10 The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville, Saturday, October 2,1993 Tentative Agreement Reached Between G.M. and C.A. W. General Motors of Canada Limited Limited vice president and general director director of personnel, W.E. (Bill) Tate announced that the company has reached a tentative agreement with the Canadian Auto Workers' Union on a three-year contract in line with the agreement established earlier in negotiations with Chrysler Canada. "While the settlement is comparable comparable to the agreement with Chrysler, we achieved important gains in operational operational flexibility primarily at the local level which will allow us to partially offset the costs of the economic economic terms of the agreement," said Tate. "For example, we have put in place new provisions to reduce the turbulence that presently occurs in multi-plant locals where job openings openings or workforce adjustments occur. occur. We anticipate that this will help us to maintain consistently high levels levels of quality, while saving millions or dollars over the life of the con-. tract in training costs, without disadvantaging disadvantaging workers. We have nego tiated other provisions which increase operational flexibility on the plant floor to allow us to perform perform work more effectively. "We also recognized the need to address the very real concerns of our woikforce, particularly with respect respect to income security," said Tate. "The GMCL Supplemental Unemployment Unemployment Benefits (SUB) fund has experienced particularly heavy demands demands over the past several years. To provide greater security to our employees over the term of the new agreement as we temporarily shut down facilities to invest in new product programs, as well as to implement implement the restructuring announcements announcements we have made, we agreed to develop a unique approach to income income security benefits. "If significant additional lay-offs beyond those presently contemplated contemplated occur, our maximum obligations under the new agreement are capped at approximately $332 million. We anticipate that the actual cost of income income security benefits over the life of the contract will be significantly lower than this figure. However, we believe that it is important to our workers, their families and to the communities in which we are involved involved to provide that extra measure of security," said Tate. "While the axle production assets of the Sl Catharines Components Plant have been sold to American Axle and Manufacturing Inc., we have agreed in conjunction with AA & M to continue axle production at the St. Catharines Components Plant for the life of the new contract using this equipment. We will endeavour to negotiate a longer-term supply agreement with AA & M for this facility facility beyond the new three-year contract, based on our ability to provide provide axles on a competitive basis. "We addressed a number of other important employee issues," said Tate. "For example, our agreement contemplates using the child care funds to support in-home child care to help meet the needs of working families in the Oshawa area," said Tate. "We are also increasing our literacy training initiatives as well as enhancing the tuition refund program. program. These initiatives are part of our commitment to understand, accommodate accommodate and meet the changing needs of today's families as well as to equip our people with the skills that they need to meet the challenge of global competition," said Tate. "We are pleased that we were able to reach agreement without a strike," he added. "However, we will have to continue to work over the life of the contract to achieve further improvements in our cost structure to enhance the competitiveness competitiveness of our operations to provide for the continued viability of our Canadian operations." MEDICINE CHEST PHARMACY I I2UJ 'Smoke-Free Environment" "Your Personal Prescription Service" • Fast Convenient Service • Medication Counselling • Computerized Dispensary • All Drug Plans Accepted • Free Parking ty SCUGOGI W KINGS! • Free Delivery Service (including Wilmot Creek) • Film Service • Open 6 Days a Week • Foot and Home Health Care Centre • Fax Service 98 King St. W., Bowmanville In Scugog Professional Building (Medical Offices Upstairs) Regional Plowing Match Held at Blackstock Farm The farm of Don Swaine, Black- stock, was the site of a very successful successful plowing match for the Region of Durham, Rama and Mara, on Friday, September 3rd, 1993. Ivan DeGeer, of Simcoe County, and Gordon Bradfield, of Peterborough, Peterborough, judged forty-four lands plowed by thirty-one exhibitors. Exhibitors Exhibitors represented the Counties of Durham, York, Victoria, Wellington, Peterborough and Northumberland. Michael Grove, Bailieboro and Terry Linton, Roseneath, won first and second respectively in tire Horse Drawn Plough Class. Larry O'Connor, M.P.P., York- Durham, and Harvey Graham, Councillor, Councillor, Scugog, competed in the V.I.P. Class. Nineteen exhibitors plowed in the Junior Match on Thursday, September September 2nd. This included a large contingent contingent of 4-H members. The 4-H Plowing Plowing Club is led by Jim Ferguson, R.R. #4, Sunderlaind, Paul Harder, R.R.#5, Sunderland, and Barry Timbers, Oshawa. Heather Vale, R.R.#5, Sunderland, Sunderland, was the top 4-H member as well as the top Junior for the day. Beth, Heather and Sharon Timbers, all of Oshawa, placed 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively in the open junior class. Many of the exhibitors will be ■ competing in the International.-Plowing International.-Plowing Match, September 21st - 25th in Walkerton, Ontario. Awards will be presented at the Plowmen's Banquet on Thursday, October 28th, at the Greenbank United United Church. WE SPECIALIZE IN: ■ • Air Conditioning and Heating Sales and Service if ■ • Residential Plumbing Service ■J • Well Pumps BYAM • Emergency Service PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 263-2650 DR. D. JEFFERSON & DR. M. SPRUYT are pleased to announce that DR. ED NOTARANDREA M.D., C.G.F.P. will be joining them in the practice of Family Medicine effective September 13, 1993 87 Mill Street N., Newcastle Phone 987-1896 Evening Appointments Available ' LIGHTHOUSE!, m rhvimnih and sports bar KARAOKE NIGHT Come out for the fun ... have a meal or a snack. Check out our Food Specials Tuesday Nights fTying (Dutchman (Hotd Liberty St. S. and 401, Bowmanville 623-3373 proudly presents... Bunny G lamazon has relumed to Bowmanville by popular demand. Feast your eyes on this wild seductive and exotic beauty At 6'6", her overwhelming size and proportion will leave you BREATHLESS! (Ur had to raise the roof for this one) DON'T MUSS THE EVENT 01 THE YEAR!! ot* Call for next week's exciting show ... 623-7072 tiz Castit Destined to be the, "Hottest Club in Durham" "Bowmanville's Hottest Club." 54 King Street E., Bowmanville (Only 10 minutes east of Oshawa on Hwy. 2)