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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1994, p. 17

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The Clarington Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, November 12,1994 17 Handling It by Lloyd Scott Health News Families have distinctive profiles, distinctive personalities. Created by hereditary strokes, a family can be as clearly distinguished as the features of an individual face. For those who live in them, families families can be almost anything - from safe havens to dangerous prisons, from cheerful nests to depressing institutions. institutions. They're home to everyone but the homeless. As Ronald Richardson writes in Families Ties That Bind, life in one's birth family is a tremendously powerful powerful experience for everyone. And the impact of that experience isn't restricted restricted to childhood. Everything about us - the way we see ourselves, others and the world - is determined in our families. The attitudes, behaviours behaviours and values we develop there, stay with us throughout life. Sooner or later, almost all of us leave oùr birth families physically but many of us never leave our families families emotionally. Neither vast distances distances nor death itself can alter the influence influence of family on anyone. A dead parent is still very much alive and plain to see in the conditioned behavior behavior of his/her children. The dynamics of birth families find their way inevitably inevitably into the dynamics of one's married married family, through lifestyle and content may be very different. For example, you may do many of the very things your parents did, the things you may always have sworn you'd never do. No doubt your parents parents swore the same thing about their parents, who swore much the same thing about their parents. Of course we do change and grow, or outgrow, but the decision to be different isn't easy. It may also take interesting turns. For example, a divorced mother with children 14, 12 and 9 complains that her parents never liked or approved approved of anything she did. She made' a rule for herself as a parent to always always praise her children and let them knôw how much she liked them. However, her response to her particular particular conditioning was, as it turned out, rather extreme. To her suiprise, her oldest child told her one day, "Mom, the trouble with you is that you're always always telling us how good we are and we can't believe you because we never never hear the other side." Will her children, children, as parents, have a more balanced balanced approach to raising their children? Leaving home emotionally means becoming emotionally separate, individual individual and distinct from that tremendously tremendously powerful early family environment. environment. The almost impossible trick is to not continually repeat or react against that deeply embedded condi- Information Meeting Discusses Education Around the World The Durham Region Action Committee Committee for Training (ACT) in cooperation cooperation with the Durham Board of Education, Education, will be presenting a free community information evening on Wednesday, November 16, 1994 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to be held at the Durham Board of Education Education Centre, Main Board Room, 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby. Pauline Laing, Director of Education Education for the Durham Board of Education Education will be guest speaker and she will examine and highlight educational educational practices noted during her recent recent trip to Europe, Asia, Australia and the United States. Dr. E. Lagroix, Director of Education Education for the Durham Region Catholic Separate School Board, and Mr. C. Kennedy, Superintendent of Schools (Western Area), for the Northumbcr- land-Clarington Board of Education have been invited to comment on the educational practices highlighted. An audience question-and-answer period will be followed by light refreshments refreshments prepared by students. As seating is limited please call the ACT office at (905) 430-8511 to reserve a scat. American Sign Language Language (ASL) Interpreter services arc available; registrants are asked to indicate indicate if this service is required when making their reservations. tioning. Few achieve this goal. It's a lifetime task. Many people never even start this most important process. Instead of trying to grow and change, they'd rather spend their lives blaming their parents silently or aloud - for making them the way they no longer want to be. Lloyd. Scott is a marriage and family counsellor in private practice in Oshawa and in the Orono Medical Centre. He welcomes letters from readers. Write him in confidence at this newspaper, The Canadian Statesman Statesman i P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K9. On Tuesday, November 15 at 7 p.m. the Children's Services Council (Durham) Inc. will be hosting a presentation presentation by Jane Fitzgerald on Yours, Mine and Ours: Ontario's Children and Youth. This new report has been prepared by the Children and Youth Project of the Premier's Council on Health, Well-being and Social Justice. Justice. Jane is an energetic and enthusiastic enthusiastic project manager with the Premier's Premier's Council. Your's Mine and Ours is all about improving the lives of children and youth in this province. While parents play the most important roles in raising raising healthy, happy and productive children, improving the life chances of all our young people requires the involvement of the whole community, community, and its acceptance of shared responsibility responsibility for children. Yours, Mine and Ours advocates measures such as family-friendly programs programs in the workplace, universally accessible prenatal support programs, and helpful linkages between schools and the community. The report calls on business, labour, and government, as well as the providers of health, education, education, recreation and cultural services services to work together to develop innovative innovative programs to improve Workshop Welcomes Input from Parents On Saturday, November 19 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. the Children's Services Council (Durham) Inc. is holding a workshop that will begin to move Durham's vision for its children children and families to reality. The vision vision describes "a healthy, caring community where Durham families have the resources and and supports they need. ..." Parent consumers, youth, interested citizens, board members, service providers, teachers, elected officials and YOU are invited to contribute your ideas. The group will be identifying the barriers to achieving the vision, and the concrete projects and activities that can over come these roadblocks. On Tuesday, November 29 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., we will be developing developing the action plans, timelines and accountabilities for the activities agreed upon at the previous work-, shop. Both presentations will be held at the Oshawa Public Library Auditorium, Auditorium, 65 Bagot Street. There is no charge to attend, and assistance with the cost of child care and/or transportation transportation is available for each event. If you can attend the workshops on November November 19 and/or November 29, call the CSCD office at 4334100 to obtain obtain a registration form. A copy of the Vision Document produced by the community in March 1994, is also available. We need your participation! Please come! By Dr. Kathlynn Hoch D.C., F.I.A.C.A. Confused about Calcium? This is very understandable, as there are so many forms of calcium on the market today. It is important to know what kind you are using, what source and how much. Medicine in the 90's promotes promotes patient responsibility for their own health, we therefore need some guidelines to follow. - Many calcium products on the market are not natural sources and cannot easily be absorbed by the body and are therefore ineffective. What should you look for in a calcium calcium supplement? Avoid calcium carbonate products. They are the least soluable sources of calcium. Microcrystalline Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite is the opportunities for all of Ontario's children. children. Jane's presentation will provide inspiration and guidance for all those working with or concerned about Durham's young people. The presentation will be held at best absorbed calcium source. Calcium Calcium Citrate is the next best and both are well absorbed by the body and can increase bone density and mineralization mineralization with a reduced risk of kidney kidney stones. The cheapest source of Calcium is calcium carbonate and bone meal. This has an antacid effect which interferes interferes with digestion and absorption. absorption. It may contain lead and arsenic as well. Look for calcium paired with magnesium to get the best nutritional value. Potassium, Zinc and manganese manganese and Vitamin D are key ingredients ingredients in an effective formula. Select a balanced calcium product that includes 100 IU Vit. D; 25- mg of calcium citrate or microcrystalline hydroxapatite, 250 mg magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide; 1 mg of manganese, 20 mg of potassium, and the Oshawa Public Library Auditorium, Auditorium, 65 Bagot Street. There is no charge to attend, and assistance with the cost of child care and/or transportation transportation is available. If you have questions questions call the CSCD office at 433- 4100. 5 mg of zinc. Two to 4 tablets daily. Many people would like to get their calcium from natural sources, however the average daily diet supplies supplies only 100 to 200 mg of calcium per day. The R.D.A. for calcium is 1500 mg per day - this depends on age, weight, height etc. To get 1000 mg of Calcium you would have to consume at least 3 of the following 1 cup of milk, 4 cups of broccoli, 1 1/2 cups of. yogurt, 3/4 cups almonds, 3/4 cup salmon. Don't take a chance on your bones and good health. The information in this column is of a general nature. Consult your health care professional for specific health concerns. Dr. Hoch, D.C., of the Bowmanville Family Chiropractic Chiropractic Centre and Clarington Rehabilitation Rehabilitation and Sport Injuries Clinic is in her eleventh year of private practice and has personally attended more than 30,000 patients. She works within within a health care team which includes a multi-disciplined approach, including including Chiropractic, Massage, homeopathy, homeopathy, Reflexology, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Medical and Psychotherapy Psychotherapy referrals. She supports and educates her patients to create conditions for Optimum Health. She has a large pediatric practice with a holistic approach. Sergio Velente Quartz Watches Men's and Ladies' Compare $27.50 now $ 19.95 Ladies' 18 Karat Gold and Platinum Diamond Solitaire .40 carats T.W. Specially Priced Concept Sensitive Earrings Buy 1 Pair, Get Another Pair FREE (Limited Quantities) Priced from $ 29.00 Many Anniversary Specials in our Gift Department. Enter our Draw for 1/2 Carat Diamond Pendant No purchase necessary. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd 39 King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville "Bowmanville's Family Jewellers Since 1945" A Proud Member Of The Canadian Jewellery Group Findings of Youth Report Outlined

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