The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Wednesday, oeutemoer 13. I wo 11 Articles for Sale GASBOOSTER saves gas up to 25%, increases power, reduces reduces pollution. For more info, BASE to Tricel Ent., 2 Saddle- brook Court, Courtice, ON, L1E 2C5, BLUE metal tube bunk beds, $400. or best offer, twin top and double bottom, with mattresses excellent condition. Phone 697-1206. 100 8' Cedar posts; Ford 3 pth. Jubilee tractor. Phone 983-5318, 1990 18 hp. John Deere; Honda gas plate-tamper; gas powered concrete saw; electric tile and stone saw; 7 h.p. Mercury boat motor. Phone 697-2595 evening^ evening^ 27 cubic foot white frost free refrigerator, refrigerator, $225.; 30" white electric electric stove, $75., both excellent condition. Phone 987-3061, ANTIQUES A barn full of Antiques & Collectables Open Weekends or Call Ahead to "The Barn Yard", 983-5926, Cone. 8, E. of 115, Orono. Follow Signs. SNOWMOBILE and Motorcycle Repairs -"50% off regular rates, 10 years experience. Summer storage available. Phone Steve Whyte, 25 Church St., Bowmanville, Bowmanville, 623-2894. Firewood, hardwood, del. 4x8x16"$65 4x8x12" $60 Kiln dried shavings $3.45/bale ROKA LUMBER Days (705) 277-3381 Evenings (416) 434-6665 We now sell the Heritage Woodstoves FRESH HONEY in your own container $1.25 per pound 3238 Cone. Rd. 3 Newcastle 987-4445 Boychyn Orchards Pick your own Apples Home baked pies, Special Occasion Cakes, Crafts and Small Antiques 3001 Concession Street E., (at blue barn) For phone orders 623-8781. Caldor Acres Farm Market SWEET CORN Apples - Macs and Paula Red Squash, Pie Pumpkins and Cider Phone 987-4370 or 623-2646 1 Mile east of Bowmanville on Hwy. 2 New Hours DAILY 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 37-1SN Visit Fruit Market Hwy. 115, South Orono 983-5628 for Home-Grown Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Green and Yellow Beans Ontario's Finest Peaches, Clapps and Bartlett Pears FRED'S APPLES Paula Red SPECIAL - Pick your own Tomatoes - $10./bu. or $6.95/1/2 bu. Available year round Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, Maple Syrup 36-2SN eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee £ Check out the new pavement and drive out to v ^SIKMA'S ORCHARDS e 5 km east of Newcastle Village on Hwy. 2 786-2153 Sweet Corn and Summer Apples Our new Macs are ready for picking and/or buying £ Open Monday - Saturday 3 7 . 2 s g eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee c £ £ c £ £ "The Apple Bin" is now open for retail sales of cold, crisp, apples in 5,10 and 20 lb. boxes at farm market located west of Liberty St. N. on Cone. Rd. 3. OPEN: Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10-5 Sat. 10-3 Bob & Pat Closed Sunday and Monday Carruthers 623-5485 37-1SN FIREWOOD ALL DRY HARDWCXDD Maple, beech and oak ALL SPLIT FREE DELIVERY Discount on pick-up orders PHONE 987-5658 36-tlSN 15% off Wine and Beer Making Supplies 623-3018 evenings 37 . 1SN WATSON FARMS APPLE FEST * SEPT. 26 c f" ^ 7- -1 *u 2 ü 5 O I «y § sri 1 "° ? 8f m ?■ « 5 TJ-- "o 5. O £"2. " ■S u # m 3 ° « 57 •ngao 8 III OI3H0 Mj *7 9 M»d 3 > -o N) . a o «4 a Û) *< u m to Visit our farm market Swoot Corn, Tomatoes, Apples plus other fruits and vegetables. Market Hours 9:30 • 6 daily SMALL TREES NO LADDERS ou411 r t fAim f /if s#i hkxmx i/ ,Va{sort*raj i ms 2207 Hwy. 2 (Just woat ol Bowmmwlllo) 3G-1SN HAY and STRAW 4x5 Round and Square Bales No rain, stored inside Pick up or Delivery 416-797-2249 j&jjg' FIREWOOD Excellent Quality Hardwood Seasoned, voiy dry, split, honest moasuromont. Summer prices, Free delivery. We care (or your heal. (416) 753-2246 ss-hsn DeNalt Paints Best Quality Extorior Oil 4 L from $19.99 Gloss or Primor SOLID COLOUR Extorior Stain 4L Oil $9.99 Redwood, Cedar, Walnut Palioand Dock 4L $17.99 Assorted Colours SPECIAL Armstrong Vinyl Iront $6.99 sq. yd. Free with purchased 20 sq, yd. or more One 950 ml. Once 'n Done no rinso floor donner Richmond Carpet from $5,99 Ceramic Wall Tile 6x6 from $1.19 sq. It. Professional Insinuation Avnilnblo Rice & Co. 4 SI. Goorgo Si., Bowmnnvlllo 623-1622,263-2102 3G1IS Articles for Sale INGLIS 24" electric stove, perfect perfect condition, $150. Phone 987-4876. LARGE playhouse, you move, make an offer; one chaise lounge, like new, $75. Phone 987-4901, MATE'S bed for sale, $100.; baby crib, $75, Phone 987-3620. OAT straw, pick up in field, $1. per bale. Paul Vaneyk, 263-2060. PLYWOOD for sale, 4'X4' X 3/4", $12. each; 2'X4'X3/4", $5. each Phone 263-4165. VENDEX 888-Turbo XT IBM compatible, dual 5 1/4 disk drives, 612 k RAM, colour monitor, monitor, programs (various), $300 Phone 697-1698, CHEST freezer, $175.; 26" console console TV, $175.; child's twin bed, $60.; 10" table saw, $325.; utility trailer, $!00. Phone 623-9699. COYOTE fur coat, ladies 9-10, full length, matching ear mulls, exceptional condition, paid $2,000., $900. firm. Great Christ- mas gift. 623-6610. DELICIOUS NATURAL HONEY New crop now on tap Bring your buckets not a few We will gladly fill them for you. Maple Knoll Farm Cty. Rd. 9,2 Ml. E. of Kirby Phone 983-5027 No Sunday sales. TREES Colorado Blue Spruce to 12 ft., delivered and planted within 10 miles of Orono. Selection of Blue Spruce and Birch Clumps F.O.B. Orono Yard 983-5877 Sales Boats For Rent Dress like a millionaire Shop at the Salvation Army Thrift Store 35 Division St., Bowmanville Furniture and Clothing Needed STORE HOURS: Mon. -Fri., 9:30-4:30 Saturday-Closed Phone 623-3217 Furniture pick-up. Sales #1 YARD SALE Fri. & Sat. Sept. 17 & 18 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 3448 5th Cone. Orono Antique furniture, tools, toys, large oak desk and chair & mise. 2 FAMILY YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 9 a.m. 9 Sunset Rd. Bowmanville Garden Equipment, tools. & mise. YARD SALE & MOVING SALE Sat., Sept. 18 8:30 a.m. - ? Four Families 2665 & 2731 Bellwood Dr. Newcastle Just off Cone. 3, 1st West of 115/35 YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 Sun., Sept. 19 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 3981 Lakeshore Rd. Newcastle (W. of Morgan's Rd.) YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 1775 Hwy. 2 Courtice Water bed, bunk bods, sowing machine, stainless pails YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 Sun., Sept. 19 5757 Old Scugog Rd. Hampton Baby clothos, dishwasher, sailboat and lots more. YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 Sun., Sept. 19 9 a.m. -2 p.m. 56 Deerpark Cres. Bowmanville Dishes, Books, otc. YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 24 Third St. Bowmanville Household Homs, childron's clothos and toys, craft lablo, vogotnblos GIANT YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 Sun., Sept. 19 On.m. -4 p.m. RnlnorSliIno 2346 Reid Rd. Newtonvlllo (First sldorontlW. ol Newtonvlllo Rd„ 1 Milo N.ol Hwy, 2) Antlquos and Colloctnblon building supplies, doors, etc,, GARAGE SALE Sat., Sept. 18 8:30-2:30 31 Strathmanor Dr. Bowmanville Maternity, toddler & houseware items. GARAGE SALE Sat., Sept. 18 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 1413 Stephenson Rd. Newcastle First road past hole in the wall going east, end of road. GIANT YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 7 Chester Lane Newcastle GIANT YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 Lawrence Cres. Oil of Waverly Rd. Bowmanville Dishwasher, weight set, toys, camping equipment, and much more, GIANT YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 3403 Liberty St. N. (Between Taunton Rd. & Hwy. 2) Bowmanville We'd rather sell it than store ill GIANT YARD SALE Sept. 18 & 19 3351 Cone. Rd. 7 Orono (1 Cone. North ol Taunton Rd, 1/4 mile west of Leskard Rd. - south side) Call Sandy 983-5705 24" stove, leather lounge, stainless sinks, reel type mower, Limoges plates, books, tools, tables, chairs, glassware, 12" colour TV, old wicker rocker, cast iron bed and much, much more. MOVING SALE Sat., Sept. 18 9 a.m. 254 King St. E. Newcastle Rain or Shine Huge sale - furniture, antiques, hardware, buffet and hutch, gramophones, collectables. ORONO PLAYGROUP Fundraiser Yard Sale & Bake Table Household Items, Children's and Baby Items Orono United Church Parking Lot If Rain-Inside Church basement Sat., Sept. 25th 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Anyone wishing to donate, please call Donna 983-9107 or Sharon 983-9617. St. Joseph's Church Garage & Bake Sale Sat., Sept. 18 8 a.m.-12 Noon STREET YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 Ralndate-Sept. 19 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Soper Creek Dr. Bowmanville YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 605 Church St. Newcastle (Behind O.P.P.) YARD SALE Sat., Sun. Sept. 18,19 9:30-4 p.m. 140 Elgin St. Bowmanville YARD SALES Sat., Sept. 18 8:30 a.m.-? Several Homes In Solina Area Watch lor Signs %ol Proceeds to Eldad Church Livestock TWO milking goals lor salo, $130. each. Also ono unbred yearling doo, $75. Phono 786-3078. RIDING LESSONS lor children and adults, boginnars through advanced Summor Riding Camp Phone 623-7336 23-llSN Pets PADDY'S MARKET NEW AMD RECONDITION! ') APPLIANCES Frov Delivery on NF W A Uirrjti sultx.Sttn ol .m, , j uMid p.m-. Authorized dc.iili r el t -Im.iiil .uni Ingle. HOURS Al ,n In * 1 m ê |i in O il m ' , ni Tuunlon Rd Eu; • ol Courtice Rd niH i Hemplon, 2*13 0300 i-IISN lionvy duly plnnor and ohnpor and much moro _ YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 On.m. -2 p.m. 75 HillhurstCros. Courtleo (Hwy. 2 end Trull's Rd, Welch lorulfliis) Furnlluro, Xcountry Skis. Colloetom'Items, llnr.ob.tll Books. Tools & Mine. YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 18 90 Concession St. West nowmimvllls Pack fini s Pnindlao Conluiyllomo g rown, 3 fumnlor., $200. oncli, 23-2743. Terribrao Pet Food one! Supplies (W Proleiolonnl Don Grooming 73 King Glroet Weal llowimmvllln (323-1752 "The convenient plnoe to shop" 14' Fibreglass boat with convertible convertible top, 70 hp. outboard "Mercury", "Mercury", trailer included, new battery, battery, good condition, asking $2,700. firm. Phone 623-2371 alter 6. Trailers 1989 BONAIR 1200, awning, gas stove, sleeps 8, must be seen, $3,900. Phone 623-9980. Trucks 1981 DODGE Ram pick-up truck, 6 cylinder, in running condition, condition, $900. as is. Phone 623-6199, 1986 FORD F150 ext. cab with cap, p.s., p.b., auto, cruise, 6 cyl., new tires, brakes and exhaust, exhaust, 110,000 km, $5,500. o. b.o. Phone 623-7980 after 6 p. m, 1987 DODGE Dakota, 5 speed, mid size, 3/4 ton, $4,500. certified or best offer. Phone 697-1380. Cars for Sale 1979 CHEV Impala, 8 cyl., good for parts, $200. Phone 623-2998, 1981 HONDA Accord, new brakes and exhaust, $1,000. or best offer. Phone 623-7348 alter 5 p.m. 1981 OLDS Delta 88, very little rust, 4 dr., all power, great running running car for winter or second vehicle, vehicle, $1,100. cert, or best offer. 623-2311. K 1983 PLYMOUTH Reliant, ood running condition, $500. " one 263-4165. 1984 PLYMOUTH Turismo, 130,000 km., as is, $1,000. Phone 987-7238. 1986 OLDS Ciera Brougham, V6, 4 dr., p/w, p/s, p/b. lift, air, am/fm cassette, $4,000. certi- fied. Phone 623-4816. 1989 CHEV Cavalier CL wagon, auto., air, 4 cyl., am/fm stereo, rear 60/40 split seat, custom cloth interior, roof rack, p.s., p.b., non-smoker, 115,000 kms. (hwy.), price $5,000. Phone 416- 987-4988. 1990 TOYOTA Camry LE, 5 spd., air, cruise, $8,800. Phone 263-2214 after 5 For Rent DOG Training Clnssos • Puppy nnd ndult. Next clnssos begin January 1094. Mnnndon Dog Training, Ruth Ann Millor, 623- 0507. PUREBRED Gorman Shophord pups, 0 wooks old, rogislorod, allots nnd doworming, $700., 623-7033, ROTTWEILLER, purobrod, 2 yonr old mnlo avnilnblo lor stud sorvlco. Phono 083-6243, TINY ptmpiOB, 3 • 5 Ibn. whoa n, 3 (unit A-1 OFFICE SPACE Bowmanville - Close to 401 1000 sq, II. • A/C Security • Fully Finished 579-1626 15 .„s SELF STORAGE UNITS For rant, Nowcastlo Villngo Iront $39 "CHECK OUR RATES" Now Avnilnblo 10' x 20', 10'x 15', 10'x 10', 5' x 10' Phone Lori at Newcastle Storage 987-3211 37 . 2SN DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE Available Immediately 725 aq, It. commorclai opaco plus 275 oq, It, bnsomont storngo. Diywnll, largo bright, wlndowo, handy park* Ing. $000. monthly Includes utliltloi. 14 Silver St. Phono 623-3303 13 llfiN TWO room studio apartment for rent. Newcastle Village. Newly renovated, skylights, $455. /month plus utilities. Available immediately. immediately. Phone 987-3211. ORONO, three bedroom century century home, fridge, stove, close to downtown, $800. monthly plus Utilities, 728-3885. SIX Room house and garage on 14 acres, Hwy. 35/115, $850. plus utilities, lirst/last, available October 1. Phone 623-6198 or 983-5646. SPACIOUS two bedroom apartment, apartment, fridge, stove, available No- vember 1,623-9756. SPACIOUS, clean, one bed room basement apartment, well furnished, cable, all utilities, $500. a month, suitable for quiet, non-smoking business person. Sorry no pets. Phone 623-3125, STORAGE space, indoor and outdoor, suitable for cars, boats, bikes and RV's. Phone 987-1216, THREE bedroom bungalow "Upper" "Upper" includes all utilities, cable, all appliances, home is on a clean, quiet respectable crescent. crescent. Very suitable for clean, quiet tenant. Bowmanville, $925., 623-6103, 623-0159, 623- 9239. THREE bedroom house for rent, Bowmanville, $760. plus utilities, available November 1st, first and last required, 416-668-7753 evenings and weekends. ■ THREE bedroom semi with garage garage and fenced in yard, close to schools and shopping, $765. per month, available October 1/93. Phone 623-2446. TIME sharing condo for rent Daytona Beach, setting for four people week of November 7, 1993. Phono 983-9204. TWO bedroom apartment, central central location Bowmanville, no pots, fridge and stove, $450. monthly, first/last, available now. Store for rent in Bowmanville, 19 Temperance St., 600 sq. It., $600. monthly. Phono 623-7438, TWO bedroom apartment includes includes heat, water, stove, (ridge, parking, coin laundry, downtown core, $465., no pots. Phono 623-4428. STORAGE for small boats, campors, recreational vehicles, etc., unhealed. Phone 416-987-4721 or 416-983-9446 evenlnas "BOWMANVILLE", very clean one bedroom apartment, close to downtown, features lots of storage storage space, laundry facilities, air conditioner, private entrance and appliances, $600./month includes includes utilities, available Nov. 1. Please phone 725-1667 for information. information. APARTMENTS for rent; Orono - large two bedroom $525. plus hydro, hydro, some appliances, Sept. 1. Two bedroom, $450 inclusive, fridge, stove, September 1. References, References, first/last, 983-8159 be- fore 5, 983-9605 after 5. BOWMANVILLE - 1 and 2 bed room quiet building, close to hospital, hospital, rent includes utilities, parking parking and laundry facilities. Phone 723-8302 or 623-0791. BOWMANVILLE - One bed room aparlment, available October October 1, $475./month utilities included. included. Phone 725-8518 or 723- 3718. BOWMANVILLE, house, three beefroom, $850. plus utilities, no pets, first/last, references, available available Oct. 1. Phone 623-8468, 10 p.m, to Midnight. CLEAN, furnished room in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, share living room, kitchenette kitchenette and showers. Phone 623- 2365. COUNTRY duplex, two bedroom upper level, large yard, Martin Rd./Hwy. 2, Nov. 1st, $575. monthly plus hydro. Phone 623-2328. COURTICE, large unfurnished two bedroom apartment, newly decorated, main floor in country home, $715./month includes utilities, utilities, parking, 15 minutes to Oshawa. Phone 1-416-279-7438 or 1-416-436-0531. DOWNTOWN Bowmanville, large two bedroom apartment, clean, quiet, $725 inclusive, available immediately. Phone 697-1963,623-4702. FAIR rent, great apartment, terrific terrific landlord, spotless one and two bedroom apartments in quiet new building. Devonshire Place, 145 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville. Phone Joan at 623-8737, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, Newcastle, Newcastle, from $900. Phone Vin 623-6000, LARGE one bedroom apartment in new home, appliances, laundry, laundry, parking, private entrance, $600. monthly, first/last, avail- able October 1st., 432-1495. MAPLE Grove area, two bedroom bedroom apartment, $525: monthly includes heat, hydro, parking and laundry facilities. Phone 623-7106 or 723-2952. " NEWTONVILLE - Large two bedroom apartment at $585. and one bedroom apartment at $495. Appliances and utilities included, 'horn TWO bedroom apartment and one bedroon apt., fridge, stove, utilities extra, first/last required, references. Phone 623-4858. TWO bedroom basement apart- ment, Newcastle, $675. all included, included, near 401, non-smokers, no pets preferred. Phone 623-3222, TWO bedroom duplex in Orono, $530. monthly, heat and hydro included, included, first, last, references, no pets. Phone 623-3734, 987- 4321. TWO King St. locations, com mercial, first/last. Phone 623- 4858, ONE bedroom apartment, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, available Oct. 1st, first/last required, $550. monthly utilities included, fridge and stove, parking. Phone 579-1589, ONE bedroom apartment, 48 Di vision St., Bowmanville, fridge and stove, parking, no pets, first/last. Phone 786-2652, ONE bachelor apartment avail able immediately, downtown Bowmanville, Bowmanville, parking, $400. plus hydro, hydro, no pets, references, first/last. Apply in writing to Advertiser Advertiser # 1635, c/o The Canadian Canadian Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C3K9 ONE bedroom apartment avail- able immediately, downtown Bowmanville, Bowmanville, parking, $450. plus hydro, hydro, no pets, references, first/last. Apply in writing to Advertiser Advertiser # 1635, c/o The Canadian Canadian Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9 ONE bedroom apartment avail able immediately, downtown Bowmanville, Bowmanville, parking, $425. plus hydro, hydro, no pets, references, lirst/last. Apply in writing to Advertiser Advertiser # 1635, c/o The Canadian Canadian Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C3K9 ONE bedroom basement apart- ment, available October 1, $450./month includes utilities, no pets, non-smoker preferred, 623-6334 after 5 p.m. ONE bedroom basement apart ment, fridge, stove and utilities included. $450./month, non- smoker, available Nov. 1/93. Phone 263-2318. Real Estate for Sale Phone 987-5511,263-4451. NORTH Bowmanville - four bedroom bedroom raised bungalow, large fenced yard, family room w/fire- place, two baths, no pels, first/last, references, $990. + utilities, utilities, available October 1st, 623-5873, OFFICE space - Downtown Bowmanville, Bowmanville, suitable for most small businesses, approx. 250 sq. ft., completely decorated, includes washroom, parking, water, 623-7664, ONE bedroom apartment, Newcastle, Newcastle, available September 1st, $487. monthly includes heat and hydro, first/last required, refer- ences. Phone 786-3163. ONE bedroom apartment 1er rent. Fridge, stove and air included. included. Outside entrance, neutral neutral colors. $525./month plus utilities. utilities. Phone 987-3211. FARM for sale - 163 acres, 63 under cultivation, approx. 1500 cords of wood. Barn, house, $55,000. cash. Phone 1-(807) 223-3554 or write Ardell Lewis, 223 Florence St., Dryden, On- tario P8N 2S1. HOUSE for sale - 109 Clayton Crescent, Bowmanville. Open House, Sunday, September 19th, 2 - 5 p.m., asking $178,500. Follow yellow balloons. balloons. 697-2224. Wanted To Rent FOUR bedrooms, two bathrooms, bathrooms, with garage, barn on small acreage. Phone (514) 444-8380.' NON-SMOKER, female, seeking seeking accommodations, Oct. - April. Phone 263-4140. Wanted to Buy WANTEDI Snowblower and finish finish lawnmower to lit 3 pt. hitch on 14 hp. lawn tractor. Phone 263-2342. Help Wanted MILKERS required by large dairy farm, full or part-time, will train. Reply to: Advertiser 1636, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. EARN up to $346./week to assemble assemble Christmas and holiday decorations year round, at home. Work available across Canada. For more info, send a self-addressed self-addressed stamped envelope to Magic Christmas, 130 Slater St., Sto. 750, Ext. 383, Ottawa, Ontario, Ontario, K1P6E2 EARN up to $346.00/weck to assemble assemble Christmas and holiday decorations year round, at home. Work available across Canada. For moro into, send a self-addressed self-addressed stamped envelope to Magic Christmas, 130 Slater St. sto. 750 ext 383, Ottawa, Ontario. Ontario. K1P6E2. FACTORY help wanted, Newcastle Newcastle area. Phone 987-4781, between 8-9 a.m. REGISTERED Physiotherapist to work in out-patient, orthopedic setting or geriatric long-term care sotting in Bowmanville. Excellent Excellent salary, ($30. an hour full time). Please phone 416- 425-9722. WANTED 89 overweight people lose 10 - 20 Ibs./monlh, 100% natural, clinically tested. We pay you. Serious callers only. 1 (604) 533-5576. LABELS Immediate openings for pressure-sensitive label press operators. Please Call (416)579-914^ BUSINESS MANAGER We require a part-time Business Manager to handle "After Sale" Items such as financing, rustproofing, extended warranties, etc. • EXCELLENT COMPENSATION PACKAGE • CONGENIAL WORKING ATMOSPHERE FOR A CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW PLEASE PHONE Murray O'Brien 623-3396 37-1 SN aW THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Invite* application* for the position ol COMPUTER SOFTWARE TECHNICIAN II The succosslul applicant will Install appropriate hardware nnd software 1er lira Board Ollico and schools. Tho applicant will provide technical support for both Local nnd Wide Aron Notworks. A hands on working knowledge ol MS-DOS, Digital VAX VMS, Macintosh, NOVELL and programming mnchlno nnd high lovai languages In tho micro computer onvlronmontls required. Good Inlorporsonal nnd communication skills nroossantinl, A diploma or dogroo Iront n Community Collogo or Unlvorslly In Computer Computer Sciences nnd n vnlid Ontario drivers license are required, Duties to communco October 12th and will bo ol Intorost to qunliliud candidates candidates prosontly earning In the $35,000 range. Intoroitod applicants should apply with n loltor ol application oad complote complote rosumô by 24 Soplombor 1993 to: Manager ol Computer and Information Services The Northumberland and Newcaalle Board of Education . P.O. Box 470 034 D'Aroy Street North Cobourg, Ontario K9A4L2 The Northumberland nnd No wens Ho Board ol Education le an Equal Opportunity Employer, Wo thank nil who apply, but ndvlso that only np- plleonti to bo Intorylowocf will bo conlnctou, Personal Information Is collected collected under tho Education Act, S,171(1), C E,2. nnd will bo used lor employment purposes only, Judi Armstiong Clmirporson ol the Board R (Dick) T, Mnlownoy Diroclor ol Education and Soeroinry