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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1999, p. 5

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Happy 1st Birthday Lots of love is sent to Matt Bcrney as he celebrated his 1st birthday on June 22, 1999. Thanks for a fun year Matt! Love Mom, Dad, Mike, Melissa, and Madison. Graduates Bobbie Taylor , Congratulations Bobbie Taylor graduated with honours in June 1999 from the University of Toronto, with a degree in nursing (BScN). She is the daughter of Douglas and Susan Taylor and granddaughter of Minnie and the late Lloyd Taylor and also Murray and Noellie Walton. She is currently working as a registered nurse in Mental Health at O.G.H. and plans to get her Masters degree in the future. Deborah Leslie Deborah Leslie graduated from Trent University on June 4, 1999 with a B.A. in English. Congratulations! Jim, Marianne, Jonathon and Mom. ■ Marnie Claire O'Toole Mamie Claire O'Toole graduated June 8, 1999 from the University of Western Ontario with an Honors Bachelor of Arts degree in Kinesiology, Marnie will be attending Lakehead University - Teacher's College in September, (following (following in her mother's footsteps). footsteps). Proud parents are John and Peggy, brothers and sisters sisters are Erin, Rebecca, Andrew and Rochelle. "You arc a special person Marnie," from Mollie and grandparents Madge Hall and Elizabeth Woods, Congratulations anil best wishes, Ontario Hydro Reminds People To Take Care Near Hydro Facilities Ontario Hydro Services Company (OHSC) would like to remind everyone involved in outdoor activities to put safety first this summer. "The good weather brings people people outdoors, so we are asking everyone to use common sense and take every precaution when working or playing playing near electrical facilities," says Mike Della Rossa, OHSC's Director of Health, Safety and Environment. Contact with power lines or electrical equipment can result in serious injury or even death. "Whether you're doing odd jobs around the house or at the cottage, working on the farm or at a construction site, or playing with the kids, please make sure you're aware of - and avoid - electrical hazards," urges Della Rossa, who offers the following tips: • Stay clear of downed power lines. They cold be "live". Call your local electric utility emergency number immediately to report the location of the downed wire. • Teach children not to fly kites near power lines, climb hydro poles, tamper with or open locked electrical transformer boxes, or enter electric utility transformer facilities under any circumstances. Fences around these facilities are locked and warning signs are posted because the high voltage equipment inside is very dangerous. dangerous. • Be careful when maneuvering tall equipment, such as ladders, scaffolding, TV antennae or farm machinery near overhead power lines. • When towing or launching a boat, and when it's in the water, keep the boat's mast or antenna away from overhead wires. Boats should not be launched or docked where an underwater powerline/submarine cable is visible. visible. Dragging an anchor across a submarine cable can damage it and could cause a power blackout. There are also many simple precautions people can take to avoid the possibility of injury from electric shock: • Inspect electric lawn mowers and power tools before each use. Look for frayed cords, broken broken plugs and cracked and broken housings. If you spot any damage, do not use the equipment. Have it repaired or replaced. Always use an extension cord designed for outdoor use and rated for the power needs of your tools, mower and outdoor equipment. • Do not use electric mowers on wet grass. • Never use electric power tools in the rain or near pools or other water sources, and always unplug them when not in use, even if you're just taking a short break. • Have a qualified electrician install Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) receptacles in outdoor outlets. A GFCI will sense a fault in an electrical circuit, and is designed to interrupt the power to prevent injury from electrical shock. • Call before you dig. You can never be sure where powerlines, tele- ' phone cables and gas lines are buried, so call your local utility companies companies (Hydro, Telephone, Gas, etc), before digging in the yard. Not only can contact with underground cables and pipes be extremely dangerous, it can cut services to your entire neighbourhood. neighbourhood. Finally, if you're planning any home renovations this year, Della Rossa suggests that you hire a qualified qualified electrical contractor, and remember that all new wiring must be inspected and approved by an electrical inspector from the Electrical Safety Authority. Ontario Hydro Services Company is an energy services-based growth company in the transmission, distribution distribution and energy services businesses. businesses. OHSC has almost 30,000 kilometres kilometres of high voltage transmission lines and 120,000 kilometres of low voltage distribution lines. The company company serves almost one million retail customers, 106 large industrial customers customers and about 250 municipal utilities. utilities. OHSC employs 6,000 people at its facilities and offices throughout Ontario. It is a successor company to Ontario Hydro and officially began operation as an independent entity in April, 1999. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, July 7, 1999 Page 5 Viewing Platform Unveiled at Darlington Site The New York State shoreline and the City of Toronto' are among the sights you can enjoy from the vantage point of this viewing platform at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. The platform was officially opened Tuesday, June 22. It has been built on a height of land alongside two new soccer fields and near 7.5 kilometres kilometres of the Waterfront Trail. The platform platform was built by Courtice Secondary School students, in partnership with the Darlington Site Planning Committee, Ontario Power Generation staff and the Strike family. A plaque on the building will honor Ross Strike, a Bowmanville resident who devoted much of his life towards the development of electrical utilities in Ontario. Ross Strike, a former Bowmanville Mayor, was Chairman of the Board of Ontario Hydro between 1961 and 1966. Pictured above are members of the Strike family attending the unveiling of the lookout tower last week. They include: (from left) Anna Strike, Meredith Strike, Ron Strike, Dan Strike, Hannah Strike, Cindy Strike, Allison Fellowes-Strike and A1 Strike. OPTIMAL SPINE = OPTIMAL HEALTH In 1900, 3% of the North American population died from cancer. Then we spent $39 billion on cancer research for a cure. The result? In 1994, 23% of North Americans died from cancer. This can hardly be considered "progress". Much of this problem is due to the way we tamper with the natural mechanisms of the human body. When we eat a diet of processed, cooked, refined foods we predispose our bodies to cancer. By removing certain elements from our foods we starve our bodies of specific nutrients. This results in weakened, sick cells which then become cancer targets. Many pioneering individuals have utilized alternative care in the successful treatment of cancer, few if any accepted by traditional medicine. Rather than glorifying drugs and treatments which, over nearly a century, have done little to stem the increase of death from cancer, we need to recognize those who have increased our understanding of care of the human frame, diet and nutrition. The common thread that connects all successful cancer treatments beyond a proper functioning nerve supply is nutrition and diet. Many studies show that the single most powerful dietary measure you can take to improve your health is to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. A low fat, high fibre diet lowers cholesterol, reduces risk of heart disease and regulates blood sugar. It also controls arthritis pain, promotes weight loss and strengthens bone. Research has found that the risk of cancer is reduced 2 fold in people who eat larger amounts of fruits and vegetables compared to those who eat smaller amounts. Vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer and live longer than meat eaters. I feel the wrong road to curing cancer is being taken. We spend our time looking for a magic bullet cure. We use chemotherapy and radiation to give us the temporary illusion that a tumor is shrinking. In reality it is the body's specific defense systems that are being compromised and the end result is a painful death. Two factors prevail in beating cancer: proper diet and reducing/eliminating stress. As a chiropractor, my purpose is to educate and adjust as many families as possible toward optimal health. The chiropractic lifestyle focuses on maintaining the proper integrity of the nervous system. In addition, we focus on lifestyle changes like diet and nutrition. With respect to diet, our intake must focus on whole, fresh vegetables and fruits and must place limitations on fat, protein and sugar. Fat should not provide more than 30% of total daily calories and should come from good sources like fish oil, flaxseed oil and vegetable oils. Protein should be roughly 30% of total calories and refined sugar intake should be carefully monitored. Chiropractic spinal care and a healthy lifestyle ate the most important factors involved in obtaining true wellness. Yours and your families' future depends on it. To learn more about chiropractic, health and wellness, Dr. Herron provides a health talk every Tuesday night at Herron Family Chiropractic, Bowmanville. Seating is often limited so RSVP can be made by phoning (905) 623-5509. The workshop runs Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ü>t 3 foïm'3 Anglican Cïmrcï) Temperance St. S., Bowmanville SUNDAY, JULY 11TH, 1999 TRINITY VI 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion No Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion Sendee during the summer. Contemporary Service will be on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. from July 7lh to July 21st ^js^^^^ectoe^Th^everertiCanor^yrornfatesdlA^STB^^^Q Trinity United Church Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Rev. Dr. Frank W. Lockhart, M.A., M.Div., M.Th., Th.D. SUNDAY, JULY 11th, 1999 -10:30 a.m. "Keys of the Kingdom" Rev. Douglas Warren ©j.p. Nursery Care and Church School Available A Warm Welcome To All Visitors Capsule Comments with Nea|e McLean, b.Sc. Phm. A hockey-puck-sized insulin pump implanted under the skin can deliver insulin via catheter directly into the abdominal cavity. It can be programmed to give the same dose daily or can be changed via a remote control pointed at the stomach implant. Studies show much better control of blood glucose. It should be available in a couple of years. If you take a thyroid tablet daily, take It at the same time each day and try not to take it with any iron medication. The iron can interfere with the thyroid's absorption. Space them apart by a couple of hours. Low levels of folic acid in a pregnant woman can cause neural tube birth defects, including spina bifida. But this defect happens in the first two weeks of pregnancy so be sure to start taking extra folic acid at least four weeks before becoming pregnant. A good predictor of heart disease risk comes from the prairies where a doctor studied over ten thousand men and women. Results? The greater the girth, the greater the risk. A waist size over 40" had double the risk of hypertension and diabetes. Those with waist sizes between 36 and 40 inches had considerable risk. Exercise anyone? Knowledgeable, approachable, dependable ... your pharmacists are all this and more. Pharmacist Orthotist Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. Free Deliveries (905) 623-7611 For the air we breathe. ••• " ; 0 0 ONTARIO'S - ,v ! rvt t;t-9i <* ridr.-uTf» airin» » » 6 * * . : 1 Accredited Test and Repair Facility Web site: SUMMER-WISE SERVICE $2095 1C BONUS ► Jug of windshield k washer fluid wlth,j service _ • 1 i it »■ • ; ni , il h | tilt* • r 11 ij 1 I ■ 1 1 III n ■ • 'I f < tHf.1l II A I • nl ) • Hi.lit. 1 tin". 1 Cltri k rxh.mnt t ■ i. i k * • Iui'| * I* > tin . 11 !■ >| > 11| > . ill Hun I lr v« 'I'. . H i< I i in >n ■ ( HI' i'*i July 23 ' ■ • • ! ' i r ! ' I i h ' 1 . 'll 1 . Final week MUFFLERS week ^VOFF excluding l.lhoui HERE'S WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE CANADIAN TIRE: • I ice cxli.iii'.l '.y.lcm mspc lion • Uouhle winppi 'il Allume |ii. in I M.ncmcnl mull lei tin extended lile • 1 detune w.iii.mly mi nr.l.illed iliulller, n.itionwide • d ye,ii pipe W.Ill,inly mV in i.toir till ih'l.lih. Canadian Tire 2401 Hwy. 2, Bowmanville (905) 623-5000 H0.URS Mon. ■ Frl, 7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sot, 7:30 a.m. • 6 p.m. Sun. 10a,m.-5p,m,

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