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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 2001, p. 9

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Visit Us On the Internet: THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, WEDNESDAY EDITION, August 29,2001 PAGE 9 CLASSIFIED To Place Your Ad Call: 905-623-3303 62 KING ST. W„ BOWMAN VILLE Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Web Site: "TECS" - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling "TECS" - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling 500 wmrnmm 500 ■mwimm 500 MSMsoo Career Training Careers Careers Careers General Help General He'p General Help Consecutive Teacher Education Program • Intcnncdiatc/Scnior (Grades 7-I2/OAC) York University Faculty of Education December 3,2001 application deadline ^ UNIVERSITÉ % YORK UNIVERSITY Applications will he available in September for this one-year program, which begins in August, 2002 at our off-campus site located at Notre Dame Catholic High School and J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate in Durham Region. For further information please contact: The Office of Student Programmes Tel: (416)736-5001 E-mttil: We also offer Primary/Junior (JK-Grade 6) and Junior/ Intermediate (Grades 4-10) programs at other off-campus locations, as well as a new part-time program at York's main campus. For further information about the Consecutive Program in Teacher Education, visit us at Career Training Careers Careers MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEM ENGINEER/ MICROSOFT MICROSOFT OFFICE COMPUTER CERTIFICATE/ WEB DESIGN/ At - Changing career path? Train at top rated Durham College College In 100% Instructor led courses. Full/Part lime available. available. Funding through El/ OSAR, WSIB lo qualified. These Microsoft Certificates are highly sought aller skills in today's IT environment. Top graduate success rale. Call Colin McCarthy 905-721-3336. ANYONE can learn lo do massage...and that includes you. Call toll-free 1-800-207- <1013, 24-hour recorded message. message. vmw.chalrmassage Careers 505 SPANISH FREE conversational International Lang. Adult & Senior Citizens 3-6 pm or 6-9 pm Courtlce Levels 1 & 2. Starts Sept. 4 & 11 Reglster'905-579-4326 Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board General Help BEDWELL VANLINES Full time AZ, DZ & G DRIVERS Rate based on experience. Benefits. Call (90$) 686-0002 you. Mon.- ATTENTION! S21.00/hr. Average Registration positions. We train you. Available now!!! Please call Mon.-Frl. 9-5 (905) 435-0518 /CARDINAL X NANNIES & COMPANIONS INC. Since I98S / "C ?>«t6 v«i«' We have the job for you! * Full & l\irl Tunc * Livc-in & Live-out * Long <jl Short term : * Drivers F referred Nannies for Children We also do special needs. Cull 11s For mi Interview 666-2228 or 1-800-219.8059 nr Enx Resume lot 666-9689 25 Regency Crescent Whitby, Ont. L1N7K8 Âvww.ninlinalii!iiiiilcs.coiiv Careers PROGRESSIVE FINANCIAL planning firm seeks Para- planner. Must have knowledge knowledge of all aspects of the financial financial planning process and ability to produce financial planning solutions for high net worth clients. Fax resume, attention attention Eva, (905) 666-5304 or e-mail to: info@incdur- S4000/MGNTH with your PC. For more info please E-mail: NYSE AND TSE COMPANY, recently launched in Canada, requires excellent communicators. communicators. Home-based business, business, lucrative commissions, bonuses, and residuals. 905- 728-3922 ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Work from home on-line, $1500-53500 PT/FT, log onto or toll free 1-888-563-3617 ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Work from home on-line. $1500-53500 PT/FT, log onto or toll free 1-888-563-3617 ASSEMBLE Linht Products at home. Earn $400 + weekly. Pleasant work., Call RECORDED message 24 hrs. (416) 631-4808 ext. #M18. ATTENDANT CARE Workers, CYWs, DSWs, PSWs required. Shift and weekend work. Car and police check a must. Fax resume to 905-434-2800 ATTENTION MOMS FULL time work through September and October 9am-3pm. Call (905)* 725-6089 Pingle's. Farm Market' Market' ATTENTION!! Registration positions positions open. We train Available now. Call Ben Fri. 9-5 - 905-435-3478 Qanngm Leading the Way W CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (Non-Affiliated Position) Please quote File #38-01 The Landscape Architect is responsible to the Director of the Engineering Services Department for the supervision of parkland design, development development and construction of parks capital projects. Responsibilities: •Comment, review and provide input on development development proposals relating to park development; •Design master plans for park development and redevelopment and assist with implementation of the Municipality's Park Master Plan; •Supervise construction of park development and redevelopment projects and provide expertise for projects of special interest groups and Volunteer organizations approved by the Municipality; •Represent the Municipality on Parks Committees, participate in studies and prepare reports to departments, agencies and Council on related matters. •Prepare and provide input for all park development development programs in the Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast. The successful applicant will possess: ■University Degree in Landscape Architecture or Parks Planning with five years related experience, experience, preferably in a municipal environment. •Proficient in the use of related computer applications applications and Microsoft software. •Excellent verbal and written communication and strong customer service skills. •Valid Motor Vehicle Operators Permit is essential. Salary: $54,164 - $66,612 per annum (Code 8 of the Salary Administration Program for Non-Affiliated Employees) Applications will be received in confidence until 4:30 p.m., Friday, August 31, 2001 by e-mail at or at: Office of the Chief AdministrativeOfficer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Personal information is collected under the authority authority of the Municipal Act for the purpose of job selection. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those under consideration will be contacted. Employers Connect with Job Connect How can your company Benefit? Save on... • Recruitment time • Advertising costs • Training costs • Screening referrals • Match your company's needs with worker's knowledge & skill • Ongoing commitment to ensure your satisfaction • You have the final hiring decision Need more reasons? Call us today: (905) 721 -3093 & speak with an employment specialist I'titulvd liy llu? (iovmimunt of Ontario Bill General Help AZ DRIVER steady runs, good wages, clean abstract and U.S. experience is a must. Call Joe at (905)-427- 4863. AZ DRIVER wanted, home every day. Call 905-725-9279 or 905-718-5472. STUCK IN A JOB you hate? Wo are a progressive company company with an exciting income plan, It you are willing to woik & eager to learn, we'll train you. Call Tony (905)428-1322 Bill General Help AZ DRIVERS, 1 year accident free experience, border crossing. Call 1-888-400-9176 BEAVER GAS Help Wanted. Itill/pait time, all 3 shifts, 115/ 35 South Newcastle location. Drop oil or mail lo 59 Hunt St.. Bowmanville LIC 2X2 00 YOU WANT lo make moro money? Do you want to work in a fun, friendly environment? II you want to net ahead, wo'll train you. Call Michael between between Oam-Noon. (410)527- 8452. Maklta Canada . rapidly ( . growing provider of competitive and quality power tools, currently requires... Payroll Administrator Preparing and distributing the payroll, you will maintain personnel records, T4 inlormation, and our database on benefits and pensions as well as produce scheduled reports, complete payroll related forms, and liaise with government agencies. Having payroll experience, preferably using Ceridian Insync, you are proficient with MS Office Professional, have graduated from a payroll designation program, and preferably have accounting experience. A/R Clerk Bilingual Dealing with our designated customer list, you will enter deposits and co-op credit notes, prepare a monthly status report, and make collection calls, reconcile accounts, follow-up on customers' deductions, and answer inquiries. Accurate and results-oriented, you are bilingual (English and French), have a college educalion in accounting, and have two to three years' relevant accounting experience. An excellent communicator, you are skilled with BPCS or similar AS\400 software, Windows 98, MS Excel, MS Word, and related accounting software. We offer a professional and dynamic workplace. Please apply in writing, quoting position of interest, to: Human Resources, Makifa Canada, 1950 Forbes Road, Whitby, OH L1N7B7 Fax: (905) 571-7434 e-mail: Hi? think j'l epplfants: to ma only these candidates selected ter .vi intetmv nilt (<• ccntxtcd General Help | General Help | ARE YOU FRUSTRATED WITH YOUR JOB SEARCH? ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS OBTAINING EMPLOYMENT? If you answered "YES" to one of these questions, then you should consider joining THE JOB FINDING CLUB In BOWMANVILLE with Meta Vocational'Services Inc. AT A0 COST TO YOU, this interactive and creative program will assist in providing you,* with the skills needed to effectively obtain employment. Our Certified Job Club Counsellor will help you: j > identify your strengths > prepare an effective resume and cover letter > access the hidden job market > improve your interview skills and much more The Job Finding Club is sponsored by Human Resources Development Canada. Call Meta Vocational Services Inc. in Bowmanville for more information (905) 697-8887 MuromRwowwv Dtvilappmunldw _ ■▼I OmfcÿfflfntCmtdP NMNNMkUMktMCmpdP Retirees Î RADIATION PROTECTION ASSISTANTS (GREEN BADGE) REQUIRED People with Radioactive Work experience are required to act as "Green Badge Certified" and/or Access Control Desk Operators for a short-term job assignment during an outage in September/October 2001. - People holding former OPG Green Badge qualifications are preferable. Formerly Yellow Qualified people will be considered. : - Recent Radioactive Work Experience is also preferred, although all candidates with a strong background in Green Badge Certified duties will be considered. - Interested persons should apply immediately. To apply, please prepare a short (one page) summary of your qualifications, including "Green-manning" and Radioactive Work experience, and forward to Orlando Joaquim at Ian Martin Limited email: General Help BRAND NEW OFFICE Needs to fill 12 OPENINGS IMMEDIATELY. No experience necessary, we train. Full time only. CALL JEFF 905-435-0646 Must lie 18 + tlill General Help BRAND NEW JOBS Manaq- eis, Assl. Managers, Trainers, Reps, world's larncsl energy wholesaler needs 20 lull time happy people. Company average average S20 per hour. Dally |ol) orientation Mon.-Frl. 11:00am SHARP w/resumo, 140 Sim- coe SI.N., Qshavia CARPENTER HELPER or experienced experienced caipcntcr needed In rough Raining. Phono between B-IOpm only 905-263-8373 DUCT CLEANING Technician. IIVAC knowledge an asset. Valid 'G' drivers license, clean abstract, standard vehicles. vehicles. willing lo work evenings and weekends when required. Pax resume 8(416) 292-7600. ■ EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST required lull and pail lime lor lire Mali Care Centre In lire Whilby Mall, Minimum 2 yis. exp. Call Nick or Derek 905- 723-0211 or Evenings 905- CGG-2125 LINE COOK required lull/part- lime • lor evenings & wknds. Experience piclerted but will train. Apply with resume lo The Fllzncliard Pub. 575 Thornton Rd.N.YU. Osh,iwa. CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE This Week requests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as This Week will not be responsible for more Ilian one Incorrect insertion insertion and there shall be no liability for non-insertion non-insertion of any advertisement. advertisement. Liability (or errors errors In ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occupying the error. error. All copy Is subject lo the approval of management management ol This Week. COAT CHECK PERSON required. required. Apply In person, 947 Dillingham ltd., or for more Inlormation call (905) 420- 2595. CHEW MANAGER lor door to door canvassing direct lor your charily In your area. Vehicle Vehicle required. Call George (416) 690-8252. EXPERIENCED PERSON In II- berglass repairs and lay up. Telephone (905) 055-5931! or (410) 018-0293. 62 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3303 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 o.m.-5 p.m. Whitby Minor Hockey Association Invites applications for HEAD HOCKEY COACH "Coach Mentor" The WMHA is accepting applicants for a new, exciting positions within our Hockey Development Croup. Our association executive has recently decided to expand our investment to advance the activities and programs for player development and is currently seeking a "Head Hockey Coach" to act as a monitor/mentor for our 27 Rep teams for the coming 2001-2002 hockey season. season. This will be a challenging opportunity for the right development hockey specialist who is able to: • Be an effective change agent for AAA, AA, and A level hockey teams • Communicate our new Mitron system to head and assistant coaches • Provide weekly monitoring, feedback, direction and development paths • Create effective monthly reports on practice and game effectiveness • Exhibit a truce passion for player development and alignment with WHHA's goals We are looking for an individual with: • Intermediate level coaching certificate • 10 plus years of elite level coaching experience • Proven adult education experience • Experience with AAA, AA, A level player development skills and coach development skills If this exciting opportunity to leave your mark on a progressive and developing hockey association appeals to you please fax your rcsiunc to: DIRECTOR, PLAYER DEVELOPMENT WMHA C/O FAX (90$) 430-5955 All applicants will be contacted, deadline for applications applications is August 31, 2001. This is a paid position on a 7 month contract basis. Join the Journey! Are you a stay-at-home parent or "too v - young to retire"? Do you enjoy driving and working with children? STOCK* - Then driving a school bus may be Un the journey of learning' ' y" Vi Vj H /$' for you! // if Call now,0 apply: Positions Available . ) Stock Transportation Ltd. Free Tmmn B Prow ' ,ed . Live in Port Perry/Uxbridge", Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa 1-800-889-9491 INTEGRATED CABLE SYSTEMS INC We are a leading Network Integration Company with an immediate opening for a DELIVERY DRIVER Must have a G License, in good standing Excellent physical condition Familiar with city and surrounding areas Able to work flexible hours We offer competitive wages and benefit package. Qualified applicants should fax a detailed resume to: (416) 297-5767 Attn: Human Resources or Email: We thunk nil applicants for applying. Onlv those to be interviewed will be contacted. CARRIERS NEEDED Oshawa Whilby, Clarington This Week requires Carriers in the following areas: OSHAWA Rossland Rd. W, Simone N, Grierson, Mary SI.N. Masson-40 papers Darcy - Grierson St, Mary St. N. - 54 papers Bond, Crieghton, Harris, Rosehill & Stevenson Stevenson - 65 papers Adelaide, Fernhlll,Madison and Stevenson - 58 papers Hall, Centre, Mill, Simcoe - 78 papers Park, Nipigaw, Admiral & Marrion - 36 papers Park, Elgin, Warren - 42 papers Clarke St. Eulalle, Gliddon, Huron, Ritson & Tylor - 63 papers King E, Keewalin, Beaufort, Conifer, Cherry & Cleta - 58 papers Harold, Drew, Athol E, Arthur, Bruce, Charles & King E - 64 papers Athol, Arthur, King E. Ritson S, Drew - 62 papers papers WHITBY Coulton Ct, Maplewood Dr. Glenhill Dr. - 46 Papers Clovelly Drive, Maplewood Dr. 25 papers Barbados SI, Bermudda Ave, Wavery SI. - 68 papers BOWMANVILLE King St. W - 89 papers Shady Lane - 63 papers Tilley Rd & Maconnachie - 54 papers Boswell Dr. & Ivory Ct. - 43 papers NEW CASTLE Edward St. E., Shipley Ave & Bridges - 83 papers papers TYRONE 7th Concession Rd - 42 papers Call Circulation today lor a roule near you, and start earning extra cash!! 905-579-4407 EXTRA SSS - Join Christmas Around The World, Canada's fastest growing parly plant! Beautiful products with magical magical appeal make your job easy. Rewarding/lunl Marga- ret 905-404-9696. FRIENDLY PEOPLE lo do telephone telephone work lor busy ollice, no selling. Monday lo Friday 5 ■ 9 pm Saturday (0 -1 pm, SB hour base salary can earn up lo 515. Call Nichole, aller 1 p.m. (905) 655-9053. Musi have transportation HAIRSTYLIST, assistant, cs- thelician, receptionist required required lor Natural Solutions Spa in Pickering. Please call Rla 905-831-0888 HAIRSTYLIST URGENTLY required. required. S350 per week plus commission. Full or pail lime lor Ajax salon. Call Mario or Ramzl (905)683-5911 or even. (905)725-0745 HARD WORKING drivers required required lor Oshawa/Whitby. Neal appearance. Reliable car, night shill and weekends. Call 725-7784. ROST / HOSTESS needed lor a new home sales silo In Whilby. Part-time Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. No experience experience required. Fax resume resume to Gail at 905-509-6112. ONLY DEALS, CANADA'S DOLLAR SUPERSTORE NEW STORE 20 PART & FULL TIME POSITIONS No experience needed, must be outgoing, energetic, and pleasant. Bring in person a resume for interview. Midtown Mall Oshawa (Vacant Hay's Book Store) Friday, August 31, 12 noon - 5 HOT! HOTI H0TI 15 Positions' available immediately for hardworking fun people with strong work ethic. Call Mary 905-576-4425. No experience necessary.' HOME BASED BUSINESS « Work 8-10 hrs a week for a consistent two to three years and then make US$ $160,000 for the rest of your life and" your children's lives, wouldn't you give it a try? or* Tel.: 905-432-7165' INTERNET SALES REPS needed. Work from home. Earn $1000 per sale. Call Karr ri, 905-435-6672. LANDSCAPING or Construction Construction Company required to do small construction jobs. On contract basis. Bobcat & small dump truck required. Fax info to Mississauga Distribution Distribution 519-451-8455 or call 519-451-4349 ext 229. LE SKRATCH BILLIARD Bar & Grill Be a part of the most dynamic dynamic team in Durham Now hiring Wait Staff, Kitchen Staff. Door Persons. Apply between 2:00-6:00pm Monday Monday - Friday at 200 John St. West Oshawa LICENSED ASSISTANT MAN- ACER for Whitby salon. Great opportunity for the right person. person. Guaranteed salary/commission, salary/commission, profit sharing benefits, benefits, hiring, bonus up to $350. Also stylist position for Ajax salon. Call Kathryn (905) 576- 2512. LOCAL MOVING COMPANY, requires helpers and DZ & G drivers, full/part time. Experience Experience preferred but not neces- sary, Call (905)431-5320 A MATURE person required for residential house cleaning. Monday-Frlday, Approx. 25- 30hrs/wk. Experience preferred. preferred. Valid drivers license required. To start imme- diately. Call 905-686-7555. NEED $$$$$$$$ ? Telephone sales,for police retirees of Ontario, salary plus commission, commission, plus bonus, no experience experience necessary, we train. 905-579-6222 Customer Care Representatives required for our Full Serve Sunoco Gas Station in Bowmanville. If you are dedicated to delivering superior customer service, we are looking for new members to join our team. Shift work required. Please contact Mike or Pam at 905-697-2109 to set up an interview NEEDED Part Time Cook Full Time Wait Staff Daytime Dishwasher » in person r resume to: The New Massey House Restaurant 27 King St, E. Newcastle Attn: Karen or Gus NORTH AMERICAN organize- tion seeks leader for unique opportunity. No experience necessary. Potential tor high Income. Call Sherry at (905) 404-0772 ,,iei' c s

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