Blue Label Yellow Label- 3Æ X Lyons & Co. (Canada) Lfti, 28* hall pound Toronto and Montreal hall pound Coronation Program  Priceless Aid To Broadcast Listeners Details Procession Step by Step And Service in Westminster Abbey Word by Word Advance Orders Forecast Enormous Sale An Recent events in England have necessitated necessitated costly changes in the Official Official Souvenir Programme of the Coronation, Coronation, Many new plates have had to be made, and portions of the text have had to be re-written and re-set. Produced in the form of a brochure the Programme will be a masterpiece of the printer's art, in every way befitting befitting the grandeur of the historic occasion it is designed to commemorate. commemorate. It consists of thirty-two pages of When You Want to Alkalize Stomach Fast PHILLIPS " to Acid STOMACH Phillips' MILK OF MAGNESIA COLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules Fine for Weak Acid Kidneys and Bladder Irritation STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS One 40-cent box of these famous capsules will put healthy activity into your kidneys and bladder--flush • out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to you that at last you have a grand diuretic and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease. But be sure and get GOLD, MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules -- safe and harmless--the original and genuine-- right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it-- sonie.- symptoms besides visits to bathroom at night are backache, moist palms, .puffy eyes and scanty passage that oft- times smarts and burns. ITCHING TORTURE STOPPED In A Minute ! For Quick relief from the Itching of pimples, blotohsfc eczema, athlete's foot, rashes and other skin eruptions apply Dr. Dennis' cooling, antiseptie, liquid D. 0. D. DESCRIPTION. Its gentle oils soothe the Irritated Clear, greaseless and stainless--dries fast. Stops toe most intense Itching instantly. A 860 trial bottle, It drug stores, proves It--or money back. Aek for-- 80 El.DeDe PAÆAahZj&ùtjOM, Try This Amazing Fast Way ---The tl Phillips >f Way Millions Are Adopting On every side today people arc being urged to alkalize their stomach. And thus ease symptoms of "acid indigestion," indigestion," nausea and stomach upsets. To gain quick alkalization, just do this: Take two teaspoons of PHILLIPS' PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA 30 minutes after eating. OR -- take two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. , Relief comes almost at once -- usually in a few minutes. Nausea, "gas" fullness after eating and "acid indigestion" pains leave. You feel like a new person. Try this way. Get either the liquid. "Phillips" or the remarkable, new Phillips* Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Each one equals a teaspoon of the liquid. Only 25/ a box at all drug stores. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Bach tiny tablet is the equivalent equivalent of a teaspoonful of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. MADE IM CANADA text and illustration, with a cover bearing the Royal Coat-of-Arms, printed printed in full colours and' gold. According to a bulletin just received received from St. fame's Palace, 1 London, the contents will include: Special photographs of their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth -- Photographs of Her Majesty Queen Mary, Their Royal Highnesses the Princess Elizabeth, the Princess Margaret, Margaret, and other members of the Royal Royal Family -- A Coronation Ode by John Masefield, Poet Laureate -- the King's Majesty, the Significance of the Coronation to the Empire, by John Drinkwater -- Description of the Coronation Coronation Proceedings--a Pictorial Map of the Route of the Procession -- an Introduction to the Service, by His Grace, the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Canterbury -- The Coronation Service in Westminster Abbey -- an Explanation of the Coronation Cevei onial, with illustration, by Sir Gerald Wollaston, Garter Principal King of Anns -- A Genealogical Table, showing the descent descent of the Crown. With the aid of this Programme, those listening to the coronation broadcast from London will be able to follow the historic ceremony word for word, and with complete understanding understanding of -, what is taking place in the heart-centre of the Empire, at each and every moment. Those wishing to secure a copy are trongly advised to order same through their bookseller or news agent without without delay. The price is 50 cents, and delivery may be taken on April 23rd, when the Programme goes on sale. Orders so placed now will definitely be filled, but once the presses start no further orders can be accepted beyond beyond the few that can be taken care of out of a very conservative overrun. overrun. Many public and private institutions, institutions, societies, clubs and hospitals have already ordered large supplies and one West African colony will distribute distribute copies in its public schools, Last reports from England are that more than halt a million copies have already been sold. By Gracious Permission of His Majesty, Majesty, the Programme is being issued by King George's Jubilee Trust. All profits from its sale will be donated to bettering the lot of the under-privileged under-privileged youth of Great Britain. Smiles and Chuckles People who go after nothing generally generally get what they go after. Father -- "Daughter, I hope you will go to church this evening. The pastor's subject, "An Hour With Favorite Favorite Hymns,"' should be very interesting." interesting." Daughter -- "l should like very much to go, father, but I have an engagement with my own favorite him tonight." Mr. Tiltnose -- "No, I don't want to buy that horse. He looks as though he had a mean disposition." Negro Attendant -- "You mustn't mind dat, boss. He jus' got dat way from runnin' in sulky races. Read it or Not -- Sauerkraut made of turnips instead of cabbage is becoming becoming popular in the Ozark communities. communities. One Guy -- "Did you mark that place where the fishing was so good?' Guy Two -- "Yes, put an X on the side of the boat." First Guy --- "That's silly. What if we should get another boat?" You never can tell by the way a fellow says "Amen" in Church whe ther he carries his Christianity with him the rest of the week. ■ Political Speaker -- "What we need is a working majority, and then -- A Voice -- "Better reverse it, mis ter. What we really need is a major ity working." She looked me up in Bradstreet's; now I'm- Dun. Father -- "I never smoked when was your age. I hope you will be able to say that to your son when you do grow up." Son -- "Not with such a straight face as you do, Dad." Time is a mighty serious subject-- Some say "Time goes on!" -- This is not so -- Time stays; we go on -- Keep this uppermost in your head -- we go on. Airplane Pilot -- "You seem, sad." Sweet Young Thing -- Not exactly sad. Only sentimental. Every time I get this far from earth I begin to feel terribly homesick." Punctuality Comments the Windsor Daily Star. A clergmyan remarks that it is dangerously dangerously close to being an Immoral act for Sunday School teachers to be persistency late for their classes. The bad example set young people by the elders in this way, it is pointed out might have far-reaching effects. It is important, obviously that Sunday Sunday School teachers should be on time for their: appointments. On the other hand, it has to be remembered that a Sunday school teacher is unpaid, unpaid, that he or she merely carries on the work for the love of it or else through a sense of duty, also that such teaching involves a considerable part of many persons and that there are occasions when it is difficult for a teacher strictly on time. Of course, if a teacher is persistently late the conclusion may be reached that the task is too great an interference interference with his or her private life, and perhaps in such circumstances it is better for- the teacher to drop out. Punctuality is à trait that everyone, Sunday school teacher or otherwise should seek to develop. On this continent, continent, unfortunately, there is a widespread widespread lack of it. We are not nearly as particular and exacting in this respect respect as are the people of Europe, A seven o'clock dinner invitation in Canada may mean the arrival of the guests anywhere up to 8.30. If a man is happy, he is successful. Little Dorothy -- "There was a strange man called to see you. today." Father -- "Did he have a bill?" Little Dorothy -- No, Daddy, just had a plain ordinary nose. he If you could get religion like a Methodist, and experience it like a Baptist, and be positive of it like a Disciple; and be proud of it like an Episcopalian, and pay for it like a Presbyterian, and propogate it like an Adventist, and enjoy it like a Negro -- that would be some religion!" Friend -- "How's your garden getting getting along?" Man -- "It is troubled with two kinds of pests." Friend -- "What are they?" Man -- "The pests that eat the plants and the pests that want to always always know how my garden is getting along." T" 1 Along Canada's Mining Highway p Activity everywhere -- with the rapidly developing new Larder Lake Camp, located in Ontario, east of Kirkland Lake, and near the Quebec Boundary still holding Thé spotlight, in addition to the active mining operations operations -- Omega, Martin Bird and Kerr Addison---many new incorporations incorporations are getting ready to commence mining. The Armistice and McGarry properties to the West and the Wesley and Pelangio to the east of Kerr Addison are probably the most important. important. Diamond drilling at the Kerr Addison continues to enlarge an already large tonnage medium grade ore deposit. The recent advance in the shares from pennies to dollars in a short space of time is apparently well justified. Some fifteen miles to the east of Larder, the Fancoeur and Arntfield properties report important mine news. Franeoeur has again enlarged the known extent of its new ore deposit deposit and Arntfield has encountered important new ore in its underground operations. Farther east reports indicate indicate that Osisko Lake to the south of Noranda is at long last to be aggressively aggressively diamond drilled. In the West area near the Ontario- Manitoba boundary, lachigo River is preparing tor an active season. It is understood that the shares, selling at $20, are to be split twenty for one. Smelter Gold drilling In the God's Lake area has officially reported a ten to twenty-five cent financing deal. ~Y Among holding companies the interesting interesting piece Of news is the repot;. that Milling Corporation owns a verj substantial interest in' -Kerr. Addison with a present indicated profit of several million dollars. The Sunshine Oil well to the soulw, west of Lethbridge in Southern Alberta is close to completion with gas pressure and oil showings indieat- 1 ing a successful well. This well will be important not only to the Sunshine Sunshine . Company but also to Nordon and Pacalta who have nearby acreages. acreages. The Plains Petroleum well east of Lethbridge is nearing completion. The driller states he hopes to reach the desired horizon with ten days clear drilling. Dentist -- Now that didn't hurt, did it?" Junior -- "You can't kid me. My dad is in the advertising business. For Cougiis Due to Colds ^HEN you fed ' worn out, when you are thin or stomach stomach gives trouble, with gas, or "sont; rising s," try Dr, Pierce's G o I d e n Medical Discovery. If you have a. cough due to a cold or if you need to put on healthy flesh, this is the tonic for you, "My "appetite failed, I lost weight and strength, and mÿ whole, system became so weak. Also my digestion was affected," said Tarries Mowarth of 8 East 25th. St., Hitfnilton, Ont. "I started taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and soon noticed a decided change, I picked up in atpSte and Weight ttiid Was Mlidted of a ml* xi m 4* Men can laugh at women's intuition intuition if they want to, but let themu try to decide which is the front and rear of their wives' hats. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning R.-xnrv to go v<mv out two pounds of liquid bile into ytiur bowels daily. If this.bile is hot; flowing freely! your food doesn't digest. YE iitof dniiqini tk» TfÂ.vl'at .P \ r. . A Chinese in San Francisco has just taken out a patent to prolong the life of an egg. Millions of eggs are exported annually from China and Mr. Faw Yap Chuck was worried worried to think lio.w time caused many of these to go bad. He reckoned that the porousness of the shells was the cause of an egg eventually becoming rotten. So he dipped some eggs in a pail of dissolved alkaline earth compound. Then he dried the eggs on a win dow sill. The alkaline compound Classified Advertising BABY CHICKS r EG HORNS 9c, White Rocks C.O.D. Box Ont. BARRED ROCKS, lüc : 12c. .From blood tested Order early. Guaranteed delivery, prices, lower. 10% down, balance " C, Kent Hatchery, Chatham, lu?»» iss*»' way: g« bioafi up S'Shi'.stomacii. You ggifriorofiSâtéd. Harmful PéWmi» jgto the ass you sour, *6S,aa tK'CWMH loBka punk. * Affip bowel roov. ïriïht.iu. sn'L always get sfirtWtKïiïg that Works oti,toe iiyèrfas Well. JCt take! those good, old Grirter s Little Liver Pills to get th-vsn two pounds pf bile flof mg freely arid niriKe you f|6,l Up and up". Bannie» and geiitfe, they wake the bile flow;freèly. Tliey do the wikis of calomel but have no caloüïèl or nâercüry in them. Ask tor Carter's Little I Ivor Pills by Bathe ! Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c, INVESTORS Issue No. '37 B-- 1 an OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR, List ■Al wanted inventions and full information sent free. THE. RAMSAY Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. "QUILT PATCHES" FIVE POUNDS $1.00 OEAUTIFUL Materials! WashfasU Prints! Broadcloths! Makes five quilts! "Free Pattern." Refund guarantee! Eton. Mills Department Wils, Outremont, Montreal. GUARANTEED PURE WOOL XX7 HEELING YARN -- GUARANTEED pure Canadian wool--Grey, white,, mottled mottled 69c; colored yarns--79c lb, plus postage. postage. Bancroft Woollen Mills, Bancroft, Ontario. • acted as an air-proof coating, and Faw Yap Chuck has taken out a patent claiming that "Chucked" eggs will keep fresh indefinitely -- as well as having stronger shells and so: being less liable to breakage. breakage. The Quebec - Malartic Gold Area We have maintained a close personal contact with this area over some period of time, a member of this firm having made a personal, personal, and first-hand study of the field, visiting the various properties individually. individually. , The result of our study is available to those inter- . e-sted in Canadian mining enterprises. BRIDGERr 60 c-jKem6ers TORONTO King At. W. 'H EVEN OK&€• STOCK tXCKANGE Toronto sm HMHBBBB HasmBSWSSSWt -» if rc Bag mT m IMMEDIATE L.K - RELIEVED Miller's interna remedy has ml equal: for ♦bleeding or protruding piles, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Sufferers report wonderful results. $1.00 per bottle, posi paid, to any address in Canada. F. MILLED Co., 325 Main St., Toronto, Ontario.