The Clarington Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, December 24,1994 5 Wheelchair Accessible Kol Tree Farms Enter Eighth Year From Page 1 He noted there have been many "trials and tribulations" in obtaining this grant This was the third application application made to receive funding. "There were 35 applications and only four applicants got funding," Mills said. "I told the minister of Citizenship, Citizenship, 'Elaine, I don't want to face them' if I had to go back to the committee committee without the funding." "The funding will be used to pay the cost of installing a lift, the construction construction of a sloped entrance and two accessible washrooms," Mills told Solina residents who had gathered gathered for the announcement. "By making this facility more accessible accessible to people with disabilities and senior citizens, more people will be able to take an active part in community activities," the Durham East MPP said. Taylor, one of the women who had served on the committee, told approximately 20 people who had gathered for the announcement at the Solina Community Centre, "the Women's Institute had a dream to make the entire building accessible." accessible." The money will also be used to relocate the Solina Library. The space allocated to the library will be needed for the elevator. The Ontario Ministry of Citizenship's Citizenship's Access Fund has been able to help in partnership with non-profit organizations, providing $20 million to create access to consumer advocacy advocacy groups, employment counselling counselling and vocational training centres, women's shelters, community based mental health and addiction programs programs and community facilities. In Durham East, Access Fund grants have been awarded to St. Paul's United Church in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Trinity United Church in Bowmanville Bowmanville and the Anglican Church of the Ascension in Port Perry, and Windreach Farm in Ashbum. A big turning point in Mike and Pat Kol's life came in 1986 when they happened across a farm North of Cobourg. It was a clear day and with the farm located on the highest point in the area, they had a panoramic view of both Rice Lake to the North and Lake Ontario to the South. Half the 100 acre farm was already planted planted to Christmas trees. Most of the remaining remaining land had mature trees. The Kols figured that people would surely want to return to this farm to choose and cut their Christmas Christmas tree each year, once they had experienced experienced the lovely site. The place was bought almost right away. The next year their office furniture furniture business in Toronto was sold. Mike says: "I traded my pinstriped suit for boots and "real" work clothes. A second farm, between Beaver ton and Fenelon Falls, was added and the Kols started the tree farmer's busy annual ritual of planting thousands thousands of seedlings, caring for them, protecting them from competition by weeds and periodic attack by disease and insects. Then there is the job of pruning each and every tree once each year to achieve the shape families families prefer when they choose their tree. Finally, after eight years or more, buyers must be found for the annual harvest of Christmas trees. Mike has lots of help, employing mostly students, at different times of the year. As in any business, sales are the key to success. "Selling trees is no different from selling office furniture", furniture", says Mike: "customers expect a wide choice of qualify products at reasonable prices". Aside from welcoming families to choose and cut their Christmas tree at each of the farms, the Kols also sell to other retailers in the province. "Real Christmas trees are very much a tradition. People often want the kind of tree their parents used to have", states Mike. /y,;x a .9 Merry Christmas and a Odayyy 9{ezv year to you and your yamity Qord Mitts, MŒT !Durham 'East FOR OUR SALE PRICES! Boxing Day Sale starts Dec. 27th, 1994 Sale continues into January until winter stock is... GONE, GONE, GONE, GONE, gone, gone.. Brooklin ,i Village Shoppe : Fine Ladys' Wear Hwy. 12, Brooklin 655-3474 Evening Hours Thurs. & Fri OPEN 6 DAYS a WEEK FREE AMPLE PARKING We're sending you volumes of happiness this Christmas. As far as we're concerned, all of you are strictly top-shelf. Thanks so much for visiting us! The Book Studio 20 King St. W., Bowmanville 697-2635 © We remember everything Christmas has meant to us over the years, and hope that you find the joy that this season brings. Our many thanks to each and all. DDTO PJTNF'Ry 4 Division Street Bowmanville Telephone 623-5480 "A Century of Service to the Durham Region"