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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1993, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 17,1993 Work Wanted Auction Sales .i, 11'I 1 11 i i (B BARR'S (416) 987-1445 Roofing • Sheet Metal • Windows FLAT ROOFS • SHINGLES • PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING • SOFFIT • SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGH 22 Years Experience Collect Calls Accepted 1-tfSN DAVID HILLS BUILDING SERVICES » DESIGN • DRAFTING • CONSTRUCTION TEL: (416) 786-2393 • New Homes > Additions • Garages • Barns. • Sunrooms; •' Decks ; • Brick/BIk • Siding, • Framing • Excavation • Concrete • Roofing 11-1SN Auction Sale Wed., March 17 to Sat., March 20 Bankrupt Sale 50% olt Pet Supplies :v 4 Days Only 10 a.m.-6 p.m. § 84 Water St., Port Perry Having received instructions from Alan Lawson, Fisher Inc. we are selling the assets of Doc's Discount Ret Food, 84 Water St., Port Perry including dog and cat foçd, used aquariums, fishing tackle, 10 rods, minnow tanks, books, and other pet accessories, accessories, counters, showcases, steel shelving plus other items. Everything Everything 50% off 14 days only! McLean McLean Auctions & Liquidations, Whitby, 576-7550. Thurs., March 18,6 p.m. Marriage Split, Some Exceptionally Good Used Furniture plus Several New Pcs., 2 Computers • 2 Old Guns, all to be sold with no reserves at Warner's Auction Hall Hwy.#2,Colborne Partial list includes exceptionally nice cherry bedroom suite with 4 poster bed, dresser' w/mirror, men's chest, night stand, all with nearly new box and matt.; other exceptionally nice bedroom suite; suite; very nice dining room.suite with ext. table, 6 chairs and breakfront china cabinet in excellent excellent cond.; also exceptionally nice Brentwood sofa and chair only 1 week old and never used, paid $2,100. new; good bed sofa; used sofa and chair suite; also new 2 pc. sofa and chair; occasional occasional chairs; new and used coffee coffee and end tables; fridge, stove, chest freezer; 2 computers complete complete with printer, computer also , nas accessory invoice machine : and cash drawer, to be sold separately; qty. bedding and linens; pots, pans, dishes, glass, etc. Some very nice pcs. of crystal; 16 ga. J.C. Higgins shotgun, old Swedish 104 mm. rifle; rifle; good car phone complete with aerial; older rototiller; 2 Royal Doulton figurines; 2 sets glass lamps; ladies' oak roll top desk; jewellery chest, plus countless mise, articles in this Ige. sale. Sale starts: 6:00 p.m. Plan to attend early. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, MC. Gary and Bill Warner, Auctioneers, 355-2106. ' r AUCTIONEER ' Don Stephenson Phone 623-1726 Estates, farms and all consignments wanted 45-tfS Sat., March 20,11 a.m. 926643 Ontario Ltd., R.R.#1, Warkworth,' Ont., 1.5 kms. west of Warkworth on Cty. Rd. 25 to 3rd Con. Percy, then West 7.5 km. to Percy/Haldimond Boundary Boundary Rd., then south to Sisler Farm. Watch for sale signs. 1988 Case International 585 four wheel drive diesel tractor with Hunik Hardy 80 front end loader, roll cap, pto., dual remotes, 3 ph„ 16.9X30 tires, 11.2X24 front tires, only 650 hrs. New; Ford 8N gas tractor, 3 ph., pto.; 3 pt. hitch blade; 9' cultivator on rubber, rubber, trail type; MF 2 furrow trip beam plow, 3 ph.. good; International International 530 manure spreader; International International Model 10 seed drill, 13 run, grass seed box; Massey 7' mower on rubber, trail, pto.; Bush Hog 5' rotary mower, 3 ph., New; Eminent 3 pt. hitch fertilizer spreader; side, delivery rake on rubber; 2 rubber tired wagons and flat racks; 16' pipe bale elevator elevator and motor; big bale fork for front end loader; big bale fork for 3 pt. hitch; 3 pt. hitch post hole auger, 12"; 3 pt. hitch blade, 6'; three drum roller; quantity of steel fence stakes; horse drawn 2 furrow plough; cement mixer; two jack ails; MTD 3 hp. rototiller, 26"; 22' wooden ext. ladder; 8' wooden step ladder; chains; clevises; clevises; hooks; pulleys; forks; shovels; scythe; rubber tired wheelbarrow; nuts, bolts, etc.; quantity of small items; five water troughs; two round bale feeders; two wheel trailer; 6' wooden step ladder; quantity of cedar poles (12'); quantity of cedar posts; quantity of asst'd. lumber (V, 2"j; approx. 40 big round bales of second cut hay; 1978 Dodge four wheel drive 3/4 ton truck, p.s., p.b., auto., as is. Many more items too numerous to list. Note: All machinery in this sale is in good shape and has been stored inside. Few small' items, be sure to be on time. Sale time: 11:00 a.m. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. Owner and Auctioneer Auctioneer not responsible for accident accident or injury day of sale. Roy and Rod Williams, Auctioneers, Campbellford. (705) 653-3533. Luncn available. MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES Estates, Consignments, Households, Bankruptcies, Farms Sold at your location or ours. Mike MacGregor (416) 987-5402 Junior West (416)983-5556 uoi| ' ' 10-tfSN Fri., March 19,6 p.m. • Cornell's Auction Barn 3 Ml. E. of Little Britain on County Rd.4 Oak and cherry washstand, pine flat top desk, doll carriage, cherry cherry drop leaf table, butcher block, mahogany piano bench, captain's captain's chairs, Gothic windows, pine mirrors, record cabinet, oak cabinet (glass front), modern dressers and chests of drawers, piano stool, crocks, oil paintings, metal signs, metal toys, copper kettles and boilers, granite ware, advertising clocks, qty. sports' cards, approx. 200 ft. dry oak lumber, 1987 GMC van, Evinrude snowmobile, Ski-doo Citation snowmobile, qty. china and glass and collectables. Don and Greg Corneil, Auctioneers, R.R.#1, Little Little Britain, Phone or fax 1-705- 786-2183.■ Sat., Mar. 20,10 a.m. Auction Sale ol Farm Machinery, Tools & Furniture For David Rose, Aurora. Located at #15036 Woodbine Ave. (Van- dorf). Take Hwy. #404 north from Toronto, to Aurora Sdrd., then east 1/4 mi. to Woodbine Ave., south 1/4 mi. TRACTORS & COMBINE: COMBINE: JD 4450 4 wd. with cab, powershift, 2056 hrs., 140 hp., 20.8X38 tires (ex.), JD 2955 4 wd. 800 hrs., cab. 85 hp., 18.4X38 radiais (ex.), JD 2355 with 245 Idr., 4 wd. 55 hp., 967 hrs., cab., fr. fenders (new), B250 Int. tractor with Idr., diesel (30 hp.), JD 6600 combine hydrostatic, hydrostatic, diesel, cab., (good), JD 215 flex 15' cutter head. EQUIPMENT: Swather, plow, cult., disc, packer, harrows, corn planter, haybine, bàlers, augers, antique furniture, appliances, power washer, wood splitter, chain saw, tools and shop equipment, equipment, plus much more. See last week's issue for full details. NOTE:. An outstanding sale to start our season. An exceptional lineup of machinery, ready for spring work. Don't miss out. Mr. Rose, who is retiring, has been a meticulous farmer, his machinery is well maintained and like new. Furniture and tools selling at 10 a.m. (2 rings). Proprietor 1-416- 727-4352. Gary Hill Auctions. "*10th Anniversary 1983 - 1993"* Sunderland 1-705-357- 2185, Mt. Albert 1-416-473-2138, Cellular 1-416-518-6401, FAX 1- 705-357-1333. rood uddored group of high producing cows.T-loifers & In, Conquest, Counselor, Lindy, Delegate. Followed by sionmont Salo including a group from Lauronda Hoi- the March Consignment Salo including a group einins fnnlurino a fanev (GP) 4 vr. old by Tab w s M SIMPSON MEMORIALS 111 Toronto Rd,, llwy. #2 W„ Port Hope, Ontario (41G) 005.0434 Monumonts, Granllo or Dronzo Markers, Inscriptions We offer • Indoor/outdoor displays • Excellent Prices • Guaranteed Workmanshl • Etchings "Economize" and try our prices by visiting our new facilities, or call us collect and arrange for an appointment In the comfort of your homo. A HIGHLY RESPECTED FAMILY BUSINESS 11-18 IIP Personal and Scones THURSDAY, MARCH 25 12 NOON HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL Comploto Hoitzvuo Dispersal for Jerry and Stephen Hoitznor, Brechin, soiling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. 25 Hoad, Reg. & Grade, 7 Cows, 9 Bred Heifers, 8 Opon Hoifors & Calves, Including a (VG) 5 vr. old by Sterling proj. to (152-166-170) BCA fresh in Oct. & duo in Sop° to Astre Starbuci. a [GP) Sterling with 3y (2 4-207-22 ) selling fresh, a (GP) Starbuck with 4y (205-222-225) selling fresh I Mar, This is a gn<vt iiddnrod orouo of hioh oroducing cows. Heifers calves by Linco from Lauronda with 2y (135-154-145) Dam also soils fresh in ,mv- ,uu, MW.,, _lso (VG) with (141-153- 141). À 2 yr. old by Tab soils frosh in Fob. & milWng 61 lb. Jfrom a (GP) Starbuck Dam with 2y (193-209-215) BCA, 2nd Dam is (VG) with (262- 238) BCA, next 2 Dams are (Ex-3E). Also a group of open & bred ho I- ors, several fresh & close cow*, a service ago bull by Lincoln with ETA'93: M-i 8 F+9 P+9 T+8 LPI+L73. If you wish to consign to this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Limited , Tl r \ R.R. #2, UXBRIDGF- ON7T > LL LIU. /Ain Deo • Establishod in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville PnE-AnnANGHO AND prepaid funeral services available 3-tfSN Sat., March 27,11 a.m. Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Highway Tractors & Trailers Industrial Equipment The property of Harold Hoskin, Lot 16, Con. 2, (Darlington Twsp.), 1/2 mile north of Bowmanville Bowmanville on Martin Road 57 to Nash Road -1/8 mile west or off Hwy. 401 at Waverley Road -■ north 2 miles to Nash Road -1/8 mile west (watch for signs). Case 2390 tractor, cab, air, 20X8X38 tires with duals, 2325 hrs., excellent; excellent; MF 1105 tractor with cab; CA Allis tractor, not running; Gleaner L3 self-propelled combine combine with 18 series 3 flex-header, 4 row corn head, cab, air, 4X4; Gleaner L2 combine for parts, excellent motor; Bush Hog offset offset disc; Int. 400 8 row corn: planter with monitors; John' Deere 3600 6 - 18's on land, full trail plough; 1991 Polaris ÀTV; snowblower 9' pto., McKee 24' cultivator with wings and leveling harrows; MH industrial 2 wheeled loader; AC 745 loader, 5 yd. bucket; AC TL20 loader, 2 3/4 yd. bucket; 2 new 16V24 radial grader tires Michelin); 1985 Freight-Liner highway tractor, 400 cat, 13 speed, 12 front, 40 rear; 1981 Int. highway tractor V6 GM 692, 9 speed; 1989 Dodge 318 1/2 ton truck, air, . auto.; Trailmobilo 24' dump trail- . er; 1975 Int. tandem dump truck; King 26' dump trailer; 1984 Frue- hauf belly dump with B trains; 1978Trailmobile grain dump trailer; trailer; 40' drop deck with ramps; 45' - 3 axle flatbed, good; approx. 1975 Trailmobile dump trailer; 14' . truck platform; heavy vibrating roller - no motor; 2 electric lift- forks for parts; steel decking 20' to 30'; 32' to 35' cement trusses; quantity air hoses, hydraulic hoses - all lengths; electric welder; welder; AC- DC fig welder. Many other items. Terms; Cash. No rosorvo. Salo at 11:00 a.m. boginning with small itoms and farm machinery. At 1:30 p.m. Industrial Equipment Equipment followed by Highway Tractors Tractors and Trailers. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auction, Auction, Roaboro, Ontario, 705-324- 9959, mobilo 749-7084. Sun., March 21,12 Noon (Re-Scheduled from Last Week) Antiques, Collectables & Household Effects (Viewing 10:30 a.m.) Orono Town Hall Main St., Orono (Call, for future consignments. Next sale March 28tn). MacGregor MacGregor Auctions, Mike MacGregor MacGregor 416-987-5402, Junior West 416-983-5556. Sat., Mar. 20,6:30 p.m. "Saturday's Auction Action" Sat. Night at 6:30 p.m. at the Pethlck Auction Barn, Haydon 8 Mi. N. of Bowmanville East off Durham #57 at the 8th. Cone, of Newcastle This week we have to be sold chesterfield suites, oval oak table, ash ext. table, 2 bedroom suites, Inglis washer/dryer, 30" stove, oak china cabinet, wing back chairs, kitchen suite, microwave, microwave, 2 colour TVs, 2 VCRs, office desks, electric typewriters, typewriters, 17 cu. ft. freezer, pine pcs., sm. roll-top desks, metal clothes racks, 1979 340 Everest snowmobile, snowmobile, washer spin dryer and many more interesting and unusual unusual pieces. Viewing from 5 p.m: Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. For more information call 1-416- 263-4252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K. Powell Auctions. Auctions. Also many wedding dresses dresses and access, for sale. For appointment appointment call Joan 1-416-263- 4252.■ Saturday, March 27th Sale Time 12:00 Noon Auction Sale of furniture, antiques antiques and household effects, the Estate of the late Archie and Ina Virtue selling at the Tyrone Community Community Centre, Tyrone, including 9 piece Strathroy Furniture Co. dining room suite (excellent condition) condition) matching chesterfield and chair, occasional chairs, rocking chairs, coffee table, end tables, bedroom suite, triple dresser, 4 drawer chest, double bed with new mattress and box spring, wooden wardrobe, near new 26" Zenith colour television, Manthe mantel clock, organ, viking sewing sewing machine, Sunbeam vacuum cleaner, telephone table and chair, guitar, one Stradivarious and two Stainer violins, quantity of dishes, pots, pans, silverware, candle holders, linens,' towels, blankets, lamps, paintings, records, tools and much more. If you wish to consign to this sale call Ron King Auctioneer 985- 2643. Lunch available. Please plan to attend. Sale time 12:00 noon. Sale managed and sold by Ron King Auction Service. 11-2S Sat., March 20,10 a.m. Selling Lge. Collection Antiques, Collectables P^Lmlllves, Mçitern , and Brian and thoir families and 3 great grandchildren. Friends may call at the Morris Funeral Funeral Chapel. 4 Division St., Bow- manvillo on Thursday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funoral sorvico will bo hold comploto In our Chnpol on Friday at 11 o,m. Informent Bowmanville Comolory. Donations Donations to Memorial Hospital Cardiac Cardiac Caro Unit would bo appreciated. appreciated. 11-1SN STAFFORD MONlJMKKTrS • I AMII Y MONUM! Nl'. ' ( IRANI 11 ()U HHON/1 ('.MASS MAMKl MS 1 INSCRIPTIONS ' SI MVINO Al l I Aims 1 WMl 1 11 N ( it IAMANU I ' Ml I I Ml N< I S AVAU AUI I 143 King Si E., Bowmanville INDOOR SHOWROOM 623-8150 Aflrf liuuf •- ( )■.11.ivv i (4 11.i S/'l I I H» Nolti Wo p<iy !hv ( i S Ï Momv /ip(K)inlmvnh. yl.itJly .iff/inyt>(t Drop m lixLiy lor yum Iruv llowi'f » onlainvf CALL TOLL FREE 1-HOOHU -IH-IH.. ... Auctions Auction Sale Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 6 p.m. at Myles King Auctions 33 Hall St., Oshawa All consignments welcome. Estate Estate sales, etc. Est. in 1967. Myles King, Auctioneer 725-5"" 1-5751 Sat., April 24 Equipment Consignment Sale Durham County Sales Arena, Orono Phone today in order to take advantage advantage of early advertising. Phone Charlie Harris 983-5162 or Charlie Reid 983-5914. P.S. The livestock sale has re-opened on Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Auction Salel "Kahn Country Auctions" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd. Pickering 3 Miles North of Hwy. 401 (Exit 399) Featuring every Wed. an excellent excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, collectables, primitives and the unu- suals. so join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's Ontario's True" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment "Consignment and estate selling our specialty". Phone us today. Preview from 1:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Services, 416-683- 0041. Services CLEANING Residential/Commercial NO JOB TOO SMALL. Phone Rosemary 623-9979 .11-1SNW APPAREL by CHERYL Alterations Dressmaking - Lingerie . Sewing for Special Needs - Decorative accents for home 623-3589 38-tfW, 39-tfSN;,. QRCËn Financial Corporation MORTGAGES Serving Durham Region for over 20 years 1st and 2nd's to 95% Debt Consolidations Prime Rates • Pre-Qualifying 571-2880 Investor Inquiries Welcome! Services GRANDMA'S Company - Green cleans homes and offices. We don't cut corners, we clean them. Bonded - Insured - Chamber member. Ovens, fridges, walls, we'll even do laundry and ironing. 725-9177 (anytime). TIRED of your own cooking? Try Lorraine's Kitchen. Five nome- cooked meals weekly. Microwave Microwave ready. 623-3105. WOULD you like to see your name in print? It's easy - Just drop into the Canadian Statesman Statesman office, 62 King St. W., Bowmanville, to order business cards or your own personalized address cards. For more information information phone 623-3303. Diverse Data Service TAX RETURNS DONE FASTI FI FCTRONIC FILING: Even if you do your own return: Avoid mailing hassels. Process your return with E-FILE. Call Charlie Hastings at 623-5730. 11-1S TAX RETURNS Personal and Small Business Tax Returns Prepared 11 years experience Reasonable Rates Phone 623-3814 11-3SNW YOU DO. WE FIlE Tax Service E-FILE Electronic Filing by computer. Income tax refund in 2 weeks. Revenue Canada approved and secure. Verification and transmission cost $20. 987-3864 11-4SN INCOME TAX RETURNS Computerized 25 years Experience . Discount to Seniors Competitive Prices GEOFFREY ASTON 623-8784 10-4S Deaths CORMACK - Anne Jane. At the Strathaven Life Care Centre in Bowmanville on Monday, March 15, 1993 in her 95th year. Anne, wife of the Late Harry Cormack. Loving mother of Ted and his wife Wiesa of Whitby, Jack and his wife Naida of Brooklin, Shirley and her husband John Fowler of Bowmanville. Fondly remembered remembered by 10 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Mrs. Cormack Cormack is also survived by her sister, sister, Elizabeth Orr of Belfast. Mrs. Cormack will be resting at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, 110 Dundas St. E„ Whitby (668-3410] for visitation from 2 - 4 and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 17. A 1 chapel service will be held on Thursday, March 18 at 2:30 p.m. Interment will take place in the spring at Graveside Cemetery. Donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Whitby General Hospital would be appreciated appreciated by the family in lieu of flowers.. flowers.. T-- -.i'-,"' 4 paimipacnon^ Give from the Heart. Your Heart may need it back someday. When your neighbour stops by this month to collect for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, we hope you'll consider a very special reason to give - your own heart. You see, one outof every four Canadians has some form of circulatory disease. So make an investment in your life and lives near and dear to you. And remember, the more you give the more we can give back. AND STROKE FOUNDATION Improving your odds against Canada's #2 Killer. 9-tfSNW; AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A ★ A A A J he Best* n Sl WeAct* \°f The Ci ME WOULDN'T SAY IT'S THE BIGGEST WEEK OF THE YEAR ... MORE LIKE THE BIGGEST WEEK IN 100 YEARS OF CASTLE HOTEL children Ian arandchildron, KURULIAK - momory of myx suddenly on Mi again, Though tho dnj nwny, Sloop on, donr v, your rosl, Thuy miss you mot you boat, • Miko. KURULIAK - Laurie momory ol our motho, mollior (Baba), Laurl suddenly Mnrcli21, It Sweet momoilos will or. Tlmo cannot clmngt uuo, Yonrc that nmy cc r.ovor Our loving romombmn' ■ MlDtutd by Mlclmol. I lino, Woo, Bill, Dool grandchildren, "Flowers Soy It Best" VAN BEL DAILY Dollvc, Oshiiwa-Uowm# Phone 623 • Trade murk ol S Gardons Direct from Georgia, U.S.A. For the very first time in Eastern Ontario, at the "Castle Hotel" Ms. "BUNNY GLAMAZON" also known as "Sweet Peach of Georgia" The Tallest (6'3") feature act in the World * * DO NOT MISS THIS ONE! YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING YET!! - our 1st Anniversary week of shows and GIVEAWAYS : \ - AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION * * * - WEEK OF MARCH 22, 1993 - Shows: 12:45 - 5:30 - 9:00 - 12:00 THIS WEEK: Santinl Sisters „ * * * NO COVER EVER * * * lJ tetlt Dotd Mm 54 King Street E., Bowmanville rAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A •A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ★ A v, v, V, h h h V 'a 'a À A 6-, k, ►, l, », h S S k, s »! k, *4

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