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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1993, p. 6

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6 The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville, Friday, December 24,1993 Search of the Perfect Christmas Tree by Laura J. Richards Fetching the Christmas tree this year was far simpler than it has been in the past. Instead of jostling about amongst other shoppers at one of the many tree stands in mall parking lots and fighting for the best tree, my friend, Gillian Barfoot and I, headed out to Henderson's Tree Farm on Saturday morning. Living in the village, we decided that Henderson's was close and probably had enough trees to make a "perfect choice." Trueman Henderson, the owner of the farm, met us at the entrance to his property and told us about the state of the roads leading into the farm and where the trees ready to go could be located. We checked the prices on the sign Pine-long needles--$17 and Spruce --short needles -- $20. Then, off we rattled over the newly graveled roads. We passed the wee trees and, as we went further back into the bush, the trees got bigger. We stopped the car at a fork in the road and parked in a parking area. After gathering the equipment, including work gloves, hatchet, saw, carpenter's rule and camera bag, we were off. On the way into the treed area I saw local resident and public school trustee Bob Willsher walking by with someone who was carrying a tree. He did what I did and took along someone, to help do the work. It was a smart plan! We saw a lot of beautiful, cone- shaped pine trees with lovely long needles and a heavenly scent. We checked them out, but decided for a spruce instead. While walking through, we eye- balled a lot of trees and finally found one about six-feet tall with a tight girth. Ah-ha! Perfect. The able-bodied tree cutter got out her hack saw and brought down the mighty tree in about two minutes minutes worth of sawing. Then we wacked off the bottom branches so we could fit the trunk into our handy-dandy tree stand at home. The next feat of agility was to get the tree to the car in one piece! After Gillian dropped the tree on the way to the car, we checked it and her for injuries. Getting the tree into the little Firefly was interesting. First Gillian shoved the tree in so that the hunk was sticking between the two front seats and the tip of the tree was hanging out of the hatchback. hatchback. I snapped a shot and then told her that the way she had the tree, we would end up with it being lopped off by the time we got it home. She took the tree out and then shoved it into the car the other way. That meant she could tie down the hatchback, secure the tree and we could get home without stopping to put the tree back into the car. That, incidentally, is something I have done on more than one occasion in my lifetime. The next stop was to pay Mr. Henderson. While chatting with him, we found out that he has about 10,000 mature trees on his Christmas tree farm. "That's an educated guess," he said. He planted his first batch of trees vjg, Amy#* J jfâM A mms mwm Til if L „ * ill t 5 mamm We would be just plain flaky if we didn't let you know how much we value your loyal patronage. Mother Mod Custom Draperies and Interiors 34B King St.W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-2826 back in the summer of 1980 after buying the property in the spring of that year. Mr. Henderson said tree-buyers are fickle. "A few years ago, Scotch pme outsold all the other species." However, However, spruce does well in other years. It all depends on the buyer and what they grew up having in their parents' home at Christmas, he added. added. One of the reasons why Scotch pines could be popular is that they hold their needles longer than other evergreens, Mr. Henderson said. However, with so many people having their own remedies for keeping keeping their tree longer, one really wonders wonders about nature's ways. "Some people make sure that the first drink in the stand is with good hot water. They say it opens up the pores and the tree will drink it up. "Others use Coca-Cola when "watering" their tree for the first time. Everyone has their own remedies," remedies," Mr. Henderson noted. The care of trees growing on his farm includes careful pruning and mulching. The trees on his farm are healthy, green and there is a tree for any ceiling ceiling height. Plus, you get the pleasure pleasure of cutting it, hauling it home and enjoying the woodsy scent in your- car every time you get into it for about a week. The tree we picked out on Saturday Saturday now stands decorated in the corner corner of the kitchen area in our apartment. apartment. The cats are enjoying having an extra water dish and something to play with during their long hours of being alone indoors. I hope the tree stays up until Christmas! % > » «WaSUEST .V. x», WWWSKîU'.îv.'Lv -, SXüMSi v * M : 'i- i 'vsi B -, • . 5» 1 <>■ wwwsse !» mmsi* i Ays iSSSSW y mm» *5 , ' '"n ^ i-i" ' . »)• :> WSm-h ? ' you re our This fine-looking six-foot spruce is now keeping company with a pair of cats and a dozen Christmas presents. It was cut at the Henderson Henderson Christmas Tree Farm two kilometers east of Mill Street South on Metcalf in Newcastle Village. Here, Statesman reporter/ photographer Laura Richards places the finishing touches on the decorations. decorations. star Without you, our success would not be possible. Thanks for all your support and friendship. May the holidays bring new blessings to you and yours. Hooper's Trophy Centre 43 King St. W. ; 623-1471 Bowmanville We will be closed from Dec. 25 to Jan. 3 UNIROYAL TIRES MICHBLIH BFGoodrtch purham Region's LARGEST TIRE SALE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Installation Wheel Balance Valve Stem Tire disposal Alignment Check 4 YEAR ROAD HAZARD PROTECTION B.F. Goodrich Lifesaver GT4 All Season Steel 55x80R13 $44.00 155x80R13 175x80R13 185x80R13 185x75R14 195x75R14 $54.00 $56.00 $58.00 $60.00 205x75R14 205X75R15 215x75R15 225X75R15 235x75R15 175x70R13 185x70R13 185x70R14 195x70R14 $63.00 $66.00 $70.00 $74.00 $79.00 $58.00 $63.00 $69.00 $75.00 SALE IN EFFECT UNTIL JAN. 7/94 B.F. Goodrich T.A. O.W.L. 205x70R14 $90.0 / 215x60R14 $92.0 215x65R15 $95.0 245x60R15 $108. 245x50R16 $135. Michelin LTX M.S. UNIROYAL TIRES MICHELIN BFGoodrich VAN HEMMEN TINES 317 Hopkins Street <*Because So Much Is Riding Whitby on Your Tires" Dundas St. Hopkins // se>" s "^wmmen c D ffîëfc* g □ Ns Warren Rd. Ë Consumers Dr. Alignment Special 4 Wheel Alignment M9 -95 2 Wheel Alignment ^39-95 666-2121

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