ORONO WEEKLY TIMER LOCAL NEWS Mr. Frank Hall lias started his ice harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Will Downing visited visited Mr. L. Gamsby over the week-end. Mr. M. Gibson is now visiting his gon, Mr. D. Gibson, in 'Oshawa. Miss Catherine Colville has visited recently with friends in Bowmanville. Mr, 0. Drummond of Orono High School has Seen ill the past few days with the flu, necessitating his absence from school. Mr. and Mrs. R. IS. Corn forth and her father, Mr. Mills, visited friends at Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. ,i and Mrs. Ken. Gam shy visited visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linton Linton over the week end. Friends were glad to hear that Dr Colville's recent ear accident did not result into any great damage. We are glad to report, that Mr. Fred: Ivycett is on a clear road to recovery recovery from his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. R, II. Cornish of Port Perry, visited the former's grandfather over the week-end. Mrs, J. Ea-gleson was the guest of her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fowler in Oshawa on Thursday last. Mrs. Cooper and sister, Mrs. L, Searl had a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rent in Oshawa, lately. - Mr. Den Gamsby is the promoter of a brand new device for the treatment treatment of baldness. Any afflicted citizen citizen can Obtain valuable information by applying 'to Mr. Gamsby in person. person. A brass quartette, comprising of Messrs. Horace Best, Donald Ha,mm, James Tamblyn and Carlos Tani- blyn, contributed to the program of Brown's Home and School Club on Tuesday evening of last week. Pleased to see Miss Greta Martin back -again after her illness. Mr. Harvey Curtis has -been laid up with a mild attack of influenza. Mrs. R. A, Bragg of Shaw's was a Sunday visitor with Mrs. S. Halliday. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Davy of Toronto Toronto spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs, S. Halliday. -Miss Marjory iSisson- visited Toronto Toronto during- the week-end, accompanied accompanied by her white Persian eat. Hobbies may be as varied as they are beneficial, and one of our esteem i-d townsmen, M r. M, C. Hall, finds diversion in boat building. The type of work done by Mr. Hall calls for infinite patience and skill, for the finished craft proves as handsome and seaworthy as any factory product. Following -are ; a few who are on the sick list with the flu : Mrs. Xei! Porter and daughter Shirley, Mr. <>llie Cooper, Mr. Charles Low den and Miss. Phyllis Lbwden; Mr, !.. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winters and child, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Drummond. Drummond. FOB SALE Used trade-in washers for sale, fully reconditioned and backed, by Beatty Service, : --Rolph's Hardware. a-3-p. NOTICE APPEAL FOR COMMUNITY SUPPORT The Directors of Orono Chamber of Commerce wish to direct the public's public's attention to the fact that in order order to obtain "statutory -postal preference" preference" for the community newspaper, newspaper, "Orono Weekly Times," it is necessary to- have a substantial paid for subscription list. . The public of this community are asked to support this newspaper in their own interests, by sending in -the price of their subscription for 1937. Signed 0. W. ROLPH President. Subscribe . for the -Orono Weekly Times---your community newspaper. HAWAIIAN & SPANISH GUITAR LESSONS LITHERLAND STUDIOS • For information fill in form and miai! to Mr. H. A. Qygrsfon Care Mr. F. Peafce, Orono NAME ADDRESS, I RED & WHITE STORES Free Running Salt, «eg. size pkgs. 5c. 6ZlCil Plate of Beef, pounc l - - - Sc. Brooms . 25c. each L ,arge bottles Cat- Castile Soap, 10 Cakes for . . 25c. Large bottles of Mixed Pickles . 25c. Washing Soda, 2 pkgs. . . 15c. Handy Ammonia, 5 pkg. . . 25c. sup - - 17c. P&G Soap, 5 bars 19c. Fresh Sausage, 2 lbs. for . . 25c. Fresh Salmon, lb. lie. By the fish Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for . 21c. T . n I full tins - 21c. Tiger Salmon - j - 2 tins . 2 5c. Breakfast Bacon, lb. 24c. Cooking Onions, 10 lbs. for - 12c. JNO. J. CORNISH - p orono 2 POT POURRI "Uncle Toni's Cabin" is being played in Russia, As Russians no longer recognise heaven, they had To change the part where little Eva dies and ascends into paradise. The Russians Russians have Eva get well and go to work in a: cement factory. * * * * The treasurer of a Ladies' Aid iSo- ciety went into the bank to deposit some money, remarking to -the banker, banker, "Here's some -aid money." The banker, a little hard of hearing, thought 'she said "egg money," and remarked enthugî-astically : "Well, the old hens did pretty well." * * * -x- The English language is, indeed queer : A hoy goes through his clothes in no time and a wife, goes through her husband's clothes anytime, 1 so there you are, : * * * A. Harvard professor says : "It is egrcgrious obscurantism to postulate that syncopa tis-m in harmonization has ail immoral connitation." In other words : "Jazz won't hurt your morals, if any." * * * x Some people would sell -all their moral principles to" make a raft of money only to find that all the use it is, is to furnish n means -of -conveyance -conveyance across /the River iStyx. * -x- » •>•• From the Lyons News: A dear old Quaker lady was asked what she used to make her complexion so lovely, and her whole being iso brigiti and attractive. She answered :"1 use for the lips, truth ; for the voice, prayer ;for the eyes-, compassion ; for the hands, charity; charity; for the figure, uprightness ; and rfor the heart love. -x ' x X ' * "Einstein upsets gravity," so does Eddie Cantor. -x- x x » Twenty-six species, of North American American ducks go south for the winter, most of them wear feathers, many wear flashy beach, pyjamas. x x |x x Adversity is the Only scale that gives us the correct weight of our friends. x xxx While building your place in life, Here's a motto that's old but true : Aliways work with the construction gang, And not with the wrecking crew. * * * * "I would like to show you the latest latest thing in radios," said the radio salesman, at Mr, Henpeek's door. "Our new model has three controls --over hear of anything like that ?" "The: radio I already have is provided provided with four: -controls," said Mr. Henpeck. "My wife, my mother-in- law, my sister-in-law arid my daughter." daughter." » x x x- Get acquainted with the "old man" and, you, will bo. able to get along' pretty -well with the rest of the family. family. ' , ' - X X X * The man who wins may have been counted . out several times, but he nevfer' heard- the referee. x -x- x x The successful man steps on the gas--while others ga-s on the steps. X X * X . The first volume of Hans Christian Christian Anderson's fairy tales was refused refused by every publisher in Copenhagen, Copenhagen, and he was forced to publish it at his own expense. X X- X X The Kitchener Record -claims that the only difference between a rut and a grave is the dimensions. "Too true! Keep out of a rut and you cheat the grave for many years at least. * - * * * Remember that "beers" and "biers" are closely related. Much depends upon the "i". Drunken motorists take notice. x * * » It may not be good grammar to begin a sentence with "I don't think," -but usually it is true. * * * x Two little urchins were watching a barber singe his customer's hair. "Gee,, said one, "He's hunting 'em with a light." x x x x The only reason some 'hotel guests leave their rooms is because they cannot get them in, their vali-ses. ' • » * * * Nowadays 'a woman, looks into the mirror to be sure her hat isn't- on: straight., # « » x Doorman (At speakeasy) : "Who's there? Voice : "It .is ,I," Doorman: "No teachers allowed," Rainey's Grocery SPECIALS--THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY PORK SAUSAGE ' 2 lb. 33c. RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TEA 1-2-lb. 35c CHRISTIE'S SODA BISCUITS 1 lb. 14c. BULK COCOA 2 lbs. 25c ROLLED OATS : ., 5 lbs. 22c Try our Oysters, Fresh Salmon and F diet E. R. RAINEY PHONE ORONO 19-19 -- •> - SPECIAL PRICES MULE-SKIN PULLOVERS, rcg. 45c. Special 25c. MULE-SKIN LINED MITTS,' reg. 75c. Special.,!,I...,.,49c Three SECOND-HAND COOK STOVES, each $10.00 One SECOND-HAND COOK STOVE ,$25.00 1 USED VACUUM CLEANER $10.00 MONARCH HOUSE PAINT, quart 49c. OYSTER SHELL and GRIT, per 100 lbs.: : $1-00 Assortment of TINWARE, each 15c.d 4 pieces 50c, 15 5-lb. pkgs. of CALCOMINE, per pkg. 25c. Rolphi Hardware ORONO - PHONE 43rl ARMSTRONG'S For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Saturday we will offer all our Ladies' Shoes on sale at one price only, size 3 to 8. None are allowed out on approval. H . CASH > HOCKEY BOOTS About 15 pairs of Hockey r*rk Boots worth $3.50 a pair. Jp J ^511 Your choice for . LEGGINGS Men's Leather Leggings d» i A A a few pair only . . " ^ RUBBERS Children's, in odd sizes, mostly 10 to 13. OC- Your choice, pr «dL* PRINTS 10 ^pieces only of our reg. 25c. value. For per yard . wVCe FELT BOOTS Boys', Girls' and Childrens'. Childrens'. Your (hi AA choice, pair . t?A»UU SHOES Felt Shoes for Children, per pair . . . 5c. BATTING A large 72x90 Comforter Bat of a nice fluffy quality. Specia RIBBON Gelds and Ends in all widths | *7^ and colors, 10 yards for . 1 #