k 1 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 31,1993 Section Two Queen's Students Deliver Church Service Quote - "The only difference be-, tween stumbling blocks and stepping- stones is in the way you use them." Congratulations to young miss Al- lyson VandcrKooi of Irwin Road, on seeing the first robin reported in our area, on Tuesday, March 16. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Douglas Vandcrkooi. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Anger, Wood- stock, spent weekend visiting his aunt, Mrs. Jennie Bowins. Quite a number of Orono folks were at the Grist Mill Auction last Friday night, and as usual excellent prices. In Sunday's "Toronto Star" a large section devoted to "Baby Bloomers", a solute to all gardeners! Something many of us have known for years, gardening is an "old fashioned" fashioned" way of not only growing your own food, but beautifying your prop- ' orties, good exercise and all round fun! Be sure to join your local Horticultural Horticultural Society right away. Out district district #17 is sponsoring the district Convention in Bowmanville Saturday, Saturday, April 17, at St. Joseph's Great Hall and this is for 12 societies in our district. Sunday guests of the O. Challiccs - Mr. and Mrs. Hamter and Mrs. Greta Greta Steward, all from Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Munncke Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shcrwin and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wood have returned home, after enjoying a delightful delightful two weeks vacation in Hawaii. Hawaii. Lots of wild geese to be seen, many flying in easterly direction, Sure good to see the old snow banks 'disappearing. Mrs. Nita Fcbbrini, Oshawa, Adam, Ryan and Matthew were last Wednesday luncheon guests of their grandmother and great grandmother, Mrs. Inez Harris. A large bridal shower was held Sunday afternoon in St. Saviour's church hall, when ladies from Newcastle Newcastle and Orono held a shower for Miss Ruth Hall, Reverend Hall's daughter, who will be married later in May. A surprise party for the bride and groom of 25 years, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Copping of Kirby, was held in the Baseline Community Centre on Saturday, Saturday, March 27. Guests were present from Delhi, Hamilton, Oakville, Oakville, Belleville and local area. Congratulations Bob and Judy! General U.C.W. Meeting The general meeting of the Orono U.C.W. was held Thursday March 25, in Main hall of Orono United Church. President Thelma Gilbank called meeting to order and especially welcomed welcomed our visitors from Enniskillen United Church, with their minister, Reverend Bonnie Kelly. Several Easter hymns were sung with Judy Plummer at piano. Thelma conducted the business meeting and secretary Ruth Grady read minutes of last general meeting, and read several thank you notes. Several large catering jobs coming up, and Adele McGill Treasurer gave financial reports. If anyone interested, interested, call Adele, as she will be reordering reordering cook books right away. Dorothy Barnett gave an intcrcst- Van Belle Floral Shoppes ... much more than a flower store! 4 STORES ./\ • Highway No. 2 n I • King St. W., Oshawa -Simcoe St. N., Oshawa WSiZ .100 Dundas St. W„ ■J Whitby Tradomark ol Van BolloGardons Ltd. ing supply report. At this time our guests were introduced introduced by their minister, Reverend * " Bonnie Kelly and they were members of their bible study group. Nine members presented a ,play entitled "The Forgiveness That Never End." (a readers theatre). Each one complained about their neighbours, their grocer, their pastor etc. and vowed never to forgive! Through the presentation parts of "The Lord's Prayer" were faintly heard. Although this is a women's group, one very brave young man from Enniskillen Enniskillen accompanied this group, and brought a very meaningful meditation meditation entitled "Forgiveness", the young men Ralph Worry. Congratulations Congratulations Ralph!. We thanked the group and Reverend Kelly for their presentation. presentation. The ladies of unit #3, presented presented a very interesting Easter devotion! Those taking part, Jennie Bowins, Dorothy Baily, Adele McGill and Isabelle Isabelle Challice. Isabelle thanked The Apple Blossom Shoppe for loan of beautiful Easter Lilies on table and Dorothy read poem on "Easter Lilies". Lilies". "Beneath The Cross of Jesus" was sung with Joyce Gray at piano. Joyce also presented a delightful medley of'- Easter Music, as part of our program and much enjoyed by all! President thanked everyone and invited everyone to stay and enjoy a delicious lunch served by ladies of unit#l. Town Hall Card Party Excellent attendance at the weekly euchre party at the Orono Town Hall on Wednesday, March 17 with thirteen thirteen tables playing and following winners: High scores Wanda McNeil 95, Reg. Elliot 89, Carl Todd 80, Jean Jillsen 79, Marie Couroux 77. Low Score - Lil Bolderstone. Lucky draws - Marlene Stacey, Reg. Eilliot, Dora MacDonald, Carlos Carlos Tamblyn, Charles Stapleton, Carl Todd. Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. and ladies to please supply lunch! Bridal Shower Mrs. Keith West, Mrs. Jr. West, Judy Murphy, Janice, Jackie and Angela Angela West recently held a delightful bridal shower at home of Mrs. K. West. In honour of Miss Deanna West, whose marriage to Mr. Dennis Walker, April 3 in Newcastle United Church will take place. The bride received received many beautiful gifts and is the daughter of Dean and Anne West, Division Division Street, Orono. 1 Orono United Church News Very pretty floral arrangement at front of church, placed in loving memory of the late Marlecn Ross, by her husband Gary and family. Very lovely special music, a solo by Reverend Don Howlctt, "You'll never walk alone." The choir rendered rendered "His Eye is on the Sparrow." Birthday greetings to - Pamela Worry March 28, Orono, Muriel Patton Patton March 28, Orono, Gordon Mills March 30, Orono, Miranda Weeks March 30, Orono, Mary Tamblyn March 31 Orono, Dini Schocnmakcr April 2, Orono, Melissa Colville March 29, Kirby. Our Greeters - Mrs. Thelma Vagg and Mrs. Gladys Greenwood. Our Ushers - Bill Hannah, Cliff Terrill, Carol and Grant Yco. Nursery Supervisor Bertha White. U.C.W. Supply and Service - Donations Donations of good, clean clothing for babies, children and women arc nccd- MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 623-0331 623-1838 AAA PINE RIDGE INSURANCE PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL Durham Region MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM IN THE MATTER OF: THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality ol Durham may pass by laws authorizing construction of the following projects: Road No. Road Name Municipality Location 2 Simcoe St. Scugog 4 Taunlon Rd. Pickering 29 Liverpool Rd. Pickering 55 TowninoRd. Oshawa/ Newcastle MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS Simcoe St. from VanEdward Dr. to Lome St. Port Perry. Widening to 4-lane standard. Taunton Rd. from Brock Rd. easterly lowest of Church St, New construction to 4-hnennl standard, hdudeeCPR overpass bridge, Liverpool Rd. from Glemana Rd, to Finch Ave. Urban reconstruction. Towrline Rd. from Reg. FW. 58 (Adelaide Ave.) to Reg. Rd. 4 (Taunlon Rd.) Ufoyadng to stitable standards, Clived replacement Reg. Rd. 5. Claremont, Level crossing with CPR Level crossing with CPfl Various Locations Plans si rowing (Moils ol lire projects ond tiro lands atfoded may be seen at tiro offices of tiro Duharn Works Dcparlmori, 105 Consumers Drive, Wttiry, Ontario, Telephone GC87721. Work Commlloo, being delegated by Regional Council as tire treating body, strati hoar In person or by lib or Iror counsel, solicitor or ageri, any person wtro daims Irk or lier land win bo projuddally affoc» «I by tiro by-laws and who apples on or before April 2,1093, lotit# uyirrsignod lo bo Iroard al a meolhg ol tire Works Conmvtlee on April 6,1993, DATED at WMby tirk 3rd day ol Mardi, 1993. T.PteveMR.ENQ CS-NI-W-G026 DtidofdTramportüon Rog.Rd.5 Pickering 1 23 Brock Rd. LakerkJgoRd. Resurfacing Pickering Picker ing ed before mid April. Please leave items on the stage in main hall. Dorothy Dorothy Barnett 983-5382. Easter Lilies If you would like to donate flowers for the Easter season, please call Donna Scott 983-5026. Baptism - Sunday April 18 will be Baptism Sunday. Call Reverend Howlctt 983-5502 if you have a baby or child to be baptized. Camp Quin-Mo-Lac 1993 Camper Applications - anyone interested in attending camp arc advised to apply quickly as sessions tend to fill up very fast. Forms are available from Dorothy Robinson 983-5059. To inquire inquire about our church subsidy program, program, contact Ed. Millson 983-5754. "Time and Talent" Auction Sale - Circle your calendar for Saturday, May 8. This special sale begins at 11 a.m. on the Orono United Church, grounds. Examples of donations needed include baking, sewing, ; crafts, any saleable item, or service eg, baby sitting, Sr. sitting, furniture etc. Sunday School Breakfast A very pleasant event took place at Orono United Church, following regular Sunday service, when the energetic energetic Sunday school staff and members members provided a delicious brunch of pancakes, syrup, sausages, cold and hot drinks and bowls of fresh fruit. The long tables were quickly filled and platters of goodies soon disappeared! disappeared! Donations were made to the M&S funds and a hearty thank you to the hard-working committees. A little surprise to all, when the "lights went out", and a happy birthday birthday was sung to Pam Worry. Farewell Services Planned for Reverend Howlctt. Kirby - Pot Luck lunch Sunday, April 18, at 12:30 p.m. Orono - Lunch following service Sunday, April 25, sandwiches and squares. Elizabethville News by Edna Thickson-797-2619 What a difference a week makes. Last week snow, cold and wind blowing. blowing. Some made it to church, but there was no church. This week, much warmer, sun shining and about 45 were able to get out for church. The christening that was planned for last week has been postponed until April the 4th. At church on Sunday two of the babies were there. The student from Queen's Theological Theological College Sue Romaniuk, who has visited here before, had the service. service. The first lesson' was from John 9: 1-41 about Jesus healing a man bom blind. The choir had an anthem. Expressions of Worship was practising practising singing a new song, also Faye Kennedy asked us to put the questionnaires questionnaires that we answered in a box at the back. Sue Romaniuk had the children's minute, explaining that blind children are taught by feeling to know one thing from another. The second lesson taken from Ephesians 5: 8-14, about living in the light. Sue took as her topic "How is your love light?" She asked how much we depend depend on light? We have electricity for light. Some lights have three switches that enables us to have 100, 200 or 300 power, the little red light in the smoke detectors that warn us. She referred to Billie Graham crusade crusade of bom again Christians. Jesus gave the blind man sight, a gift of light and when the blind didn't believe believe him, Jesus identified himself to the blind man and told him to try to leam what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with worthless things. Alan and Helen Peacock received the offering and coffee was served at the close. Some of the announcements: announcements: Garden Hill and Elizabethville Elizabethville Sunday Schools invite you to join them for a visit to Down's sugar bush in Kendal at 11:30 a.m. on April th 4th. Children up to the age of 16 free (sponsored by U.C.W.) and adults $3, includes, maple syrup demonstrations, demonstrations, \yagon ride, visit with the farm animals, pancakes and hot chocolate. chocolate. Please let Susan Peacock or Faye Kennedy know by March 28th if planning to attend. Communion services at all services on March 28th. On Thursday the seniors met as unusual. Glad to see that Hazel Bris- towe was able to attend after her recent recent fall. Fcm Thertell is home from the hospital and is slowly improving. Nice to see Ken Trew out to sen-, iors also. Edna Morris is having a break from treatments for a few weeks. In the 10th of March news a line was missed that gave the impression that John and Nancy Sevenhuyscn were at the Fowler dinner but they won't be home from holidays until the summer from Baffin Bay. Shane Peacock had dinner with Peacock's. Irene Beatty, along with the Yare- ma family, attended the hockey games that Jonathan played in at Campbell ford on Saturday and also attended the game that Adam played in, in Port Hope Sunday. Mae Muldrew visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris on Sunday morning. morning. It is a pleasant surprise to see the buses back on the road after the week's break for the children. Many didn't get going just where or when they wanted to last week due to snow batiks, wind, etc. The group going to see Paul Quantrill play ball left on Wednesday. Beryl and Suzanne visited at different different times during the week. Darlene called and had just arrived from Florida. Florida. They had left the 2nd of March the first week was nice but the last week had some rain and a bit cooler. No damage from storm where they were.' Edna and Clarence Yarrow called at Fowlers, recently. One of Wilbert Fowler's daughters was killed in a car accident this week. She and family family lived near Fort Francis. The Fowler Fowler family spent Saturday at the Club house skiing. Joyce Fowler bowled yesterday at Port Hope in competition. competition. Garry Fowler, Chris and Amy stayed at Fowlers over night on Saturday. Saturday. New Executive for, Women's Institute The first meeting was opened by Jennifer Bowman. Our executive is President - Marlene Marlene Wotten, Vice President - Tim Ashton Dair, Secretary . - Dianne Bowman, Treasurer - Kathryn Bar- key, Press Reporter - Melinda Wotten. Wotten. Our leaders are Karen Dair and Jennifer Bowman. The roll call was "Name a favorite food that is made with eggs and a favorite favorite food that is made with chicken." chicken." We then played two games - one of them was the chicken from farm to the consumer and the other was an egg from farm consumer game. We went to the kitchen. Mrs. Bowman demonstrated how to make Omelets. Dianne Bowman showed us how to make Mexican Scramble. Tim Ashton Dair is making Deviled Deviled Eggs. Aaron Bowman made a Chicken and pecan salad. We all enjoyed enjoyed tasting the food that the members members made. from Melinda Wotten Hometown froud! [CAMPBELL'S SOUP Tomato. Vegetable or Chicken Noodle 10-oz. tin HIGH LINER SOLE FILLETS Frozen 400 g pkg. IGA PLU 2693 VALUE .40 ! CHRISTIE COOKIES I Chips Ahoy, Regular, Chunky or Rainbow or j 400 - 450 a bog | FEATURE PRICE i WITHOUT COUPON $1.99 I NO* OCIMOO it to* *S IK 4i3 DEL MONTE JUICES OR Assorted Varieties 3 x 250 mL tetro pock pkg. IGA PLU 2685 VALUE .40 i GREEN GIANT [VEGETABLES ! Frozen, Selected Varieties j 750 g -1 kg poly bag ! FEATURE PRICE I WITHOUT COUPON $2.39 I Not 1410 •« (OJV*ao« W'1* AN1 OMI (CXAC* otfll nwlOH UOMI I coc*o* v*io«o* *4» zti.MiciovK.ut ah 3 tm 1*1» P1IXUO V to-* *1 I il 4M OLD SOUTH PREMIUM SELECT CITRUS JUICES Chilled, 100% Pure Florida Squeezed, Not From Concentrate, Selected Varieties 1.89 L ctn. LANCIA PASTA Assorted Varieties 900 g cello pkg. LEAN GROUND DEEP I e » JM, 4.17 kg COOKED TURKEY BREAST Cuddy, or Smoked or Slutted 1,32 100! PRODUCE VIENNA ROAST BEEF 1.10 100g SMOKED HAMS Cooked, Done In, Mock, Rind ond Excosi Fol Removed, Whole SIDE BACON Mory Miles, Sliced FRENCH DREAD Dokod fresh Dolly ,99 NANAIMO BARS 1/4 Slob. While Supplies Lost Sove $2.00 J99 SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 12/. Product ol U.S.A., Size 110's RED OR GREEN SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of Chile, No, 1 Grod ASPARAGUS Product ol U.S.A., No. 1 Giode Ml PRICES IN EFFECT FROM MONDAY, MARCH 29, UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY. APRIL 3. 1993. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. GRAHAM'S IGA 225 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario EVERY WEDNESDAY IS f-Q/ SENIOR CITIZENS DAY J /Q 1 Chock our Flyer in Tho Wookondoi