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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1994, p. 14

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i 14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, December 28,1994 By Joyce Kelly What delightful travelling weather this area enjoyed over the Christmas weekend -- a real bonus for the many, many people going from place to place on their Christmas rounds. At llic United Church on Christmas Eve, a capacity congregation enjoyed the service of special music provided by the choirs of both the Ncstleton and Blackstock churches. Carol singing, singing, Bible readings and a thought- provoking sermon ' by Rev. David Shearman "Christmas Starlight" concluded concluded with a candle lighting service. Clemens Venncs of Creden, Germany, Germany, is spending Christmas holidays with his sister Margaret and Heinz Vchof and family. Christmas Day guests at the Vehof home were Linda and Rob Franssen, Kaitlin and Joshua of Kapuskasing, Marion and Ed Cracker, Steven and Erica of Claring- ton and Frank and Kelly Vehof and Carlcy from next door. Ian Wallace of Ladybank in Fife, Scotland, spent Christmas with his cousins, David and Kathleen Petrie and David. Christmas Day they were joined by Anne Marie and Alan Petrie of Brampton, Jodie and Andrew Petrie and Christopher of Bowmanvillc. Steven and Lisa Tufts and daughter Hannah arc spending some time with Lisa's parents, Helen and Stuart Dor- rcll. Annie Dorrel of New Liskeard is also holidaying with her Mom and Dad. They were joined on Christmas Day by Melody and Wilson Rodman and Bryce of Little Britain. Jim Emerton was surprised to receive receive a Christmas card from June Eik- hard, Canada's first lady of the fiddle. The program "What on Earth?" will be of interest to local viewers as Ron Martyn is scheduled to appear on it on January 3rd at 9 a.m. on CBC. He will be discussing the concerns of the aging population in the year 2025. Peggy and Ralph Larmcr hosted their family for their Christmas family gathering on Boxing Day. With them were Sharon Goulding, Heather and Darryl, Brian Cranfield, John Larmcr of Uxbridge, David and Ingrid Larm- cr, Robert and Stephen, Paul and Margaret Margaret Larmcr and Katherine of Guelph. Boxing Day dinner guests of Ge- :ritage restaurant & PUB Wednesday Night is Jam Night Thursday Night is Karaoke Friday Night is Karaoke Saturday Night is Dance Night 9:30 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. Our kitchen is open until 12 midnight with Nightly Specials on Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Specials daily Ask about our Business Meeting Room available 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. HERITAGE HOUSE RESTAURANT & PUB Bowmanville Mall ) JP Co.Ltd., LOUISE MACAULEY-BANNON'S FOLK AND DECORATIVE ART PAINTING OPEN HOUSE and REGISTRATION Come celebrate our 1st Anniversary January 7th 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., January 8th 12:00 noon - 3:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. * Classes and seminars * Art supplies, Wood pieces * We would like to take this opportunity to wish all the best in '95 to our "Painting Friends" and Thank You all for your support in '94' 1010 Solina Rd. OPEN Bowmanvillc L1C 3K3 10:00 - 4:00 Daily (At Baseline Rd., Courtlcc) CLOSED (905) 432-2689 Wed., Sun., and Holidays A SttUU in * SctUnf © HOROSCOPES December 25-31 ARIES - March 21?April 20 Take special care of personal matters this week. You tend to be somewhat undiplomatic. It's too easy for you to jump to the wrong conclusions about what people think of you. If you arc interested in making an investment, you could find just the right one. Be more sensitive to loved ones. TAURUS - April 21/May 21 Your inclination towards laziness could be the cause of some unrest to those close to you. You benefit from putting selfish needs aside and lending lending a helping hand. Never be afraid to say what's on your mind. An old friend is inspired by a thoughtful word of advice. GEMINI-May 22/June 21 This could be one of the best weeks in recent memory. Friends and family family lead die way to feasts and fun. On Wednesday there arc signs that good luck could be in your future. Someone Someone close to you may have problems at work. You may be required to lend emotional or financial support. CANCER-June 22/July 22 This week's events provide you with a sense of relief and relaxation after a long period of work. You find you are generously rewarded financially, as Cancer has a strong handle on finances. You arc benefitted by a show of caution in a personal matter. A compromise will be reached. LEO-July 23/August 23 Home matters may be tire source of interest in the coining week. Perhaps this is your week to pursue that redecorating you've been considering. considering. Patience, persistence and slicking slicking with an original plan works out for the best In a recently troubled personal relationship. VIRGO-Aug 24/Scpt 22 Did anybody ever tell you that you obsess loo much? Perhaps tills will be a week where a walk on the light side will definitely help ease tensions. tensions. Try to let someone else lake the lead in a creative endeavor. Complications regarding travel plans may produce some grief, LIBRA-Sept 23/Ori 23 litis blissful week ends a long and possibly stressful year for you! tilings should slow down for some time. Look towards culture and conversation conversation for entertainment In the coming week. An upcoming trip gives you u lot to look forward to. À loved one will have a special surprise surprise waiting for you. SCORPIO-Oct 24/Nov 22 A rare lapse makes the Scorpio uncharacteristically forgetful. In fact, this could be a time when confusion confusion will run rampant. Relax, litis will quickly pass. Social activities can provide a relief from frustration and anxiety. A large investment is in your immediate future. SAGITTARIUS-Nov 23/Dec 21 If you're looking for something special special this holiday season, think about your love of animals and that lonely someone who may need a companion. companion. Travel may not be in the stars right now. Think about taking that vacation in March. Consider carefully carefully who your true friends arc. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Romance abounds in the coming weeks. If you're single, try to be open to all opportunities, if you're already in a romantic relationship, exploring new avenues and angles will heighten excitement. This is a good time to enjoy good health and the great outdoors. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Your offbeat manner in dealing with others may make someone's eyes roll, Be yourself, and ignore the criticism of others. Use your creative energies to pursue new career opportunities. Now is a good lime to watch your health. An old friend wants to get together. PISCES-Feb 19/March 20 A slow, relaxing week comes to your rescue, Plan on getting that extra beauty sleep you've been dreaming of! While work may be at a minimum, minimum, colleagues may have some worries that need to be discussed, Do something for a despondent friend. Don't let bills pile up. YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK The next 12 months: litis is the year to rid your procrastinating procrastinating side and release the driven, motivated you, If you stay focused tliis year, the benefits will be abundant. abundant. If love has been rocky, you'll lie pleased to know that new love Is on the horizon. Remember, however, a good thing is hard to find, So, if you do find that special someone, don't lake lier or him for granted, Always he grateful for what you have, You will find n new friend (probably n Scorpio). Tills person will make you sec life a little differently, You'll learn valuable lessons from your new comrade, A friend from the past will resurface this spring. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY CLUES ACROSS 1. Tussle 4. Disorder 8. Zodiac sign 9. Punctuation mark 10. Prickle 11. Taxi 12. Extreme 13. Organize 16. Flag 19. Regret 23. Expert 26. Entitlement 28. Sick 29. Welcome 30. Perfect 31. Knot 32. Rotates 33. Restore CLUES DOWN 2. Send on 3. Pacify 4. Fight 5. Following 6. Fleeced 7. Dullards 9. Morsel 14. Poisonous snake 15. Revolver 17. Chest 18, Nothing 20. Sooner 21. Sum 22. Feeble-minded persons 23. Saturated 24. Clumsy 25. In u while 27. Harvest SOLUTIONS llü3 IQ 'Ll Jwn'SZ Idaui't-z Z3Sos'£Z SIOIPI'ZZ |1'IUJ,'IC J0||Jua'0ê IIN'81 Wil unrj'j| dsy'p| qtimO'6 aatinci ■£ UJOi|S'9 J3IJVS icquioo'). 3|ti3C|,i '£ ||tii3y ■£ NMOCI «3110)1 '££ stun.i.'ze =!J.T£ WOE WiD'OC III HC HlS|)|'9Z p3|ins'£C IU3d3)i'6| Joutntfi '91 oSucuv'fl 'WlirZI TO'll luniu,'0| uiuiuoo •(, 03-|'g sout|0'|> duns' T SSOHOV Grade Four Carollers Deliver Christmas Message Door-to-Door M raid and Joyce Kelly and Elaine Kelly were Rev. and Mrs. Victor Parsons of Colbome. Leslie Wright of Toronto is spending spending Christmas vacation with her parents parents Lloyd and Thelma Wright. On Christmas Day they were joined by all their family from the area. Cecil and Marie Gibson spent' Christmas Day with Grace and Chris Johnston, Kevin and Heather of Uxbridge. Uxbridge. They were joined by others of the family, Peter and Anne Vande- rhcul with their family Boyd Vande- rhcul and friend of Ottawa and Julia Vandcrheul. Police Need Help To Solve Robbery Crime Stoppers and the Durham Regional Police arc asking for ihc Public's help in solving an Armed Robbery which occurred in Oshawa on Thursday, November 17th. At approximately 1:05 a.m. two males entered the playpen strip club at the Genosha Hotel on King Street East. Because it was now after hours the doorman refused the two persons entry. The two suspects became agitated agitated when asked to leave and threatened threatened the employees. The one suspect pulled out a small shiny silver handgun handgun and pointed it at the victims. The victims jumped behind a wall for cover and then the suspect put the gun away and left the bar. The suspects suspects were seen getting into a taxi and were driven to the area of Bcuna Vista Avenue just east of Gibbons Street to the pathway that leads north into the 100 Rideau Street complex. The two suspects then headed up the pathway toward the complex where they met four males walking home. One of the victims was jumped by one suspect, thrown to the ground and then was punched with the bull end of the handgun. The victim victim sustained injuries requiring him to be transported to hospital by ambulance. ambulance. Two other victims were attacked attacked and punched in the face several several times and threatened with death by shooting. The robbers took the wallet of one of the victims before running away up the pathway towards the complex at 100 Rideau Street. Suspect #1 is described as male, white, 6' 2" tall, 220 lbs., 25 years old, with curly black shoulder length hair. He was scruffy in appearance and wore a black and green jacket. This suspect was the one with the handgun. Suspect #2 was male, white, 24 years old, 6' tall, 190 lbs. and had short blonde spiked hair. He was wearing a blue and white Toronto Maple Leafs jacket with the large Maple Leafs emblem on the back. If you have any information on who these two robbers are or any other other information on any criminal offence offence call Crime Stoppers. If your tip leads to an arrest you could earn a Cash Reward of up to $1000. You never have to give your name or go to Court. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display. The Crime Stoppers phone number number is: 436-8477 that's 436-TIPS. Long Distance call 1-800-978- 8477. Sergeant Grant Arnold is the coordinator coordinator with the program and writes this article to help combat Grade Four students from Mr. Bignell's class at Lord Elgin Public School went carolling door-to-door on December 21st to the delight of many area residents. The children made sure to ask at each home if anyone would like to hear them sing. After singing, a student was selected to deliver a greeting card and a candy cane to all who listened. Christmas Greeting from Tyrone We hope you enjoyed your Christmas Christmas celebrations and wish you the best for 1995. Belated happy birthday wishes to Mrs. Edna Philp, who celebrated quietly last week. The Carol Sing at the church was enjoyed by a goodly number of singers singers and listeners, both children and adults. The cider, coffee and goodies were well received. A short visit was paid to the card party at the Orange Hall to bring greetings to the players. Please note the changes in church services for the next three weeks. On January 1, the service will be in Enniskillen Enniskillen at 9:45 a.m. On January 8, there will be a communion service in Tyrone at the regular time of 11:15 a.m. On January 15, the service for the charge will be in Tyrone at 9:45 a.m. This will be followed by a Visioning Visioning Day sponsored by the Interim Ministry Committee. Everyone is. welcome welcome at any of these services, Christmas Eve Service By Karen Vaneyk The light in children's faces, the light of the advent candles and the light in the hearts of festive adults filled Tyrone United Church on Christmas Eve. The large gathering heard inspiring melodies sung by radiant radiant children and choir members. Ageless Ageless messages were presented through symbolic poetry, historical explana tions about carols and familiar scriptures. scriptures. The entire congregation was- united by an emotional candle-, lighting ceremony which rc-kindlcd- forgotten strengths and extended encouragement encouragement to the individuals attending. attending. Special thanks to all the participants, participants, including Rev. Paul Boughton,' Doug Wylie, organist and Jane Koenc, junior choir leader. •Lm pa/mc/pacr/oni NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YoUR NEW COMMUNITY? Sandra Yates 623-5873 Bowmanville Area Maria Boone 987-5030 Newcastle - Orono Area ■Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information. New Year's Eve Parties at Port Darlington Marina ^ Dining Room - 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. Gala Champagne Buffet $27.50 + tax per person Dance Party in the Bridge 9:00 p.m. -1:30 a.m. with DJ Chef's Cocktail Buffet Champagne at Midnight Balloons, Hats, Noisemakers, etc. Tickets $60 per couple "Shooter's" Sports Bar Gala Event starting at 6:00 p.m. Advance Tickets $10.00 -At the Door $12.50 if available Includes Late Buffet and Free Shooter at Midnight Sunday January 1st - Brunch 10:30 - 2:30 $9.95 + tax Buffet 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. $16.95 + tax. Last seating at 6 p.m. Lake Road off Liberty Street, south of 401, Bowmanville mu ip r a i | y a \ yj ■, ■ a y a ■ ■■ rv Ap ■, yj ■ |psi \ yj ^ "TtttiTiit'MhsUr!" 'liirDmmfDmls Ami (hiiix 1IUN hi!!' "Allirrv, IIihmim; Hum'a Mill UK* v Tut SkviVn mi IlMlOMIDt USjiOTSnirHV «•mum row ny! I I.1H.IIHI umii. MV Mills linn." '■Tur iTNMivr , Illinium n.«!" mm RtMii Hoîîhin» Mellheu '«UH* IQ Think luve. ru tr m c ir .w uv v r .iu ues u t.tvsic.'ijviav t; au-iKt - : vi? i7trirr tv? le r» kjw --I W B. UP K lit ID*"1 1*11(1 rt rc ITS 'FANS EL BE ECSTATIC, th/r specie! eltects are out at this galaxy.' f *• ►rw.l WWT.H1 UlfTTT Z \ '...the new, revitalized Star / -, \ 1Yek'franchise will live \ long end prosper well Into the 24th century ' A supernova ol unpredictable ecl-fi thrlllel ...end big bang specieI e/lects.' Junior 7 and 9:15 I.Q. 7 and 9:15 Starts Dec. 28th Matinees Matinee. Show at 3:30 only. Mi "IT'S THE'WIZARD OF OZ 1 FOR THE'JO'S." 44 ÊÎ SifffleW J--lr" ji ** Matinee at 1 p.m and 3:30. BOWMANVILLE MALL Wed., Dec. 28, - Sat., Dec. 31st Miracle on 34th Street 1 p.m. only Star Trek Generations 3:30 only Pagemaster 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. THIS IS Till: NEW Holiday CiassicTiiatJ America Has been Waiting For." • II. 1*1 Mjt.J, f"M urmtlt! "Mm Will Believe," MIRACLE ON 34 111 STREET tlJllllil!BlWn|llli|lt'liUnlJllt4,aiil!MVl6lll«.W.lM:illim! l l "iKlM»i,eM(|ll'Me;;lBl!l\Hli: i .lililll ■.ciuitllW. 1*1 RSWBSSSl Please: No food from outside our Theatre Matinee at 1 p.m. only.. 697-1999 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ IIC94D004 ccvmor

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