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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1937, p. 8

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NEW OËON0 NEWSPAPER jl Il : NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS •Mr. Leslie -Reid m Toronto yisit- ed at Mr. Ira Tho-nqpon's 'on Sunday. Miss'Annabel] 0 lièndry /spent the vveek-end at her hvit.e noar Newcastle. Newcastle. . d; Mr. Leonard ILt< ku r. Newtonviik, at Mr. John Patton's for SM week end. Sorry to hear that Mvs. XVm. Cars -caddon' hasn't been ÿs well' this past V. vvk. ■" - Mrs. Olen Oarmel," is visiting 'with her sisters, Mrs. John Patton and Mrs. Jas. Boyd. ■ Mrs. A. Jaeksbn IfL returned home, fro>r visiting her dattphtei, Mrs. Wm. Honey lat M'illigan.L ' ) A few youn^pèMg enjoyed skating skating on Mr. Miltonifllpbmflon's pond on Tnÿ^dàÿ evening ■ Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. John White, Starkville. ; ■ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waiimin were recent Visitors at her parente, /Mr. l and Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Miss Annie Tho%J|ti, Pot^ypool, spent the week-end with lier mother, Mrs. 'Bias. Thompson. - Alisa Helen Daiington, Newton - ' Mile, was a weekend visitor with mother, Mrs. A. G. Rarliiigtop. -md Mrf. Ross Patterson and Ison, Toronto, visited hlkparents, Mr. ., nd ! Mrs, : Win. Patterson, on Sunday. - ■ We are plepsed with her friends tii note the recovery of Mrs. John Patton after her reoent operation for appendici tis in Ht. /Michael's Hospital, Hospital, Toronto. so M V, ;'- Mr. and Mr-. Carman : Campbell : - "eroft visited/ at Mr/, and Afrsr'LvH. Bell and Mrs. A. Jackson on Thurv Jay. : V "Misa Anna Bell has returned v from- visiting Her ; cousins, - Mrs. George Stapleton Jr., tonville. , . . : Mr. and Mrs. Boato - di W' ter, of Bunker' HUH,, spent the week- | end at his parents, M r * and rs. r- Tro--Ppetedk. MV and Mrs. Milton Dunbar and son Elliott, of Perrytown, were recent recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kilioffs. V ;• '. ' V r ,-. With fire and flood upon our neigh- borig,it$) the south, and worse ealam- 1 ityto our^ SpanisfiNrit-Letis and the treacherous- Ganarakka at our door, we have come off so far very ; safely. Sorry to state- .that when the afore--' mentioned water reached Port Hope -Lanoiher story. - - : ' ggpflât visitors Here Were M iss Annie Annie Thompson PontyiKxd ; Mr', and Mrs. Wallace Thurston and family, Roboagoon, -at thé 'Cornish home ; ' M/rs; (Bin with the.: Pattons,' and' Mrs. David iS-tewart and her sisrter, Mrs. Meïkrlane uf Crane, Montana, with :/tii&/iStewart family, 6th line. : Word was received on Monday last : of the -death in Alberta of Mrs. Joan Thompson:,/ wi do-w - : of- the late , Wil- ham Thompson. Deceused w,as a native native of Clarke ^township and had reached ' thë ripe a gp of ei g h ty yea r s. She wn-s born on Ç/>l l /'. Con. 6, and was 'a daughter of the late Ja-mes and: Elizabeth' Reeve Waonan,: tiSfx elti-l- .]reù a-urv i ye, W il i ia in and I f'r 1. M a g .-.tie, Clara, Annie and lily. The 'remains 'remains of the late George, Lawrence XVanikm laid to rest in Orono ceme t<ry no Sunday last . was also a nephew of the deceased, and Mr, I mils Wannan of Raglan is tLei 1 v-,t il i-,-ivi,r of the; senior Watuum fatti- V'ti'.i ' ./-'T' ' 'W' ; . ' i' : On /Friday last there passed ; t way /itilpuf village 'of Kendal a well known fiymvc in the person of a native resi- : défit /of, Olafkc township, the late George Washington AI<> xander, at / t he age- of eigdity-thliÿp/^ears, af ter/ a ; '/brief few- weeks illness; ■ His 1 part-.' / her, who died s-oyera] years 1 ago. was formerly Miss Sarah Blue and ihe elrildreh Were Robert, Mary (Airs, Ervd Thunms), both' deceased, and - Blake,S who - survives and in whose home his father lived. Deceased was also a son of the former Miss "Matilda - Crawford .find -nephew of the'/life: John and ,George Washington Crawford. Crawford. fomier residents of Out village. ; 0ur friend had an unfailing filing of 1 wif arid-: hurm-onX: To alt -who /survive - -Mr. and Bl-sk-e Alexander. Robert and gfandeh i Mr err and great - grnndehildfen, we offer our ' /sincere - sympathy../. An .Appropriate- - service : /was- hctiitiB/.::&oi: : ffg||eg. church ; conducted conducted hv the pgstor, Rev, Mugene present at PÜNÏYPOOL .Mr. A. Higgs 1 motored to Toronto for the Week-end. Mr. John Brymer, of Richardsons Bakery - spen-t r the- Week-end . at, his home in Toronto. - - We are sorry to report the serums illness of Mrs. R. Shaw and hope for a speedy recovery. - - " A large mi rubor of Poiv.vpool citizens citizens took: advantage; of thé excursion excursion rates" lo Toronto fats' week-end. Mr. and Airs. Roy Porter, of Omomee, were guests at, the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J as. Malloy, on Sunday. - :. r> , - On Friday, January 22nd, a sumptuous sumptuous oyster supper wa.f pi'dvided in the Orange Hall by the Black Knights for members and their families. families. About sixty were entertained at the banquet and enjoyed the ensuing ensuing speeches. : Owing to the o|>en winter we are having, a number of ponds in the vicinity have frozen smooth, so as to furnish acceptable skating rinks. These are being taken advantage of by many of our young people," and many ardent hockey fans are having an opportunity to practice the tactics tactics they SO; much admire in their favorite big league players. A.liihiugili the inclement weather and icy streets prevented many from attending the ' church -services on Sunday, an mien-sting ami ihqpir- ing talk was given by the pastor, Rev, W. F. Riding. He took ns Ins the!tie tile pWrntito ,,f the iajetils. and went, e« to show that life is the one gif- wo all l-eceivp, even as: the servants: servants: Were required to return- to their 1 Master their talents, improve 1 up.ti, and added to, so we should regard the, grit of life as a sacred trust and improve it by deeds of kind - ness: and thoughtfiilneasi for others, ao that when our life re!unis to its (liver we may hear the "Weill done, thou good and faithful servant," The community song: service at the close •was dispensed 1 with, owing to the small--attenflanee,' but it is expected that, it will b> resumed next Sunday. Bible reading 'fSamuel the first chapter" was ^ (1 by Mr Cornish, -who, alsiated'Gy Lloyd .Glass,■ had charge 1 of ":tbd meeting. Mr. Beech •conlimte-d hi-s"series of ten minutes talks and gafe a splendid talk oil the Hook of Samuel. A solo was sung bÿ Wilma Garsmi after which Ronald Ronald ' Burley of MowtonviUe gave a 'splendid .talk on the Older B-oys' Bariianicni, Miss Bternice Langsiaff llien favoured us 'with a reading en- titied "The touch of the Master's Hand." The meeting was closed by a hymn and the Mizpah betiedrction. On Monday evening a mi scellai: ebus shower was held at the home of Mrs. James. Boyd, in honour of her daughter. Mrs:. Alec. Reid. The address address was read by Miss Marguerite Bell : and /Misses. Jennie Wriglit and Berti-i ce Langstaff, Messrs. Glarcnce I Bell and IJ-oyd ' Gl ass preaented ihe gifts. Mr. arid Mrs. Reid made suit-/ able .replies, thanking the many friends from Kendial, also.-some of their tiNewtourillé. friendsi for the beautiful gifts. Readings were given by Misses XVilma Carson and Audrey Patton,-Solo by Mr. McKvima. a vio- /lm: and guirar dm-t by Alias Do.rotliy ■ .,,1 'M;f: John -Scott, N:ewten;ville. . The .-hairman, Air. Beech, then called on Mr; Wm. Paliersmi. .Messrs. Ar- tlrnr Thompson; and Jolm Patton for speeches. After the program n v good lunch ' wa@ served. CLARK UNION ■ : Miss 'Mamie Arc-hm- spent the .week-end at her hotn-e in Bert Hope. The ladies of the Home arid School Assbeiati-cm:'busy working a quih. Miss "Eiileeri dSouah, of Harmony "-ajpept; the week-end at, her home here. The cattl-e testers have been in the neighborhood, but the 'results are hdïlkrte^f yet;, / . t,:.; We are glad to hear that Mrs. "Robert Rainy :who has been-on the sick list is /recovering. Mrs. Eva Allen is - spending, the -week with, her daughter Airs. Roy Carr,hi: in Per' Perry. . 'ri- iSandy Watson has finished ■d in il.o C NEWCASTLE M rs. D. B. Simpson is spending a few-days in Tiironto. Dr. Addeson of: Toronto is visiting -Airs.: W. li. I.'eman for a fortnight. IMliss Alary I'oweti is spending a few weekes in Ottawa attending the opening of parliament, o (.'outn-illor lid. Hoar is home from tfie Bqwmanville' hospital convalescing convalescing from a minor operation. - Thé iSiaturd-ay afternoon train on the G.H.'R. is becoming very popular for "vveek-enders" from the city. Miss June Brown has returned home from Belleville to convulse after an emergency appendix operation." operation." The Women's World Day of Prayer Prayer meeting will; be held this year in :'S ; t, Georges Anglican Church oft Friday, February 12th. Numher !) f-Io.nie and S-chodl Club took in. the rally at Osbawa on January January 21st, reporting a very interesting interesting -and instructive time, Afrl and Mrs. Barold: Gibson 1 motored motored to Toronto on 'Saturday last to attend the Maple Leaf hockey game at the Maple Leaf Gardens. _ Mir. Harold Toms- is having' is house, insolated by the, newest approved approved methods. Cool in sumnier, and warm in winter is the slogan. Afr. Allan McLean. Howard, Mr. G-eorge Boiiathau, Air. Murray Butler, Butler, Mr. George Stevenson, all. -of' Toronto, spent the week-end with tln-ir respective parents in town. -Miss Margaret Sanderson, B.A., spent the week-end with Her parents at Lindsay. The icy condition of the roads prevented the Lindsay buses from running Sunday night so (he pupils of Form L had an unexpected unexpected holiday on Monday forenoon. . Miss' E. R. Graham, public health purge : of Bowmativille, was the. gues t speaker at ihe last' meeting-of _!he Voting People's Union of the United Oh.iuvh. Miss Graham told, of het "experiences 'm tiealth nurse in various various urb-an; centres and her account: of life as lived in tenement houses was most interesting and enlightening. enlightening. • "The Newca-tle Players are the: busy bees this week. Not only are they; practicing for their little theatre, night to be held January 27 th, but also for another one' act play to be produ'ced at the Regional; tirama Festival: Festival: to be held, at Kingston on Feb. 8th--Uth. The; plfyers" are alloted Satimlay evtsling the" 13 th for their entry. The Woman's, A:-,,.- Mary of 'St. George's ('ntych have -held their annual annual meetiug and the following officers officers wore appointed for the ensuing; year : President, Miss B'. S. AfeJn- tosh ; '.ilgt 'yice-presidont, Mrs. J. Scott Howard : 2nd: viee-president, Mrs. W. li. /Gibson; secretary, Afiss 0. ButU-, '. Treastiver. Mrs. li. W. Gibson ; . doveas -seeretary-tmasur-oT, Mrs. Bert Bfereton; leaflet sec.-treas, Mrs. F re ! .Thomas; Litlle Heluevs secretary, Afiss Audrey Hprroeks; ex- tva-ci'iit-a 'iny treks., Mrs. G. Spring- ham. ' The. "New'-Castle Horticultural Society Society hell its annual meeting last week. T-lie -president, Mrs. Percy Hare, prc/icied: and very interesting and encmraging reports were given by the, otfi-eers: Two small -silver -cups, repli ess of the Society s; large ones, - wep-:-presented to Mrs. Chris Law and tev Mrs, Mathew Brown. They were -won at the: Af,arch and August flu hér,: shows respectively. A Legisliativc' grant of $22.00" and a local municipal grant of $85.00 had been reoeivi-'il during the year. The eléçtiori ();f > ffleers resulted in the following following in inhoi's being chosen to, look aftei the Society's interest for the /ooteing /year : President, Mr. J. TT, Jose-; i vice tn'esi'leiit. Mrs. J. NOTICE Having complied with the r ules - and regulations of the Ontario Milk Board, we are now prep and to de- liver milk in Orono, at 5c. a pint. Our cows consist- of Durham md Jerseys, fully , supervised, lidding a herd test " of 5 per cent, butter fat. SL 1 Tuesday, February 2nd, a. do.- will he made-every morning, kc ivg Sundays.' 'Special, deliveries request.- * iSigned L. E. Case & Sons. Phone 5r8. SPECIAL PRICES MULE-SKIN PULLOVERS, reg. 45c. Special 25c. MULE-SKIN LINED MITTS, reg. 75c. Special..... 49c Three SECOND-HAND COOK STOVES, each $10.00 One SECOND-HAND COOK STOVE $25.00 COLEMAN GAS LAMP, reg. $7.70. Special $5.00 ; upmx:HAND' : wringer; ....................................$^oh MONARCH HOUSE PAINT, quart 49c. OYSTER SHELL and GRIT, per 100 lbs $1.00 Rolph Hardware ORONO - PHONE 43rl ;Snd vice-presr kb tit "Ml a tie ;1 secretary, Miss E. M. i ; trcmflurfT", Mrs. Charle? O. Bulli-i Harry Pi- Bla.c!d"iui' Cowan : illr -atcrs for two years, Mrs O. B-attÿ, Sis. C. Law, Mrs. W. Purdy, Purdy, ; Air. Jfjlfe- Hendry and 1 Afiss E, T„ Treiu:-u'it;ji. Mrs. Percy Hare was elected -to finish the late Mrs. J. R. Fisher's.Icnn as director. The auditors auditors anpobiiotl were Mr,'Bradley, and Mr. Batty. The meeting concluded with- n very interesting address on "Bulbs," hv Af-rs, IF, Olarke, the Provincial Provincial T.'-ci tirer on Horticulture , cent, flood, has been replaced. . We are g bid to hear that the village of Oroho lis" to hav-e a .newspaper again and we wish the editor every success..-' The >ehn)l attendance has been very simi.i:"/owing to the fact,.that there nvc so many odds "in the ni-igifbimrhi'od. - , A: number from the,section attend ed the 'presentation for Mr, and Airs. Jack Staii-leton on Thursday ..night of last : ÿeek and report a splendid time. Miss - Dorothy 'Sotidh has ""etr"- J fi'.itn Toronto - SPECIALS FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY WHIZ FLOOR WAX, Lib. tins, reg. 55c., for 35c. FLOGLAZÊ FLOOR ENAMEL, reg. $1.35, for 95c. qt. Here is a new ENGLISH WASHABLE PAINT DUROLAVE - THE OIL BOUND WASHABLE WATER PAINT Transforms your dull, cheerless rooms into bright colorful interiors. "DUROLAVE" does so easily, quickly and economically. Used for Beautiful Interiors. 5 lbs. cost only ...................................................... --90c. and will cover 300 square feet Phone 66 PERCY LUNN General Merchant Orono ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE Wishes to take this opportunity Of welcoming the New Orono Newspaper. We hope the editor will have the good will and confidence of the people of Orono and district. WEEK-END SAVINGS APPLES, 6 quart basket - 25c. PINEAPPLE CUBES, 2 18-oz. tins %. 23c CHOCOLATE COATED MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS, BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for ...........v-- ........................ 25c. KREMO COFFEE, fresh, 1-lb. pkg. 19c. TIGER SALMON, RED COHOE, l's 21c. CURRANTS (Fresh Stock), lb 10c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE WINTER WEATHER -L IS NOT OVER -L RE-F1LL YOUR COAL BIN NOW ■AND GUARD AGAINST ZERO COLD 'BLUE COAL', SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, COKE In Stock at all times ' --•--also LUMBER, SHINGLES, ROOFING, - BUILDER'S SUPPLIES cal & Lumber Co

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