» wwe&wsftr v « os f ^Xi,k4i&*iw y IV vtf' | :iiS&i * J||| Æ ' V " ■'»■■■ ■ JMf -Jj * MÊmit'- " ? lllilF. # 1 Blue Label 31* J. Lyons & Co, (Canada) ÎM* half pound Toronto and Montreal EPMPIBM - B Yellow Label 28* hall pound - ï,.--"'T;.ï»/.~ .vr^y.'Stfraa&flB SCOUTING Here I her® Everywhere A brother to every other Scout, without regard to race or creed ( ( n -nil--ini--nil ÂÈSâl|| fHïfïS Slffl 5 Mining Highway I B« With Lord and Lady Baden-Powell present, the Scouts of India held then- first All-India Boy Scout. Jamboree at Delhi, during the first week of February. February. Boys of every Indian caste and creed made up the gathering of 20,000 Scouts. Java has Boy Scout troops composed composed entirely of Arabs, Chinese, Japanese, Japanese, Eurasians and Javanese. All follow follow the same Scout Law and. Promise. President Ulmanis of Latvia has become Honorary President of the Latvian Boy Scouts Association. Scout leaders welcomed him at a great camp fiiv. near Riga, and pledged pledged themselves to training Latvian youth to the best standards of citizenship. citizenship. * * * English oaks, from acorns from ancient ancient trees on historic English estates, estates, will soon be growing in the United States. Li response to a request request from the United States Department Department of Agriculture received through the Boy Scouts of America, English Boy Scouts gathered acorns from 17 old estates closely linked with Eng lish history, and these have been forwarded forwarded by the International Scout Bureau at London. The estates included included Windsor Great Par' the home of the King, those of Princess Mary, the Princess Royal, and the Dukes of Norfolk, Portland, Newcastle, Devonshire Devonshire and Rutland. Acorns also were sent from the forests associated with Robin Hood and the poet Byron. $ * * The new Viceroy of India, the. Marquis Marquis of Linlithgow, like his predecessor predecessor Earl Willingdon, lias T écorne tl ; Chief Scout for India. * * * More than 30 years ago a bridge over a rocky stream at Palampum, India, was destroyed by an earthquake and not rebuilt. During the rainy season it became a dangerous torrent, torrent, and could be crossed only by fording, or many miles of detour. Each year a number of travellers lost their lives in attempting the crossing. Two years ago a troop of Boy Scouts of the Canai ■ Anglican Mission School at Palampur under Rev, Geoffrey Geoffrey ©niton, a former Mon' -al Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, built a stout four-span bridge across the stream, since when the road has been constantly open and not a life has been lost. The Larder 'Pake' section in Ontario (just wist of the ifootmdaiy). has re cently furnished continuous mine news. Kerr Addison, Martin Bird and Upper Canada Mines have recently supplied news of major importance. A short review of the operating properties properties and properties is as follows: -- KERR ADDISON -- Diamond drilling drilling has indicated large tonnages of medium grade ores. Reports indicate an initial 500 ton mill installation. It. is- reported by the Northern Miner that the Company has $600,000 in Its treasury. The Anglo-Huronian Company Company is known to have a substantial holding in the Company, with Mining Corporation, Niplsslng and other mining mining interests said to have minor participations. participations. The properties are located at the north end of the east arm of Larder Lake. MARTIN BIRD is obtaining important important ore values over big widths on. the second level, with drifting proceeding on the first and third levels. The Company Company is well financed, with approximately approximately $400,000 on hand. The Company's Company's properties are located at the south end of the east arm of Larder /Lake. Sun Eclipse Due LICK OBSERVATORY, Calif.- -The longest total eclipse of the sun in more than a century Will occur June 8, but to astronomers it is likely to be a. total loss. The sun will be hidden completely for seven minutes and four seconds, nearly an all-time record. Yet, scientists scientists who last year scurried to points all the way from Greece to Japan to study a mere 2% minute eclipse expect expect to pass this one up. The reason is that it will follow a, nearly landless course through the South Pacific, missing missing islands as effectively as if guided guided by a master mariner. If You're Told to "Alkalize ?» Try This Remarkable "Phillips" Way Thousands are Adopting On every side today people are beine urged to alkalize their stomach. And thus ease symptoms of "acid indigestion," indigestion," nausea: and stomach upsets. To gain quick alkalization, -just do this: Take two teaspoons of PHILLIPS' PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA 30 minutes after eating. OR --- take two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Tablets, which have the same antacid effect. Relief comes almost at once -- usually in a few minutes. Nausea, "gas" -- fullness •;after eating and "acid indigestion" pains leave. You feel like a new person. Try this way. You'll be surprised at results. Get either the liquid ".Philips" ".Philips" or the remarkable, new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Delightful to take and easy to carry with you. Only 25#1 a box at all drug stores. ALSO IN TABLET FORM.: MÊÈfct\ Each tiny tablet is the equivalent equivalent of a teaspoonfiil of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. The eclipse will start In the Ellice and Phoenix archipelagoes, near Samoa, Samoa, where the sun will rise entirely obscured. A rare sight to the layman this means little to the astronomer because he cannot effectively photograph photograph an eclipse close to the horizon. As the sun climbs into the sky, the path of totality will cross the South Seas until it reaches Peru. There, near Cuzco, the ancient Inca capital, there will be a. totally-eclipsed sunset. Hawaii and Mexico will see a partial eclipse and a very slight dent in the sun's disc will be visible in the southwestern southwestern United States. From New Zealand to lonely little Canton Island will go one expedition under C. B. Michie to await the eclipse: in its four-minute stage: Los Angeles' Angeles' Griffith observatory considered a trip to Christmas Island but doubt that the Island actually lies in the path of totality has about caused Director Director Dinsmore Alter to give up the idea. The isle most favorably located in the path of totality is Enderbury, an uninhabited atoll in the Phoenix group, but there is no anchorage and landing is dangerous. Sex, Marriage and Birth Control A Guide Book to a Satisfactory Sex Life in Marriage. By Alfred H. Tyrer Price $1.50 Postpaid Wm; Dawson Service Ltd, 70 King Street E. Toronto On Sale Friday, April 23rd THE OFFICIAL SOUVENIR programme of the CORONA T 1 O N By gracious permission of Bis Majesty this Programme is issued by King George's Jubilee Jubilee Trust, COPIES MAY NOW BE RESERVED : FROM ALL NEWSAGENTS AND BOOKSELLERS. PRICE IN CANADA -- 50 CENTS MADE IN CANADA OMEGA MINES, located on the north shore of Larder Lake is milling low-grade ores on a 500 ton daily basis. The liability of the Company to the Castle Tretliewey Company ex- ^ T reeds half a million dollars, Large, tonnages and indications of higher- grade ores inspire optimism on the outlook. UPPER CANADA MINES, located some miles to the west, has encountered encountered good values over most important important widths in recent diamond drilling. The Company is reliably reported to have close to $200,000 in the treasury. The 500 foot level should be reached by March 1st. ORIOLE MINES, adjoining Upper Canada, is to be given an Underground test in view of diamond drilling results, reported to be favourable and consistent, PELANGIO LARDER LAKE have already started surface work on their 600-acre holdings half a mile to the north-east of Kerr Addison. Donald Lougli, associated since the beginning with Martin Bird activities, is President-elect President-elect of the Company. BARBER LARDER MINES, located about one mile to the west of the Kerr Addison, plans active operations to begin shortly. R. S. Potter is the President of this Company. ARMISTICE MINES is another incorporation covering acreage to the west -tit - Kerr Addison. WESLEY GOLD has holdings to the south east of Kerr Addison. Many other incorporations incorporations are under formation. .Look- There's a Bigger OGDEN*5 15c Package m !n Your Garden By GORDON !.. SMITH rtw Diplomats Attend Unique School WASHINGTON -- The diplomatic corps have gone back to school. Ambassadors Ambassadors and ministers with foreign degrees strung after their names have become pupils again to study the processes of American Government. Government. The occasion was the first of -a lecture series on political tabtî- • tutions of the United States. The , series, arranged by the American . University for diplomats at their request, request, is believed to be the only one of its.kind in the world. ARTICLE NO. 1 Winter may linger or even return again later on, but the person who is determined to have a real garden this year is already making plans. After all, a garden is very similar to a house or library, it must be dreamed over and planned well in advance of actual actual operations if the full enjoyment and usefulness are going to be derived. derived. Varieties will have to be selected, selected, rough measurements made, some arrangement perhaps for getting getting seed started indoors. All of these things take a little time and it will be time well and en joy ably spent. THESE WILL HELP All that will be needed for these preliminary plans will be a pencil and paper, and a good seed catalogue. If a government bulletin oil "Gardening" "Gardening" can be added, so much the better. better. The catalogue, however, is indispensable. indispensable. It. should be of Canadian Canadian origin, because the seeds and directions directions listed therein have been chosen chosen with our own Canadian climate in view. Catalogues today are more than mere lists of flowers and vegetables. Much other valuable information is given. For instance, along with the flower there is a description of color, height, time of blooming and some intimation whether the variety "is frost i .datant and if it is suited to sun or shade. All these points will prove of good service, especially to the beginner. beginner. If a mixed border is to be laid out, it is important that the smaller plants be placed in the front and one will want to know in advance whether the colors are going to match. Time of flowering, too, is good information to have because knowing that, it is possible to plan a continuous show of bloom right through the season. WINTER DAMAGE According to horticulturists, most damage occurs at Uviq time to roses, perennials, fruit trees, and other plants which winter outdoors. Warm days that tempt too early growth, with near zero nights immediately after, and cold, drying winds from the North or West are responsible. Very tender things will benefit from a light covering covering of straw, leaves or even old newspapers newspapers for a few weeks until Spring really arrives. Nature's own protection, protection, snow, is often absent. Take Precautions Against Illness Clean Clothes Are Essential in Order to Avoid Trouble Your family will benefit if you see to it that they drink plenty of water. This is a habit to be encouraged, for it ensures complete flushing of the various organs which deal with the waste. In winter, clothes should be warm, porous and loose-fitting. When things Flush Kidneys of THE FAMOUS RUBBING ÿ»§! . • UNIMENT îftn&î to d R u b on--pain gone. SsBllI! Get the new large economy economy size--Also available available in smaller, regular tUfJjHRB size 1 of Piir PHILLIPS' L>r Trouble* mm to Acid "mms-snori w'-muofiN "15 51 ['Ail Issue No. 0 MILK OF MAGNESIA il-- 1 anti Gain-in Health and Stop Getting Up Nights Phillips When kidneys are clogged they become weak--the bladder is irritated--often passage is scanty and smarts and burns -- sleep is restless and nightly visits to the bathroom are frequent, t The right safe harmless and inexpensive way to stop this trouble and «restore he'althy action to kidneys and bladder is to get fr&m. any druggist a 40-cenf; box of Gold Medal HaaYlem Oil Capsules and take as directed--- you won't be disappointed. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Haarlem Oil Capsules--the original and genuine_„ right from Haarlem in Holland--a grand kidney kidney stimulant and diuretic. ■ Remember also that other symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble are backache, leg cramps, puffy eyes, moist palms and nervousness, ' are handed down from one member of the family to another, no harm will result if you make certain that the garments are not too tight, and do not cramp the. lungs, the toes, or in fact, any part of the body. Clean clothes are essential if the trouble is. to be avoided. Particular attention should be paid to the washing washing of articles which have been used during an illness. Infection is often carried by handkerchiefs handkerchiefs used after a common cold ; always boil these after use. Pocket linings which have been in contact with infected handkerchiefs should be wiped over with an antiseptic antiseptic solution when the cold lias gone. GOLD'S PLACE IN A NATION'S PLANS- The Canadian gold inch try, which .prayed - * national bulwark during the years of depression, is now expanding in a manner of real importance. With capital rapidly developing developing several new areas, Canadian gold producers should show, and have already shown, substantial increases. Our Statistical Department will be glad to give unbiased information regarding individual companies, companies, etc., upon request. '"HEVENOIU® TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 60 King St»' W. - Toronto Classified Advertising INVESTORS A N OFFER- TO EVERY INVENTOR, jfôfsfc of wanted inventions and full Information sent free. ' THE RAMSAY Company, Vfcsld Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa» Canada. BABY CHICKS ï EGHOPvNS, 9c, BARRED ROCKS, 10c, White Rocks 12c. From blood tested ' stock. Order early. Guaranteed delivery. ' April prices lower. 10% down, b a|xnce. C.O.D. Box 1 C, Kent Hatchery, Ctiâifhtm* ; Ont. - FARM IMPLEMENTS CANNING MILL (KLINE) MODERN SEED/ * Grader. Testimonials. Kline Manu fact nr--, ing, 121 Empress Crescent, Toronto. BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL pORERTSGN'S HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY * k To/onto, Dominion Chartered. Write for free booklet. ' PURE GUARANTEED WOOL WOMEN WHO S6FFE8 O ME N who ¥ suffer in silence silence often pay a double penalty for wearing this gag of unselfishness or silly pride. Painful periods are nature's warning that something something is wrong' and needs immediate attention.- Growing girls a» well as women in middle life are often sufferers from female irregularities. They find Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a dependable tonic. Read what .Mrs. John Roth, Route 4. Erobro, Ont, said: 'T lost weight, suffered from headaches and my strength Was completely gone. It was almost almost impossible for me to eat. Mother advised advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Prescription and in a short time I was feeling • Sue again." New size* tabs, S0e. Buy now! yy HEELING YARN ™~ GUARANTEED * * pure Canadian wool--Grey, white, mottled mottled 69c; colored yarns--79c lb, plus postage. Bancroft Woollen Mills, Bancroft, Ontario. Garlic Tablets for High Blood Pressure No disagreeable odor or taste, A powerful internal disinfectant to influence the entire system. Your forefathers used gar- 1 lie for many ailments -- Why? Price, $1.85 lor 5 weeks' treatment... Direct from Man-: Chester Drug Co., Graham and Kennedy St., Winnipeg. -- Agents Wanted. ^Itching TORTURE In A Minute For quick relief from the itching of eczema, blotches, pimples, athlete's foot, scales, rashes and other eskto eruptions, apply Dr, Dennis' pure, cooling, antiseptic, antiseptic, liquid D. D. 9. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle oils noodle the Irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and stainless--tines stainless--tines fast. Stops. the most Intense itching instantly. instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, provesit--■ ' or money back. Ask for O. D, D. PRESCRl PTIO», 28