V, ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Newly Married Couple Presented With Gifts About forty friends gathered, at the homo of Mr. and Mra. d.aok Stapleton on Wednesday, February 8rd, to wish them joy and happiness in their new life together. When all were assembled the bride and groom were escorted to chairs of honour in the centre of the room. Ulmont Bullock Bullock was chairman, and spoke a few words expressing the purpose of the gathering, fie then called on SNeil Rainey, who read the following address address : Dear Mr. and Mrs., Stapleton. We, a few of your Clarke Union friends and neighbors, have "met on this happy oeçàsio'n to do honor to you as you establish; a new home in our midst, and to express our delight that we are : noti lasing hut gaining another valued member in our community. community. You, Jack, we have all known since childhood and as a neighbor or friend could find no better, always willing to lend a helping hand, and we are very glad to have you making your home in .our section. You, Lenora. we welcome to our section, and feel fortunate in having you in our midst, and hope you may soon feel at home with us all. We join in congratulât ions and good wishes for your success in life, and that you may be spared together to have a long and hapipy matrimonial matrimonial voyage, We ask you to accept these gifts not for theif intrinsic value, but as a token of our esteem. , 'Signed on behalf of your .many friends, at 'Clarke Union --- Xeil Rainey, Ulmont Bullock. . At the close of the address a lovely lovely fernery and centre table were brought in by Mr. John Berry and Mr, Milfr-ed Siierwin. Mr. Staple- ton then thanked his friends for their gifts and good wishes, following following which all joined very heartily in singing "For they are jolly good fellows." fellows." The chairman called on a few of the guests to congratulate the happy- couple. Mr. IS. Souch, Mr. W. Hoar ; Miss Mamie Archer were some of those called on. The remainder of the evening was spent at. cards and crokinole, after which lynch was served, served, and the gathering broke up. '---o-- - -National Employment Commission Report LESKARD Mrs. R. McGill is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Davey. Mr. Harry Davey. and lady friend went on a motor trip Saturday last. Miss' Alice Bairstowe spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings last week. M r. Van Allin and Mrs. C. Morgan, Morgan, Norma and Ross, visited friends here Saturday last. Mr. Milton Cornish .entertained Mr. Norman Bairstowo to tea Sun day evening. Mr. Kenneth Ball had the misfortune misfortune to have two teeth broken off while working on his Ford car. iA now stove has 'been installed in the club room at the school house the past week. Mr. and Mrs. -Clarence Martin and daughter Audrey, spent (Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Cornish's. (Sorry to hear our merchant, B. G. Car-eailden has been laid up the past week. Hope to see him around soon again. The Home and -Stehool Club meeting, meeting, which was to be held Monday night, was postponed till Monday, Fob. 19th, on account of had weather. weather. The social evening to be held in the Sue-lay ■ (School on Thursday night of this week. The men will put on the program and lunch. You are cordially invited to attend. Professional Directory dental DR. W. H. C. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours: Daily 9 a.m.--5.00 p.m, Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono lSrl. Classified Big thrills in the Sports Field during during 19-3-6 : Jessie .Owens won' a triple Olympic Olympic crown with amazing ease. Frey Perry continued his complete mastery of the -amateur tennis courts and then turned Pro. Carl II lib-bell, baseball's standout pitcher and also a world series hero. Joe D'M-aggio, the X.Y. Yankees prize rookie Tiny Thompson, Boston Brutus' all star rookie. Max Schnieling, provided the biggest biggest thrill of the year "and the biggest upset. Ask Louis. The Eastern Canada- football final provided some of the most exciting thrills in years. Bold Venture, winner of the Kentucky Kentucky Derby. Jack Lovelock brake the world record record to win the classic Olympic "mile." FIRE m FIRE The National Employment Commission Commission show this sad state of affairs affairs in Ontario. There are in Toronto alone 1,811 families living in one room, and 3,- 261 living in two rooms, on .direct relief. In Brantford -11 families in one room, Hamilton 109, Kitchener 20, London 74, Ottawa 390-, Windsor 116. Montreal 2,-208, Winnipeg 992, Regina 224, Calgary 341, Edmonton 434, Vancouver 787. Same census reveals there are *27,- 272 .Ontario farmers on ; direc|:|, relief, relief, and Nova QScotiV , andyUsTew .Brunswick are the .mly two provinces where there are no farmers on relief; What is the inference.; They -are of Loyal Scotch blood. We have yet to see a careful citizen who has -been called by some (stingy, etc., etc.) on "relief. This depression may be a blessing in disguise, to teach people to be -careful, arid live-within their income income ---o-- BIRTHS MAR'ITNK Id- -- In Kendal, on February February 8th, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Lome Martinell, a daughter. FOR SALE (Beatty Electric Washer, white cap, wood dub. I$29.50, terms.---Rolph's Hardware. a-3-p. -o Money is the lubricant which takes the squeak out of many a matrimonial matrimonial machine. --o---- (Subscribe for the Orono Weekly Times--your community newspaper. P0NTYP00L Mias Doris Driver spent the weekend- weekend- with Mrs. Ow. Wilder. Miss A. Thompson spent the weekend weekend with friends in Millbrook. ' (Sorry to hear from Manvers of the serious illness of Miss Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. H. Richardson -spent Wednesday afternoon in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. -Carmen -Carlaw, of Warkworth, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. H arold Pori eons of Nestle ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson on -Sunday. Master Earl Richardson spent the week-end at his uncle's, Mr. Ernest N-icholson'S) Leskard. - Mr. and Mrs. Géo. Wilson entertained entertained at bridge on Monday evening. evening. Two tables were played, a dainty lunch was served, and an enjoyable enjoyable evening was spent, Mr Bruce Parker of Peterboro, accompanied accompanied by Mr. -Claude Brinklow were making a survey of the wood-, ed land in this vicinity early m the week in search of Hydro poles. "Mr. and lire. Leonard Kellett, of Osliawa, were week-end guests of her mother, , Mrs. Shaw. Her many friends regret to see no great iin- provement in Mrs. (Shaw's condition. Divine service was held as usual in the United Church Sunday evening. evening. The pastor, Rev. W. F. Riding, chose as his subject a sequel to last Sunday's sermon, which was on "Highways." This week he spoke on "Highway Friendships." A Valentine Valentine party -was announced, to be held Friday evening, in the church basement. From the Child Welfare Council of Toronto : "The child, needs sleep as badly as he needs food. Insufficient sleep may be the cause of malnutrition in a child. Experiments with badly nourished nourished -children have shown that even after the diet has been regulated children children do not gain properly unless their hours of sleep are sufficient and 1 regular.. regular.. -Continued shortage of .sleep is a serious -cause of malnutrition and general ill-health in many children." So all- children under eighty go to bed early and -live to a good old. age. Be prepared. Fire gives no warning warning ! Every property owner needs the protection given by an adequate fire insurance policy written in a dependable dependable insurance company. This agency represents those fire insurance companies whose finances have stood the test of the depression years. The Wowonesa Mutual Insurance, the largest Fire Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, with -agents from coast -to coast, is now writing insurance up to three-quarters of actual actual value instead of two-thirds as written by all Mutuals. With no premium note and placing fire ex tin-guishers free of charge on every risk. E. E. PATTERSON Phone 35rll Agent for Fire, Automobile, Theft, Windstorm, Earthquake and Aircraf t Insurance. 3-p. ANNOUNCEMENT The -Orono Women's Institute will meet in the council chamber on Friday, Friday, February 19th, at 2.30. Topic, Health. Convener Mrs. Ganrey. b-4-e. GAS AND OIL When in need of cheap Gas or oil, call at B. Furber's, Auto Wreckers, Boxvmanville. <:-9-p. SHOE REPAIRING When your footwear is in need of repair, -call on Walter -Oarleton, 1st house north of tracks. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. 3-p. NOTICE The Oyster Supper that was to have been held in Kirby "United -Church on Wednesday, February 17, has been postponed until further notice. Hr. B-armrm Brown- of the Royal Canadian Institute says that a dinosaur dinosaur lived in America 140,000,000 years ago. It has likely changed its address since then. -O'ttaiwa^s finance commissioner made the grave mistake of trying to free a skunk which had been trapped. No doubt he has more scents now than -he ever had before, 'Brandon Sun : Your local newspaper, newspaper, however, is the only one in- the world that gives a darn about your community. FAMILY LIMITATIONS and the dissemination of sane anA safe information thereupon is gaming gaming great headway in the U. S. In November, last, the U. -S. publications publications straw vote taken on the subject subject by one of the largest periodical» -and it was found that over 75 per cent were in f&ver of enlightening the public. -So, in all probability, we shall see- within a short period the dream of Margaret Sanger and Dr. Eva Fay fully realized. They have both advocated advocated giving the people full information information -claiming such enlightening of the public would effectively reduce the fatalities attributable to illegal operations. Dr. Fay has always been very glad to lecture "tin the subjeet- atid many- thousands of our people have been long acquainted with Dr. Fay's Compound--id f fSet it may always. always. be found in "the' homes where there in concern over retaining retaining the health and beauty of the better better half. The worry so easily mar» a woman's face arid makes her prematurely prematurely old, is eliinitiated by the keeping of Dr. Fay's Compound at hand, because if is absolutely safe to take and most -certain in its expected expected results; and the cost is negligible. negligible. If you. wish to. avoid worrying and bo absolutely sure, send by airmail five dollars to (the F-ay -Company, 228 Fay-- 1 Bldg., Vancouver, Vancouver, B.-O. Airmail 25c. extra. You may be in need of Dr. Fay's compound in the future if not now, It will be to your interest to cut this ad. out at once. Refer it to some needy friend; (State age when ordering! Not -Sônf "O.O.B, Not sold in drug sto'reg. Dr. Fay's booklet on ' vt F l a l m!i,ly " limitations" 25c. the copy. A very, remarkable work. German la wis very queer. Some of their laws are very rigid and others are quite laxative. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William John Armstrong, of the Village, of Orono, in . the County of Durham. NOTICE is hereby given 'that all persons having any claims or demands, demands, against the late William John Armstrong who died on or about the 9th day of December, 1936, at the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, are required- to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned undersigned solicitor herein for, B. H. Armstrong, the executor, their names and addresses,! arid frill particulars in writing' of their claims and statements statements of their, accounts and the nature nature of securities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE-: NOTICE that after the 23rd day of February, 1987, the said ' R. H. Armstrong will proceed to. distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled' thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said R. H. Armstrong will not be liable for the said assets or -any part thereof, to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATED at Orono, the 23rd day of January, 1937. R. H. ARMSTRONG Barrister, Solicitor, Executor, Orono, Ont. BE PREPARED Colds and Flu are now Prevalent--Have Pre- ventatives and Remedies at Hand,, M. I. 31 ANTISEPTIC 21c., 39c, and 75c. V APURE 25c., 50c. and $1.00 REXALL NOSE AND THROAT RELIEF 25c. and. 50c. 4 SQUARE CHEST DUB, 3 OZ. JAR ... 29c. C. B. Q. COLD TABLETS ,...l;L...„.'.25c. COUGH SYRUPS MELO REX PASMORE 1 BUCKLEY'S J ,. .PINE TAR AND HONEY PERTUSSIN 75 C . ..... ...... :49c. ..40c. and 75 c. ...39c. 59c. JOHN J. G1LFILLAN, Phm. B. 1 REXALL DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST, - 1 ORONO MEAT Mi ARKET rii - - ASH NOTICE How many people in Orono know that Cedar Dale Dairy herd have been federally tested for I. B. for the last 15 years, and also for Bangs Disease for the last five years and regularly tested for Mastitis, and that the bottles are now washed with a revolving brush and propeily sterilzed; cows mechanically milked; mlilk mechanically -bottled and capped. PAY US A VISIT ANYTIME AND INSPECT OUR DAIRY PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. II. Osterhout, B'.À., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, FE8. 14th 1! a.m.-Morning Wor L | ship. |7 p.m.--Evening Service. | COME ANI) WORSHIP Our Beef is of CHOICE QUALITY, brought from T..B. Tested Tested Stables;: killed in a Clean Sanitary Slaughter We sell these CHOICE QUALITY MEATS to our Customers at Reasonable Prices--GIVE US A TRIAL Come in and let us prove to you, the Quality of our Meats ROUND STEAK 20c. lb. SIRLOIN STEAK 23c. lb BLADE AND SHOULDER ROAST, lb 15c. CHUCK AND POT ROASTS, per lb 12c. SPARE RIBS, 2 lbs. for 25c. FRESH SAUSAGES, 2 lbs. for 25c. BROOMS, REG. 50c, FOR i.., ~ 45c LARGE RAISINS, SPECIAL SAVING, LB 10c. SQUARE DEAL PEAS 9c. CORN ' FLAKES, "PKG 7c. FANCY ASSORTED CAKE, lb 15c (Subscribe for the Orono WeebH Times. 15©. per lb. EBGO BAKING POWDER, reg. 25c., for 20c WE DELIVER PHONE 55rl T. W. CAWKER Meat & Groceries ORONO