NEW ORONO NEWSPAPER ( LOCAL NEWS Miss Alina Randle is visiting with Mrs. It. 11. Wood for a few days. Mire, C. - S. Wood is visiting with her aunt, Mrs, Hoidgc, in Toronto. Wo are glad to see M i-- Beta Mar tin is sufficiently recovered to be out again. Miss Ollie Davey has returned from a pleasant visit with her sister in Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allin eeldbrat- ed their 53rd weedlding anniversary on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest %er and family visited friends in Rowman- yille on Saturday. Miss Dorothy. Henry of Toronto was a week-end guest with her mother, mother, Mrs. J. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morton celebrated celebrated their 47th wedding , anniversary on January 22nd. Mrs. A. Gilroy, Kendal, has been visiting Mrs. Fred Oowan in the village village since last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Inch of Weston spent the week-end with Mrs. Inch's mother, Mrs. S. Billings. Mr. and Mrs. O. Drummond spent the week-end visiting the former's former's parents in Oonsecon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Galbraith of Bladkstoek recently visited her mother, Mrs. Thos. Patterson.. 1 Mr. George Brown has his car in running order again, after on accident accident on Wo. 2 highway before Christmas. Christmas. . . The Township council will meet ae usual in the council chamber , on Tuesday next, the 2nd of February, 1937. Mr. 'and Mrs. 0. Webb and two children of Osihawa. were recent visitors visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walsh. Mr. Ray Cornish and friend, Mr. Maiming, of Port Perry, visited the former's grandfather, over the weekend. weekend. Mr. John H. Thompson, accompanied accompanied by his niece, Miss Hilda Brown, spent the wedk-end with friends in Piéton. Miss Flora Cobbledick is leaving in a few days to spend the rest of the winter with her sister, Mrs, Adam in Toronto. - - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh and Miss Florence Cotibledick were re- ,-cent visitors with Mrs. J. Cobbledick. Bowmanville.' Little Barbara Ann Rolph entertained entertained a number of her little friends on her sixth birthday, Wednesday, January 27th. Recent visitors a:t the home of Mrs. M. Cooper and sister Mrs. J. Pearl, were Mr, and Mrs. IT. Caldwell Caldwell of Perry town. The citizens of Orono and sur- i rounding country enjoyed the oyster supper on Wednesday evening, held in the; basement of the town halt under under the auspices of St. 'Saviour's A. Y.P.A. Mr. Vernon Saunders and lady friend, of Toronto, visited the former's former's father, Mr. Arthur Saunders, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, John ; Cornish and Mr. and Mrs. H. Clark took in the Canadian-Maplc Leafhockey match on Tuesday night Several I.O.O.F. members visited Port Hope Lodge last week, and quite a number intend visiting Bowman- viile Lodge this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steiner and children, Marjorie and Billie, of \ rrowbod, Alta., am visiting Mr. uni Mrs. Veil F. Porter. Mf. Win. Cornish, and daughter loemnpanied by John Cornish and wife, visited Rev. A. K, Edmison ml family of Trenton, recently, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Quinney and two daughters, Beatrice and Dorothy, of • Providence, were Sunday visitors it. her mother's, Mrs. !.. Bruton. The ninth annual meeting of the Osihawa Presbyterian church was held iu the Port Perry United Church on Thursday, January 21st, 1937. Wo the New Orono Press, wish to extend 1 our thanks and appreciation to the citizens of Orono and' communi ty who have so kindly assisted 1 us. Wanted 500 people to attend the special co-operative day services' in the United Church on Sunday, Jan. 31st. (Special music will be furnished furnished by three choirs. Mr. Ernest Patterson was in Toronto Toronto the latter, part of last week attending attending the Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Insurance Company convention which was held in the Royal York Hotel. At a largely attended morning of the Official Board of the Orono Circuit Circuit on Tuesday night last an invitation invitation was extended to. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., BjD., to remain as Pastor of the Circuit for a fifth term. We understand our hydro men were out nearly nil Wednesday night of last week battling with the sleet and ice storm, trying to keep the lines working, for which it was almost almost impossible. The heavy rains of January took a heavy toll by washing out infmy bridges in the township, which will be hard to replace at this season of the year, " mSfcu^-tt- :j yéï'ÿ: .inconvenient .inconvenient for many to get to town. Mr. O. A. Gainsby has again had the misfortune to lose or misplace his bucksaw. Anyone finding same or giving information of its where aboute, kindly communicate with Mr. Gamsby. The annual meeting of the Orono Public Library was held in the Lib ra,ry on Monday. January Splendid reports of. the year were given. The following members were elected for the Library 'Board for 1937 : Mrs, A. Henry, Mrs. Honey well, Miss F. Qhhbledick, Mrs. T. Oowan. Mrs. J R. Cooper, Mrs. 0. W. Rolph, Mrs. H. Dean, Mrs. R RosSborough, Mrs. J. Dickson. RED & WH ITES [TORES EXTRA SPECIAL 5-STRING BROOMS 25 c. COOKING ONIONS 10 LBS. 14c. FLAKED ■ WHEAT BAG 21c. SALMON FISH, by the fifch, lb 11c. 1 -lb. Box CHOCO- LAJTES ....29c. Fresh PICNIC SHOULDERS, SHOULDERS, lb 16c. PRUNES, 2 lbs 21c. 5-lb. tin BEEHIVE SYRUP 39c 1 cwt. FINE SALT 69c. TOMATO JUICE, tin...5c. CANNED CORN, 2 tins :... 19c. PRAIRIE BLOSSOM FLOUR, 98-lb. bag $3.75 PUFFED RICE, 2 pkgs for 19c Good Quality Assorted CAKES, lb 19c. LARGE TINS SALMON EACH Sc. WONDERFUL SOAP 9 BARS 24c. HAMBURG STEAK 2 lbs. 19c. JNO. J. CORNISH - 'Sg&S* (Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Wood were : Mr. George Garni thor and Miss Hazel Wood of Newcastle, Mr. Luther Pasco© and Mise Eva Johns, Mr. Tod Johns and Miss Dorothy Richards, all of Hampton. -Old friends have missed your cheerful face "Charlie" down town and hope you have fully recovered your voice since your attack of bronchitis, and with hopes this ice will release you soon as we all miss you, Mr. Awde has been closed in with a slight cold but we are glad to heal has fully recovered. Old friends will be sorry to hear of an old Orono boy, Mr. Josh .McCormick, .McCormick, who has been in hospital 1 in New York, and by the latest report report is much improved. Josh is one of our boys who left us when only a young chap and "made good," and all his old friends wish him a speedy recovery to good health again. We will all be looking for his usual annual annual visit to the old town next summer. summer. Bercy Lunu, Bill Armstrong, Doc. Hamilton, and. a few others took in the Lea Canadians vs. Maple Leafs hockey game on Tuesday night last, and for some reason or other Percy turned down all flattering offers to either play centre for Leafs or referee referee the game. Consequently all bets were pff„ and 'boys, disappointed, "as we felt sure we cou-ld bank oil Percy." There is a double header for the hockey fans at the Orono rink this Friday evening, starting at 7.00 o'clock, for the small admission fee of 20c, for adults, and 10c. for ehii dren, The first game is between New- castle and Bowmanville, while the second is between Orono and Kirby. Come and fill „ the rink for these games. If the weather holds there will be some fast hockey. Well, with all "The Modern Electrical Electrical Epuipirient, such as clocks, etc." Jim is back to the good old day's running our electric system and street lights in that good 1 old reliable method man power, which after all, with all their new contrivances and skill seems most reliable. We have depended on you Jim for 25 years and» you have never failed us and when you are superannuated may your successor be as faithful. ■ Gu Sunday. January 24th, service was livid in Gt. Sayiniirg Anglican Church at 3 pun. Sunday school was held at 2 p.m„ under the direction of Supti Mr. R. 11. Allin. The church service was conducted by the rector. Rev. D. R. Dawdneey. The lessons were read by the Lay Leader, Leader, Gordon. Bruton. The rector preached a splendid sermon, taking hie text from the 10th chapter of 'St. Mark's Gospel, part of the 14th verse, "Jesus said unto them, suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God." The music was led by St. Saviour's choir with Mrs. Morris at the organ. All parishioners are requested' to attend the annual Vestry meeting in the' Parish Hall on Monday, Feb. 1, at 8 p.m. "O---- to--* GEOllGE 'WANNAN The news of the death of Gi-ovge Wan-nan last Friday at his home in Toronto after a brief illness came as a. shock to our community. George, as he was familiarly known, was an affable, good natured fellow, always ready to lend a hand to his less fortunate brother. Born Of late years he followed the drov- The funeral from Park Street He is survived by his wife, Alice, two daughters, Mïe® Dorothy and Mrs. B. LoUigheen, and 'two sons, Arnoliffo and Lawrence. The .sympathy of the community eg out to his wife and'family in the loss of a husband and father. • BIRTHS BRUTON -- In Orono, on Saturday, January 9th, 1937, to Mr. and M is. Clifford Bruton, a son. . * MINN -- In Clarke Township, ^ en January 21st, 1937, to .■lira, Archie Luna, » Rainey's Grocery SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRIDAY and SATURDAY ORONO CREAMERY BUTTER, 1 lb 28c. P. & G. SOAP, 6 bars for : 21c. ROSE BAKING POWDER, 1-lb. tin 13c. LARGE GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 23c. CHRISTIE'S GRAHAM WAFERS, 1 lb 23c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19rl9 - ORONO COWAN'S If you are interested in helping our local paper get along, then read its Advertisements and shop where you can save the most money. WE OFFER YOU ROLLED OATS or FLAKED WHEAT, 5 lbs. for 22c ROSE BAKING POWDER. ... 13c, MUFFETS (Whole Wheat Biscuits), TRY A BOX 9c TIGER or CLOVER LEAF RED SALMON, small 13c Large - 22c CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS, 1-lb tin 7c MEN'S ALL-RIBBED WOOL SOX ,, - 15c LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE, reg. 35c 25c BOYS' WOOL GOLF HOSE 25c GIRLS' HEAVY RIBBED COTTON BLOOMERS, ' ALL SILK STRIPED - 29c PHONE 77rK WE DELIVE ARMSTRONG'S WE ARE TAKING STOCK AND HAVE A );QT OF WINTER WINTER GOODS WE WANT TO SELL AT GREATLY REDUCED REDUCED PRICES. IN VIEW OF ALL COMMODITIES RAISING JN PRICE IT IS GREATLY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE TCTBtfY AS- WE THINK ALL WOOLLEN AND COTTONS WILL ADVANCE AT J EAST 25 PER CENT. IN THE NEXT TWO MONTHS. " >■■■- LADIES' COATS Regular value from $17.50 to $25.00. Your <M 9 CH choice I BEX BLANKETS The Best Blanket made, also the largest ■size................ 25 FLANNELLETTE 35" wide, in a variety of shades. Our reg. 25c HI value. Special OVERCOATS We have-- 25 Goats. Your choice, $15.00 10 Coats. Your choice, $12.50 10 Coats. Your choice, $10.00 SUITS A 183 Blue Suit of d*99 English Worsted MEN'S HATS 50 Hats---Greys, Browns and Blues. Your choice^| EJQ OXFORDS, MEN'S All our $3.50 line, d»0 size 6 to 11, Special LADIES' DRESSES Ladies' Dresses, all our winter stock at one price only. Reg. $3.95 to<1*9 CA $7.00 value BROADCLOTH In 50 different shades 22c. value. Spe- 1 dal 1 ; our 9c. SWEATER COATS Your dhoice .of any Ladies' Coat in stock, in Brown, Black,,Blueti*1 Qt and Green BOYS' SUITS 20 Suits, 2 pants ;; 15 Suits, ]. pants ; 10 Suits, 1 pants $15.00 $10,Orr $ 4.00 LEATHER COAT \ Genuine JTorsehide Coat, with Fur Collar, 4 frio AC podkets and belt $1Z."J OVERALLS Big 88, at the old Every pair guaran- d* teed - V price. 1.95 WORK SHIRTS Made of Heavy Cotton Flan- nell. Reg. $1.25 Qg value for 3 JC SUGAR W e strongly advise buying this month as we have already had two 1 -i nces