process. "We have to be cautious and very, very diligent to make sure that we are not pulled in as part owners of a process that is not completely ours," said Mayor Hamre. "However, we need to be a part of the process." >- " The table is being set, and if region region and municipal representatives tire not there to participate in the process, then "you don't have any reason to object" to the results, Mayor Hamre noted. . mitral tfflm&tmP"- ■' BiS JirS losi v : >•'■. . ' 1 »• 8F ■ mBlii v. ii 1 *'■ " >■, • \ t < ' ■ • _• Sterling Mather (left) and Ted Hills of the Orono Arena and Community Centre Fund-Raising Committee Committee helped serve up a delicious roast beef dinner at the 25th annual outdoor barbecue August 12th. in fife Mu n °' ,h ° Panasonic Specials PV-11-K Video Palmcorder • Slim Design • Low light sensitivity • Full range digital autofocus . • • Flying erase head • Audio Video dubbing FMg.9Sg.95 ■toSTiN Only $ 849 95 PC 29 x 92S 29" stereo Colour Television ,. L • 155 channel (.'. : '/r • On : screen display and more featuring 3 year warranty $ Reg. 949.95 Only 799 95 Brad Peters "Charles Taws, the curator, lets me do basic restoration, sweep the porches porches and catalogue articles that come in," Brad said. An Environmental Science student at Durham College, Brad says his interest interest in learning more about the area is simple: "To work for the future, you have to know the past." In his efforts to get to know the past, Brad has helped the museum develop develop and maintain a recycling program program which he hopes will continue after after he leaves. - "We couldn't get a Blue Box from the Town of Newcastle because the museum isn't considered to be a single single family dwelling," Brad explained. "So, I've set up boxes to collect the types of materials used here." Once the material is collected, Brad carts it off to the recycling igloos in town. "I couldn't even guess how much was thrown away before," he noted, Paper from the museum's photocopying photocopying machine, newsletters that come into the museum, and the mistakes mistakes that happen while printing the museum's Belvedere newsletter do accumulate. accumulate. Before Brad started collecting the waste, the paper was just going into the garbage. 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