ORONO WS9KL7 TIMES LOCAL NEWS Lake Shore Home and 'School As- Mr. John Berry and family ; are sick in Clarke Union. Dr. McCullough made a trip to Toronto Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs, John Armstrong are doing a little redecorating in their home. Miss: Doris Bowden has returned from a very pleasant visit in Toronto. Toronto. Mrs. Wallace S. Jameson has 1 been visiting her mother, 'Mrs. Charles Armstrong. -Mrs. ,1. Hunter, Cavon, spent Sunday Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Walsh. . Miss Ruth Allin of Newcastle,'is spending a few days with her aunt, ' Miss Laura Allin, Miss Lillian Allen is able to be ■around again after suffering from an attack .of the "flu".. Miss Until Lowden, Toronto, visited visited her parents, Mr. and .Mr-: Charles Lowden over the week-end. Park Street United Church choir showed symptoms of "flu" Sunday. You did 'fine Bill and Elsie. Mrs. W. Beatty and son Roy, Toronto, Toronto, spçnt 'Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Howard Walsh. Congratulations, to Mr. Milton Mo ris, who, we hear, has purchased the late John Power's residence. We arc gl A see Miss Freda Wilson Wilson back to work at, the $5c. to ">$1.00 IStore after her recent flu attack. We hope the brakes are O. K. on the ice trucks, on account of the rate of speed they travel through . town. ; We understand , the Chamber of Commerce have had several enquiries regarding the purchasing, ou homes here. ■ A. has suffieient- n-ii attack of in- r TYTofiirn to her school in Osh.awa. We hope our organists of St. Saviour's Saviour's and United Church will be soon recovered from an attack of the "flu." Miss . Taylor has the sympathy of the community in the loss of her brother, who was -buried at Hampton on Wednesday. Mr. Wilfred Sherwin. who is taking taking a veterinary cou rse at the -Guelph Veterinary College, spent the weekend weekend at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Barbara â nn are attending the Hardware convention convention at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on, Wednesday. Miss Eeta - Carr 'and friend, Mr. -George Aid-read of : Bowman ville, were' guests at the. home of Air. C. IShaw over the week-end. * Our High School girls are strong on hiking these fine winter days, with Dean's -corner the objective, no matter matter how hard the wind blows. Mrs. Win. Lynch has; been very ill requiring the full attention of a nurse and doctor. We hope she will improve steadily from now on. Our telephone staff, from the manager down to "the office boy Milt." were all -down with the "flu", and are now able to be around again. The Porter family are feeling very mu-ch better from their share of the "flu." We want to suggest that anyone anyone needing a good nurse call on Neil. Mr. Jas. Gil'fillan of North Bay was home over the week-end, also the Misses Rae of Toronto were weekend weekend guests -of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gil- fillan. We are glad to report that Mr. Jim Tainblyn is feeling better again after a slight sprain to his back which kept him from his regular work recently. We understand Mr. Milton Morris has joined the Home Lovers' -Club and is busy renovating his new home. It looks as though Milt, has an eye to the future, or maybe it is the result of the recent publicity Orono has been receiving that is tempting Milt. somation are entertaining at Port Grundy tonight. Dr. McCullough has gone to bed. -deciding -to fake a much needed rest for a -couple of months. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hall of Toronto wore Sunday visitors with his father, Mr. W. J. Hall. Mrs. Charles Wood returned home on Sunday after a three weeks' visit with relatives in Toronto. Mtes Ruth Hamm of Bowinanvillc spent several days last weak with friends and relatives of this village. Mr. Norman . Allin is- contemplating contemplating a business trip to- the; Capitol City. We wish him success in his- endeavours. Mrs. Dr. J. F, Demaray, Detroit, spent the week-end with her father and mother, Mr. and -Mrs., W. J. Stutt, Orono. Mr. George Cooper and Mr. Alex. Henry and Fred Kelly spent 1 a pleaSsc! day -with;'did friends, the, -Stark brothers and sister, at Betheny. tl:c past week. . fifi . Mr. Reid. ledger keeper of the Bank'of Commerce of Orono, has been, transferred to .. Maple, Mr. Clarence 'Gunter of Colhorne has taken his place. The "flu" has its icy fingers near the vicinity of -our friend Fred /Sisson's /Sisson's chest today. May Fred's jovial spirits and warm smile melt away the grip before it gets him, Mr. and Mrs. Roland -Smith cele- bràtéd their wedding anniversary On Sunday 14th. Kindly note the date is St. Valentine's day which goes to prove that Cupid could be relied upon a few years ago. Ortn G-amsby was feeling as though he was taking the flu Monday, Monday, but was himself as usual on Tuesday. We might suggest: that a couple strokes of the bucksaw might improve his congestion. The Orono Chamber of Commerce is busy these days replying to enquiries enquiries from -all over North America, as to why Orono is such a wonderful place to live, the -demand for houses to rent or buy far exceeds the visible supply.' On Friday evening last the Park St. United Church held a 15c. per plate supper in order to dispose of an over-abundance of oysters and pies left from the supper Wednesday evening. A fair attendance partook of this second supper. It is rumored that there are at least thirty cases of "flu" in the south end -of the village alone. There is no need for alarm at this;appalling number number of "shut-ins," hut it is, -a fair warning to- all fortunate* to lake no risks, and every precaution at the first signs of a cold. The Park Street United Church attendance on Sunday evening was very much below par, owing to the influenza that has practically, visited every home here. There Were only tWo in the choir, Mr. W. Riddell and Miss Elsie Rowe, with an approximate approximate attendance in the congregation of around fifty. Mr. M. Cowan, of Cowan's Dry Goods 'Store, has just returned from a spring shopping tour. He tells us that he finds everything increasing in price.-Coronation colors are being shown this spring in ladies' wear, and even in men's neckties. So here's to a gay and snappy spring outfit for everyone this year, Mr, Harry Davey had quite an anxious moment one evening last week when driving* his lady friend home after an evening's entertainment. entertainment. Hearing his companion sneezing quite frequently he became very worried that his 'lady friend •was contracting the dreaded "flu." Gallantly and tenderly he assisted her to her home, and with infinite care bestowed her at her door. By this 'time the lady having regained her composure, she faintly whispered whispered to Harry not to worry, that she wasn't really getting the "flu," that she had hay fever, but to please continue continue with the treatment. Notice to Creditors^ In the Estate of Elizabeth Ann Els- worth, late of the Village of Newcastle,; Newcastle,; in the County of Durham, Widow, Deceased : All persons having claims against the Estate of the said Elizabeth Ann Elswo-rth, who died on or about the 6th -day of November, 1935, are hereby hereby notified to send to the undersigned undersigned Solicitor, or the Administrator, on or before the 15th day of March, 1937, their names- and addresses and full .particulars of their ; claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held -by them, duly verified by statutory statutory declaration. Immediately after the 15th day of March,. 1937, the asset® of t-he said deceased wiill be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Administrator or the undersigned Solicitor -shall then have notice. Dated at Orono this 15th day of February, 1937. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ontario Solicitor for George Jamieson Administrator As wè go to press we learn with regret the death of Mr. Benson Gifford Gifford Ca-rscadden, of Leskard, an . old Clarke Township hoy, -and a well- known merchant .-of .that place. The following are n list of the reported reported sick this week : Bill Mclxen- zie, Geo. Johnson, Mrs. 0. H. Froste, Mrs. Arthur Allin, Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and -children, Mr. and Mrs, James Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Mrs, Flintoff -and three children, Mr. John Morris, Mr. Milton Morris, Mr. B. J. Oarscadden, Leskard. Mr. Armstrong -certainly did a wonderful job on his publicity stunt, in addition to letters from St. John, N.B., to Calgary, Alta.,' we even have a man in Tuscaloosa, Ala,, worried about what makes people die, he even suggests he might come and live here, to try to help overcome the difficulty, perhaps if he is a young ambitious chap, with an equally ambitious ambitious wife, he might make a good, exchange for 'Charlie Miller and Thomas Cowan. Their efforts at improving improving our vital statistics aren't so hot lately. Owing to the "Flu" last week the W.A. of Park Street United Church postponed their regular meeting to Tuesday of this week. The President, President, Mrs. J. U. Oslerliout, not being able to attend, Mrs, J. Tamhlyn took the chair. Miss Davey . gave a - reading reading after the general business .was over. Rev. Mr. J. H. Osler bout read a letter he received from Nutana, Sa.sk., asking for a bale of clothing where they are much needed. Anyone Anyone wishing to contribute to this relief, relief, please leave parcels -at the parsonage parsonage next week. 'Dr. and Mrs. Earl Hancock of Truro, Nova Scotia, visited Mr. and M re. Peter Lai rig o ver this week-end. The doctor is a nephew of Mrs. Laing and a week -ago last Tuesday evening white listening to his radio in his home ip Truro, heard, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation news east about 'Orono and -how it resembled "Utopia," so ho and. Mrs. Hancock decided right there and then to visit their -relatives' in Orono at once. The people living in. the Maritime Provinces Provinces are noted for their extraordinary extraordinary whole-hearted hospitality and Truro is one of the finest cities in that district. But knowing Uncle Peter and the doctor's Aunt aB we do, the Dr. and Mrs. Hancock must have left here with the impression that Orono is a wonderful place too. PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. II. Osterhout, B.A., BE. Pastor SON IZAY. FEBRUARY 3'lst 11.00 a,fn-- Morning Worship. 7.00 p.i^.---'Special Song Service. Come and fin-g your fa-vori-te hymns. OOME A XI) WORSHIP 'Subscribe for the Orono Weekly Times. Classified Professional Directory SOW FOR SALE DENTAL Due to farrow fore part of Maroli. --Apply T. W. Oawker. a-4-c. DR. W. H. O. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : Daily 9 a.m.--5.00 p.m, Evenings and. Wei lue* lav afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono 18rl. GAS AND OIL When in need of : cheap Gas or oil, call at B, Furfoer's, Auto Wreckers, Bowmianville. c-5-p. FLU EPIDEMIC CLOSE'S ORONO SCHOOLS ANNOUNCEMENT The Orono Women's Institute will' meet in the council chamber on Friday, Friday, February 19th, at 2.30. Topic, Health. Convener Mrs. G-amey. b-4-c. The influenza epidemic reached the stage on Wednesday last w-hen the absentees in the school were well over 60 per -cent, and other children attending attending school had colds, It was deemed advisable to- close the school for four or five days a- least, as new work could not be continued with such a small attendance. However, this week will find all returning to- their studies, and we hope with colds well in check. O ---- "'Shall we have a friendly game of cards ?" "N-o, 'let's play Bridge." FOR SALE Steam Tractor Engine, 17 H.P., with high pressure boiler. Inspection invited. Good reason for selling.-- Clarence Mutton, Bbx 263, Bowman- ville, Ont. a-4-p. Subscribe for -Orono Weekly. Times Subscribe for Orono Weekly,Times How many people in Orono know that the CEDARDALE DAIRY HERD is being fed on a balanced ration, containing minerals, protein, protein, fat and fibre,, etc., in proper proportions, thus giving a perfectly balanced food in the form of milk, which, is handled under saniary conditions, being under supervision of Provincial Provincial Milk Control Board and the only Dairy licensed to sell milk arid cream in Orono and vicinity ? ORONO DRUG STORE WHEN YOU HAVE SICKNESS WE AIM TO GIVE SERVICE NIGHT OR DAY BAYERS' ASPIRIN 22c. and 98c. A.S.A. TABLETS--24 Tablets ,25c. 50 Tablets , .,......_.....39c. 100 Tablets. . 49c. A.S.A. COUGH DROPS .......lOc. C.B.Q. COLD TABLETS ;:,..2.5c. BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE : 40c. and 75c. REXALL NOSE AND THROAT DROP .....25c. VAPURE 25c., 50c. and $1.00 ' Remember we carry a full line of GUITAR AND VIOLIN STRINGS AND ACCESSORIES JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. REXALL DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST ORONO CHOICE MEAT MARKET QUALITY MEATS ONLY Fresh HAMBURG, 3 lbs. 25c Fresh SAUSAGE, lb 10c BOLOGNA, 2-lbs. 25c STEWING BEEF, lb ...10c POT ROASTS and CHUCK ROASTS 12c lb BLADE, SHORT RIB and SHOULDER ,-15c lb M - ."uiu 5 lbs. 69c. Once used always used BACK BACON . 25c SPARE RIBS, 2 lbs 25c CREAMERY BUTTER, lb. 27c JEWEL SHORTENING, lb .., 13c PURE WHITE HONEY, 4 1-2 lbs 50c BUCKLEY'S CEREAL ..22c T. W. CAWKER PHONE 55rl Meat & Groceries ' ORONO