i 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, July 13,1994 Giant Fish Shows the Way to Angling Lessons Durham Regional Police Report Monday, July 11 A representative of Courlice North Public School located at 1617 Nash Road, Courticc reported that an unknown unknown suspect smashed a window in the school sometime over the weekend. weekend. A West Beach Road resident reported reported that unknown persons entered his house and removed various stamps, a VCR and a gold bracelet. A 12-year old Courtice resident reported reported that a grey van appeared to be following him. He ran to a neighbour's neighbour's house to call the police. A Varcoc Road, Courticc resident reported the theft of his gas barbeque. A Lyndale Crescent, Courtice resident resident reported damages to vehicle. A Carscaden Road, Orono resident reported noticing items left at the Kendal CLOCA area by an unknown male person who was running from police after being spotted riding a motorcycle motorcycle without a helmet. Sunday, July 10 A Sandringham Drive, Courtice resident reported losing wallet. An Apple Blossom Boulevard, Bowmanvillc resident reported a Green Area in Orono Not for Parking Cars The green area around the Orono Public Library will not be turned into a parking lot, said the Mayor of Clar- While Josh Pressy looks as though he's being tailed by a private investigator in a bad disguise, he is mg ^ a ° n d^'i^atio^^'^'^made as really just escorting Ministry of Natural Resources colleague Tim Ciszkowski to the comer of King and council discussed a letter to them Roenigk to promote a free fishing lesson hosted by the Bowmanvillc Creek Anglers Association on Sun- f rom Patricia Browning and Stephen day. The local anglers coached novice fisherfolk in casting technique, bait options and how to identify Wood of Orono. species. The purpose was to let town dwellers know that there is plenty of life in their local creeks and Their letter notes their strong Streams protest against an action of that kind. "We believe the area in question to be the treed grass almost directly behind behind Rolph's Hardware store. "We drive into the village several times weekly to shop or bank and have never had any difficulty finding parking in the designated parking spaces. We do sometimes have to park several spaces away from the particular particular store we wish to enter which does not seem to be any great hardship," wrote Browning and Wood. "The pleasant green oasis of the library library with its beautiful trees is one of the most attractive aspects of the village. village. It is of far greater value to the people than yet another concrete 'eyesore' 'eyesore' whose commercial advantages arc, to say the least, questionable!" In discussing the letter, Ward Three Councillor David Scott asked if there were any plans whatsoever for the paving over of the green space. Mayor Diane Harare noted, "there arc no plans for a municipal parking break and enter at home. Jewelry was taken. A Townlinc Road, Courticc resident resident reported after borrowing a friend's trailer it was taken from the side of her house where she had left it. A representative of Andy's Garage, Garage, Courticc reported attending the garage to pick up some paper work when he noticed glass on the ground where a vehicle was parked. A Barker Court, Bowmanvillc resident resident noticed forced entry to rear sliding sliding door. Several items were moved, but nothing appeared to be missing. A Church Street, Bowmanvillc resident resident reported being broken into. Taken Taken were a stereo, camcorder, VCR, liquor and two cordless phones. The culprits also took bags to carry the stuff out of the home. A Bowmanvillc woman slashed her wrists in an attempted suicide following following a domestic dispute. Saturday, July 9 A Michigan resident reported the theft of several articles from vehicle as it was parked at the Esso Gas Bar along the 401 at Newcastle. A Parkway Crescent, Bowmanvillc resident reported he found a camera on his lawn three weeks ago. A Rundle Road resident reported having canoe stolen overnight. A representative of the Great Atlantic Atlantic and Pacific Company located at 187 King St., Bowmanvillc reported that a 16,-ycar old employee was caught leaving work with unpaid for store properly. Friday, July 8 A Kennedy Drive, Courtice resident resident reported the theft of a disabled person's parking permit. A Resnik Drive, Newcastle Village resident reported child approached by a male. A Solina area resident reported be-. ing sexually assaulted. A Hwy 2 resident found a 10- speed mountain bike in a ditch on Haines Road, north of Baseline Road. Conflict of Interest Legislation From Page One the minister, it is stated, "changes would also be made to the responsibilities responsibilities of council and local board members when the council or board discusses a matter in which the member has a pecuniary interest. "In addition to the current requirement requirement that the member disclose his or her interest and refrain from joining the discussion, voting, or trying to influence the outcome of the discussion, the member would have to leave the meeting." Also, that member would "have to follow up his or her oral disclosure disclosure with a written disclosure outlining outlining the nature of the interest." The information within this type of disclosure would be available to the public, too. Regarding gifts, politicians would not be allowed to accept them unless the are "of a social or protocol nature." However, gifts of this nature would have to be reported if estimated estimated to be over $200. This new legislation also creates Strawberry Funds For Big Sisters, Not Big Brothers A cutline in the July 6 edition of The Canadian Statesman beneath two clowns eating strawberry shortcake noted that the sale of the shortcake during Ted Watson Farms' 25th anniversary anniversary celebration went to Big Sisters and Big Brothers. The Statesman has been informed that only the Big Sisters Sisters of Newcastle, Oshawa, Whitby benefited from Watson Farms shortcakes shortcakes sales on Friday, July 1. a Local Disclosure Commissioner, would be used for disclosures for states the information. Public Utility Commissioners. That person's job is to "investi- Mayor Harare asked that letters gate allegations that a member has regarding this information be given broken the disclosure rules and to those registering to participate in bring a court action if necessary." the fall municipal elections. Philip's office also included a Councillors agreed and voted in draft copy of a proposed form which favor of doing so. Man Missing After Two Years The Durham Regional Police are continuing to ask for the public's help in locating a 25-year-old Oshawa man, who has been missing for two years. Winston Washington Webster of Augusta Sheet, left his home on July 9th, 1992 and has not been seen or heard from since. A note was later later found indicating that he had planned to leave. He is described as a black male, about 5T1", 150 lbs, medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. He has friends and relatives in New Jersey in the U.S. and in Kingston, Kingston, Jamaica, but extensive enquiries enquiries by police in. Canada and in both j these countries!'have revealed lhal'-H for the library green space, no one has heard from h'im. His family and the police are concerned over his whereabouts and are asking anyone with any information information to call the Durham Regional Police Service at 905-579-1520 or Crime Stoppers at 905-436-8477. COMPUTING CLASSES Now providing classes for those afraid of what they think they don't know. Share Space at Old Fire Station A formal request to share space at the retro-fitted Fire Hall has been received received by the Clarington Community Services Department from the Clarington Clarington Youth Committee. A letter from committee co-chairs Pat Street and Fleurette Simmonds has been sent on to the director of the department. department. Street's letter notes the fact that a representative of the department has been invited to a committee's meeting but so far, no one from the municipality municipality has attended. A meeting held on June 27 was without the feedback from the municipality municipality that the committee desired. "However, the issue was discussed at some length by the group of professionals professionals that sit on the Clarington Yoiith Committee,", states the letter from the co-chairs. Their recommendations include: • that they receive a cost analysis of overhead operating costs; • that the facility not be only for the seniors or youths but for the whole community; • the committee have input into the reconstruction plan and structural changes to be made; and, • the committee work in conjunction conjunction with Community Services to assist assist all youth for the purpose of recreation recreation and leisure activities. Clarington Councillors referred the letter from Street and Simmonds to Joe Caruama for information purposes. purposes. ; Have the mysteries of the computer world made easy with * A Window on the World of Computers *. 10 Hours of instruction in 4 easily scheduled sessions. Personal classes of 10 students. Courses available year round. Specialty courses arranged. Local, modestly priced, unique scheduling and intimate classes make Sleep's Computing Services the logical choice lor your training requirements. 108 King St. East Bowmanvllle, Ont. L1C1N5 623-8347 NISSAN STEP'S 1994 SENTRA 2 Door Coupes SMCWLS OF THE MOMTTH NOW SALE PRICED FROM 4 Door Sedans NOW SALE PRICED FROM 1994 MAXIMA "GXE" Loaded $ 10,990 $ 11,290* NOW SALE PRICED FROM $ 22,990 Ask about our very special rates on 24 and 36 month leases. 1994 HARD BODY PICKUPS NOW SALE PRICED FROM SUPER SPECIAL $ 10,990* SAVE $2,000. ON ALL IN-STOCK 4X4 KING CABS 'Freight and PDE ($690), Taxes, Licence extra MIDWAY NISSAN 1300 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY 668-6828 "SERVING DURHAM SINCE I960' Area Fire Calls -- July 5 20:57: 3324 Toolcy Road, mbbish fire 22:30: 2145 Bragg Road, rubbish fire July 6 01:06: 1401 Hwy. J/2, lighting equipment, undetermined cause 16:57:26 Pcbblcbcach Dr., rubbish fire 22:53:320 Holt Rd., rubbish fire July 7 07:25: Holt Rd. & Taunton Rd., rubbish fire 11:59: 112 Beaver St. N., cooking equipment July 8 16:32: 1678 Hwy. 2, assist ambulance ambulance July 9 05:52: 10 Church St., alarm activated activated 08:13: Darlington Nuclear Plant, vehicle fire 18:55:1648 9th Concession 20:56: 28 Loscombc Dr., rubbish fire July 11 06:20:9 Bruntfeild Rd., assist 10:35:26 Varcoc Rd., assist 14:21: 11 Rebecca Crt., rubbish fire r Carrier Needed to Deliver yodefrendeat in Courtice for Turnberry, Bruntsfield and Glenabbey area. Phone 623-0837 or 623-3303 We'd like to... Take You Out to the Ball Game! fpj t statesman Council's Tie Vote Kills Mosport Concert Deal - Wjfor Sj> $. "Vit# II See You n Court *-- lllls nnd Views Yellow's Out, Rod's In lor Now fire Truck Colors Town Receives First ol Two New Fire Trucks China Looks at Darlington For Nuclear Power Future Petition Calls lor Extension of Fence Near CPR Train Tracks OiW IOQCiMXI Mwxfulv-l Id# Home Mtoft ...Pag* 2 F «g'oi l m# HeiitWn-VW In Uonn f in 4 „,P#0«6 Cal lleroivii'iO AlwIWuigtM Section Two IlÉÈ: L Ü i [nun oh] • . -" v. Wt Mon hi Take advantage of our subscription specials and you could win ... • A pair of tickets to a Toronto Blue Jays game at SkyDome. • One night's accommodation at the Harbour Castle Westin. • Limousine transportation to Toronto and home the next day. • Plus ... $250 in spending money. To enter, select either of these subscription specials. A. Buy a one year subscription for $25 and get 6 months extra for FREE OR B. Buy a 2 year subscription for $45 and get 12 months extra for FREE. Even lower rates are available for Office Pickup Subscriptions Subscription offer closes August 15lh, 1994 and applies to subscriptions mailed within Canada. Winners to be announced in thu August 17ih edition of'Hie Canadian Statesman, To pay by VISA/ MC Please phone 623-3303 or stop by our office sfjt Canatiurn statesman 62 King St. West, Bowmanvillc, Ontario L1C 3K9 Your Community Newspaper Since /<S57