ORONO WE RE DT TIMES *'*V'■ t CROOKED CREEK KENDAL The worry about T.B. testers for most of us here is over. We are glad they are gone, but sorry that a few of our neighbors have had to lose. Little communities like this also have their share of tragedy and, Ï believe feel ii most, for we are so well acquainted with each other. It was a shock to hear of Alvin Harness' fatal accident. There is one ray of comfort for his friends that he met his death while doing his bit to help a neighbor out in time of need. It is surprising how much changing and: moving about can bake place even in a small! community in one short week. Some come here, others leave home, and yet others -depart for new ports. Gordon Clyesdale, who has been Working in Oshawa-for several, weeks, has returned to his home to help his mother in the Crooked Creek store. Mrs. Mellor left on Friday to spend a few days with her daughter Mary in Toronto. 'Sid Hughes took a big lloa/d of furniture furniture for McArthur's,: who are now moved to Oshawa. Miss Norma Hallo well is spending a . holiday with friends in the big city. Mr. Oillie Crowe of Alderville is visiting with XI r. W. Sunday. Our social life- has been woll looked looked after this week. The Shiloh Young 'People held 1 a. social evening in the 'S'tarkville school bouse. Quito a lot of our people took in the dance at Newtonville. held in the interests of the hockey team. The Mississauga orchestra from AOdervill'e provided the music, Time: has certainly - changed, things, for in the old days if we had two event's during the whole winter we considered ourselves lucky, iStill I believe we. enjoyed them more. A car load of our young men took in the show "The Devil is a Sissy" on Saturday night, The title may he true, but it is not wise to fool around old "Nick" too much. (Too late for last week) Tom Turner ..spent the, week-end with his oaren ts. He is attending Toronto University. Our teacher, Sid Rutherford, who spent the week-end at home is always glad to get back to his young hopefuls. hopefuls. This will be enough for this time for you know : "Some people can stay longer in an hour than others can in a week." Billy _ Andrews, who- has -been ? t roiin<i hen fw hm weeks, got tired of the peace and -quiet and has returned returned to the bright lights of, Newton Newton ville. Pest- "flu" has been a constant- visitor visitor and has , Wormed his way into nearly every home, but the reception not being any too good is showing signs of leaving us.-' Lily Hughes, who is working in Port Hope, and Lionel who is teaching teaching at Oak Hill school, came home for Sunday to bring cheer into t-he old home. Your correspondent ' starts' Ms work ■by greeting . heartily the new Orono paper, and wishes it all the "success it, deserves. May it be a welcome regular visitor in every home and bring with it not only the local gossip gossip in news but be ,a, help to everyone everyone along the crowded -road of life. . Nothing exciting or startling is-eems to happen around our quiet burg, but you never know when something will breakout, so hero is the news to date and we will hold ourselves in read: - ness for the big news when it comes. DEATHS OHCTI PANE -- In Clarke, on Tuesday, Tuesday, February 23r.d, 1937, Ray Clochrane, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, age 10 years. CARSCAT'DI-iX - In Lesfeard, on- Wednesday, February 17th, 1937, Benson Gifford Oarscadden, husband husband of Carrie Spinks. BLÉWETT -- On the Kingston Highway, on -Saturday, February 20th, 1937, Foster Bren ton Blewett eldest son -of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blewet-t, in his 21st year. KLAKE --In Clarke, on Monday, February 22nd, 1937, Jessie May Blake, beloved wife of Wm. Blake, age 38 years. MAXWELL -- In St. Petersburg, Florida, on Wednesday, February 17th. 1937, John W. Maxwell IT ALL --- Tn Oobourg, on Saturday, February 20th, 1937. Biglmm John Hall, in his 70th year. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Carrie -Oarscadden, and Rev. and Mrs. -Chester Willis, wish to- extend extend their deepest appreciation for the many kind expressions of sympathy sympathy at the time of their recent sad bereavement, and also to thé friends who 1 fid kindly helped in any other way. Glad to hear that Mrs. Wm. Oarscadden Oarscadden is improving. Mrs. Jas. Swarbriek visited with her daughter in Toronto for a few days. Mrs. Wesley Elliott has returned home from visiting friends in Tor onto. . Rev. E„ !.. Beech visited in the neighborhood on Wednesday after noon. Mrs: Cecil Febble entertained a few of her friends to tea- on Friday even ing. Mr. L. I). Bell visited with his son, Mr, Carman Bell, of Gaxnpbeill- cr-oft, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Patton and family of Orono visited ait Mr. Mark Sopers oil Sunday, Mrs. A. Jackson has returned home from visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Honey of Milliken. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass-,- Lloyd and Roy, visited at Mr. Milton Robinson's Robinson's on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Quantril are visiting at their Son's, Mr. Cecil Quantril of Elizabeth.ville. Miss Annie Thompson, teacher at P-ontypool, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. tiras. Thompson. - Mr. and Mrs. Cecil TebfbTe were visiting at her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Hugh Hoye of Oshawa on Tuesday, Mr. grid Mrs. Miilt-on Robinson visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of S'tarkville on Thursday evening. A number of the young people enjoyed enjoyed skating on Mr. Milton Robinson's Robinson's pond Monday and Tuesday evening. Mrs. McKay and grandson Harvey McGinnus,-ô tiwninto were, recent visitors, ht the former's daughter, Mrs. Roy Mercer. '/Misses.. Margaret, Clara and Mr. Haflland Beene of Bailieb-oro visited with their sister, Mrs. Reginald Elliott- Elliott- on Wednesday, Mrs. Wm. Patterson and Mrs. Mil- ton Robinson attended a quilting at the former's daughter, Mrs. Win. Waiinan of Kirby, on Wednesday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Carman Bel of 'Oampbellcroft on the arrivai of a fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Bell were formerly of this village. village. There was a fair attendance at church and Sunday iSchool on Sunday Sunday morning. Rev. Beech delivered a very interesting sermon on the life of Christ. Mrs. Chas. Thompson entertained a number of young -people on Saturday Saturday : evening in honour of the birthday birthday of her son Arthur. A pleasant evening was- -sperjt in playing crokin- ole, Lost Heir and telling fortunes, after which a dainty lunch was ister- ved. A number of our young people attended attended the Valentine Social in the Siarkville school under the :-auspices of the Shiloh Young People's League League on Wednesday evening. Two of our young people. Misses Bernice Lang-ru ff an,] Wilma Carson, as slating with -the program. All report a good time. The Young People's League was held as usual on Thursday evening. Meeting opened with League Pledge and hymn "Rock of Ages, Cleft for me," followed by prayer. The scripture scripture reading was taken by Mr. Arthur Arthur Thompson. Hymn, "Yield not to Temptation" was then sung. Mr. Beech then gave an interesting talk on the "Second book of Kings," followed- followed- by hymn "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross." The topic was taken by Mr. J. Stewart on. two great Canadians he had met, Sir John A. Macdonald and 'Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The meeting closed with hymn "Living for Jesus Here" and Mizpah Benediction. Twenty were present. _ The annual- baseball meeting of the Kendal team was held on February 20th, with a very good, number present. present. With Donald Little as chairman chairman and Bill Rostock as secretary of the meeting, and the group of eager young baseball players present, the meeting moved along very rapidly. Lave me Hoye was voted as manager manager for 1937 ; Ay'ward Little, Captain Captain ; Clarence Bell. Secretary-Treasurer Secretary-Treasurer ; Mr. Wm. Wilson, bat boy ; Bert Holland, water boy; Jack Bryson-, Bryson-, Bob Martino!!. Don. Little, Geo. Carson arid Ay!ward Little were appointed appointed as 1 a committee for raising funds for the coming season. The meeting was a huge success, and we only hope that the baseball season will be as successful. w Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Elizabeth Ann Els- worth, late of the Village of Newcastle, Newcastle, in the County of Durham, Widow, Deceased : All persons. having claims against the E-state of the said Elizabeth Ann Elsw-o-rth, who died on or about the 6 th day of November, 1935, are hereby hereby notified to .send to the undersigned undersigned Solicitor, or the Administrator, on or before the 15th day of March, 1037, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held -by them, duly verified by statutory statutory declaration. Immediately after the "15th day of March, 1937, the assets of the said deceased . will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Administrator or the undersigned Solicitor -shall then have notice. Dated at Orono this 15th day of February, 1937, R. R. WA DDELL, Orono, Ontario -Solicitor for George Jamieson Administrator Classified GAS AND OIL When in need of cheap Gas or oil, call at B. Furber's, Auto Wreckers, Bowmanville. c-5-p. Professional Directory DENTAL IJ.-S. PHYSICIANS' -CONCLAVE APPROVES BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION At a recent conclave of UJS. Medicos Medicos a resolution was passed approving approving Dr. Eva Fay's bill, advocating the dissemination of birth control information information mostly to prevent the great number of deaths resulting from illegal illegal operations. It has been also found that there was not a single statute on the law books of any of the 48 states which forbid dissemination dissemination of such information. Yet, one finds the old practitioner still very reticent on the subject. But not so with Dr, Eva Fay, who, like Margaret- Margaret- Sanger fought bravely for the enlightening of the masses for many years, claiming that birth -control has been practiced by all peoples since creation. There are many 'well educated educated wflmen who would not be without without Dr. Eva Fay's compound a single single day. For it is said to save the figure, .-retaining youth by simply eliminating the ruthless worry of each month that marks the face with premature age. Why not he on the safe side. Why wait until in dire and frantic need. .Preparation: .Preparation: is half the battle-order by airmail airmail today Dr, Fay's Compound by sending five 'dollars to the Fay Company, Company, 220 Fay Bldg., Vancouver, B C. It is absolutely safe to take, non- roiSonouts and sure in its expected results. State age when ordering. Positively not sent C.O.D. Airmailing Airmailing 25c. extra. You may oblige everlastingly everlastingly some needy friend by showing showing this ad. And, better clip this -out now, before reading further---you may find yourself in need of it -some day. Dir. Fay's lecture on "Family Limitations" is 25c. per copy. It is a very remarkable work. FOR SALE Two. Durham Cows, T. B. Tested, t-o- renew 1st week of March.--A. II. Keane, Orono. b-C j>. FOR SALE Two good Durham Cows for sale, 1 due to freshen 1st of March.--L. J. Wood, Phone Sir I, Orono. a-5-p. SEED OATS FOR SALE Oarlo-ad of Victor Seed Oats to arrive arrive about the 10th of March. Government Government Tested. 96 per cent, .germination. .germination. 80c. per bushel off the car. ---Cooper and (Banville, Orono. b-6-p Read the Advertisements in The Orono Weekly Times. DR. W. H. C. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : Daily 9 a.m.--5.00 p.m. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono lSrl. Letters to the Editor Penticton, B. 0. Feb. 12th, 1937 Orono Weekly Times: I herewith enclose an Express Order Order for $1.25, my subscription to the Orono W; ekly Times.. I mourn for the good old Orono News as for a departed departed friend, and. congratulate you on the fine start you have made with the first issue of the Orono Weekly Times» I wish you great success in your commendable effort to publish a community paper. Yours faithfully, Rev. J. A. McKeen How many people in Orono know that the CEDARDALE DAIRY HERD is being fed on a balanced ration, containing minerals, protein, protein, fat and fibre, etc., in proper proportions, thus giving a perfectly balanced food in the form of milk, which is handled under saniary conditions, being under supervision of Provincial Provincial Milk Control Board and the only Dairy licensed to sell milk and cream in Orono and vicinity ? February Sale SEE HAND BILLS "SEASONABLE SPECIALS" Featured for Thursday, Friday, Saturday at the Orono 5c. to $1.00 Store IN ME MORI A AI T IIOR/XTOi N--In loving memory of iS'arah Ellen (Nellie) Thornton, who passed away Feb. 28, 1935. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well; And while she sleeps a peareful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. --'Ever remembered by Daughter and Grandchildren. Kreso Dip No. 1 I IS THE BEST FARM DISINFECTANT FOR SHEEP, CATTLE, HORSES, HOGS, POULTRY AND ALL LIVE STOCK This Preparation is Standardized and is always of Proper Strength Nema Capsules FOR WORMS IN SHEEP, HOGS, POULTRY, DOGS, FOXES, ETC. JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. RESALE DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST ORONO MEAT MARKET WE SELL CHOICE QUALITY MEATS ONLY Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for 21c. HAMBURG STEAK, 2 lbs. for 15c PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY,' FEBRUARY 28th 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7.00 p.m.--Special Song Service. Crime and sing your favorite .hymns, COME AND WORSHIP (Subscribe for the Orene Weekly Ti STEWING BEEF, per lb 10c SAUSAGE, made, lb. .. home- 10c SPARE RIB:S, 2 lbs. for 25c Blade, Shoulder, Short Rib Roasts 15c lb. POT CHUCK ROASTS, lb 12c BEEF DRIPPING, per lb 7 c SHORTENING, lbs.' for ., 25c ONIONS, 10 lbs. for 15c Jelly Powders, Pure Gold, 2 pkgs. 9c T. W. CAWKER PHONE 55rl Meat & Groceries ORONO