NEW ORONO NEWSPAPER NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWCASTLE KENDAL Sirs. It ay Mercer is visiting' with friends in Toronto. Mrs. R. Reid of Clarke spent the week-end with Mrs, J, Swarbriek. Mr, Ciarenee Paedbn of Wesley- ville is visiting with Mr. Len Falls. M isa . Annabell Hendry attended a banquet at Millbrook on Friday night. Mr. Stanley Thertell of Whitby visited at his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Thertell last week. Mr. and 3!|i-$. .Mi!ion Robinson visited at Mrs. Win. Oareadden's.and Mr, Cecil Glass's. on Thursday, , The ; Young People's League will hold ' a Crokinole Party in the Sunday. Sunday. school room o.n Thursday evening; evening; February 11th. Everyone welcome. welcome. Mr. Beech delivered a splendid -aermon, taking for his subject "Christianity and the State." Next Sunday he will speak on "The Church and Wealth." Recent visitors at Mrs. Win. Oars- eadden's, wea'e Mr. and. Mrs. T. J. Oafseacîclen, Miss Alma Bell, Mrs. Ira' Thompson, Mre, ft. Qunntvil. Mr. Evan Quantril .and- Mr. Win. Patterson, Patterson, Mr. Harold Thertell had. the misfortune misfortune to skid on the i-cy road and turn the car over in the ditch south of ' Win. Robinson's, on Wednesday. The occupants of the oar were uninjured uninjured and the ear was only slightly damaged. Owing to weather conditions -.Sunday -.Sunday morning there was a small at- K-ndanee at church and Sunday school, the latter being formed into one class and Mr. Swarbriek, who is the assistant teacher for the school, taught a splendid temperance lesson. About thirty attended' the Young People's League on Thursday evening. evening. League opened reading of the League Pledge and hymn "A Cal' for Loyal Soldiers," followed b.ÿ the Lord's y Prayer. Bible reading Ptialto 147 was read by MW Marguerite Marguerite Bell. I lymii "Now the Sowing Sowing and the Weeping," > -was then sung, Mr. Beech gave a splendid talk on the Book of Kings about the life of David. Mrs.' J. Swarbriek and Miss Bernice Pang-staff then fa-yoroti: ils- with a duet. Misé. Alma 'Bell then ■ gave a reading and Mr. Rwa -brick gave us a talk on the "Old,Land." Meeting closed with the hymn, "More Love to Thee, 0 Christ," and m-izpah. LESKARD Miss Reno Ball is visiting at Mr. Harry Fraser's, Newpark. Mr. Arthur Bell spent Sunday at Mr. !.. D. Bell's, Kendal. Mr. John Thompson, visited our -Sunday School last Sunday. Miss Edith Trull spent -Sunday at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Trull, The Home and -School Club have purchased a pia-rio for their club room. "Mr. Bertram -Syer is -spending a couple of days in Bowm-anvil-le this week. Mr. -S-t-anley Martin is spending a few days with his brother, Mr. Clarence Clarence Martin. .Mr. . Calvin. Ba it-stowe has been visiting with. friends in Toronto the past week.: . . . The pi-ay which was advertised for - February 11th, will be postponed to a, later date. -Mr. Will Bairs to we visited .li I s rparonts, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bairst-owe, over the week-end. -Mrs. George Ball is spending the week-end at Bo wman ville with her daughter, Mrs. Henry; Pierce. Mr. Colin Brown reports that the icy roads are a great help to his business. business. Patronize your home blacksmith. blacksmith. Home and School Club will be held Monday, February 8th. Dr. II. Manning Manning will be the speaker for the evening. A good programme will, be given. A valentine box will also- be held. Everybody bring your valentines. valentines. Lunch will be served-. --n o -- --' ROIL MANTILLE LEGION TO PRESENT BIG LOCAL SHO W The Hownianvillti Branch of »the Canadian Legion have secured the services of The Bourque Producing Oompazny of ( amnia to direct, their Smart and Colorful Musical Revue "JiOjLLiEB' of 1987," with a Pow- nianville cast'of over 100. The show will he given in the Bowmanville town- hall on February 8th and 9th. This show, was recently • very successful successful in Oo-bourg, Trenton and Belleville. (See" "ad." in another column for further particulars. Mrs. -Stella Anderson entertained a large number of friends at the tea hour on -Sunday, Col. Bassett and Mr. Joselyn Davidson of Toronto were week-end guests at the "Newcastle Arms,"" -Congratulations ■ to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Button upon the birth of a daughter at Bowma-nivilie hospital last "week. - Mr, and Mrs. Harry Jose entertained entertained a number of friends at a dinner dinner party on. Thursday evening " of last week. Tin- monthly -sewing meeting 6f the W. A. of St. George's church was- held at the Rectory on Thursday afternoon afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. Main-waring motored motored to Bethany on Thursday evening. Mr, Meinwaring gave his celebrated "Albert and the Lion" at a concert, The Rev. John Bona thou of Montreal Montreal has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Sam Bonathon. Uipon. his return, return, Mira. Bona.tfhon aocto-mpa-uiod him as far as Trenton, remaining there for a w-eek's visit with relatives. The Home and School Club of Brown's School .Section -were in possession of the Community Hall on Friday evening, January 29 th. In the council chamber eight. tables of "500" were played. In the. Great Hall a large crowd- danced to the times of the "Merry Makers" Orchestra Orchestra from Oshawa, -Both round and square dan-ces were enjoyed, the latter being led by Mr. Raye Brown with his usual vim and enthusiasm. In the refreshment room in the basement basement of the hall a delightful supper supper was served by the committee in charge. •Mrs. John „ Cunningham and Airis. Archie Gkiniy entertained at a large card pfirty at the home of the latter r Tuesday evening, January 26th. . '"Mrs. Cunningham in an attractive il-owered silk, gown -and Mrs. Gl-enny wearing a smart navy, blue costume, received their guests in the large drawing' room. Ten tables of "500" were played and prizes were won by Mrs. Harvey Bonathon with top score and Mrs. Charles Hancock with the 18 th -score. Mrs. Earl Fisher won the consolation prize and Miss Marion Allen the lucky -chair prize. The party consisted entirely of ladies and after a delectable supper was served at the -card tables, a social social hour was enjoyed. In fact the guests, departing reluctantly, declared declared the èvening to have" been quite the social event of the season. The annual vestry meeting of St. George's . Church was held in the Parish Hall on Monday evening, January 25th. The meeting was- largely attended and was presided over by the Rector, the Rev. D. R. Dewdney. A considerable increase in givings over la-st year was noted and all organizations reported good progress. The Missionary allotments were paid in full. The following officers officers were, elected' : Vestry Clerk, Mr. Harold Gibson ; the Rector's Warden, Mr. Win. Lake; the People's People's Warden, Mr. Howard Gibson ; the Envelope -Secretary, Mrs. P. F. LoGreisley ; Secretary of Missions, Mr. Cecil Horrocks ; " Lay Delegates to the Synod-, Mr. W. II. Anderson and Mr. Cecil Horrocks; -Substitute, Mr. 11. J. Gibson ; thé Advisory Committee, Mrs. P. F. LeGi-esley, Mrs. John" GarrdcL Mrs. " C. S. Hor- . rocks,- Mrs. Dawd-eney, 31 rs. J. S-cott Bo wards, Miss B'. S, MeTnfiish. Mrs. !). J, Galbraith, Mr. Walter -Ordw- •hor. Mr. D. J. Gibson and Mr. Harold' Harold' Gibson. The sidesmen were chin son with Mr. Walter Oro-w flier is /'hairman anil consist of Mr. Don- ■til Gibson. Mr. Charlie Gibson, Mr. Wallace Gibson, Mr. Harold Gibson, Mr. Beg. LeG-resley, Mr. Lawrence Gaines, Mr . John S-cott, Mr. Cyril ""'bind. Mr. 0. -S. HorYocks, Mr. A If. Garrod and Mr. Allan Spencer. I-ftor the business was finished, the '%'mehial Committee -served coffee a nd sandwich os and cake. On Wednesday, January 27th, the Newcastle Players gave a Little Theatre night in the Parish- Hall of St. George's church, under the direction" direction" of Mr. A. B. Maiuwaving, assisted assisted by Mrs. Percy Brown, three one act pl-ays wore given, the first one, a drama, "Odds All Even," by -Norman Levon was a prize winning pjay in a City Literary Institute Acting Festival in London, England. England. The scene was a Hostel for vagrants- in the crypt of a London church and the theme was taken, from Shaikespear's "Measure for Measure" --"What's yet in this that bears the name of life ? Yet in this- life lies hid more thousand deaths ; yet death we fear that makes these odds all even." The characters were well chosen and did a very excellent bit, P0NTYP00L Mr. - Percy McMahon and Stanley Bellafiëld were week-end visitor* to Toronto. Sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Vuisey. All her friends bqpe for a speedy recovery. Mr.- and Mrs. J as.McMullen and Mr. Howard .McMullen were visitors at ,the home of Mrs. -Sha-w on Sunday, Sunday, ; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kellett and daughter, Betty Anne, Spent the week-end with M r-. Kellett's mother, Mrs. Shaw. The flu epidemic has" readied our community, the entire household of W. H. Hooper being confined to bed). All wish them a speedy recovery. Pontyipool streets remain so icy that one would think one was in I In! land, as, after school is dismissed dismissed one sees the figures of the- children children clashing out on skates. . Mr. Tlio-s. Fa Hi® of M-anvers had the misfortune of being struck in the eye by a flying chip while cutting- wood a Week or so ago and is being treated in NichoH's Hospital, Peter- boro. " Glad to report that lie is making making favorable progress and expects to be a-ble to return home in the near future. A more encouraging nuumber was present at the church service on Sunday and enjoyed the lively song -service. The pastor, Rev. W. F.-Biding F.-Biding gave a timely address on "Iligh- ; ways." Among the announcements Was- mentioned a Valentine Party to-be held in, a couple of weeks in the chu-reh basement. Last Friday evening Councillor John Payne travelled in comfort to Pontypool behind his faithful steed. U pou .arrival - there, he left the horse -wad' cutter in a convenient shed and proceeding with the evening's business. business. This completed, he returned to find: the complete outfit vanished, as if into thin air. Philosophically he travelled home on shank's mare. As 1 he came in sight of the straw stack, what dark shadow was that ? Merely his, faithful friend, waiting patiently to be let in to the warmth and comfort of his stable. Councillor Councillor Payne feels that it is worth a good deal to have a horse that knows when, to go home, but the next trick he ils going to teach it, is to look him up before it goes. of work. They : were as follows ; Mrs, R. W. Gibson, 3tiss Naomi Hor- rocks, a newcomer to the footlights, Mi-sis Marion Allin, 3Iies Irene Brereton, Mr. George Meadows, Mr. Emerson Fisher, Rev. Lome Thomas and Mr. Kenneth S-teven-s-on. The second play, a comedy, was entitled "It's Easy to Write a Play," by Dorothy Dorothy Schell MacMillan. This was also a prize winning play in a Delaware Country Chib competition in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. This play was particularly interesting because four of the oast of five were newcomers to the "Newcastle "Newcastle Players" production. One of the main objects in Little Theatre -nights is to discover new talent and these new artists will certainly be added to the Hist: of capable players. players. They .were Mrs, Robillard who is spending the winter in. Newcastle; Misis Mainwariiig, also a newcomer to the village and Miss Audrey Hor- rocks and Miss Margaret S-anderiston. Mrs. Percy Brown completed the cas-t. "Except for "Miss -Sanderson's role, of, a distracted person who thought she had: run over a boy with her ear, the parts were light and humorous, 31 iss Horrocks brought the play to a climax when- she discovered discovered her talent lay in cooking rather than writing a play. The third 1 play was a, difficult drama called called "Lightened Darkness" by Milton Krover, and was also a prize play. Those taking part were Mrs. R. W. Gibson, Mrs. Percy Brown, Mrs. Clarence Allin. Miss' Marion Allan, Mrs. A. B, Mainwariiig and Mr. Clarence Allin. This play was originally originally chosen to be played at the Regional Drama Festival at Kingston-, Kingston-, but due to some changes in the oast it was decided to choo-s-e another another in its place. Mrsl Clarence All in, only throe or four days before the night of the play, substituted for s-onip one else and is : to be congratula congratula ted upon her work. -She bad- the difficult" part of a blind girl having to part with someone she loved who had left .her when she wa-s blinded in an accident, -Mr. Clarence Allin nlâved opposite her and showed him- •o'f to be a very versatile actor, doing doing a part oui to different from those in former plays. The ki token committee committee of the P-arochial Society of S-t, George's church. served coffee downstairs- after the nlavs and everyone everyone had 1 the opportunity to dis-enss- fhe plays and congratulate Mr. Main- waring and, the players. GO WAN'S More and nipre .people every day remark, "Your Regular Grocery Prices are Generally Lower Than Special Prices Elsewhere." That is a record we are proud of and sincerely hope to mlerit your continued confidence. ANGLER SALMON, large tins, 2 for 15c. RED ROSE SALAD A or ROYAL YORK TEA, 1-2 lb 25c beehive Golden corn, syrup, 2 ms. ie c LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS, large tin 9 C HANDY AMMONIA, 2 for 11c BRUNSWICK • SARDINES 4c PALMOLIVE SOAP, \2 for 9c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, large tin 9c PHONE 77rl WE DELIVER THIS WEEK ONLY EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS AS LOW AS $54*^5 THE BARGAIN OF A LIFETIME PIONEER LAYING MASH AT : $2.70 VAN STONE'S, LAYING MASH AT $2.35 ONE CENT SALE OF VARNISH 1 QUART AT $1.65, EXTRA QUART FOR .1 CENT 1 PINT AT 90c., EXTRA PINT FOR 1 CENT PERCY LUNN | Phone 66 General Merchant Orono HERE IS WELCOME ECONOMY YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE SPECIALS WE OFFERED LAST WEEK. IT GIVES US ENCOURAGEMENT ENCOURAGEMENT TO OFFER MORE, SO HERE THE Y ARE ; 2 1-lb. bags of SODAS 25c. READY-CUT MACARONI, 2 lbs 9c. GRAHAM FLOUR, 3 1-2-lb bag 13c. CORN MEAL, 3 lbs 13c. H. P. SAUCE, 2 oz. bottle 9c.' PASTRY SPICE, 1 3-4oz. shaker 9c. HONEY BUTTER, 14-oz. carton 21c. CHEDAVALE CREAM CHEESE, pkg. 9c. OLD ENGLISH MO RUBBING WAX, 1-2 pt 30c. OLD ENGLISH FURNITURE POLISH, (contains no oil), 4-bz. bottle 20c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE WINTER WEATHER ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE WINTER WEATHER -4- IS NOT OVER -4- RE-FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW AND GUARD AGAINST ZERO COLD . 'BLUE COAL', SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, COKE In Stock at all times LUMBER, SHINGLES, ROOFING, BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Orono Coal & Lumber Co We Do All Lines of Job Work