10 The Clarington Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, December 24,1994 Non-Contact Atoms Edge Statesman The Bowmanville Non-Contact League atoms have been enjoying a busy season. They fought The Canadian Statesman Statesman to a 2-1 victory on December 10. Justin Roussy, assisted by Chris Me- ringer, scored for the paper barons. Jeff Ball, from Ian Laflamme, and Mike Sellers, from Martin Frampton, replied for the Non-Contact Hornets. Both Nathan Stout and Colin Bourke Lycett played superb goal, as did Adam Hauke for The Statesman. The Hornets met Carnation Flowers Flowers on December 17 and straggled for a 5-5 come from behind tie. Jeff Ball had the hot shooting iron, notching three goals and adding an assist assist on Martin Frampton* s goal. Nick Beck, from Frampton, rounded out the scoring, while Mike Sellers and Clint Krummenacher also chipped in. The Ontario Hydro Employees* Union team swatted the Hornets with a 6-4 decision. Kris White, Martin Frampton (lg, la), Brent Dechene (lg) on a blistering blueline drive, Ian Laflamme (lg), Clint Krummenacher (lg), and Todd Dechene (la), were Hornet scorers. On December 18, the Newcastle Graffies met the Hornets at Orono, and came out on the short end of a 5-2 score. Hornet scorers were Jeff Ball (2g, la), Mike Sellers (lg), Nick Beck (lg), Martin Frampton (lg). Clint Krummenacher, Pat Quinlan, Mike Murphy and Aaron Cook also had assists. assists. Greg Quinlan, Trevor Bourke- Lycett, Kris White, Todd Dechene, Brent Dechene, Ian Laflamme, and goalies Colin Bourke-Lycett and Nathan Nathan Stout worked hard to preserve the win. BSPS Grade 8 Girls Capture Area Volleyball Championship SOCCER CAREER COMPLETED -- Dordt College soccer star Chris Hull of Bowmanville has completed his playing career at the school located in Sioux Center, Iowa. Hull finished the 1994 season with 17 goals and 11 assists, leading his team in both categories. Chris wrapped up his career with 77 goals during his four-year stay. That bettered the old record by 12 goals. His team completed the season with a 14-5 mark, advancing to the NAIA Midwest Regional semi-finals before being eliminated. Chris had spend part of this past summer as a member of the semi-professional Sioux City Breeze. SKATES New and Used Come in and see our selection. Let us sharpen your skates for the holidays. BOWMANVILLE SPORTS SHOP hfclr Your Community Sports Specialty Shop 58 King St. W., Bowmanville ** 623-0322 © The grade 8 girls' volleyball team from Bowmanville Senior Public School emerged as area champions, champions, after turning away challengers from The Pines, M.J. Hobbs, and Dr. Hawkins of Port Hope. Team members are, front row, (1-r), Tara Wood, Sara O'Reilly, Karen Rickard, Lyndsey Cowan, Pat Moffat (coach). Back row, (1-r), Lyndsay Deighan, Laura Spoelstra, Melinda Tait, Nichole Pot, Melissa Jukes, Rebecca Matthews. ^ We're Gearing Up For Another Great Season! Hope your Christmas runs smoothly in every way. We're always glad to be of service. Al and Sheila Brock, Chris - John - Cory Closed December 25 - 26 - 27 © Brock's Service Centre 160 Church Street 623-5487 Bowmanville Peacock ■lumber! 328 RITSON RD. N„ OSHAWA 725-4744 if busy call 725-2831 WHOLESALE & RETAIL DURHAM REGION'S WOOD SPECIALISTS IN Hardwood and softwood lumber dry kilns and dressing facilities including custom made trim; hardwood and marine plywoods as well as a completestockofbuildin^materials. N * ROSSLAND UJ O o V \ □ SON JLe CO ADELAIDE' DC HWY. 401 1 - "•If $ ~W^§f y by Ted Denny Cowan Pontiac-Buick Sea4<ut6 tyieetûufi During this holiday season, I would like to express my thanks to all of my friends and customers who have made my transition into the automobile business an enjoyable and rewarding one. I wish you and yours all the best of the season and look forward to helping you with your transportation needs in the New Year. *7ect © O' Come MOTe 'faithful yy ishing peace, love and happiness for you and yours. PINERIDGE AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY 19 Silver Street 623-4461 Bowmanville