< 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, Wednesday, September 16.1992 Section Two Quote - "The basis of friendship is surely attraction of all kinds and quali- , ties; but sincerity - that's the very crown of friendships." Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears, and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barraball, all from Peterborough, Peterborough, Mrs. Doris Wannan and son Ross from Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Armond Hollingsworth were all seen at Durham Central fair. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamm have relumed home after, attending the celebration celebration of their son, Dr. Douglas Hamm, receiving his added degrees in "Occupational Medicine" last week. Orono United church welcomed Reverend E..C. Woodland on Sunday morning and he will be our guest for September services. Remember the 50lh wedding anniversary anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Gunter, who invite their friends to help celebrate celebrate Saturday, September 19 at Oro-. no United Church 2- 4 p.m. main hall. Mrs. Denise Warren, Amanda and Corey, Peterborough were weekend • I • guests of her parents, the O. Challices. The lovely pots of pretty mums L decorating the "Heritage Building" and arena stage, were courtesy of Rek- • , kers Gardens and arrangement in are- v ' na was designed by Donna Hutton and Yvonne Trafford. Plants were sold to < eager buyers following fair. ■ Local florists added a distinctive' /; touch to fair! All added an excellent : item for decoration. These were later ,Ti ■ sent to sick and shut-ins in area. >"î") Congratulations to Mrs. Janet • ,*« Rutherford, Kirby, who won the beau- tiful quilt, from Kidney Foundation 1 ' draw. We hear the Durham Central : lovely quilt donated by Mrs. Marilyn Martin Newcastle, was won by a party Æ. ; in Oshawa. More details at later date. Durham Central News The official opening of 1992 Durham Durham Central Fair took place Thursday evening in Orono arena. The early part of the evening, the crowd was entertained entertained by the Theatre Dance Academy, Academy, a lively, yoùthful group of young folks. M.C. for evening Mrs. Michelle Reid, and she capably kept the pro- i gram moving. The fair was officially opened by Mr: Byron Beeler, 1992 President of . Royal Winter fair, Toronto, and he made presentation of a very colorful ! » .Royal Winter Fair Calendar to our fair. He congratulated our areas on the beauty, on the diversity of our agriculture agriculture and especially the beautiful apple orchards. How very fortunate we in Ontario are to have such an abundance abundance of food. The guest mentioned, how long he'd known Garnet Rickard, and also pleased to have one of Royal's Royal's directors from here, Don Rickard. . "Bill Tomlinson" on behalf of the 1992 Heritage Committee, then took over the microphone, and explained the proceedings for the big birthday, salutation. One hundred and forty cute straw hats were handed out to some of the large crowd, and also 140 candles. Candles, all lit and everyone asked to have a wish and then blow out candles. candles. "Happy Birthday sung by crowd and our 1992 fair officially opened. Miss Durham Central Fair pageant was opened and five very attractive young ladies paraded first in casual clothes and then later on in formal. Each young lady gave a short speech on her favorite topics, such as Local Forestry, Education needs, Favorite hobbies, Bird Care etc. Veiy good and excellent presentation. Former Miss Durham Central bids farewell and thanks everyone for their kindness. Personal Notes on Fair Congratulations to our Canadian Statesman for overall coverage of our "big fair", printed on daily report sheets. Heard many comments on how interesting. The 1992 poultry exhibits again up in numbers and also in quality. The young crowds Were thrilled with the midway rides this year, as several new ones. Did everyone notice how really attractive the old favourite "The Mer- ry-Go-Round-- (Carousel) is? so colorful! colorful! An interesting sidelight on the Friday's Friday's fair'school parade! Our visiting school "Pickering Christian School and one of their teachers Mrs. Margaret Margaret Blewett, daughter-in-law of Elvin and Francis Blewett, Orono, enjoyed a special day in our area. Early in day they (58) in all children and teachers DURHAM DODGE CHRYSLER! 799 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA 404-0525 NO GIMMICKS enjoyed a great visit-to the Don Staples Staples Orchards and sampled the fruits. They then stopped over at the elder Blewett farm next door, for their lunch, and a really large "bath-room" parade, before leaving for the school fair parade. Over 800 young folks in school parade and another big success! success! They tell us our young folks are our "future", so Durham is exceptionally exceptionally blessed, with so many young folks! One hundred and twenty Antique Cars in Saturdays parade and all excellent, excellent, some real beauties! Really a great asset to parade. Large crowds as usual at the Firemen's Firemen's Pancake breakfast held Saturday Saturday morning in Fire station. Speaking of "tired" firemen! Following Following the large parade, the large "red'.' fire, buck "played out" and refused refused to move! Stopped in front of a well-known home on Mill ' Street. Really no fire! Sure took some time to find out, only problem, "no gas". ' Tired too! The Central Ontario Rabbit Breeders Breeders were very successful with well over 400 entries and some real cuties, and this of course a real stopping off spot for the children. Horticulture Reports Specials in Flower depts. 171 Van Belle Garden Special (all yellow) $10.00 prize Shelley Etinan- ski. 172 Dorothy's Special "People Use damdest containers - 3 prizes 1. Minnie Minnie Zegers, 2. Robert Nichols, 3 Betty Blaker. 173 Risebrough Refrigeration Special Special (Basket of glads) - Betty Blaker, Newcastle, Doug Deeley, Hampton, Loma Atkins, Orono. 174 Newcastle Lioness Special (Autumn Palette) Mass - Minnie Zegers, Zegers, Isabelle Challice. 175 Apple Blossom Shop Special - Most pts. in show - Mrs. Shelley Et- manskie, Orono. 176 Newcastle Lions Special - Judges Choice - $10.00 Jo Harris, Kendal (Passion Plant). 179 Newcastle Lions Sp. - Basket of Perennials - Isabelle Challice, Minnie Minnie Zegers. 180 Velma's Special - Quilt Block design in 8x8 pan - Minnie Zegers. 181 Flower Committee Spec. New exhibitor most pts. - Robert Nichols. Junior Sec. - Big Winners Orono Horticulture Sp. Growing Plants - Andrea Meszards. Class 9 - Olive and Ed Millson Award -.Most pts. in Jr. - Andrea and Peter Etmanskie tied in points. Class 10 Needlecrafts sections - I. Challice. Glass 56 - Household Linens - Canada Packers Quilt Competitions - E. Billings, Donna Gunter, Oshawa. Sewing Depts. Specials - Ricka- bys Sp. - Sec. 1-54 most pts. (at least 10 pts) $25.00 gift certificate - Donated Donated Rickabys store Bowmanville - Anita Anita Miche - Ballentine - ? Orono. Young Adult Sp. - Most Pts. in sections 85-97 - $10.00 gift certificate Donated by Paulines Specialty Shop - Newcastle, Jill Cooke - ? Bowman- ville. Lynn Finlay - Material Store Spec. - Sr. Citizens - $15.00 gift certificate - Hazel Crago - Newcastle. Quilt Special - Top quilt Grand Champion Sec. 1-5 Prize $10.00 donated donated by Mrs. Eileen Billings Orono - Donna Gunter, Oshawa. Armstrong Special - For most pts. in entire needlecraft sections (A piece of crystal) donated by Armstrong's store, Orono - Betty Blaker - Newcastle. Newcastle. Cheryle's Hair Care - Most pts. in craft sections. A cut, wash and set or blowdry - as prize, donated by Mrs. Cheryle Klawitter, Bowmanville - Bonnie Ormiston. Young adults Sp. Quilted Sp. - Elizabeth James Chak - Newtonville, Heather Malcolm - Nestleton. Big Winners in Photographic Competition Competition - Chris Coatham, Isabel Veld- huis - Mundy - Newcastle, Ian Parks, Bowmanville - Ron Locke. Down somewhat - Excellent quality. Woodworking Sections Lloyd and Ken Sharpe. Adult Sections winners - Terry Matchett : Orono Junior Sections winners - + Choice Award. Judges choice award - donated by Orono Fuel and Lumber and Little ■ Valley Farms, Orono - Lia Rutherford. Rutherford. Domestic Science Depts. The Fair Special. - Donated by Margaret Gunter and Darlene Rainey - Marilyn Rutherford, Shelley Etmans- kic, Gail Porter - R. R. 1, Orono. The Auction Special - Donated Dufferin Aggregates - Mosport Pit. Marilyn Rutherford, Chris Coatham, Gail Porter. Apple Special - Donated by Mrs. Grace Gibson and Mrs. Bonnie Reid - Shelley Etmanskie, Inez Harris, Kim Gunn. Bridal Gift Special. - Donated by Mrs. Vera Staples and Mrs. Thelma Gilbank - Kim Gunn, Orono. Mystery Cake Special. - Donated by Mrs. Ileen Reid and Mrs. Joyce Gray - Dorothy Lee - Nestleton. Hollingsworth Special - Donated by Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hollingsworth - Shelley Etmanskie, Patricia Lawrence, Lawrence, Newcastle, Anita Bruton. "Munch and Crunch" Special (basket (basket of muffins) - Donated by Gerritt De Jonge and Yvonne Trafford - Shelley Shelley Etmanskie, Bonnie Myers, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Janet Cringle, Newcastle. Mulders Furniture Special - Donat-' ed by Mulders Furniture Store, Bowmanville Bowmanville - Dorothy Lee. Carols- Special - Donated by Village Village Bake Shop - Dorothy Lee, Shelley Shelley Etmanskie, Gail Porter. Grand Champion Cake $10.00 Donated Donated by Mrs. A.F. McKenzie - Marilyn Marilyn Rutherford. Reserve Grand Champion Cake $10.00 Donated by W.K. Lycett - Dorothy Lee. Grand Champion Pie - Donated by Mrs. J. Rickard - Audrey Saulnier,. Bowmanville. Certo Special - Loma Atkins, Arlene Arlene Ayre, Bowmanville. Grand Champion Pie - Audrey Saulnier, Dorothy Lee, Nestleton. Oldest person in attendance at the fair each day:, Thursday, Arnold Bray, Newcastle, Newcastle, 83, Friday, Mildred Comeil, Peterborough Peterborough 87, Saturday, Fred Vander- veen, Orono 86, Sunday, Helen MacLean, Newcastle 83. There were banana, orange chiffon, chocolate, chocolate angel, coffee chiffon and regular chiffon cakes in the Cake Baking Contest at the Durham Central Fall Fair on Friday night, Sept. i0. The Grand Champion cake baker for this year's event was Marilyn Rutherford, who suggested to future contestants that they bake a cake only once. "If you bake two and the second is entered, it won't win," she said. She joins auctioneer Charlie Reid; Cliff Reilly, a manager with BFI Waste Management, and auctioneers Ar- not Wotton and Mike McGregor after the winning cake was auctioned for a price of $375. BFI Waste Management purchased the champion cake. Proceeds from the auction go to the Fair Board to support next year's fair. Happenings from Tyrone Area Scouts ...our goals are as limitless as space StoveMacUan CLARKE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES, Town of Newcastle GIANT SECOND HAND BOOK SALE SEPTEMBER 19 - 20,11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thousands of books to choose from. Fiction, non-fiction, reference, gardening, children's, mysteries, westerns and much more! Hardbacks 25$ or five for a loonie Paperbacks 10$ each INFORMATION: 416-983-9243 CLARKE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES 7086 Old Kirby School Road Hwy. 35/115 at Regional Road 9 Kirby, Ont, (5 mins, north of Orono) A project of the Friends of Clarke Museum, Clarke Museum Is a member of the Durham Region Heritage Network, By Jacqueline Vaneyk Bethesda Cemetery's recent Decoration Decoration Day Service was attended by about 140 people. The service was conducted by Reverend Bonnie Kelly who gave a very comforting message. Jacqueline Vaneyk provided keyboard music for singing and listening. Coffee, Coffee, lemonade and cookies were appreciated appreciated by all. Many people commented commented on how well the. cemetery was cared for and how nice it has looked all summer. -'- ■ Jean Robertson McNivcn, husband Neil, and daughter Heather, made some calls in the area in late August. Jean had to miss the school reunion and wanted to catch up on the news. She asked to be remembered to all her former students and their parents. Karen Vaneyk spent several days visiting her family before settling into an intensive French course at McGill University in Montreal. Meals on Wheels are still being delivered delivered throughout the area. If you could volunteer the help, phone Arlene Arlene Yeo at 263-2546. If you.wish to arrange for meals to be delivered, phone Community Care at 623-2261. The meals are brought by volunteer drivers on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Cost is very reasonable. Don't forget the Ladies Lodge Supper on Sunday evening ■ at the Orange Community Hall. United Church services go on as usual. There are Sunday School activities activities for the children, and nursery care for the very young. Senior Choir practice practice will begin Thursday, September 17 at 8 p.m. All are welcome. Lunch will be served following the service on September 27. Donations will be received. 295,000 An independent study forecasts the loss of another 295,000 jobs because of the NDP Government's new labor law. There are already close to 600,000 people out of work in Ontario. Because of increasing personal and business bankruptcies and the lack of new investment, tax revenues are down and government deficits are soaring in an attempt to finance needed social programs. Businesses are moving and new investment is going elsewhere as a result of Ontario's reputation as being anti-business and pro-union. Tell the Ontario Government it is wrong to bring in a new law that will further discourage investment in Ontario and its future, Think about it Let Premier Bob Rae and your local Member of the Legislature know what you think about it, A message brought to you In Hie public Interest by Die Ontario members of tlx Canadian Dally Newspaper Association and The Ontario Community Newspapers Association